TU LogoTechnische Universität Wien
K. Ehrmann, H.R.M. Khosravi, G. Artner, P. Hans, H. Krebs, A. Shahabian, D. Wipp (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2019 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0; 222 S.
J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov (Hrg.):
"Multiphoton Lithography: Techniques, Materials and Applications";
Wiley-VCH, Boschstraße 12, 69469 Weinheim Deutschland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-527-33717-0; 408 S.
W.H. Binder (Hrg.):
"Contributions from 6th Austrian Polymer Meeting";
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Deutschland, 2004, ISBN: 3-527-31050-9; 443 S.
Publications in Scientific Journals
L. Rebers, R. Reichsöllner, S. Regett, E.M. Tovar, K. Borchers, S. Baudis, A. Southan:
"Differentiation of physical and chemical cross-linking in gelatin methacryloyl hydrogels";
Scientific Reports, 11 (2021), 3256; S. 1 - 12.
V.T. Tikhonchuk, T. Gong, N. Jourdain, O. Renner, F. Condamine, K. Pan, W. Nazarov, L. Hudec, J. Limpouch, R. Liska, M. Krus, F. Wang, D. Yang, S. Li, Z. Li, Z. Guan, Y. Liu, T. Xu, X. Peng, X. Liu, Y. Li, J. Li, T. Song, J. Yang, S. Jiang, B. Zhang, W. Huo, G. Ren, Y. Chen, W. Zheng, Y. Ding, K. Lan, S. Weber:
"Studies of laser-plasma interaction physics with low-density targets for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion on the Shenguang III prototyp";
Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 6-025902 (2021), 2; S. 1 - 13.
L. Ruppitsch, G. Peer, K. Ehrmann, T. Koch, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of difunctional cyclopolymerizable monomers with low shrinkage behavior";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 59 (2021), 5; S. 1 - 13.
B. Dellago, A. Ricke, T. Geyer, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Photopolymerizable precursors for degradable biomaterials based on acetal moieties";
European Polymer Journal, 154 (2021), 110536; S. 1 - 12.
D. Grunenberg, K. Ehrmann, C. Gorsche, B. Steyrer, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Heterotelechelic poly(propylene oxide) as migration-inhibited toughening agent in hot lithography based additive manufacturing";
Polymer Chemistry, 8 (2021), S. 1 - 13.
M. Kury, K. Ehrmann, G. Harakaly, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Low volatile monofunctional reactive diluents for radiation curable formulations";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 59 (2021), 17; S. 1 - 16.
I. Lamparth, D. Wottawa, J. Angermann, P. Fässler, R. Liska, Y. Catel:
"Synthesis of allyl sulfones bearing urethane groups as efficient addition-fragmentation chain transfer agents for the development of low-shrinkage composites";
European Polymer Journal, 158 (2021), S. 1 - 8.
A.D. Tran, T. Koch, R. Liska, P. Knaack:
"Radical-induced cationic frontal polymerisation for prepreg technology";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 152 (2021), S. 151 - 165.
S. Baudis, M. Behl:
"High-Throughput and Combinatorial Approaches for the Development of Multifunctional Polymers";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, August (2021), S. 1 - 20.
B. Zanghellini, P. Knaack, S. Schörpf, K. Semlitsch, H. Lichtenegger, B. Praher, M. Omastová, H. Rennhofer:
"Solvent-Free Ultrasonic Dispersion of Nanofillers in Epoxy Matrix";
Polymers, 308 (2021), 13; S. 1 - 21.
M. Aramesh, S. Mergenthal, M. Issler, B. Plochberger, F. Weber, X.H. Qin, R. Liska, G. Duda, J. Huppa, J. Ries, G. Schütz, E. Klotzsch:
"Functionalized bead assay to measure 3-dimensional traction forces during T-cell activation";
Nano Letters, 21 (2021), S. 507 - 514.
K. Mosnackova, M. Mrlík, M. Mičusík, A. Kleinová, V. Sasinková, A. Popelka, A. Opálková Sisková, P. Kasák, C. Dworak, J. Mosnáček:
"Light-responsive hybrids based on carbon nanotubes with covalently attached PHEMA-g-PCL brushes";
Macromolecules, 54 (2021), S. 2412 - 2426.
R. Taschner, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Bismuthonium- and pyrylium-based radical induced cationic frontal polymerization of epoxides";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 59 (2021), 16; S. 1841 - 1854.
M. Aramesh, S. Mergenthal, M. Issler, B. Plochberger, F. Weber, X. Qin, R. Liska, N. Duda, B. Huppa, J. Ries, G. Schütz, E. Klotzsch:
"Functionalized Bead Assay to Measure Three-dimensional Traction Forces during T‑cell Activation";
Nano Letters, 12 (2020), S. 1 - 8.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, N. Bouropoulos, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis:
"Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Reveals Adhesion-by-Demand in Statherin at the Protein-Hydroxyapatite Interface";
Langmuir, 36 (2020), 44; S. 13292 - 13300.
E. Zerobin, M. Markovic, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, D. Ret, P. Steinbauer, J. Kitzmüller, W. Steiger, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Hyaluronic acid vinyl esters: A toolbox toward controlling mechanical properties of hydrogels for 3D microfabrication";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 58 (2020), 8; S. 1288 - 1298.
X. Zhang, S. Keck, Y. Qi, S. Baudis, Y. Zhao:
"Study on Modified Dealkaline Lignin as Visible Light Macromolecular Photoinitiator for 3D Printing";
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 29 (2020), 8; S. 10959 - 10970.
N. Klikovits, L. Sinawehl, P. Knaack, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"UV-Induced Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of 2-Oxazolines for Hot Lithograph";
ACS Macro Letters, 9 (2020), 4; S. 546 - 551.
A. Arslan, W. Steiger, P. Roose, H. Van den Bergen, P. Gruber, E. Zerobin, F. Gantner, O. Guillaume, A. Ovsianikov, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel:
"Polymer architecture as key to unprecedented high-resolution 3D-printing performance: The case of biodegradable hexa-functional telechelic urethane-based poly-ε-caprolactone";
Materials Today, xx (2020).
M. Enayati, S. Puchhammer, J. Iturri, C. Grasl, C. Kaun, S. Baudis, I. Walter, H. Schima, R. Liska, J. Wojta, J. Toca-Herrera, B. Podesser, H. Bergmeister:
"Assessment of a long-term in vitro model to characterize the mechanical behavior and macrophage-mediated degradation of a novel, degradable, electrospun poly-urethane vascular graft";
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 112 (2020), 12; S. 735 - 749.
A. Hofecker, P. Knaack, P. Steinbauer, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel synthesis routes for the preparation of low toxic vinyl ester and vinyl carbonate monomers";
Synthetic Communications, 50 (2020), 23; S. 3629 - 3641.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, N. Bouropoulos, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis:
"Biomimetic adhesion motifs based on RAFT polymers with phosphonate groups";
European Polymer Journal, 143 (2020), 110188; S. 1 - 12.
B. Holzer, B. Dellago, A-K Thamm, T. Mathis, B. Stöger, E. Horkel, C. Hametner, B. Batlogg, J. Fröhlich, D. Lumpi:
"Symmetric Mixed Sulfur-Selenium Fused Ring Systems as Potential Materials for Organic Field-Effect Transistors";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 26 (2020), 13; S. 2869 - 2882.
G. Peer, M. Kury, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, P. Frühwirt, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Revival of Cyclopolymerizable Monomers as Low-Shrinkage Cross-Linkers";
Macromolecules, 53 (2020), 19; S. 8374 - 8381.
M. Seier, S. Stanic, T. Koch, V. Archodoulaki:
"Effect of Different Compatibilization Systems on the Rheological, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Polypropylene/Polystyrene Blends";
Polymers, 12 (2020), 2335; S. 1 - 20.
H. Svajdlenková, A. Kleinova, O. Sausa, J. Rusnak, A.D. Tran, T. Koch, P. Knaack:
"Microstructural study of epoxy-based thermosets prepared by "classical" and cationic frontal polymerization";
RSC Advances, 10 (2020), 10; S. 41098 - 41109.
A. Abd-El-Aziz, M. Antonietti, C. Barner-Kowollik, W.H. Binder, A. Böker, C. Boyer, M. Buchmeiser, S. Cheng, F. D´Agosto, G. Floudas, H. Frey, G. Galli, J. Genzer, L. Hartmann, R. Hoogenboom, T. Ishizone, D. Kaplan, M. Leclerc, A. Lendlein, B. Liu, T. Long, S. Ludwigs, J. Lutz, K. Matyjaszewski, M. Meier, K. Müllen, M. Müllner, B. Rieger, T. Russell, D. Savin, A. Schlüter, U.S. Schubert, S. Seiffert, K. Severing, J. Soares, M. Staffilani, B. Sumerlin, Y. Sun, B. Tang, C. Tang, P. Théato, N. Tirelli, O. Tsui, M. M. Unterlass, P. Vana, B. Voit, S. Vyazovkin, C. Weder, U. Wiesner, W. Wong, C. Wu, Y. Yagci, J. Yuan, G. Zhang:
"The Next 100 Years of Polymer Science";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 221 (2020), 16; S. 2000216.
R. Taschner, P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible photoinitiators based on poly‐α‐ketoesters";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 58 (2020), 2; S. 242 - 253.
B. Dereka, D. Svechkarev, A. Rosspeintner, A. Aster, M. Lunzer, R. Liska, A. Mohs, E. Vauthey:
"Solvent tuning of photochemistry upon excited-state symmetry breaking";
Nature Communications, 11 (2020), S. 1 - 11.
P. Knaack, P. Gauss, R. Taschner:
"Technik // Photoinitiatoren";
Farbe und Lack, 6 (2020), S. 36 - 42.
A. Zahoranova, L. Vojtova, E. Dusicka, L. Michlovska, L. Krivankova, S. Baudis:
"Hybrid Hydrogel Networks by Photocrosslinking of Thermoresponsive α,​ω-​Itaconyl-​PLGA-​PEG-​PLGA Micelles in Water: Influence of the Lithium Phenyl-​2,​4,​6-​Trimethylbenzoylphosphinate Photoinitinator";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 221 (2020), 17; S. 1 - 9.
K. Ehrmann, P. Potzmann, C. Dworak, H. Bergmeister, M. Eilenberg, C. Grasl, T. Koch, H. Schima, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Hard Block Degradable Polycarbonate Urethanes: Promising Biomaterials for Electrospun Vascular Prostheses";
Biomacromolecules, 21 (2020), 1; S. 376 - 387.
E. Prina, M. Amer, L. Sidney, M. Tromayer, J. Moore, R. Liska, M. Bertolin, S. Ferrari, A. Hopkinson, H. Dua, J. Yang, R. Wildman, F. Rose:
"Bioinspired Precision Engineering of Three‐Dimensional Epithelial Stem Cell Microniches";
Advanced Biosystems, 4 (2020), 5; S. 16 - 22.
C. Dall´Argine, A. Hochwallner, N. Klikovits, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, M. Sangermano:
"Hot‐Lithography SLA‐3D Printing of Epoxy Resin";
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 305 (2020), 9; S. 1 - 6.
S. Stanic, G. Gottlieb, T. Koch, L. Göpperl, K. Schmid, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Influence of Different Types of Peroxides on the Long-Chain Branching of PP via Reactive Extrusion";
Polymers, 12 (2020), 886; S. 1 - 18.
A.D. Tran, T. Koch, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Radical induced cationic frontal polymerization for preparation of epoxy composites";
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 132 (2020), May; S. 1 - 8.
D. Sticker, M. Rothbauer, J. Ehgartner, C. Steininger, O. Liske, W. Neuhaus, T. Mayr, T. Haroldsson, J. Kuttner:
"Tunable Oxygen-Scavenging at the Small Scale - Fabrication of Microfluidic Biochips and Micro-Bioreactors for Biomedical Applications using Thiol-Ene-Epoxy Polymers";
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019), 10; S. 9730 - 9739.
D. Ret, G. Steiner, S. Gentilini, S. Knaus:
"Exact determination of the degree of substitution of high molar mass hyaluronan by controlling the conformation in solution.";
Carbohydrate Polymers, 204 (2019), S. 124 - 130.
P. Knaack, N. Klikovits, A. Tran, D. Bomze, R. Liska:
"Radical induced cationic frontal polymerization in thin layers";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 57 (2019), 11; S. 1155 - 1159.
S. Schörpf, Y. Catel, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Enhanced reduction of polymerization-induced shrinkage stress via combination of radical ring opening and addition fragmentation chain transfer";
Polymer Chemistry, 10 (2019), S. 1357 - 1366.
P. Gauss, M. Griesser, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, G. Gescheidt, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"α-Ketoesters as Nonaromatic Photoinitiators for Radical Polymerization of (Meth)acrylates";
Macromolecules, 52 (2019), 7; S. 2814 - 2821.
M. Eilenberg, M. Enayati, D. Ehebruster, C. Grasl, I. Walter, B. Messner, S. Baudis, P. Potzmann, C. Kaun, K Podesser, J. Wojta, H. Bergmeister:
"Long Term Evaluation of Nanofibrous, Bioabsorbable Polycarbonate Urethane Grafts for Small Diameter Vessel Replacement in Rodents";
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 59 (2019), 6; S. 643 - 652.
W. Qiu, P. Hu, J. Zhu, R. Liu, L. Zhiquan, Z. Hu, Q. Chen, K. Dietliker, R. Liska:
"Cleavable Unimolecular Photoinitiators Based on Oxime‐Ester Chemistry for Two‐Photon Three‐Dimensional Printing";
ChemPhotoChem, 3 (2019), S. 1 - 6.
R. Obmann, S. Schörpf, C. Gorsche, R. Liska, T. Fey, T. Konegger:
"Porous polysilazane-derived ceramic structures generated through photopolymerization-assisted solidification templating";
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (2019), 4; S. 838 - 845.
B. Holzer, M. Lunzer, A. Rosspeintner, G. Licari, M. Tromayer, S. Naumov, D. Lumpi, E. Horkel, C. Hametner, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, E. Vauthey, J. Fröhlich:
"Towards efficient initiators for two-photon induced polymerization: fine tuning of the donor/acceptor properties";
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 4 (2019), 2; S. 437 - 448.
A. Dobos, J. Van Hoorick, W. Steiger, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, O.G. Andriotis, A. Rohatschek, P. Dubruel, P.J. Thurner, S. Van Vlierberghe, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov:
"Thiol-Gelatin-Norbornene Bioink for Laser-Based High-Definition Bioprinting";
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9 (2019), 1900752.
G. Peer, A. Eibel, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Ester-Activated Vinyl Ethers as Chain Transfer Agents in Radical Photopolymerization of Methacrylates";
Macromolecules, 52 (2019), 7; S. 2691 - 2700.
K. Ehrmann, S. Baudis, B. Stöger:
"From space group to space groupoid: the partial symmetry of low-temperature E-vanillyl oxime";
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 75 (2019), S. 733 - 741.
E. Sari, M. Mitterbauer, R. Liska, Y. Yagci:
"Visible light induced free radical promoted cationic polymerization using acylsilanes";
Progress in Organic Coatings, 132 (2019), S. 139 - 143.
G. Mikl, R. Obmann, S. Schörpf, R. Liska, T. Konegger:
"Pore Morphology Tailoring in Polymer-derived Ceramics generated through Photopolymerization-assisted Solidification Templating";
Advanced Engineering Materials, 21 (2019), 6.
S. Zigon-Branc, M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov:
"Impact of hydrogel stiffness on differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cell microspheroids";
Tissue Engineering, Parts A, B, & C, 5 (2019), 1; S. 1369 - 1381.
M. Sangermano, A. D´Anna, C. Marro, N. Klikovits, R. Liska:
"UV-activated frontal polymerization of glass fibre reinforced epoxy composites";
Composites - Part B: Engineering, 143 (2018), S. 168 - 171.
C. Gorsche, C. Schnöll, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Debonding on Demand with Highly Cross-​Linked Photopolymers: A Combination of Network Regulation and Thermally Induced Gas Formation";
Macromolecules, 51 (2018), 3; S. 660 - 669.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, O.G. Andriotis, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, P.J. Thurner, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"A Modular Approach to Sensitized Two-Photon Patterning of Photodegradable Hydrogels";
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57 (2018), 46; S. 15122 - 15127.
B. Steyrer, B. Busetti, G. Harakaly, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Hot Lithography vs. room temperature DLP 3D-printing of a dimethacrylate";
Additive Manufacturing, 21 (2018), S. 209 - 214.
M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, A. Rosspeintner, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, F. Plasser, L. Gonzalez, E. Vauthey, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Wavelength-optimized Two-Photon Polymerization Using Initiators Based on Multipolar Aminostyryl-1,3,5-triazines";
Scientific Reports, 8 (2018), S. 1727301 - 1727311.
J. Pekar, D. Ret, E. Untersmayr:
"Stability of allergens.";
Molecular Immunology, 100 (2018), August; S. 14 - 20.
M. Tromayer, A. Dobos, P. Gruber, A. Ajami, R. Dedic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"A biocompatible diazosulfonate initiator for direct encapsulation of human stem cells via two-photon polymerization";
Polymer Chemistry, 9 (2018), 22; S. 3108 - 3117.
J. Wang, S. Stanic, A. Altun, K. Dietliker, M. Schwentenwein, L. Jin, J. Stampfl, S. Baudis, R. Liska, H. Grützmacher:
"A highly efficient waterborne photoinitiator for visible-light-induced three-dimensional printing of hydrogels";
Chemical Communications, 54 (2018), S. 920 - 923.
C. Hofstetter, S. Orman, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl:
"Combining cure depth and cure degree, a new way to fully characterize novel photopolymers";
Additive Manufacturing, 24 (2018), S. 166 - 172.
J. Van Hoorick, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Rollot, G. Graulus, M. Vagenende, M. Tromayer, J Van Erps, H Thienpont, J. Martins, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe:
"Highly Reactive Thiol‐Norbornene Photo‐Click Hydrogels: Toward Improved Processability";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 39 (2018), 14, paper 1800181; S. #.
D. Mandt, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, M. Rothbauer, S. Krayz, S. Ali, J. Van Hoorick, W. Halnthoner, S Mühleder, P. Dubruel, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Ertl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fabrication of placental barrier structures within a microfluidic device utilizing two-photon polymerization";
International Journal of Bioprinting, 4 (2018), S. 1 - 12.
S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, A. Aksu, F. Reinauer, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Toughness enhancers for bone scaffold materials based on biocompatible photopolymers";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 56 (2018), 24; S. 110 - 119.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, I. Matko, T. Koch, C. Gorsche:
"Investigating the Free‐Volume Characteristics of Regulated Dimethacrylate Networks Below and Above Glass Transition Temperature";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 07 (2018), S. 1 - 6.
K. Seidler, K. Ehrmann, P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, C. Dworak, T. Koch, H. Bergmeister, C. Grasl, H. Schima, P.J. Thurner, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"A structural reconsideration: Linear aliphatic or alicyclic hard segments for biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethanes?";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 56 (2018), 19; S. 2214 - 2224.
E. Weidmann, N. Samadi, M. Klems, D. Heiden, K. Seppova, D. Ret, E. Untersmayr:
"Mouse Chow Composition Influences Immune Responses and Food Allergy Development in a Mouse Model.";
NUTRIENTS, 10 (2018), 1775; S. 1 - 12.
A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Dispersive white light continuum single Z-scan for rapid determination of degenerate two-photon absorption spectra";
Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics, 124 (7) (2018), S. 14201 - 14210.
Y. Catel, P. Fässler, U. Fischer, C. Gorsche, R. Liska, S. Schörpf, S. Tauscher, N. Moszner:
"Synthesis and polymerization of vinylcyclopropanes bearing urethane groups for the development of low-shrinkage composites";
European Polymer Journal, 98 (2018), 98; S. 439 - 447.
G. Peer, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of Cyclopolymerizable Monomers and Their Application in Hot Lithography";
Macromolecules, 51 (2018), 22; S. 9344 - 9353.
M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, S. Naumov, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Acylstannane: Spaltbare und hochreaktive Photoinitiatoren für radikalische Photopolymerisationen bei Wellenlängen über 500 nm mit exzellentem Photobleaching";
Angewandte Chemie, 130 (2018), 37; S. 12323 - 12327.
S. Diesner, C. Bergmayr, X. Wang, D. Heiden, S. Exenberger, F. Roth-Walter, P. Starkl, D. Ret, I. Pali-Schöll, F. Gabor, E. Untersmayr:
"Characterization of Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase as an immunomodulator for novel formulation of oral allergy immunotherapy.";
Clinical Immunology, 192 (2018), S. 30 - 39.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, H. Reghunathan, M. Kury, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Difunctional vinyl sulfonate esters for the fabrication of tough methacrylate-​based photopolymer networks";
Polymer, 158 (2018), S. 149 - 157.
M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, S. Naumov, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Acylstannanes: Cleavable and Highly Reactive Photoinitiators for Radical Photopolymerization at Wavelengths above 500 nm with Excellent Photobleaching Behavior";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57 (2018), 37; S. 12146 - 12150.
K. Seidler, M. Griesser, M. Kury, H. Reghunathan, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, A. Svirkova, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Vinyl Sulfonate Esters: Efficient Chain Transfer Agents for the 3D Printing of Tough Photopolymers without Retardation";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 57 (2018), 29; S. 9165 - 9169.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, A.G. Orestis, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, P.J. Thurner, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"A Modular Approach to Sensitized Two‐Photon Patterning of Photodegradable Hydrogels";
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57 (2018), S. 15322 - 15327.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, G. Peer, C. Gorsche:
"In situ investigation of the kinetics and microstructure during photopolymerization by positron annihilation technique and NIR-photorheology";
RSC Advances, 8 (2018), S. 37085 - 37091.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, O.G. Andriotis, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, P.J. Thurner, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"A Modular Approach to Sensitized Two-Photon Patterning of Photodegradable Hydrogels";
Angewandte Chemie, 130 (2018), 46; S. 15342 - 15347.
J. Steindl, T. Koch, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Silane-Acrylate Chemistry for Regulating Network Formation in Radical Photopolymerization";
Macromolecules, 50 (2017), 19; S. 7448 - 7457.
G. Della Giustina, S. Giulitti, L. Brigo, M. Zanatta, M. Tromayer, R. Liska, N. Elvassore, G. Brusatin:
"Hydrogel with Orthogonal Reactive Units: 2D and 3D Cross-​Linking Modulation";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 38 (2017), 1; S. 1600570.
A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Measurement of degenerate two-photon absorption spectra of a series of developed two-photon initiators using a dispersive white light continuum Z-scan";
Applied Physics Letters, 111 (2017), S. 0719011 - 0719014.
M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, H. Redl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"A biocompatible macromolecular two-​photon initiator based on hyaluronan";
Polymer Chemistry, 8 (2017), 2; S. 451 - 460.
J. Van Hoorick, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, J. Van Erps, H. Thienpont, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe:
"Cross-​Linkable Gelatins with Superior Mechanical Properties Through Carboxylic Acid Modification: Increasing the Two-​Photon Polymerization Potential Quick View Other Sources";
Biomacromolecules, 18 (2017), 10; S. 3260 - 3272.
J. Radebner, A. Eibel, M. Leypold, C. Gorsche, L. Schuh, R. Fischer, A. Torvisco, D. Neshchadin, R. Geier, N. Moszner, R. Liska, G. Gescheidt, M. Haas, H. Stüger:
"Tetraacylgermanes: Highly Efficient Photoinitiators for Visible-Light-Induced Free-Radical Polymerization";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56 (2017), 11; S. 3103 - 3107.
N. Klikovits, R. Liska, A. D´Anna, M. Sangermano:
"Successful UV-​Induced RICFP of Epoxy-​Composites";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 218 (2017), 18; S. 1700313 - 1700316.
J. Steindl, A. Svirkova, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Light-Triggered Radical Silane-Ene Chemistry Using a Monosubstituted Bis(trimethylsilyl)silane";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 218 (2017), 5; S. 1600563 - 1600569.
S. Ligon, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, M. Gurr, R. Mulhaupt:
"Polymers for 3D Printing and Customized Additive Manufacturing";
Chemical Reviews, 117 (2017), 15; S. 10212 - 10290.
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time-NIR/MIR-Photorheology: A Versatile Tool for the in Situ Characterization of Photopolymerization Reactions";
Analytical Chemistry, 89 (2017), 9; S. 4958 - 4968.
L. Brigo, A. Urciuolo, S. Giulitti, D. Della Giustina, M. Tromayer, R. Liska, N. Elvassore, G. Brusatin:
"3D high-​resolution two-​photon crosslinked hydrogel structures for biological studies";
Acta Biomaterialia, 55 (2017), S. 373 - 384.
Y. Catel, P. Fässler, U. Fischer, C. Gorsche, S. Schörpf, S. Tauscher, R. Liska, N. Moszner:
"Evaluation of Difunctional Vinylcyclopropanes as Reactive Diluents for the Development of Low-Shrinkage Composites";
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 302 (2017), 4; S. 1700021 - 1700031.
S. Theis, I. Iturmendi, C. Gorsche, M. Orthofer, M. Lunzer, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, U. Monkowius, I. Teasdale:
"Metallo-​Supramolecular Photocleavable Gels Sensitive to Visible and Near Infrared Irradiation";
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56 (2017), 50; S. 15857 - 15860.
N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Novel photoacid generators for cationic photopolymerization";
Polymer Chemistry, 30 (2017), 30; S. 4414 - 4421.
M. Mitterbauer, M. Haas, H. Stüger, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tetrakis(2,4,6-Trimethylbenzoyl)Silane-A Novel Photoinitiator for Visible Light Curing";
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 302 (2017), 5; S. 1600536 - 1600542.
B. Dereka, D. Svechkarev, A. Rosspeintner, M. Tromayer, R. Liska, A. Mohs, E. Vauthey:
"Direct Observation of a Photochemical Alkyne-Allene Reaction and of a Twisted and Rehybridized Intramolecular Charge-Transfer State in a Donor-Acceptor Dyad";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (2017), 46; S. 16885 - 16893.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, K. Schmid, V. Archodoulaki:
"Influence of the Molar Mass on Long-Chain-Branching of Polypropylene";
Polymers, 9 (2017), 9.
S. Theis, I. Iturmendi, C. Gorsche, M. Orthofer, M. Lunzer, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, U. Monkowius, I. Teasdale:
"Durch sichtbares Licht und Nahinfrarotstrahlung abbaubare supramolekulare Metallo-Gele";
Angewandte Chemie, 129 (2017), 50; S. 16071 - 16075.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Long chain branching as an innovative up-cycling process of polypropylene post-consumer waste - Possibilities and limitations";
Waste Management, 68 (2017), S. 32 - 37.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Upcycling of polypropylene-the influence of polyethylene impurities";
Polymer Engineering and Science, 57 (2017), 12; S. 1374 - 1381.
S. Baudis, D. Bomze, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Modular Material System for the Microfabrication of Biocompatible Hydrogels Based on Thiol-Ene-Modified Poly(vinyl alcohol)";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 54 (2016), 13; S. 2060 - 2070.
B. Dereka, A. Rosspeintner, L. Zhiquan, R. Liska, E. Vauthey:
"Direct Visualization of Excited-​State Symmetry Breaking Using Ultrafast Time-​Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2016), 13; S. 4643 - 4649.
M. Leitgeb, D. Nees, S. Ruttloff, U. Palfinger, J. Götz, R. Liska, R. Belegratis, B. Stadlober:
"Multilength Scale Patterning of Functional Layers by Roll-​to-​Roll Ultraviolet-​Light-​Assisted Nanoimprint Lithography";
ACS Nano, 10 (2016), 5; S. 4926 - 4941.
A. Mautner, B. Steinbauer, G. Russmüller, R. Lieber, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl carbonate photopolymers with improved mechanical properties for biomedical applications";
Designed Monomers and Polymers, 19 (2016), 5; S. 437 - 444.
S. Tauscher, Y. Catel, R. Liska, N. Moszner:
"New Radiopaque Bromine-​Containing Monomers for Dental Restorative Materials";
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 301 (2016), 6; S. 733 - 742.
M. Enayati, M. Eilenberg, C. Grasl, P. Riedl, C. Kaun, B. Messner, I. Walter, R. Liska, H. Schima, J. Wojta, K Podesser, H. Bergmeister:
"Biocompatibility Assessment of a New Biodegradable Vascular Graft via In Vitro Co-​culture Approaches and In Vivo Model";
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 341 (2016), 44; S. 1 - 16.
S. Ligon, K. Seidler, C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Allyl sulfides and α-substituted acrylates as addition-fragmentation chain transfer agents for methacrylate polymer networks";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 53 (2016), 3; S. 394 - 406.
D. Bomze, P. Knaack, T. Koch, H. Jin, R. Liska:
"Radical induced cationic frontal polymerization as a versatile tool for epoxy curing and composite production";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 54 (2016), 23; S. 3751 - 3759.
S. Ligon, M. Schwentenwein, C. Gorsche, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Toughening of photo-curable polymer networks: a review";
Polymer Chemistry, 7 (2016), S. 257 - 286.
A. Oesterreicher, C. Gorsche, S. Ayalur-Karunakaran, A. Moser, M. Edler, G. Pinter, S. Schlögl, R. Liska, T. Griesser:
"Exploring Network Formation of Tough and Biocompatible Thiol-​yne Based Photopolymers";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 37 (2016), 20; S. 1701 - 1706.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, J. Steindl, T. Koch, C. Gorsche:
"Microstructural PALS study of regulated dimethacrylates: Thiol- versus β-allyl sulfone-based networks";
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54 (2016), 23; S. 2476 - 2484.
M. Turnsek, P. Krajnc, R. Liska, T. Koch:
"Macroporous alumina with cellular interconnected morphology from emulsion templated polymer composite precursors";
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36 (2016), S. 1045 - 1051.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Knaack, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Rapid formation of regulated methacrylate networks yielding tough materials for lithography-​based 3D printing";
Polymer Chemistry, 7 (2016), 11; S. 2009 - 2014.
F. Markus, F. Dreher, S. Laschat, S. Baudis, E.M. Tovar, A. Southhan:
"Physically and chemically gelling hydrogel formulations based on poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate and Poloxamer 407";
Polymer, 2016-2017 (2016), 108; S. 21 - 28.
P. Gauss, S. Ligon, M. Griesser, C. Gorsche, H. Svajdlenková, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"The influence of vinyl activating groups on β-allyl sulfone based chain transfer agents for tough methacrylate networks";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 54 (2016), 10; S. 1417 - 1427.
A. Mautner, B. Steinbauer, S. Orman, G. Russmüller, K. Macfelda, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Tough photopolymers based on vinyl esters for biomedical applications";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 54 (2016), 13; S. 1987 - 1997.
S. Baudis:
"Knochen, Knorpel und Gefäße maßschneidern mit Licht";
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 64 (2016), 4; S. 406 - 410.
P. Potzmann, F. Lopez Villanueva, R. Liska:
"UV-Initiated Bubble-Free Frontal Polymerization in Aqueous Conditions";
Macromolecules, 48 (2015), 24; S. 8738 - 8745.
A. Ajami, P. Gruber, M. Tromayer, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Evidence of concentration dependence of the two-photon absorption cross section: Determining the ``true´´ cross section value";
Optical Materials, 47 (2015), S. 524 - 529.
C. Dworak, S. Ligon, R. Tiefenthaler, J. Lagref, R. Frantz, Z. Cherkaoui, R. Liska:
"Imidazole-based ionic liquids for free radical photopolymerization";
Designed Monomers and Polymers, 18 (2015), 3; S. 262 - 270.
X.H. Qin, K. Labuda, J. Chen, V. Hruschka, A. Khadem, R. Liska, H. Redl, P. Slezak:
"Development of Synthetic Platelet-Activating Hydrogel Matrices to Induce Local Hemostasis";
Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (2015), S. 6606 - 6617.
H. Bergmeister, N. Seyidova, C. Schreiber, M. Strobl, C. Grasl, I. Walter, B. Messner, S. Baudis, S. Fröhlich, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, M. Griesser, M. di Franco, M. Krssak, R. Liska, H. Schima:
"Biodegradable, thermoplastic polyurethane grafts for small diameter vascular replacements";
Acta Biomaterialia, 11 (2015), S. 104 - 113.
S. Benedikt, J. Wang, M. Markovic, N. Moszner, K. Dietliker, A. Ovsianikov, H. Grützmacher, R. Liska:
"Highly efficient water-soluble visible light photoinitiators";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 53 (2015), 24.
D. Bomze, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Successful radical induced cationic frontal polymerization of epoxy-based monomers by C-C labile compounds";
Polymer Chemistry, 6 (2015), S. 8161 - 8167.
M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, S. Nürnberger, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Hybrid Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Combination of Three-Dimensional Printing and Cell Photoencapsulation";
J. Nanotechnol. Eng. Med, 6 (2015), 2; S. 021001 - 021008.
S. Fröhlich, M. Eilenberg, A. Svirkova, C. Grasl, R. Liska, H. Bergmeister, M. Marchetti-Deschmann:
"Mass spectrometric imaging of in vivo protein and lipid adsorption on biodegradable vascular replacement systems";
Analyst, 140 (2015), 17; S. 6089 - 6099.
C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Exploring the benefits of β-allyl sulfones for more homogeneous dimethacrylate photopolymer networks";
Polymer Chemistry, 6 (2015), S. 2038 - 2047.
G. Russmüller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, C. Heller, A. Mautner et al.:
"3D Printable Biophotopolymers for in vivo Bone Regeneration";
Materials, 8 (2015), S. 3685 - 3700.
J. Kreutzer, X.H. Qin, C. Gorsche, H. Peterlik, R. Liska, U. Schubert:
"Variation of the crosslinking density in cluster-reinforced polymers";
Materials Today Communications, 5 (2015), S. 10 - 17.
A. Franz, T. Spinell, A. Graf, H. Wutzel, R. Liska, D. Watts, A. Moritz, A. Schedle:
"Cytotoxicity of post and core composites as a function of environmental conditions";
Dental Materials, 30 (2014), 10; S. 1179 - 1186.
X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Additive manufacturing of photosensitive hydrogels for tissue engineering applications";
BioNanoMaterials, 15 (2014), 3-4; S. 49 - 70.
P. Petrochenko, J. Torgersen, P. Gruber, L. Hicks, J. Zheng, G. Kumar, R. Narayan, P. Goering, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser 3D Printing with Sub‐Microscale Resolution of Porous Elastomeric Scaffolds for Supporting Human Bone Stem Cells";
Advanced Healthcare Materials, # (2014), #; S. #.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, R. Holman, R. Liska:
"Strategies to Reduce Oxygen Inhibition in Photoinduced Polymerization";
Chemical Reviews, 114 (2014), 1; S. 557 - 589.
C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"β‑Allyl Sulfones as Addition−Fragmentation Chain Transfer Reagents: A Tool for Adjusting Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Dimethacrylate Networks";
Macromolecules, 47 (2014), 21; S. 7327 - 7336.
M. Susec, R. Liska, G. Russmüller, J. Kotek, P. Krajnc:
"Microcellular Open Porous Monoliths for Cell Growth by Thiol-Ene Polymerization of Low-Toxicity Monomers in High Internal Phase Emulsions";
Macromolecular Bioscience, (2014), S. 1 - 9.
I. Lukac, C. Kosa, B. Husar:
"1,4-Bisbenzil: Visible-Light- and Heat-Assisted Crosslinking of Polystyrene Films";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 215 (2014), 2; S. 171 - 176.
S. Rothemund, T. Aigner, I. Iturmendi, M. Rigau, B. Husar, F. Hildner, E. Oberbauer, M. Prambauer, G. Olawale, R. Forstner, R. Liska, K. Schröder, O. Brüggemann, I. Teasdale:
"Degradable Glycine-Based Photo- Polymerizable Polyphosphazenes for Use as Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration";
Macromolecular Bioscience, (2014), S. 1 - 13.
C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, C. Hametner, B. Ganster, N. Moszner, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, G. Gescheidt, R. Saf, R. Liska:
"New Generation of Highly Efficient, Long-Wavelength Photoinitiators for Dental Restoratives: From Research to Application";
RadTech Report, 4 (2014), S. 12 - 18.
S. Benedikt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Benzoyl Phenyltelluride as Highly Reactive Visible-Light TERP-Reagent for Controlled Radical Polymerization";
Macromolecules, 47 (2014), S. 5526 - 5531.
B. Husar, S. Ligon, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"The formulator´s guide to anti-oxygen inhibition additives";
Progress in Organic Coatings, 77 (2014), S. 1789 - 1798.
R. Woods, S. Feldbacher, D. Zidar, G. Langer, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, N.U Pucher, R. Liska, W. Kern:
"3D optical waveguides produced by two photon photopolymerisation of a flexible silanol terminated polysiloxane containing acrylate functional groupsfunctional groups";
Optical Materials Express, 4 (2014), 3; S. 486 - 498.
X.H. Qin, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, B. Plochberger, E. Klotzsch, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Enzymatic synthesis of hyaluronic acid vinyl esters for two-photon microfabrication of biocompatible and biodegradable hydrogel constructs";
Polymer Chemistry, 5 (2014), 22; S. 6523 - 6533.
J. Torgersen, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Hydrogels for Two-Photon Polymerization: A Toolbox for Mimicking the Extracellular Matrix";
Advanced Functional Materials, 10 (2013), 6.
H. Bergmeister, M. Strobl, R. Liska, H. Schima:
"Tissue engineering of vascular grafts";
European Surgery, 45 (2013), S. 187 - 193.
M. Susec, S. Ligon, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Hierarchically Porous Materials from Layer-by-Layer Photopolymerization of High Internal Phase Emulsions";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 34 (2013), S. 938 - 943.
Z. Li, N.U Pucher, K. Cicha, J. Torgersen, S. Ligon, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Straightforward Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of Highly Efficient Initiators for Two-Photon Polymerization";
Macromolecules, 46 (2013), 2; S. 352 - 361.
D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, M. Griesser, B. Lang, S. Mosquera-Vazquez, E. Vauthey, V. Gorelik, R. Liska, C. Hametner, B. Ganster, R. Saf, N. Moszner, G. Gescheidt:
"Acylgermanes: Photoinitiators and Sources for Ge-Centered Radicals. Insights into their Reactivity";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (2013), 46; S. 17314 - 17321.
J. Kupfmüller, K. Stadlmann, Z. Li, V. Satzinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Flexible optical interconnects via thiol-ene two-photon-induced polymerization";
MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1438 Optical Interconnects (2013), S. 1438.
Z. Li, E. Stankevičius, A. Ajami, G. Račiukaitis, W. Husinsky, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D alkyne-azide cycloaddition: spatiotemporally controlled by combination of aryl azide photochemistry and two-photon grafting";
Chemical Communications, 49 (2013), S. 7635 - 7637.
Z. Li, A. Ajami, E. Stankevičius, W. Husinsky, G. Račiukaitis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"3D photografting with aromatic azides: A comparison between three-photon and two-photon case";
Optical Materials, 35 (2013), S. 1846 - 1851.
Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, S. Mühleder, X.H. Qin, W. Husinsky, W. Holnthoner, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Initiation efficiency and cytotoxicity of novel water-soluble two-photon photoinitiators for direct 3D microfabrication of hydrogels";
RSC Advances, 36 (2013), S. 15939 - 15946.
X.H. Qin, J. Torgersen, R. Saf, S. Mühleder, N.U Pucher, S. Ligon, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Three-Dimensional Microfabrication of Protein Hydrogels via Two-Photon-Excited Thiol-Vinyl Ester Photopolymerization";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 51 (2013), S. 4799 - 4810.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Novel cross-linkers for asymmetric poly-AMPS-based proton exchange membranes for fuel cells";
Designed Monomers and Polymers, (2013), S. 1 - 8.
P. Esfandiari, S. Ligon, J. Lagref, R. Frantz, Z. Cherkaoui, R. Liska:
"Efficient Stabilization of Thiol-ene Formulations in Radical Photopolymerization";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 51 (2013), S. 4261 - 4266.
J. Kupfmüller, Z. Li, V. Satzinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon-induced thiol-ene polymerization as a fabrication tool for flexible optical waveguides";
Designed Monomers and Polymers, (2013), S. 1 - 11.
A. Ovsianikov, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Selective Functionalization of 3D Matrices Via Multiphoton Grafting and Subsequent Click Chemsitry";
Advanced Functional Materials, 22 (2012), 16; S. 3429 - 3433.
J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, K. Cicha, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Photo-sensitive hydrogels for threedimensional laser microfabrication in the presence of whole organisms";
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17 (2012), 10; S. 1 - 10.
N.U Pucher, Z. Li, S. Ligon:
"Two Photon induced Photopolymerisation";
RADNews, 82 (2012), S. 33 - 46.
K. Cicha, T. Koch, J. Torgersen, L. Zhiquan, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Young´s modulus measurement of two-photon polymerized microcantilevers by using nanoindentation equipment";
Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (2012), 094906.
B. Froschauer, M. Weil:
"Bis/melaminium) succinate succinic acid monosolvate dihydrate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 68 (2012), S. o2555.
A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Engineering 3D cell-culture matrices: multiphoton processing technologies for biological and tissue engineering applications";
Expert Review of Medical Devices (eingeladen), 9 (2012), 6; S. 613 - 633.
B. Froschauer, M. Weil:
"Melaminium hydrogen malonate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 68 (2012), S. o2553 - o2554.
B. Husar, R. Liska:
"Vinyl carbonates, vinyl carbamates, and related monomers: synthesis, polymerization, and application";
Chemical Society Reviews, 41 (2012), S. 2395 - 2405.
S. Ligon, S. Baudis, F. Nehl, H. Bergmeister, A. Nigisch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, B. Husar:
"Improved elastomeric materials for CAD/CAM generation of vascular structures in soft tissue replacement therapies";
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6 (2012), Supplement 1; S. 301.
P. Radovanovic, M. Kellner, J. Matovic, R. Liska, T. Koch:
"Asymmetric membranes with interpenetrating proton-conducting morphology made by a combination of immersion precipitation and photopolymerization";
Journal of Membrane Science, 401-402 (2012), S. 254 - 261.
S. Baudis, S. Ligon, K. Seidler, G. Weigel, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, R. Liska:
"Hard-Block Degradable Thermoplastic Urethane-Elastomers for Electrospun Vascular Prostheses";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 50 (2012), 7; S. 1272 - 1280.
C. Schreiber, N. Seyidova, S. Baudis, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, R. Liska, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister:
"Long-term performance of small diameter vessel grafts";
European Surgery, 44 (2012), Supplement 244/12; S. 7.
H. Bergmeister, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, C. Schreiber, N. Seyidova, I. Walter, D. Bernhard, S. Ligon, R. Liska, H. Schima:
"Healing characteristics of nanostructured, bioresorbable vascular substitutes";
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6 (2012), Supplement 1; S. 148.
M. Griesser, C. Dworak, S. Jauk, M. Höfer, A. Rosspeintner, G. Grabner, R. Liska, G. Gescheidt:
"Photoinitiators with β-Phenylogous Cleavage: An Evaluation of Reaction Mechanisms and Performance";
Macromolecules, 45 (2012), 4; S. 1737 - 1745.
C. Schreiber, N. Seyidova, S. Baudis, C. Grasl, I. Walter, D. Bernhard, R. Liska, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister:
"Long term evaluation of a new synthetic degradable small diameter vascular graft";
European Surgery, 44 (2012), Supplement 245/12; S. 16.
A. Mautner, X.H. Qin, B. Kapeller, G. Russmüller, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Efficient Curing of Vinyl Carbonates by Thiol-Ene Polymerization";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 33 (2012), 23; S. 2046 - 2052.
P. Tesavibul, R. Felzmann, S. Gruber, R. Liska, I. Thompson, A. Boccaccini, J. Stampfl:
"Processing of 45S5 Bioglass by lithography-based additive manufacturing";
Materials Letters, 74 (2012), S. 81 - 84.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Utilization of photopolymerization of new low toxic vinyl monomers in bone tissue engineering";
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6/Supplement s1/ (2012), S. 370.
M. Griesser, A. Rosspeintner, C. Dworak, M. Höfer, R. Liska, G. Gescheidt:
"Initiators Based on Benzaldoximes: Bimolecular and Covalently Bound Systems";
Macromolecules, 45 (2012), 21; S. 8648 - 8657.
A. Ovsianikov, Z. Li, A. Ajami, J. Torgersen, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D grafting via three-photon induced photolysis of aromatic azides";
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 108 (2012), 1; S. 29 - 34.
R. Felzmann, S. Gruber, G. Mitteramskogler, P. Tesavibul, A. Boccaccini, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Lithography-based Additive Manufacturing of Cellular Ceramic Structures";
Advanced Engineering Materials, 14 (2012), S. 1052 - 1058.
A. Mautner, X.H. Qin, H. Wutzel, B. Kapeller, D. Moser, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Thiol-Ene Photopolymerization for Efficient Curing of Vinyl Esters";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 51 (2012), 1; S. 203 - 212.
J. Kumpfmüller, K. Stadlmann, V. Satzinger, L. Zhiquan, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon-induced Microfabrication of Flexible Optical Waveguides";
Journal of Laser Micro Nanoengineering, 6 (2011), 3; S. 195 - 198.
Z. Li, M. Siklos, N.U Pucher, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, G. Gscheidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of Several Aromatic Ketone-Based Two-Photon Initiators";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 49 (2011), S. 3688 - 3699.
H. Bergmeister, S. Baudis, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, C. Schreiber, I. Walter, R. Plasenzotti, R. Liska, H. Schima:
"In vivo evaluation of electrospun, biodegradable and non-degradable elastomeric vascular grafts";
International Journal of Artificial Organs, 34 (2011), 8; S. 641.
S. Baudis, F. Nehl, S. Ligon, A. Nigisch, H. Bergmeister, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Elastomeric degradable biomaterials by photopolymerization-based CAD-CAM for vascular tissue engineering";
Biomedical Materials, 6 (2011), 5.
K. Cicha, Z. Li, K. Stadlmann, A. Ovsianikov, R. Markut-Kohl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Evaluation of 3D structures fabricated with two-photon-photopolymerization by using FTIR spectroscopy";
Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (2011), 064911; S. 1 - 5.
C. Schreiber, S. Baudis, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, I. Walter, R. Plasenzotti, D. Bernhard, R. Liska, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister:
"In-vivo evaluation of biodegradable and non-degradable elastomeric vascular grafts";
European Surgery, 43 (2011), Supplement 243/11; S. 23.
R. Liska:
"Book Review: "Industrial Photoinitiators: A Technical Guide"";
ChemPhysChem (eingeladen), 6 (2011), S. 1389.
A. Gugg, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Frontal Polymerization: Polymerization Induced Destabilization of Peracrylates";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 32 (2011), S. 1096 - 1100.
B. Husar, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, A. Mautner, F. Varga, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biomaterials Based on Low Cytotoxic Vinyl Esters for Bone Replacement Application";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 49 (2011), S. 4927 - 4934.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, T. Koch, D. Moser, C. Schopper, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinylcarbonates and Vinylcarbamates: Biocompatible Monomers for Radical Photopolymerization";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 49 (2011), 3; S. 650 - 661.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, J. Angermann, U. Fischer, F. Zeuner, T. Bock, R. Liska, V. Rheinberger:
"Synthesis of bis(3-{[2-(allyloxy)ethoxy]methyl}-2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)(phenyl)phosphine oxide - a tailor-made photoinitiator for dental adhesives";
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26 (2010), 6; S. 1 - 9.
F. Karasu, D. Balta, R. Liska, N. Arsu:
"Photoinitiated polymerization of β-cyclodextrin/methyl methacrylate host/guest complex in the presence of water soluble photoinitiator, thioxanthone-catechol-O,O'-diacetic acid";
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 68 (2010), 1-2; S. 147 - 153.
S. Baudis, B. Steyrer, T. Pulka, H. Wilhelm, G. Weigel, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerizable Elastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Macromolecular Symposia, 296 (2010), 1; S. 121 - 126.
C. Dworak, R. Liska:
"Alternative Initiators for Bimolecular Photoinitiating Systems";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 48 (2010), S. 5865 - 5871.
M. Hartner, E. Kirchler, A. Poschalko, S. Rechberger:
"Taxpayers´ compliance by procedural and interactional fairness perceptions and social identity (Влияние восприятия социальной идентичности, процедурной и интеракциональной справедливости на соблюдение налогоплательщиками требовани
S. Krivec, N. Matsko, V. Satzinger, N.U Pucher, N. Galler, T. Koch, V. Schmidt, W. Grogger, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger:
"Silica-Based, Organically Modified Host Material for Waveguide Structuring by Two-Photon-Induced Photopolymerization";
Advanced Functional Materials, 20 (2010), S. 1 - 9.
C. Dworak, T. Koch, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of biocompatible Phosphorus-containing Vinyl esters and Vinyl carbamates";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 13 (2010), 48; S. 2916 - 2924.
N.U Pucher, M. Siklos, A. Rosspeintner, A. Ajami, K. Cicha, G. Gscheidt, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Optimization of feature resolution, processing window & structuring time for the two-photon polymerization (2PP) process by the use of novel initiators";
Proc. of LPM2010 - the 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, - (2010), S. 1 - 6.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, G. Weigel, R. Saf, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Gelatin-Based Photopolymers for Bone Replacement Materials";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009), S. 7078 - 7089.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl Esters: Low Cytotoxicity Monomers for the Fabrication of Biocompatible 3D Scaffolds by Lithography Based Additive Manufacturing";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009), S. 6941 - 6954.
W.H. Binder, M. Lomoschitz, R. Sachsenhofer, G. Friedbacher:
"Reversible and Irreversible Binding of Nanoparticles to Polymeric Surfaces";
Journal of Nanomaterials, 2009 (2009).
A. Rosspeintner, M. Griesser, N.U Pucher, K. Iskra, R. Liska, G. Gescheidt:
"Toward the Photoinduced Reactivity of 1,5-Diphenylpenta-1,4-diyn-3-one (DPD): Real-Time Investigations by Magnetic Resonance";
Macromolecules, 42 (2009), S. 8034 - 8038.
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating monomers based on di- and triacryloylated hydroxylamine derivatives";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009), 2; S. 392 - 403.
M. Griesser, D. Neshchadin, K. Dietliker, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Decisive Reaction Steps at Initial Stages of Photoinitiated Radical Polymerizations";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 48 (2009), S. 9359 - 9361.
S. Baudis, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel:
"(Meth)acrylate-based photoelastomers as tailored biomaterials for artificial vascular grafts";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009), 10; S. 2664 - 2676.
N.U Pucher, A. Rosspeintner, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, G. Gescheidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Structure-Activity Relationship in D-π-A-π-D-Based Photoinitiators for the Two-Photon-Induced Photopolymerization Process";
Macromolecules, 42 (2009), S. 6519 - 6528.
N. Moszner, U. Fischer, B. Ganster, R. Liska, V. Rheinberger:
"Benzoyl germanium derivatives as novel visible light photoinitiators for dental materials";
Dental Materials, 7 (2008), 24; S. 901 - 907.
M. Sandholzer, M. Schuster, F. Varga, R. Liska, C. Slugovc:
"ROMP based photoinitiator-coinitiator systems with improved migration sta";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 11 (2008), 46; S. 3648 - 3661.
J. Stampfl, S. Baudis, C. Heller, R. Liska, A. Neumeister, R. Kling, A. Ostendorf, M. Spitzbart:
"Photopolymers with tunable mechanical properties processed by laser based high-resolution stereolithography";
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18 (2008), 125014.
S. Jauk, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators with Functional Groups 9: New Derivatives of Covalently Linked Benzophenone-amine Based Photoinitiators";
Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A - Pure and Applied Chemistry, 45 (2008), 10; S. 804 - 810.
M. Höfer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Oxygen scavengers and sensitizers for reduced oxygen inhibition in radical photopolymerization";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 46 (2008), 20; S. 6916 - 6927.
B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, N. Fuß, M. Höfer, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators with Double and Triple Bonds";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 46 (2008), S. 289 - 301.
F. Karasu, C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, E. Hummer, N. Arsu, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating Monomers Based on Diacrylamides";
Macromolecules, 41 (2008), 21; S. 7953 - 7958.
M. Höfer, R. Liska:
"Photochemistry and Initiation Behavior of Phenylethynyl Onium Salts as Cationic Photoinitiators";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 46 (2008), S. 6916 - 6927.
A. Ajami, M. Rafique, N.U Pucher, S. Bashir, W. Husinsky, R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, S. Lüftenegger:
"Z-scan measurements of two-photon absorption for ultrashort laser radiation";
Proc. SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 7027 (2008), 70271H; S. 1 - 8.
B. Ganster, U. Fischer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New Photocleavable Structures. V. Diacylgermane Based Photoinitiators for Visible Light Curing";
Macromolecules, 7 (2008), 41; S. 2394 - 2400.
C. Heller, N.U Pucher, B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, G. Ullrich, L. Kuna, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"One- and two-photon activity of cross-conjugated photoinitiators with bathochromic shift";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 45 (2007), S. 3280 - 3291.
M. Sandholzer, M. Schuster, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga, F. Stelzer, C. Slugovc:
"Ring opening metathesis polymers as macroinitiator-coinitiator systems for the photopolymerization of acrylates";
Polymer Preprints, 48 (2007), S. 925 - 926.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D-shaping of biodegradable photopolymers for hard tissue replacement";
Applied Surface Science, 254 (2007), S. 1131 - 1134.
B. Ganster, U. Fischer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New Photocleavable Structures, 4a Acylgerman-Based Photoinitiator for Visible Light Curing";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 29 (2007), S. 57 - 62.
R. Inführ, N. Pucher, C. Heller, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase, J. Stampfl:
"Functional polymers by two-photon 3D lithography";
Applied Surface Science, 254 (2007), 4; S. 836 - 840.
W.H. Binder, D. Gloger, H. Weinstabl, G. Allmaier, E. Pittenauer:
"Telechelic poly(N-isopropylacrylamides) via nitroxide-mediated controlled polymerization and "click" chemistry: livingness and "grafting-from" methodology";
Macromolecules, 40 (2007), S. 3097 - 3107.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, R. Inführ, C. Turecek, C. Fritscher, B. Seidl, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase, F. Varga, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl:
"Photopolymers for rapid prototyping";
Journal of Coating Technology and Research, 4 (2007), 4; S. 505 - 510.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, A. Mateos, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, F. Varga:
"Evaluation of Biocompatible Photopolymers II: Further Reactive Diluents";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 138 (2007), 4; S. 261 - 268.
B. Seidl, R. Liska:
"Mechanistic investigations on a diynone type photoinitiator";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 208 (2007), 1; S. 44 - 54.
G. Weichslberger, H. Gruber, S. Knaus, C. Hansmann:
"Anovelmethod for the quantitative analysis of the water content in lignocellulosicmaterial";
Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 65 (2007), S. 403 - 405.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, B. Kaiser, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, F. Varga:
"Evaluation of Biocompatible Photopolymers I: Photoreactivity and Mechanical Properties of Reactive Diluents";
Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A - Pure and Applied Chemistry, 44 (2007), 5; S. 547 - 557.
B. Seidl, R. Liska, G. Grabner:
"New photocleavable structures III. Photochemistry and photophysics of pyridinol and benzoyl-based photoinitiators";
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A - Chemistry, 180 (2006), S. 109 - 117.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Rheological Properties of Supramolecular Gels";
Polymer Preprints, 47 (2006), S. 440 - 441.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Preparation of Porous Silca Materials with Cyclodextrin-Derivatives as Templates";
Polymer Preprints, 47 (2006), S. 1182 - 1183.
R. Zirbs, W.H. Binder, D. Machl:
""Grafting-from" Living Cationic Polymerization of Polyisobutylene and Polystyrene from Nanoparticle-Surfaces";
Polymer Preprints, 47 (2006), S. 851.
G. Ullrich, P. Burtscher, U. Salz, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Phenylglycine Derivatives as Coinitiators for the Radical Photopolymerization of Acidic Aqueous Formulations";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 44 (2006), S. 115 - 125.
H. Weinstabl, W.H. Binder:
"Magnetic Nanoparticles with Supramolecular Recognition Sites";
Polymer Preprints, 47 (2006), S. 866.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, M. Josipovic, Ch. Straif, G. Friedbacher:
"Directing Supramolecular Nanoparticle Binding onto Polymer Films: Film Formation and Influence of Receptor Density on Binding Densities";
Macromolecules, 39 (2006), S. 8092 - 8101.
W.H. Binder, L. Petraru, R. Sachsenhofer, R. Zirbs:
"Synthesis of Surface-Modiefied Nanoparticles via Cycloaddition-Reactions";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 137 (2006), S. 835 - 841.
W.H. Binder, O. Smrzka:
"Studying Self Assembly of Fibres and Fibrils: Finding the Key to Alzheimer's Disease";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 45 (2006), S. 7324 - 7328.
G. Ullrich, B. Ganster, U. Salz, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators With Functional Groups. IX. Hydrophylic Bisacylphosphine Oxides for Acidic Aqueous Formulations";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 44 (2006), S. 1686 - 1700.
W.H. Binder, A. Haryono:
"Controlled Arrangement of Nanoparticle Arrays in Block Copolymer Domains";
Small, 2006 (2006), S. 600 - 611.
T. Verdianz, H. Simbürger, R. Liska:
"Surface modification of imide containing polymers I: Catalytic groups";
European Polymer Journal, 42 (2006), S. 638 - 654.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger:
"Azide/Alkyne-"Click" Reactions: Applications in Material Science and Organic Synthesis";
Current Organic Chemistry, 10 (2006), S. 1791 - 1815.
T. Verdianz, H. Simbürger, R. Liska:
"Surface modification of imide containing polymers II: Co-rective groups";
European Polymer Journal, 42 (2006), S. 869 - 882.
C. Turecek, M. Schuster, F. Varga, R. Liska, B. Kaiser, J. Stampfl, K. Klaushofer:
"Evaluation and influence of photopolymers, capable for rapid prototyping on proliferation and morphologiy of osteoblasts";
Calcified Tissue International, 78 (2006), S. 71 P127.
M. Schuster, R. Inführ, C. Turecek, J. Stampfl, A. Varga, R. Liska:
"Photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Soluble Mold Materials and Molding of Cellular Biomaterials";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 137 (2006), S. 843 - 853.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Novel Carbohydrate-Based Surfactants for the Preparation of Imprinted Silica";
Polymer Preprints, 46 (2005), S. 1140 - 1141.
T. Roth, P.W Groh, V. Palfi, B. Ivan, W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular Three-Arm Star Polyisobutylenes by Sharpless "Click" Reactions";
Polymer Preprints, 46 (2005), S. 1166 - 1167.
R. Liska, B. Seidl:
"1,5-Diphenyl-1,4-diyn-3-one: A Highly Efficient Photoinitiator";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 43 (2005), S. 101 - 111.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular Assembly of Nanoparticles at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 44 (2005), S. 5172 - 5175.
S. Knaus, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, R. Liska, R. Saf:
"Peroxide-initiated grafting of maleimides onto hydrocarbon substrates";
European Polymer Journal, 41 (2005), S. 2240 - 2254.
C. Schramm, W.H. Binder, R. Tessadri, H Duelli:
"Modification of Cotton Fabrics by Means of Hydrolyzed TEOS-, GPTMS- and Ti(OiPR)3(acac)-Solutions";
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 39 (2005), S. 303 - 314.
C. Schramm, B. Rinderer, W.H. Binder, R. Tessadri, H Duelli:
"Treatment of 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyimidazolidine-2-one finished cellulosic materials with tetraethoxysilane or glycidyloxypropyl-trimethoxysilane solutions";
Journal of Materials Science, 40 (2005), S. 1883 - 1891.
S. Jauk, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators with Functional Groups, 8a - Benzophenone with Covalently Bound Phenylglycine";
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 26 (2005), S. 1687 - 1692.
R. Liska, F. Schwager, R. Cano Vives, C. Maier, J. Stampfl:
"Water-soluble photopolymers for rapid prototyping of cellular materials";
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 97 (2005), S. 2286 - 2298.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, Ch. Straif, G. Friedbacher:
"Directed Nanoparticle Binding onto Microphase Separated Block Copolymer Thin Films";
Macromolecules, 38 (2005), S. 9405 - 9410.
J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New materials for rapid prototyping applications";
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 206 (2005), S. 1253 - 1256.
W.H. Binder, D. Machl:
"Poly(ether ketone) -Polyisobutylene Block Copolymers: Synthesis and Phase Behavior";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 43 (2005), S. 188 - 202.
W.H. Binder, S. Bernstorff, C. Kluger, L. Petraru, M.J. Kunz:
"Tunable Materials from Hydrogen-Bonded Pseudo Block Copolymers";
Advanced Materials, 17 (2005), S. 2824 - 2828.
R. Zirbs, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer, W.H. Binder:
"Directed Assembly of Au Nanoparticles onto Planar Surfaces via Multiple Hydrogen Bonds";
Langmuir, 21 (2005), S. 8414 - 8421.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Azide / Alkyne - functionalized Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes";
Polymer Preprints, 46 (2005), S. 841 - 842.
W.H. Binder:
"Polymeric Ordering by H-bonds. Mimicking Nature by Smart Building Blocks";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 136 (2005), S. 1 - 19.
C. Kluger, W.H. Binder:
"Connecting Supramolecular Receptors onto Block-Co-Polymers: Combining Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization with 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditiones";
Polymer Preprints, 46 (2005), S. 723.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich, D. Herzog, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"Activated camphorquinones as photoinitiators";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 69 - 70.
J. Stampfl, A. Wöß, S. Seidler, H. Fouad, A. Pisaipan, F. Schwager, R. Liska:
"Water Soluble, Photocurable Resins for Rapid Prototyping Applications";
Macromolecular Symposia, 217 (2004), 1; S. 99 - 107.
M.J. Kunz, G. Hayn, R. Saf, W.H. Binder:
"Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Poly(ether ketone)s";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 (2004), S. 661 - 674.
R. Liska, F. Schwager, R. Cano Vives, J. Stampfl:
"New photopolymers for rapid prototyping of cellular structures";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 77 - 78.
W.H. Binder, M.J. Kunz, E. Ingolic:
"Supramolecular Poly(ether ketone)-Polybutylene Pseudo-Block Copolymers";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 (2004), S. 162 - 172.
W.H. Binder, S. Bernstoff, C. Kluger, L. Petraru, M.J. Kunz, V. Torma:
"Poly(etherketone)-Poly(Isobutylene) pseudo block copolymers: phase behavior via SAXS";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 620 - 621.
C. Schramm, W.H. Binder, R. Tessadri:
"Durable Press Finishing of Cotton Fabric with 1,2,3,4-Butanetetracarboxylic Acid and TEOS/GPTMS";
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 29 (2004), S. 155 - 165.
W.H. Binder, D. Machl, C. Kluger:
"Connecting polymeric fragments by sharpless-type "click"-reactions";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 692 - 693.
R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators with Functional Groups. VI. Chemically Bound Sensitizers";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 (2004), S. 2285 - 2301.
C. Kluger, W.H. Binder:
"Sidechain-functionalized poly(norbornenes) bearing new hydrogen bonding motives via ROMP";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 694 - 695.
W.H. Binder, M.J. Kunz, C. Kluger, G. Hayn, R. Saf:
"Synthesis and Analysis of Telechelic Polyisobutylenes for Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Pseudo-Block Copolymers";
Macromolecules, 37 (2004), S. 1749 - 1759.
L. Petraru, D. Farnik, W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular, telechelic poly(etherketones) baering barbituric acid as hydrogen bonding unit";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 690 - 691.
W.H. Binder, M. Einzmann, M. Knapp, G. Köhler:
"Domain Formation in Lipid Bilayer Membranes: Control of Membrane Nanostructure by Molecular Architecture";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 135 (2004), S. 13 - 21.
J. Stampfl, H. Fouad, S. Seidler, R. Liska, F. Schwager, A. Woesz, P. Fratzl:
"Fabrication and moulding of cellular materials by rapid prototyping";
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 21 (2004), 4; S. 285 - 296.
D. Farnik, C. Kluger, M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis and Self Assembly of Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Polymers";
Macromolecular Symposia, 217 (2004), S. 247 - 266.
G. Ullrich, D. Herzog, R. Liska, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"Photoinitiators with Functional Groups. VII. Covalently Bonded Camphorquinone-Amines";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 (2004), S. 4948 - 4963.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger:
"Combining Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) with Sharpless-Type "Click" Reactions: An Easy Method for the Preparation of Side Chain Functionalized Poly(oxynorbornenes)";
Macromolecules, 37 (2004), S. 9321 - 9330.
R. Liska, B. Seidl, G. Grabner:
"Laser flash photolysis investigations of pyridine ketones";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 75 - 76.
R. Liska, B. Seidl:
"1,5-diphenyl-1,4-diyn-3-one, a new and highly efficient photoinitiator";
Polymer Preprints, 45 (2004), S. 31 - 32.
R. Liska, D. Herzog:
"New Photocleavable Structures: II. alpha-Cleavable Photoinitiators Based on Pyridines";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 (2004), S. 752 - 764.
W.H. Binder, V. Barragan-Montero, F. Menger:
"Domains and Rafts in Lipid Membranes";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 42 (2003), S. 5802 - 5827.
S. Knaus, A. Liska, P. Sulek:
"Metalization of Polypropylene. I. Synthesis and Melt Free-Radical Grafting of Novel Maleimides and Methacrylates Containing Chelating Moities";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 41 (2003), S. 3400 - 3413.
M. Xu, D.S. Peterson, T. Rohr, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Polar polymeric stationary phases for normal-phase HPLC based on monodisperse macroporous poly(2,3-dihydrxypropyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) beads";
Analytical Chemistry, 75 (2003), S. 1011 - 1021.
T. Rohr, E.F. Hilder, J.J. Donovan, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Photografting and the Control of Surface Chemistry in Three-Dimensional Porous Polymer Monoliths";
Macromolecules, 36 (2003), S. 1677 - 1684.
S. Knaus, U. Mais, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis, characterization and properties of methylaminocellulose";
Cellulose, 10 (2003), S. 139 - 150.
T. Rohr, F.D. Ogletree, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Surface functionalization of thermoplastic polymers for the fabrication of microfluidic devices by photoinitiated grafting";
Advanced Functional Materials, 13 (2003), S. 264 - 270.
S. Knaus, B. Bauer-Heim:
"Synthesis and properties of anionic cellulose ethers: influence of functional groups and molecular weight on flowability of concrete";
Carbohydrate Polymers, 53 (2003), S. 383 - 394.
C. Adelwöhrer, T. Rosenau, W.H. Binder, P. Kosma:
"Novel tocopheryl compounds. Part 15: One-pot formation of furotocopheryl derivates.";
Tetrahedron, 59 (2003), S. 3231 - 3235.
D. Machl, M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Novel synthetic routes to aminofunctionalized polyisobutylenes";
Polymer Preprints, 44 (2003), S. 858 - 859.
A. Poschalko, T. Rohr, H. Gruber, A. Bianco, G. Guichard, J.P. Briand, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Subpol: A Novel Sucrose-Based Polymer Support for Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis and Affinity Chromatography Applications";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (2003), S. 13415 - 13426.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, L. Petraru, M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, V. Torma, H. Peterlik, S. Bernstoff:
"Temperature dependent SAXS-Measurements of supramolecular polymers";
Annual Report 2003 Food & Drugs: Combining shear calorimetry and SAXS, 2003 (2003), S. 90 - 91.
D. Machl, M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Polyisobutylenes with Ionizable Endgroups";
Polymer Preprints, 43 (2002), S. 1091 - 1092.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Phase Separation in Lipid-Polymer Conjugates: Synthesis and Domain Formation";
Polymer Preprints, 43 (2002), S. 1029 - 1030.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Novel Initiators for Oxazoline Polymerization: Generation of Polydiacetylene-Polyoxazoline Networks";
Macromolecular Symposia, 181 (2002), S. 57 - 62.
J. Mijatovic, W.H. Binder, F. Kubel, W. Kantner:
"Studies on the Stability of MF Resin Solutions: Investigetions on Network Formation";
Macromolecular Symposia, 181 (2002), S. 373 - 382.
D.S. Peterson, T. Rohr, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"High-Throughput Peptide Mass Mapping Using Microdevice Containing Trypsin Immobilized on a Porous Polymer Monolith Coupled to a MALDI TOF and ESI TOF Mass Spectrometers";
Journal of Proteome Research, 1 (2002), S. 563 - 568.
A. Poschalko, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, A. Bianco, G. Guichard, J.P. Briand, D. Falkenhagen:
"Synthesis of Peptide Ligands for Affinity Chromatography on Sucrose-Based Polymer Supports";
International Journal of Artificial Organs, 25 (2002), S. 685.
A. Poschalko, S. Welzig, M. Treu, S. Nerdinger, K. Mereiter, U. Jordis:
"Synthesis of (+/-)-6H-benzofuro[3a,3,2,ef][3]benzazepine: an unnatural analog of (-)-galanthamine";
Tetrahedron, 58 (8) (2002), S. 1513 - 1518.
U. Mais, A.R. Esteghlalian, J.N. Saddler, S.D. Mansfield:
"Enhancing the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulosic Materials Using Simultaneous Ball Milling";
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 98-100 (2002), S. 815 - 832.
R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators with functional groups: V. New water-soluble photoinitiators containing carbohydrate residues and copolymerizable derivates thereof";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 40 (2002), S. 1504 - 1518.
T. Rohr, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, D.C. Sherrington:
"Preparation and porosity characterization of highly cross-linked polymer resins derived from multifunctional (meth)acrylate monomers";
Macromolecules, 35 (2002), S. 97 - 105.
D.S. Peterson, T. Rohr, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Enzymatic Microreactor-on-a-Chip: Protein Mapping Using Trypsin Immobilized on Porous Polymer Monoliths Molded in Channels of Microfluidic Devices";
Analytical Chemistry, 74 (2002), S. 4081 - 4088.
M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, W.H. Binder:
"Diaminotriazine Terminated Polyetherketones";
Polymer Preprints, 43 (2002), S. 410 - 411.
H. Weinstabl, W.H. Binder, H. Gruber, W. Kantner:
"Melamine salts as hardeners for urea formaldehyde resins";
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81 (2001), S. 1654 - 1661.
R. Liska:
"New photocleavable structures I: Synthesis of hydroxyalkylphenone analogues electron-rich heterocycles";
Heterocycles, 55 (2001), S. 1475 - 1486.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Novel functional initiators for oxazoline polymeriszation";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 39 (2001), S. 2821 - 2831.
T. Rohr, C. Yu, M.H. Davey, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Porous polymer monoliths: simple and efficient mixers prepared by direct polymerization in the channels of microfluidic chips";
Electrophoresis, 22 (2001), S. 3959 - 3967.
S. Knaus, A. Nennedal, B. Froschauer:
"Surface and Bulk Modifikation of Polyolefines by Functional Aryl Nitrenes as Highly Reactive Intermediates";
Macromolecular Symposia, 176 (2001), S. 223 - 232.
A. Ecker:
"The application of iatroscan-technique for analysis of bitumen";
Petroleum and Coal, 43 (2001), S. 51 - 53.
P. Sulek, S. Knaus, R. Liska:
"Grafting of Functional Maleimides onto Oligo- and Polyolefines";
Macromolecular Symposia, 176 (2001), S. 155 - 165.
W. Lengauer, M. Bohn, B. Wollein, K. Lisak:
"Phase Reactions in the Nb-N System below 1400°C";
Acta Materialia, 48 (2000), S. 2633 - 2638.
A. Hergold Brundic, A. Nagl, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, M. Sindler Kulyk:
"Crystal structure of 4-formyl-3-methylsydnone, C4H4N2O3";
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 212 (1997), S. 407.
Contributions to Books
L. Tytgat, S. Baudis, H. Ottevaere, R. Liska, H. Thienpont, P. Dubruel, S. Vlierberghe:
"Photopolymerizable Materials for Cell Encapsulation";
in: "3D Printing and Biofabrication", Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-319-45443-6, S. 353 - 396.
S. Ligon, J. Kumpfmüller, N.U Pucher, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Fabrication ofWaveguides and Other Optical Elements by Multiphoton Lithography";
in: "Multiphoton Lithography", Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-527-33717-0, S. 267 - 296.
B. Husar, M. Hatzenbichler, V. Mironov, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Photopolymerization-based additive manufacturing for the development of 3D porous scaffolds";
in: "Biomaterials for Bone Regeneration", herausgegeben von: P. Dubruel and S. V. Vlierberghe; Elsevier Science Ltd., 2014, ISBN: 978-0-85709-804-7, S. 149 - 201.
J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Polymerizable Hydrogels for Rapid Prototyping: Chemistry, Photolithography, and Mechanical Properties";
in: "Stereolithography", P. Bartolo (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, New York, 2011, ISBN: 978-0-387-92903-3, S. 161 - 182.
J. Stampfl, H. E. Pettermann, R. Liska:
"Bioinspired Cellular Structures: Additive Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties";
in: "Biomimetics - Materials, Structures and Processes", P. Gruber, D. Bruckner, Ch. Hellmich, H. Schmiedmayer, H. Stachelberger, I. Gebeshuber (Hrg.); Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011, ISBN: 978-3642119330, S. 105 - 123.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Photopolymers for rapid prototyping";
in: "Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions", J.P. Fouassier, X. Allonas (Hrg.); Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2010, ISBN: 978-81-308-0430-9, S. 147 - 173.
N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiators for direct adhesive restorative materials";
in: "Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions", J.P. Fouassier, X. Allonas (Hrg.); Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2010, ISBN: 978-81-308-0430-9, S. 91 - 112.
R. Liska, M. Schuster:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers";
in: "Basics and Applications of Photopolymerization Reactions", J.P. Fouassier, X. Allonas (Hrg.); Research Signpost, Kerala, India, 2010, ISBN: 978-81-308-0430-9, S. 77 - 91.
R. Liska:
"New chromophores for photoinitiators";
in: "Photochemistry and UV Curing: New Trends", herausgegeben von: J.P. Fouassier; Research Signpost, Trivandrum - 695023, Kerala, India, 2006, ISBN: 81-308-0014-4, S. 55 - 67.
C. Schramm, B. Rinderer, W.H. Binder, R. Tessadri, H Duelli:
"Surface Modification of textile fabrics: Application of metal alkoxide solutions";
in: "Recent Research Developments in Applied Polymer Science Vol.3", Research Signpost, Trivandrum - 695023, Kerala, India, 2006, ISBN: 81-308-0129-9, S. 37 - 56.
W.H. Binder, H. Kerschner, A. Georgopoulos, V. Barragan-Montero, M. Einzmann:
"Chemistry with Liposomes: Controlling Membrane-Structure by Macromolecules";
in: "Austrian-German-Hungarian-Italian-Polish-Spanish Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry - JMMC", Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International, Bologna, Italy, 2005, ISBN: 88-7587-162-0, S. 113 - 116.
Contributions to Proceedings
R. Liska, M. Schuster, B. Seidl, R. Inführ, C. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger, C. Turecek, F. Varga, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase:
"New Photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping";
in: "Radcure Coatings and Inks: Cost & Performance", PRA Coatings Technology Centre, Hamton, Middlesex, UK, 2006, ISBN: 0-9551317-3-1, S. 1 - 8.
B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, G. Ullrich, R. Liska:
"New Cross-Conjugated Photoinitiators";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 399 - 406.
G. Ullrich, R. Liska, P. Burtscher, U. Salz, N. Moszner:
"Investigation of Phenylglycine Derivatives as Coinitiators";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 415 - 422.
S. Kopeinig, R. Liska:
"Further Covalently Bonded Photoinitiators";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 373 - 381.
B. Seidl, R. Liska:
"2-tert-Butylacrylonitrile, a Non-Polymerizable Monomere for the Investigation of Initiation Mechanism";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 391 - 398.
R. Inführ, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, Ch. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing:
"3D Lithography of Organo-Soluble Mold Materials for Sol-Gel Nanocomposites";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 487 - 494.
B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, R. Liska:
"New Insights into 1,5-Diphenyl 1,4-Diynone as Photoinitiator";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 57 - 65.
G. Ullrich, S. Jauk, R. Liska:
"How to Avoid the Back Electron Transfer in Type II Photoinitiators";
in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Rad Tech Europe Association, 2005, ISBN: 3-87870-330-9, S. 407 - 414.
Poster Presentation (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
P. Steinbauer, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Biocompatible photopolymer scaffolds tailored for patient specific solutions for bone tissue regeneration";
Poster: 11th World Biomaterials Congress, Hampshire, United Kingdom, online; 11.12.2020 - 15.12.2020; in: "11th World Biomaterials Congress", WBC2020VIR-4577 (2020), 1 S.
J. Van Hoorick, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, J. Zegwaar, M. Tromayer, J Van Erps, H. Thienpont, A. Ovsianikov, P. Dubruel, S. Vlierberghe:
"A range of gelatin derivatization strategies lead to biofabrication versatility";
Poster: TERMIS-EU 2017: Personalised Therapies for Regenerative Medicine, Davos; 24.06.2017 - 30.06.2017; in: "eCM Meeting Abstracts 2017, Collection 2; TERMIS-EU 2017 Conference", eCM Conferences Open Access online periodical, (2017), ISSN: 2522-235x; Paper-Nr. P027, 1 S.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Melt functionalisation of polypropylene as an innovative up-cycling process";
Poster: EUROMAT 2017, THESSALONIKI; 17.09.2017 - 22.09.2017; in: "EUROMAT 2017", EUROMAT 2017, (2017), Paper-Nr. A3-P-TUE-P1-5, 1 S.
P. Gruber, J. Van Hoorick, M. Tromayer, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser photofabrication of gelatin hydrogel constructs with high degree of functionalization";
Poster: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress", (2016).
M. Susec, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Thiol-ene chemistry and emulsion templating for microcellular open porous polymer preparation";
Poster: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.05.2013 - 05.05.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), 978­‐961­‐269­‐992­‐5; 307 S.
X. Meng, P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Application of epoxy functionalized polypropylene as compatibilizer for PP/EVOH blends";
Poster: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.05.2013 - 05.05.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), 978­‐961­‐269­‐992­‐5; 307 S.
M. Tromayer, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, R. Liska:
"Preparation and characterization of novel type I/ type II photoinitiators for two-photon submicro-stereolithography";
Poster: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.05.2013 - 05.05.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), 978­‐961­‐269­‐992­‐5; 307 S.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Investigations on Acylsilanes as Photoinitiator for Radical Polymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
R. Inführ, N. Pucher, C. Heller, H. Lichtenegger, V. Schmidt, V. Satzinger, L. Kuna, A. Haase, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Refractive Index Patterning of Polymeric Waveguide Materials";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007 - Europe´s event for UV/EB curing, Vienna 13-15 Nov 2007, Wien; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 - Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
N. Pucher, C. Heller, B. Seidl, R. Inführ, L. Kuna, A. Haase, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two Photon Initiated Polymerization by Inones";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007 - Europe´s event for UV/EB curing, Vienna 13-15 Nov 2007, Wien; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 - Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, C. Heller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D-Structuring of Gelatine based Photopolymers";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007 - Europe´s event for UV/EB curing, Vienna 13-15 Nov 2007, Wien; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 - Conference Proceedings", (2007), 6 S.
B. Ganster, G. Ullrich, U. Salz, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Water-Soluble Bisacylphosphin oxides for the Photopolymerization of acidic aqueous Dental Formulations";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Flexible, biocompatible Photopolymers as Synthetic Vascular Replacement Materials";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007 - Europe´s event for UV/EB curing, Vienna 13-15 Nov 2007, Wien; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 - Conference Proceedings", (2007), 6 S.
M. Höfer, C. Heller, R. Liska:
"New Sulfonium Salt based Photoinitiators for Cationic Photopolymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
P. Esfandiari, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, T. Koch, A. Limbeck, W.S.M. Werner, S. Knaus:
"Surface Photografting and Metalization of Polypropylene";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007 - Europe´s event for UV/EB curing, Vienna 13-15 Nov 2007, Wien; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
S. Jauk, R. Liska:
"New Derivatives of Covalently linked Benzophenone-Amine based Photoinitiato";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
S. Kopeinig, H. Gruber, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer, R. Liska:
"New Monomers for radiation curable formulations";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
S. Kopeinig, H. Gruber, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of Silicone Acrylamides and Acrylates";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A; 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
T. Verdianz, M. Schuster, M. Rumpler, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymers for rapid prototyping of cellular bone replacement materials";
Poster: European Polymer Congress 2005, Moskau, Russland; 27.06.2005 - 01.07.2005; in: "CD European Polymer Congress 2005", (2005), Paper-Nr. P4.4.18 Ref.2290, 2 S.
T. Verdianz, H. Simbürger, H. Gruber, R. Liska:
"Surface modification of polyimides with co-reactive and catalytic groups";
Poster: European Polymer Congress 2005, Moskau, Russland; 27.06.2005 - 01.07.2005; in: "CD European Polymer Congress 2005", (2005), Paper-Nr. P1.2-60 Ref.2295, 2 S.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, M. Rumpler, F. Varga, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Development of Photopolymerizable Biopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement Materials";
Poster: EuroMat 2005, Prag, Tschechien; 05.09.2005 - 06.09.2005; in: "Euromat 2005 European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes http.//www.Euromat2005.fems.org", (2005), 1 S.
R. Inführ, C. Fritscher, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing:
"Fabrication of Bio-Inspired Ceramic Composites Using Soluble Photopolymers asMmold Materials";
Poster: Euromat 2005, Prag; 05.09.2005 - 08.09.2005; in: "Euromat 2005 European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes", http://www.dgm.de/past/2005/euromat2005/programme/ (2005), Paper-Nr. P618, 1 S.
Talks (with Proceedings)
R. Wolff, P. Knaack, K. Ehrmann, R. Liska:
"3D printing of pure phenolic resins by hot lithography";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 72.
A. Ricke, B. Dellago, K. Ehrmann, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Photopolymerizable And Degradable Biomaterials Based On Acetal Moieties";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 151.
R. Taschner, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Bismuth- and pyrylium-based onium salts as initiators for radical induced cationic frontal polymerization";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 82.
A. Schmidbauer, R. Reichsöllner, A. Puljic, J. Hackethal, H. Redl, S. Baudis:
"Photohydrogels Promoting Neovascularization For Regeneratve Medicine";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 124.
P. Steinbauer, L. Sinawehl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"High-performance photocurable adhesives for bone repair";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 57.
R. Wolff, P. Knaack, K. Ehrmann, R. Liska:
"3d Printing Of Pure Phenolic Resins By Hot Lithography";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 97.
P. Steinbauer, J. Kotmel, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis:
"Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Measurement of natural and biomimetic Adhesion Motifs";
Vortrag: ICBBA 2021 - 4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives, Aveiro Portugal; 18.02.2021 - 19.02.2021; in: "4th International Conference on Biological and Biomimetic Adhesives", (2021), S. 66.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Hot Lithography: The Bright Fututre of Cationic Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 51.
P. Steinbauer, L. Sinawehl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Photopolymerizable Adhesives For Bone Fracture Fixation";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 126.
S. Baudis:
"Advanced Biocompatible Photopolymers For Biomedical Applications";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 74.
R. Taschner, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization Of Epoxides Using Bismuthonium-And Pyrylium-Salts";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 116.
B. Dellago, S. Orman, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Toughness- and Degradability Enhancers for Photopolymers as Bone Replacement Materials";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 119.
S. Baudis:
"Synthetic, biocompatible polymers for additively manufactured tissue regeneration scaffolds";
Vortrag: Online Conference EUROMAT 2021, Graz; 13.09.2021 - 17.09.2021; in: "Euromat 2021 -European Congress And Exhibition On Advanced Materials And Processes", (2021), S. 336.
J. Steindl, K. Ehrmann, C. Gorsche, C. Huang, T. Koch, P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, P.J. Thurner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Maleimide-Styrene-Butadiene Terpolymers As Tough Photopolymers For Additive Manufacturing";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 92.
D. Wottawa, M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Thermal initiators for cationic frontal polymerization";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 117.
S. Baudis:
"Additive-Manufactured Polymer-based Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 34.
P. Knaack, R. Taschner, A.D. Tran, R. Liska:
"Frontal Polymerization An ongoing trend in cationic polymerization";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien (eingeladen); 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 81.
L. Ruppitsch, G. Peer, K. Ehrmann, B. Koch, R. Liska:
"Difunctional Cyclopolymerizable Monomers For Reduced Shrinkage Of Photopolymerizable Networks";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 142.
P. Knaack, R. Taschner, R. Liska:
"Cationic Frontalpolymerization";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 26.
S. Keck, O. Liske, K. Seidler, B. Steyrer, C. Gorsche, S. Knaus, S. Baudis:
"Lignin-Based Photopolymers For 3d Printing";
Vortrag: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 120.
L. Ruppitsch, G. Peer, K. Ehrmann, T. Koch, R. Liska:
"Difunctional Low Shrinkage Monomers performing Light-Induced Cyclopolymerization";
Vortrag: Polymer Meeting 14, Graz; 30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021; in: "Polymer Meeting 14 Book of Abstracts", Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, (2021), ISBN: 978-3-85125-844-8; S. 62.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, B. Podesser, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Reconciling Contradicting Properties: Strong Biodegradable Thermoplastic Polyurethanes for Electrospun Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts";
Vortrag: 11th World Biomaterials Congress, Hampshire, United Kingdom, online; 11.12.2020 - 15.12.2020; in: "11th World Biomaterials Congress", 11th World Biomaterials Congress, (2020), S. 1.
S. Baudis:
"3D Druck von Knochen";
Vortrag: University meets Public (VHS), Wien; 12.11.2020; in: "SCIENCE - das Wissenschaftsprogramm der VHS; Welche Wirkstoffe haben Zukunft?", (2020), S. 49.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, H. Schima, S. Baudis, R. Liska, B. Podesser, H. Bergmeister:
"Bottom-up design of materials boosts long term performance of small-diameter biodegradable vascular prostheses: an in-vivo proof";
Vortrag: 55th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research, Innsbruck, online; 10.12.2020 - 11.12.2020; in: "ESSR 2020", (2020), S. 1.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, P. Gauss, M. Mitterbauer, R. Liska:
"Latest Photoinitiator Developments";
Vortrag: 12th European Coatings Show 2019, Nürnberg; 19.04.2019 - 21.04.2019; in: "European Coatings Show Journal 2019", European Coatings Journal 2019, 03 (2019), S. 90.
B. Dellago, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Acetal Moieties as Biodegradable Functionality in Photopolymers for Bone Regeneration";
Vortrag: VSS 2019 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 13.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "Tagungsband_VSS2019_1906042202", (2019), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0; S. 120 - 121.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, G. Peer, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Insight into microstructure of photopolymers by means of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS)";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 405.
P. Knaack, C. Schnöll:
"Frontal polymerization: An innovative technology for efficient curing of epoxy resins";
Vortrag: 12th European Coatings Show 2019, Nürnberg; 19.04.2019 - 21.04.2019; in: "12th European Coatings Show 2019", European Coatings Journal 2019, 03 (2019), S. 97.
A.D. Tran, P. Knaack, N. Klikovits, R. Liska:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxy System";
Vortrag: VSS 2019 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 13.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "Tagungsband_VSS2019_1906042202", (2019), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0; S. 202 - 203.
D. Ret, C. Siedler, S. Knaus:
"Cystamine modified glucuronic acid - an efficient tool to solve the problem of a correct DS determination of crosslinkable thiolated polysaccharides";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 239.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, O.G. Andriotis, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, P.J. Thurner, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Micromechanical Analysis Of Photolabile Hydrogels Micropatterned By Multiphoton Lithography";
Vortrag: 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Vienna; 07.07.2019 - 10.07.2019; in: "Book of Abstracts of the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics", TU Verlag, (2019), ISBN: 978-3-903024-96-0; S. 32.
N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Novel photopolymers by UV-induced Cationic Ring Opening Polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2019, München, Deutschland; 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019; in: "RadTech Europe 2019", (2019), S. 51.
Y. Mete, A. Tran, N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"UV-Induced Bulk Curing of Epoxy Composites";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2019, München, Deutschland; 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019; in: "RadTech Europe 2019", (2019), S. 11.
Y. Mete, A. Tran, N. Klikovits, D. Bomze, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Cationic Photopolymerization - Innovative Photoinitiators and their application for Bio-based Monomers and Frontal Polymerization";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 114.
G. Peer, A. Eibel, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Network regulation of dimethacrylates via ester-activated vinyl ethers";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2019, München, Deutschland; 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019; in: "Radtech Europe 2019", (2019), S. 68.
S. Schörpf, Y. Catel, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Shrinkage stress reduction of polymerizing networksvia combination of vinylcyclopropanes withaddition fragmentation chain transfer";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2019, München, Deutschland; 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019; in: "RadTech Europe 2019", (2019), S. 70.
S. Baudis:
"Additive Manufactured Polymer-based Biomaterials";
Vortrag: Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine 2019, Aalto, Finland (eingeladen); 05.06.2019 - 07.06.2019; in: "Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine 2019", (2019), S. 12.
R. Taschner, P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"α-Ketoesters as non-aromatic photoinitiators for radical polymerization of (meth)acrylates";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2019, München, Deutschland; 15.10.2019 - 16.10.2019; in: "RadTech Europe 2019", (2019), S. 62.
A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, P. Steinbauer, S. Baudis, C. Dworak, P.J. Thurner:
"Experimental Mechanics of Individual Collagen Molecules";
Vortrag: 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Vienna; 07.07.2019 - 10.07.2019; in: "Book of Abstracts of the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics", TU Verlag, (2019), ISBN: 978-3-903024-96-0; S. 132.
F. Gantner, P. Gruber, M. Lunzer, W. Steiger, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fabrication Of High-Volume 3d 2-Photon Polymerizationmicrostructures";
Vortrag: Vienna young Scientists Symposium VSS 2019, Wien; 13.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "Vienna young Scientists Symposium", K. Ehrmann, H. R. Mansouri Khosravi et al. (Hrg.); (2019), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0; S. 118 - 119.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, K Podesser, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Modular Design Principle for Personalized Artificial Vascular Grafts with Tunable Mechanical Properties and Degradation Speeds";
Vortrag: Termis Eu 2019, Rhodes, Greece; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Termis EU 2019", (2019), S. 1112.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, P.J. Thurner, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Adhesion Forces of selected Bone-binding Motifs determined via Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: Termis Eu 2019, Rhodes, Greece; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Termis Eu 2019", (2019), S. 1248.
S. Baudis:
"Medical Devices based on Additive Manufactured Biomaterials";
Vortrag: 18. Österreichische Chemietage, Linz; 24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019; in: "18. Österreichische Chemietage", (2019), S. 26.
D. Grunenberg:
"Herstellung von Kunststoffbauteilen in Minuten statt Tagen - CURRATEC";
Vortrag: 43. Symposium für Segelflugzeugentwicklung, Braunschweig; 21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019; in: "43. Symposium für Segelflugzeugentwicklung", (2019), S. 8.
S. Helfert, J. Hellmeier, E. Sevcsik, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Tailor-made biointerfaces on oxidic substrates via polymer brushes";
Vortrag: Termis Eu 2019, Rhodes, Greece; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Termis EU 2019", (2019), S. 1338.
S. Keck, O. Liske, C. Gorsche, B. Steyrer, S. Baudis, S. Knaus:
"Lignin - alternative renewable resource for 3D printing based on photopolymers";
Vortrag: 18. Österreichische Chemietage, Linz; 24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019; in: "18. Österreichische Chemietage", (2019), S. 26.
M. Mitterbauer:
"Neuartiges Epoxidharz mit Selbsthärtungstechnologie für den industriellen Einsatz";
Vortrag: Hannover Messe 2019, Hannover; 01.04.2019 - 05.04.2019; in: "Hannover Messe 2019", (2019), S. 77.
A. Tran, P. Knaack, N. Klikovits, R. Liska:
"Radical induced cationic frontal polymerizationfor epoxy-composites";
Vortrag: ICCST 12th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, Sorrento, Italy; 08.05.2019 - 10.05.2019; in: "ICCST 12th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology", (2019), S. 53.
M. Mitterbauer, D. Bomze, N. Klikovits, A. Tran, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"A novel cationic photoinitiator and its application in frontal polymerization";
Vortrag: International Symposium of Photopolymer Science 2018, Wuxi, China; 23.04.2018 - 25.04.2018; in: "ISPS 2018", International Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. 18.
G. Peer, T. Koch, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"New monomers for photopolymerization based on radical cyclopolymerization";
Vortrag: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. 13.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, S. Baudis, P.J. Thurner, R. Liska:
"Raft Polymers as Adhesion Motifs for Bone Glue Applications";
Vortrag: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 108 - 109.
D. Ret, G. Mihlaç, S. Gentilini, S. Knaus:
"Chemical characterization of hyaluronan derivatives (influence of proton mobility on accuracy of DS determination by NMR spectroscopy)";
Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry, 3rd International Conference on Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry; Prague; 22.10.2018 - 23.10.2018; in: "3rd International Conference on Biopolymers & Polymer Chemistry", (2018), S. 3.
S. Helfert, J. Hellmeier, E. Sevcsik, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Tailor-made Polymer Interfaces - Surfaces on Demand";
Vortrag: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 84 - 85.
E. Zerobin, W. Steiger, M. Markovic, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Molecular Design Towards Novel Photo-Initiators with Increased Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section";
Vortrag: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 106 - 107.
K. Ehrmann, K. Seidler, P. Potzmann, C. Dworak, T. Koch, H. Bergmeister, C. Grasl, H. Schima, R. Liska, K Podesser, S. Baudis:
"Thermopastic Polyurethanes and their Application as Electrospun Biodegradable Soft Tissue Medical Prosthesis";
Vortrag: VSS 2018 - Vienna Young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 07.06.2018 - 08.06.2018; in: "VSS 2018", Book-of-Abstracts.com, (2018), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; S. 110 - 111.
W. Steiger, P. Gruber, M. Tromayer, A. Dobos, M. Lunzer, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fully automated z-scan setup based on a tunable fs-oscillator";
Vortrag: SPIE Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, USA; 29.01.2018 - 30.01.2018; in: "Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 10492", SPI Digital Library, 1049203 (2018).
A. Dobos, P. Gruber, M. Tromayer, W. Steiger, J. Van Hoorick, S. van Vlierberghe, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser-based 3D printing of hydrogels: a versatille appoach for accurate 3D cellular modles";
Vortrag: TERMIS World Congress 2018, Kyoto; 04.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "Abstract Book", (2018), S. 261.
R. Liska:
"Advanced photoinitiators for coatings, biomaterials and 3D printing";
Vortrag: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France (eingeladen); 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. 9.
S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, F. Reinauer, A. Aksu, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"PCL based toughness enhancers for photopolymer based bone substitutes";
Vortrag: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. 10.
M. Sangermano, R. Liska, N. Klikovits:
"Successful UV-​Curing of epoxy composites";
Vortrag: 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, United States; 18.03.2018 - 22.03.2018; in: "255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition", American Chemical Society Washington, D. C, (2018), S. POLY-40.
S. Schörpf, Y. Catel, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Reduction of polymerization-induced shrinkage stress via combination of radical ring opening and addition fragmentation chain transfer";
Vortrag: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. 13.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis:
"Adhesion motifs for bone glue applications";
Vortrag: Austrian Bone Conference - ABC 2018, Wien; 23.11.2018 - 24.11.2018; in: "Austrian Bone Conference - ABC 2018", Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift; Springer-Verlag Austria, November 2018, Volume 168, Supplement 2 (2018), ISSN: 0043-5341; S. 454.
S. Helfert, C. Dworak, E. Sevcsik, H. Peterlik, D. Ret, M. Sauer, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Linker Systems for Cell Studies";
Vortrag: Bypos Workshop 2017, Zemplínská Sírava, Slovakia; 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017; in: "Bypos Workshop Book 2017", (2017), S. 29.
S. Stanic, S. Baudis, M. Schwentenwein, R. Liska:
"3D printing of filled hydrogels as ceramic precursors and biocomposites";
Vortrag: Bypos Workshop 2017, Zemplínská Sírava, Slovakia; 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017; in: "Bypos Workshop Book 2017", (2017), S. 31.
D. Ret, G. Mihlaç, S. Gentilini, S. Knaus:
"Proton Mobility of Hyaluronan and Derivatives in Solution";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-76.
O. Liske, P. Dorfinger, R. Gmeiner, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"UV curable materials for 3D printing based on renewable resources";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 71.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Two-Photon Initiator Development and Hydrogel Networks Based on Hyaluronic Acid";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-32.
S. Baudis, E. Zerobin, M. Lunzer, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Microfabricated Biocompatible Hydrogels";
Vortrag: VSS 2017 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium, Wien; 01.06.2017 - 02.06.2017; in: "VSS 2017", (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-5-2; S. 11.
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Micropatterning of Hydrogels by Sensitized Two-Photon Cleavage of o-Nitrobenzyl Crosslinkages";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-33.
K. Seidler, P. Gauss, M. Kury, G. Harakaly, M. Griesser, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tough and low shrinkage photopolymers";
Vortrag: European Coatings Show and Conference 2017, Nürnberg (eingeladen); 02.04.2017 - 06.04.2017; in: "European Coatings Journal 04-2017", Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG, Hannover (Deutschland), 04/2017 (2017), ISSN: 0930-3847; S. 96.
M. Lunzer, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, D. Ossipov, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Advances in Two-Photon Initiation Based 3D Printing for Biological Applications";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech EuropeConference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 40.
B. Steyrer, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Thermoplasts as Toughening Agent for 3D-Printable Photopolymers";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017 DVSPM", Book-of-Abstracts.com, Gumpoldskirchen-Austria (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-4.
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time Monitoring of Photopolymerization Reactions via NIR/MIR-Photorheology";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-72.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Progress in Cationic Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: European Coatings Show and Conference 2017, Nürnberg; 02.04.2017 - 06.04.2017; in: "European Coatings Journal 04-2017", Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG, Hannover (Deutschland), 04/2017 (2017), ISSN: 0930-3847; S. 102.
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"In situ investigation of photopolymerization reactions via real time-NIR/MIR-photorheology";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 11.
W. Steiger, P. Gruber, M. Tromayer, M. Lunzer, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fully Automated Z-scan Setup Based on a Tunable FS-Oscillator";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting", (2017), S. OP-102.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, M. Selvek, T. Koch, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Free Volume Study of Dimethacrylates by PALS";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-73.
S. Baudis:
"Lithography-based 3D printing of biocompatible polymers";
Vortrag: CEITEC PhD RETREAT II, Telč (eingeladen); 20.04.2017 - 21.04.2017; in: "CEITEC PhD RETREAT II", Masaryk University, Brünn, Tschechien, II (2017), ISBN: 978-80-210-8550-3; S. 14 - 15.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, W. Kern, R. Liska:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization of Epoxy Resins";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-86.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, N. Klikovits, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"New cationic Initiators and Frontal Polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 41.
M. Kury, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Modification of (Meth)Acrylate-Based Photopolymer Networks Using Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Reagents";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-90.
M. Kury, K. Seidler, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Toughening of photopolymer Networks using Addition-fragmentation chain transfer Reagents";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "Rad Tech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 13.
S. Baudis, E. Zerobin, M. Lunzer, M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Controlling the Micro-Environment of Cells by Exploitation of Macromolecular Photochemistry";
Vortrag: 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Ghent; 21.05.2017 - 25.05.2017; in: "Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering", (2017), S. 91.
S. Baudis, E. Zerobin, M. Lunzer, M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Macromolecular Photochemistry: A Toolbox to Control the Micro-Environment of Cells";
Vortrag: 17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017, Salzburg; 25.09.2017 - 28.09.2017; in: "17. Österreichische Chemietage 2017", (2017), S. OP-29.
J. Steindl, A. Svirkova, T. Koch, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Regulated Photopolymer Networks via Silane-Acrylate Chemistry";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-3.
J. Steindl, A. Svirkova, T. Koch, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Silanes as promising chain transfer agents for radical photopolymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 15.
Y. Mete, P. Knaack, M. Schwentenwein, B. Strehmel, R. Liska:
"NIR-Initiated Photopolymerisation in Filled Systems";
Vortrag: Bypos Workshop 2017, Zemplínská Sírava, Slovakia; 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017; in: "Bypos Workshop Book 2017", book of abstracts, (2017), S. 57.
S. Baudis:
"3D Printing of Advanced Photopolymers in Tissue Engineering";
Vortrag: ESAO and IFAO 2017, Wien (eingeladen); 05.09.2017 - 09.09.2017; in: "Abstract Book ESAO and IFAO 2017", The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 40/8/Cheshire UK (2017), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 30.
C. Schnöll, C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Debonding on demand: irreversible approach via thermally induced gas formation & network regulation";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 51.
C. Schnöll, C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Introducing Highly Crosslinked Photopolymers with Debonding on Demand Properties";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-6.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Newly Developed Hydrogel Precursors and Two-Photon Initiators Based on Hyaluronic Acid";
Vortrag: AMBA 2017, Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications, Ghent, Belgium; 27.09.2017 - 29.09.2017; in: "AMBA 2017, Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications", (2017), S. 62.
O. Liske, P. Dorfinger, R. Gmeiner, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Modification of Wheat Straw Soda Lignin for Light-Induced Radical Polymerization Process";
Vortrag: Bypos Workshop 2017, Zemplínská Sírava, Slovakia; 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017; in: "Bypos Workshop Book 2017", (2017), S. 55.
S. Helfert, C. Dworak, E. Sevcsik, H. Peterlik, M. Sauer, D. Ret, R. Liska:
"Design and Synthesis of Tailor-made Nanostructured Polymer Biointerfaces";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-11.
S. Orman, C. Gorsche, C. Hofstetter, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers with Improved Impact Resistance for Additive Manufacturing";
Vortrag: Bypos Workshop 2017, Zemplínská Sírava, Slovakia; 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017; in: "Bypos Workshop Book 2017", (2017), S. 53.
N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Novel photoacid generator for cationic photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-87.
S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D Printed Biocompatible Polymers";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-30.
D. Ret, G. Mihlaç, S. Gentilini, S. Knaus:
"Influence of Conformation of Hyaluronan in Solution on NMR Proton Mobility";
Vortrag: XXII. Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, Bratislava; 06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "BIMac 2016 Programme Book and Book of Absracts", (2016), ISBN: 978-80-89841-01-1; S. 12.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Innovative upcycling of polypropylene";
Vortrag: Polymertec16, Merseburg; 14.06.2016 - 17.06.2016; in: "Polymertec16", (2016), S. 28.
C. Gorsche, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, M. Griesser, I. Krossing, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Toughening of Radical Photopolymer Networks and Advances in Cationic Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Noblelight UV Technical Seminar 2016, Tokio; 22.04.2016; in: "21st Noblelight UV Technical Seminar", 21st Noblelight UV Technical Seminar-proceedings, (2016), S. 05.
P. Gauss, K. Seidler, H. Reghunathan, M. Kury, A. Svirkova, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Tailored Photopolymer Networks Using Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer";
Vortrag: XXII. Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, Bratislava; 06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "BIMac 2016 Programme Book and Book of Abstracts", (2016), ISBN: 978-80-89841-01-1; S. 12.
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, J. Hilborn, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Promoted two-photon induced cleavage of o-nitrobenzyl linkages in a hyaluronic acid based hydrogel by a two-photon initiator";
Vortrag: TERMIS-EU 2016 conference, Uppsala, Sweden; 28.06.2016 - 01.07.2016; in: "TERMIS-EU 2016 Conference", European Cells&Materials Journal, Vol. 31. Suppl. 1, 2016 (2016), ISSN: 1473-2262; S. 42.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, S Mühleder, J. Van Hoorick, K. Hölzl, W Holnthoner, H. Redl, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, S. Van Vlierberghe, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser photofabrication of 3D hydrogel structures within microfluidic channels";
Vortrag: International Conference on Biofabrication 2016, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA; 29.10.2016 - 31.10.2016; in: "Biofabrication 2016", elsevier, (2016), S. OP-16.
J. Stampfl, P. Dorfinger, R. Gmeiner, R. Liska:
"Materials development for lithography-based 3D-printing";
Vortrag: Makromolekulares Kolloquium, Freiburg; 24.02.2016 - 26.02.2016; in: "Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics", Wiley-VCH, 2 (2016), S. 90.
E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Micro fabrication of hydrogels based on hyaluronic acid";
Vortrag: 6th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop, High Tatras, Slovakia; 14.03.2016 - 18.03.2016; in: "BYPoS Workshop book", book of abstracts, (2016), ISBN: 978-80-970923-8-2; S. 107.
R. Liska:
"Advanced techniques for Photocuring of Hydrogels";
Vortrag: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig (eingeladen); 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. IL-3.
M. Mitterbauer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Synthesis of novel si-based long wavelength photoinitiators for dental applications";
Vortrag: 6th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop, High Tatras, Slovakia; 14.03.2016 - 18.03.2016; in: "BYPoS Workshop book", book of abstracts, (2016), ISBN: 978-80-970923-8-2; S. 71.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, H. Reghunathan, P. Gauss, M. Kury, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Addition fragmentation chain transfer: Enriching the field of photopolymer applications";
Vortrag: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. O-7.
M. Kury, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, T. Koch, R. Liska:
"Addition-fragmentation chain transfer reagents in photopolymerisation of methacrylic monomers";
Vortrag: 6th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop, High Tatras, Slovakia; 14.03.2016 - 18.03.2016; in: "BYPoS Workshop book", book of abstracts, (2016), ISBN: 978-80-970923-8-2; S. 95.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Advances in Cationic Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. O-9.
C. Dworak, M. Schachner:
"Building well defined Macromolecular Architectures by RAFT Polymerization";
Vortrag: VSS 2015, Vienna; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", Richard Zemann, (2015), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-0-7; S. 138 - 139.
D. Bomze, P. Knaack, W. Kern, R. Liska:
"Cationic frontal polymerization for the production of electrical insulating materials";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 62.
M. Schachner, C. Dworak:
"Synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers via a vombination of raft polymerization and rop";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 66.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, M. Griesser, T. Koch, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Efficient tuning of (meth)acrylate polymer network architecture for 3D Printing";
Vortrag: P2M Lacanau, Lacanau (eingeladen); 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015; in: "Abstracts", (2015).
P. Gauss, C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tuning β-allyl sulfones as chan transfer agents in dimethacrylic photopolymers";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 69.
J. Stampfl, J. Homa, R. Liska:
"Lithography based Additive Manufacturing - Materials and Processes";
Vortrag: ChinaNANO 2015, Beijing; 03.09.2015 - 05.09.2015; in: "The 6th International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology", (2015), S. 179.
P. Dorfinger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Toughening of Photopolymers for SLA";
Vortrag: 20. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde 2015, Wien; 01.07.2015 - 03.07.2015; in: "20th Symposium on Composites", Materials Science Forum, Volumes 825-826 (2015), ISBN: 978-3-03835-515-1; S. 53 - 59.
Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, P. Gauss, R. Liska:
"3D Printing of biocompatible hydrogels";
Vortrag: 79PMM, Prague; 28.06.2015 - 02.07.2015; in: "79th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules", (2015), ISBN: 978-80-85009-82-8.
P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Postmodification of epoxyfunctionalized polyolefines";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 29.
S. Benedikt, J. Wang, M. Markovic, N. Moszner, K. Dietliker, A. Ovsianikov, H. Grützmacher, K. Hölzl, R. Liska:
"Highly Efficient Cleavable Photoinitiators for Visible Light curing of Aqueous Formulations";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 18.
D. Ret, S. Knaus:
"Determination of the Degree of Substitution in Hyaluronic Acid Derivatives";
Vortrag: International Symposium on Frontiers In Biomedical Polymers (FBPS), Riva del Garda; 08.07.2015 - 11.07.2015; in: "Symposium Proceedings", (2015), S. 41.
P. Potzmann, S. Baudis, C. Dworak, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, R. Liska:
"Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers";
Vortrag: 79PMM, Prague; 28.06.2015 - 02.07.2015; in: "79th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules", (2015), ISBN: 978-80-85009-82-8.
S. Orman, B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, R. Liska:
"Biocompativle photopolymer composites for potential bon replacements";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 22.
D. Bomze, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Cationic Frontal Polymerization for curing of epoxide resins";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 38.
M. Schachner, C. Dworak:
"Synthesis and characterization of shell crosslinked micelles prepared from RAFT generated amphiphilic blockcopolymers";
Vortrag: International Symposium on Frontiers In Biomedical Polymers (FBPS), Riva del Garda; 08.07.2015 - 11.07.2015; in: "Symposium Proceedings", (2015), S. 44.
D. Ret, H. Peterlik, S. Knaus:
"Structure of hyaluronan in organic solution";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 74.
P. Gauss, C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Basic Investigation of Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer Agents in Photopolymerization of Methacrylic Monomers";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 16.
K. Seidler, C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"The influence of addition-fragmentation-chain-transfer on mechanical properties of methacrylate networks";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 65.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, G. Harakaly, M. Griesser, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tough And Low Shrinkage Photopolymers For 3d-Printing";
Vortrag: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"New photoacid generator for cationic photopolymerisation";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 63.
H. Svajdlenková, O. Sausa, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Micro structural pals study of dimethacrylate networks";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 75.
C. Gorsche, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: providing A triangle for material design, Biomaterials, and 3D printing";
Vortrag: VSS 2015, Vienna; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", Richard Zemann, (2015), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-0-7; S. 138 - 139.
C. Gorsche, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: A powerful technique for the fabrication and 3D printing of biomaterials";
Vortrag: ISBPPB 2015, Orlando (eingeladen); 08.07.2015 - 10.07.2015; in: "Abstracts", (2015).
P. Potzmann, F. Lopez Villanueva, R. Liska:
"UV Initiated Bubble Free Frontal Polymerization in Aqueos Conditions";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 36.
Z. Tomasikova, B. Husar, X.H. Qin, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Hyaluronic acid based hydrogels for two photon lithography";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 59.
S. Benedikt, A. Gugg, U. Fischer, B. Ganster, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New Photopolymers in digital and restorative dentistry";
Vortrag: VSS 2015, Vienna; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", Richard Zemann, (2015), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-0-7; S. 122 - 123.
K. Seidler, C. Gorsche, M. Kury, H. Reghunathan, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Toughening of Methacrylate Networks through Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 17.
S. Benedikt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Benzoyl pheyltelluride as highly reactive terp-reagent for visible light induced controlled radical polymerization";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 127.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Rigid Polyurethane Foams from Tailored Lignin Polyols";
Vortrag: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 57.
M. Tromayer:
"Advances in Two-Photon Initiated Photopolymerization for Tissue Engineering Applications";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 48.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Chemical modification of polypropylene post-consumer waste by reactive extrusion as an innovative upocycling process";
Vortrag: Polymer Processing Society Conference 2015, Graz; 21.09.2015 - 25.09.2015; in: "Regional Conference Polymer Processing Society Graz 2015", Graz (2015), S. 333.
A. Mautner, S. Ligon, B. Husar, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl Esters With Improved Reactivity And Toughness";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", A. Mautner, S. Ligon, B. Husar, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska (Hrg.); (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 71.
X.H. Qin, Z. Tomasikova, P. Gruber, B. Plochberger, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-Photon Microfabrication Of Biomimetic Hydrogel Constructs For Tissue Regeneration";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 129.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser photofabrication of 3D cell-containing hydrogel constructs";
Vortrag: ICB 2014, Pohang, S. Korea; 28.09.2014 - 01.10.2014; in: "International Conference on Biofabrication", (2014).
R. Liska:
"Advanced Applications of Photopolymerization: 3D Printing of Biomaterials";
Vortrag: 24. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry, Köln (eingeladen); 29.09.2014 - 01.10.2014; in: "24. Lecture Conference of Photochemistry", (2014), S. 50.
S. Benedikt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New And Highly Reactive Visible Light Photoiniferter: Benzoyl Phenyltelluride";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 76.
D. Bomze, B. Husar, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel low-toxic poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogels for tissue engineering via thiol-ene crosslinking";
Vortrag: 5th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop BYPoS, Zázrivá; 16.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "BYPoS workshop book", book of abstracts, (2014), ISBN: 978-80-970923-5-1; S. 57.
D. Bomze, B. Husar, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel Low-Toxic Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Based Hydrogels For Tissue Engineering Via Thiol-Ene Crosslinking";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 132.
Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, B. Husar, P. Gruber, B. Plochberger, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon polymerisation of hyaluronic acid-based hydrogels for tissue engineering";
Vortrag: 5th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop BYPoS, Zázrivá; 16.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "BYPoS workshop book", book of abstracts, (2014), ISBN: 978-80-970923-5-1; S. 91.
C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Allyl Sulfone / Dimethacrylate Networks: Homogeneous And Tough Photopolymer Networks For Biomedical Applications";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 73.
S. Fröhlich, M. Strobl, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska, M. Marchetti-Deschmann:
"In vivo protein and lipid adsorption on vascular replacement systems studied by mass spectrometry imaging";
Vortrag: 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference, Vienna University of Teechnology (eingeladen); 30.06.2014 - 04.07.2014; in: "Abstractbook", M. Marchetti-Deschmann, G. Allmaier (Hrg.); (2014).
N. Zwirchmayr, P. Potzmann, C. Grasl, T. Koch, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska:
"Segmented linear thermoplastic urethane elastomers with novel building blocks for electrospinning of vascular grafts";
Vortrag: 5th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists Workshop BYPoS, Zázrivá; 16.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "BYPoS workshop book", book of abstracts, (2014), ISBN: 978-80-970923-5-1; S. 93.
M. Griesser, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Mechanistic Investigations Of Chain Transfer Reagents";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 112.
S. Fröhlich, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska, M. Marchetti-Deschmann:
"Protein and lipid adsorption on vascular replacement systems studied by mass spectrometry imaging";
Vortrag: OurCon II Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference, Antalya, Turkey; 18.11.2014 - 21.11.2014; in: "Abstract Book", (2014), S. 55.
B. Husar, C. Gorsche, X.H. Qin, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Monitoring Of Uv-Curing By Real Time Ftir - Photorheology";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 108.
X.H. Qin, S. Mühleder, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D construction of artifical ECM hydrogels by two-photon-induced polymerization";
Vortrag: Advances in Tissue Regeneration 2013, Lattrop; 14.11.2013 - 15.11.2013; in: "Advances in Tissue Regeneration 2013", (2013).
M. Schachner, S. Benedikt, C. Dworak, H. Gruber, B. Kapeller, K. Macfelda:
"Shell crosslinked micelles from RAFT generated amphiphilic block copolymers";
Vortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 35 - 36.
M. Tromayer, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel Highly Efficient Initiators For Two-Photon Induced Photopolimerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 40.
P. Knaack, X. Meng, S. Knaus:
"Preparation and characterization of NIR-absorbing polyolefins";
Vortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 21.
B. Husar, A. Samusjew, A. Mautner, C. Heller, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller:
"Bone replacement material based on low toxic alternatives to meth(acrylates)";
Vortrag: Perviy Natzionalniy Kongress Po Regenerativnoy Meditzine, Moskau (eingeladen); 04.12.2013 - 06.12.2013; in: "Materialy Kongressa / Материалы Конгресса / Congress Materials", MEDI Ekspo, (2013), ISBN: 978-5-906484-05-5; S. 3.
P. Potzmann, K. Seidler, S. Ligon, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, B. Messner, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, R. Liska:
"Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers derived from new building blocks for vascular tissue engineering";
Vortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 37 - 38.
X.H. Qin, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, H. Redl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon microfabrication of artificial ECM hydrogel via thiol-ene chemistry";
Vortrag: 19th Swiss Conference on Biomaterials, Davos; 25.06.2013 - 26.06.2013; in: "Program & Abstract", D. Eglin, M. D´Este, D. Schraner (Hrg.); (2013), S. 19.
S. Ligon, M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Photocurable Poly-AMPS-Based Proton Exchange Membranes For Fuel Cells";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 88.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl Carbonates and Vinyl Esters: From Synthesis to In Vivo Testing of Bone Replacement Material";
Vortrag: 25th European Conference on Biomaterials, Madrid; 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013; in: "Book of contributions", (2013), ISBN: 978-84-695-7831-5.
A. Ovsianikov, K. Haslinger, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, P. Gruber, J. Torgersen, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Laser microfabrication of 3D CAD structures from photosensitive hydrogel precursors";
Vortrag: International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore; 30.06.2013 - 05.07.2013; in: "ICMAT 2013 - 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies", (2013), S. 218.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, P. Esfandiari, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Low toxic alternatives to (meth)acrylates: Vinyl esters, vinyl carbonates, and vinyl carbamates";
Vortrag: RadTech Asia 2013, Shanghai; 20.05.2013 - 24.05.2013; in: "Guide Book", (2013).
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, J. Torgersen, R. Liska:
"An overview of anti-oxygen inhibition strategies for LED-based wood coatings";
Vortrag: RadTech Asia 2013, Shanghai; 20.05.2013 - 24.05.2013; in: "Guide Book", (2013).
X.H. Qin, B. Husar, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Gelatin/Albumin-Based Hydrogels Scaffolds By Two-Photon Polymerization";
Vortrag: TERMIS-EU 2013, Istanbul; 17.06.2013 - 20.06.2013; in: "Abstracts", (2013), S. 195.
X.H. Qin, P. Esfandiari, S. Ligon, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Storage Stable Thiol-Ene Formulations and advances applications thereof";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel (eingeladen); 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 14.
K. Fohringer, M. Dukic, K. Schuler, V. Winmer, I. Eberhard, S. Knaus:
"Photochemical engineering of polypropylene surfaces";
Vortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 112 - 114.
M. Griesser, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Elucidating Reaction Mechanisms of Photoinitiators by Magnetic Resonance";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 36.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Lignin Polyols for Rigid Polyurethane Foam Synthesis";
Vortrag: 21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society, Warwick; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013; in: "21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2013), S. 58 - 59.
K. Wallisch, D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Lignin polyols - renewable resin compounds";
Vortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled; 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 26 - 27.
R. Liska:
"Advanced Applications of Storage Stable Thiol-Ene Formulations";
Vortrag: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2013, Jackson Hole; 22.09.2013 - 25.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).
S. Gruber, G. Mitteramskogler, R. Felzmann, P. Tesavibul, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Generative Erzeugung von biokeramischen Bauteilen";
Vortrag: Rapid.Tech 2012, Erfurt; 08.05.2012 - 09.05.2012; in: "Fachmesse und Anwendertagung für Rapid-Technologie", (2012), ISBN: 978-3-932875-34-2; S. 88 (105).
M. Kellner, F. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"High Performance Proton Conducting Membranes for Fuel Cells made by Photopolymerization of Hydrolytically Stable Monomers";
Vortrag: Physical Chemistry 2012, Belgrade, Serbia; 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012; in: "Proceedings", (2012), S. 492 - 494.
X. Meng, S. Knaus:
"Influence of epoxy functionalized polypropylene as compatibilizer on the thermal and mechanical properties of blends of polypropylene/ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer";
Vortrag: 4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop, Bratislava; 01.10.2012 - 05.10.2012; in: "4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop", (2012), ISBN: 978-80-970923-2-0; S. 37.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, J. Torgersen, R. Liska:
"Assessing anti-oxygen inhibition strategies for LED-based wood coatings by FTIR";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012).
Z. Li, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"A facial preparation and structure property relationship of novel photoinitiators for two -photon photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop, Bratislava; 01.10.2012 - 05.10.2012; in: "4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop", (2012), ISBN: 978-80-970923-2-0; S. 83.
H. Wutzel, J. Kumpfmüller, K. Stadlmann, Z. Li, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Silicon-based waveguides via two-photon induced thiol-ene polymerization";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2012).
B. Husar, H. Hoffmann, S. Ligon, R. Liska, H. Wutzel:
"Assessment of effectiveness of various antioxygen inhibition strategies in LED curing";
Vortrag: PRA´s 8th International Woodcoatings Congress, Asterdam; 30.10.2012 - 31.10.2012; in: "Congress Papers", PRA Coatings Technology Centre, Hampton, Middlesex, UK (2012), ISBN: 978-0-9561357-3-5.
A. Ovsianikov, D. Dado-Rosenfeld, S. Nürnberger, S. Levenberg, H. Redl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Laser fabrication of multi-scale elastic 3D scaffolds";
Vortrag: 3rd TERMIS World Congress, Wien; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012; in: "Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine", Wiley, (2012), S. 366.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Novel crosslinkers for high performance poly-AMPS-based proton exchange membranes for fuel cells";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012).
Z. Li, X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Novel water soluble two-photon initiators for 3D scaffold microfabrication";
Vortrag: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "5th Vienna Biomaterialsymposium 19.11.-21.11.2012", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 95.
C. Gorsche, A. Gugg, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"UV-Initiated Frontal Polymerization for Dental Composites";
Vortrag: E-MRS 2012 FALL MEETING (European Materials research Society), Warschau; 17.09.2012 - 21.09.2012; in: "E-Mrs 2012 Fall Meeting", (2012).
M. Susec, S. Ligon, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Photostructured Microcellular Polyesters from High Internal Phase Emulsions";
Vortrag: EUPOC 2012 - Porous Polymer­Based Systems: From Design to Application, Gargnano, Italy; 03.06.2012 - 07.06.2012; in: "EUPOC 2012 - Porous Polymer­Based Systems: From Design to Application", (2012), S. 9.
J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, K. Cicha, Z. Li, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Biocompatible Hydrogels for the Three-dimensional Micro-fabrication of Extracellular Environments";
Vortrag: Bio-inspired Materials, Potsdam; 20.03.2012 - 23.03.2012; in: "Bio-inspired Materials International School and Conference on Biological Materials Science", DGM Programme, (2012), S. 20.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, A. Gugg, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner:
"Future Perspectives of photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 129.
C. Gorsche, R. Liska, S. Ligon, B. Husar, A. Mautner, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, G. Russmüller:
"A new Generation of low toxic Monomers for Additive Manufacturing Technology";
Vortrag: E-MRS 2012 FALL MEETING (European Materials research Society), Warschau; 17.09.2012 - 21.09.2012; in: "E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting", (2012).
A. Ovsianikov, S. Nürnberger, J. Torgersen, Z. Li, H. Redl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Fabrication of elastic 3D scaffolds by two-photon polymerization";
Vortrag: Materials Science and Engineering 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland; 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "MSE Programme", (2012), S. 37.
S. Ligon, S. Baudis, K. Seidler, C. Grasl, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska:
"Mechanically flexible and controllably degradable electrospun thermoplastic polyurethanes for vascular prostheses";
Vortrag: E-MRS 2012 FALL MEETING (European Materials research Society), Warschau; 17.09.2012 - 21.09.2012; in: "E-Mrs 2012 Fall Meeting", (2012).
J. Stampfl, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, S Mühleder, W Holnthoner, R. Liska:
"Photo-stimulation of low-toxicity biopolymers in additive manufacturing";
Vortrag: Materials Science and Engineering 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland; 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "MSE Programme", (2012), S. 22.
S. Gruber, R. Felzmann, G. Mitteramskogler, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Generation of ceramic parts via lithography-based AMT";
Vortrag: Materials Science and Engineering 2012, Darmstadt; 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "MSE Programme", (2012), S. 37.
C. Gorsche, A. Mautner, A. Gugg, X.H. Qin, N. Moszner, J. Stampfl, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, R. Liska:
"UV-Initiated Frontal Polymerization and Other New Advances in Radical Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 18th Fusion UV Seminar 2012, Osaka, Tokio (eingeladen); 21.02.2012 - 23.02.2012; in: "18th Fusion UV Seminar 2012 - Proceedings", (2012), S. 2-1.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, R. Liska, J. Matovic:
"Novel Crosslinker for Photopolymerization of Proton Conducting Fuel Cell Membranes";
Vortrag: 9th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture - 4M 2012, Wien; 09.10.2012 - 11.10.2012; in: "Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture", (2012), ISBN: 978-981-07-3353-7; S. 148.
S. Gruber, J. Torgersen, A. Neumeister, R. Felzmann, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Advanced Photopolymer-based Additive Manufacturing Systems Using High Performance Light Sources";
Vortrag: 7th International Symposium on Emerging and Industrial DLP® Applications, Frankfurt; 30.10.2012; in: "7th International Symposium on Emerging and Industrial DLP® Applications", (2012).
X.H. Qin, J. Torgersen, N.U Pucher, A. Mautner, Z. Li, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl:
"Multiphoton Fabrication of Protein Hydrogels in 3-dimensions via Thiol-ene Photo-click Reactions";
Vortrag: The 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, China; 01.06.2012 - 05.06.2012; in: "9th World Biomaterials Congress", (2012), S. 1.
A. Ovsianikov, F. Nehl, S. Baudis, B. Steyrer, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Microenvironments for the Generation of Bioartificial Tissues";
Vortrag: 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, Dublin; 04.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "24th European Conference on Biomaterials", (2011), S. 97.
M. Susec, S. Ligon, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Influence of initiator and solvent on porous structure of biocompatible polymers";
Vortrag: 2nd Conference on Applied Biocatalysis and 7th Meeting of Students and University Professors from Maribor and Zagreb, Maribor; 07.11.2011 - 08.11.2011; in: "Book of Abstracts", M. Leitgeb, M. Primozic (Hrg.); (2011).
H. Wutzel, M. Adelwöhrer, T. Verdianz, S. Knaus:
"Galactaric Acid Based Microspheres";
Vortrag: 19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS), Wien; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-3-6; S. 13.
M. Schwentenwein, J. Stampfl, C. Heller, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, R. Liska:
"3D-Structuring of Poly(vinyl alcohol)-based Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Termis Eu 2011, Granada, E; 07.06.2011 - 10.06.2011; in: "TERMIS EU 2011 Annual Meeting", (2011).
R. Liska, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, G. Russmüller:
"Low toxic monomers based on vinylesters and carbonates for additive manufacturing technology";
Vortrag: Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers 2011, Funchal, P; 09.05.2011 - 12.05.2011; in: "Ninth International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers", (2011), S. 47.
C. Gorsche, A. Gugg, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"UV-initiated frontal polymerization with peracrylates";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011).
H. Wutzel, H. Klok:
"Nanogels via RAFT-polymerization in inverse emulsions";
Vortrag: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 58.
L. Nguyen Pham Duy, S. Knaus:
"Evaluation of Glycidyl Methacrylate Grafted PP as Compatibilizer for PP/EVOH Blends";
Vortrag: Advances in polymer science and technology 2011, Linz, A; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2011).
A. Mautner, X.H. Qin, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Efficient curing of vinyl esters and vinyl carbonates by thiol-ene polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011).
M. Susec, S. Ligon, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Preparation of biocompatible porous polymers from multifunctional acrylates";
Vortrag: 1st International Workshop of CoE PoliMat, Ljubljana; 01.12.2011 - 02.12.2011; in: "Contributions to the working session with the international scientific council", (2011), S. 45 - 47.
R. Liska, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, S. Ligon, A. Mautner, A. Gugg, Z. Li, C. Gorsche, N.U Pucher, J. Torgersen, F. Nehl, H. Bergmeister, K. Macfelda, T. Koch, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl:
"3D-Printing of Advanced Biomaterials by Additive Manufacturing Technologies";
Vortrag: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR (eingeladen); 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 101.
M. Schwentenwein, F. Nehl, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photoelastomers based on thiol-ene polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 90.
R. Liska, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, G. Russmüller:
"Printing of a New Generation of Low Toxicity Polymers by Additive Manufacturing Technology for Bone Tissue Engineering";
Vortrag: 4th Joint ESAO IFAO Congress, Porto, P; 09.10.2011 - 12.10.2011; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Editore, Milano (2011), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 634.
S. Ligon, J. Kumpfmüller, Z. Li, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, A. Ovsianikov, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Rosspeintner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Real 3D writing by two photon induced polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 78.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3d-Fabrication Of Biodegradable Poly(vinyl Alcohol)-Based";
Vortrag: 19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS), Wien; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-3-6; S. OP-10.
S. Ligon, S. Baudis, K. Seidler, C. Grasl, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, D. Bernhard, R. Liska:
"Assessment of Aliphatic Thermoplastic Polyurethanes for Narrow Diameter Vascular Grafts";
Vortrag: 4th Joint ESAO IFAO Congress, Porto, P; 09.10.2011 - 12.10.2011; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Editore, Milano (2011), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 645.
K. Cicha, Z. Li, A. Mautner, K. Stadlmann, J. Torgersen, N.U Pucher, R. Markut-Kohl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Fabrication and evaluation of 3D-micro-structures produced using two-photon-induced photopolymerization (TPIP or 2PP) by means of optical assessment and FTIR-spectroscopy";
Vortrag: Euromat 2011, Montpellier, France; 12.09.2011 - 15.09.2011; in: "Conference Proceeding Euromat 2011", (2011), S. 0453.
A. Wilke, S. Baudis, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, F. Nehl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Additive Manufactured Photoelastomers as Tailor-made Biomaterials for Vascular Tissue Restoration";
Vortrag: Euromat 2011, Montpellier; 12.09.2011 - 15.09.2011; in: "Euromat 2011 Montpellier", (2011), S. 0264-1-1.
J. Kumpfmüller, K. Stadlmann, Z. Li, G. Schmid, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon-induced microfabrication of flexible optical waveguides";
Vortrag: The 12th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Takamatsu, J; 07.06.2011 - 10.06.2011; in: "Program and Technical Digest (LPM2011)", (2011), S. 104.
A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"3D photofabrication by femtosecond laser pulses and its applications in biomedicine";
Vortrag: 4th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science FemtoMat & Nano and Photonics, Mauterndorf; 14.03.2011 - 18.03.2011; in: "4th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science- Femto Mat", (2011), S. 4.
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Biocompatible Materials structured in-vivo using high-resolution AMT";
Vortrag: Euro Biomat, Jena; 13.04.2011 - 14.04.2011; in: "Euro Biomat - European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas", 22 (2011), S. 18.
M. Adelwöhrer, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Supports: Synthesis and Functionalization";
Vortrag: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 61.
S. Baudis, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Generativ gefertigte Photoelastomere als maßgeschneiderte Biomaterialien für vaskuläre Geweberegeneration";
Vortrag: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2010), S. 6.
G. Russmüller, R. Liska, D. Moser, J. Stampfl, C. Schopper, R. Ewers:
"Knochenregeneration mittels Photopolymeren - erste in-vivo-Ergebnisse";
Vortrag: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2010), S. 16.
C. Heller, X.H. Qin, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, F. Varga, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"3D-Photopolymere auf Basis vonPolyvinylalkohol: Von der Synthese zur in-vivo-Anwendung";
Vortrag: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2010), S. 3.
C. Dworak, T. Koch, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible phosphorus-containing Polymers for Radical Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 76 - 77.
M. Siklos, N.U Pucher, Z. Li, K. Cicha, A. Rosspeintner, A. Ajami, G. Gescheidt, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Structure optimization of novel initiators for two-photon polymerization (2PP) process";
Vortrag: 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, LPM 2010, Stuttgart, D; 07.06.2010 - 10.06.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010).
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"In Vivo Writing using Two-Photon-Polymerization";
Vortrag: 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, LPM 2010, Stuttgart, D; 07.06.2010 - 10.06.2010; in: "Proceedings of LPM2010", K. Sugioka (Hrg.); (2010), S. #10-42.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization goes 3D";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France (eingeladen); 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010), S. 13.
P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Applications of a Fluorescence Marker";
Vortrag: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 255 - 256.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, C. Hametner, R. Saf:
"Acylgermanium Photoinitiators in Visible Light Photopolymerisation of Dental Materials";
Vortrag: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 30.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization in Biomedical Applications";
Vortrag: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium: Von der Werkstoffentwicklung bis zur klinischen Anwendung, TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", (2010), S. 53.
K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, J. Kumpfmüller, V. Schmidt, V. Satzinger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Fabrication of Optical Interconnects with Two Photon Polymerization";
Vortrag: 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, LPM 2010, Stuttgart, D; 07.06.2010 - 10.06.2010; in: "Proceedings of LPM2010", K. Sugioka (Hrg.); (2010), S. #10-15.
C. Dworak, M. Griessner, G. Gescheidt, G. Grabner, M. Höfer, R. Liska:
"Benzaldoxime esters as alternative Coinitiators for Radical Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, J. Kumpfmüller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, U. Hinze, B. Chichkov:
"Development of a two Photon Polymerization setup for Structuring optical Waveguides with High Throughput";
Vortrag: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 32.
P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Fluorescence Labeling of Microspheres and Surface Modified Polymers";
Vortrag: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 45 - 46.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, X.H. Qin, F. Varga:
"Additive Manufacturing Technologies for 3D Fabrication of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 32.
S. Baudis, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Additive Manufactured Photoelastomers as Tailor-made Biomaterials for Vascular Tissue Restoration";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"In-Vivo-Writing mittels Zweiphotonenlithographie";
Vortrag: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband- 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium", (2010), S. 24.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New Visible Light Photoinitiators for Dental Composites";
Vortrag: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8.
R. Liska, N.U Pucher, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, R. Inführ, V. Satzinger, G. Gescheidt, V. Schmidt, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Materials for Stereolithography of Optical and Medical Devices";
Vortrag: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 192.
J. Stampfl, R. Inführ, K. Stadlmann, N.U Pucher, H. Lichtenegger, V. Schmidt, R. Liska:
"Materials for the fabrication of optical waveguides with two photon photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Fifth International WLT Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, München (eingeladen); 15.06.2009 - 18.06.2009; in: "Lasers in Manufacturing 2009", A. Ostendorf (Hrg.); AT Fachverlag GmbH, Stuttgart (2009), S. P1 - P4.
C. Dworak, F. Karasu, R. Liska:
"Self-initiating Monomers";
Vortrag: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 227.
J. Stampfl, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible and biodegradeable photopolymers for lithography based solid freeform fabrication";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2009, Graz; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "Book of Abstracts", F. Stelzer (Hrg.); (2009), S. 208.
M. Adelwöhrer, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Carbohydrate-based Polymer Carriers";
Vortrag: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D Fabrication of Poly(vinyl alcohol) based monomers";
Vortrag: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8.
M. Ettenauer, T. Posnicek, S. Knaus, R. Grössinger, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Magnetic Fluorescent Cellulose Microparticles as Markers for Particle Release in Extracorporeal Blood Purification";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 36.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Polyvinylalkohol basierende Photopolymere für die generative Fertigung von Gerüststrukturen für Tissue Engineering";
Vortrag: 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 19.11.2008 - 21.11.2008; in: "3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium - Tagungsband", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-200-01613-2; S. 3.
C. Heller, M. Schuster, S. Baudis, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New Materials for 3D-Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications";
Vortrag: TERMIS-EU 2008 Meeting, Porto, P; 22.06.2008 - 28.06.2008; in: "Abstracts from TERMIS-EU 2008 Meeting", Tissue Engineering, Part A, Vol. 14 / No. 5 (2008), ISSN: 1937-3341; S. 761.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, C. Heller, S. Baudis, N.U Pucher, C. Turecek, V. Schmidt, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, G. Weigel:
"New concepts of biocompatible and biodegradable photopolymers";
Vortrag: European Coatings Conference: "MEDICAL COATINGS AND ADHESIVES", Berlin, D (eingeladen); 10.04.2008 - 11.04.2008; in: "European Coatings Conference: "MEDICAL COATINGS AND ADHESIVES" Proceedings", (2008), S. 117 - 127.
M. Adelwöhrer, J. Kollar, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, T. Rohr, A. Poschalko, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Mucic Acid Based Microspheres - Novel Polymer Supports for Affinity Chromatography Applications";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
R. Liska, C. Heller, S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Turecek, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, M. Schulz, J. Stampfl, F. Varga:
"Biocompatible and biodegradable Photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
C. Heller, M. Schuster, S. Baudis, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3d-Fabrication of Photopolymers as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering using Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 10.
N.U Pucher, R. Inführ, S. Bashir, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, W. Husinsky, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization - A Powerful Tool for Precise 3D Submicrofabrication";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 11.
G. Gescheidt, D. Neshchadin, M. Griesser, R. Liska:
"Insights Into Early Stages of Radical Polymerization by NMR The CIDNP Effect as a Mechanistic Tool";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 29.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, P. Esfandiari, T. Koch, A. Limbeck, W.S.M. Werner, S. Knaus:
"Diketone and Dioxime Functionalized Polypropylene: Surface Photograting and Electroless Metalization";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 6.
J. Kollar, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, T. Verdianz, T. Rohr, A. Poschalko, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Supports for Solid Phase Synthesis and Biomedical Application";
Vortrag: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 32.
S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Turecek, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Development of flexible biocompatible photopolymers as artificial vascular replacement materials";
Vortrag: XXXIV ESAO Congress, Krems, A; 05.09.2007 - 08.09.2007; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Abstracts of the XXXIV ESAO Congress", D. Falkenhagen (Hrg.); The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 30 (8) (2007), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 705.
J. Stampfl, M. Schuster, S. Baudis, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga:
"Biodegradable stereolithography resins with defined mechanical properties";
Vortrag: 3rd International conference on virtual and rapid prototyping (VRAP), Leiria, Portugal; 24.09.2007 - 29.09.2007; in: "Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing", P. Bartolo (Hrg.); Taylor and Francis, (2007), ISBN: 978-0-415-41602-3; S. 283 - 288.
W.H. Binder:
"Polymer/Nanoparticle-Composites Consisting of Surface-functionalizes Nanoparticels";
Vortrag: Nano@Surface XXIII. Internationales H.F.Mark - Symposium, Wels, Österreich (eingeladen); 08.11.2006 - 09.11.2006; in: "Nano@Surface XXIII. Internationales H.F.Mark - Symposium Tagungsband", (2006), S. #.
J. Stampfl, M. Schuster, R. Inführ, R. Liska, M.H. Luxner, H. E. Pettermann, F. Varga, C. Turecek:
"Rapid Prototyping als Fertigungswerkzeug zur Herstellung zellularer Strukturen";
Vortrag: 52. Metallkunde Kolloquium, Lech am Arlberg; 19.04.2006 - 21.04.2006; in: "52. Metallkunde-Kolloquium: Werkstoffforschung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", (2006), S. #.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, S. Knaus, R. Saf:
"Grafting of aliphatic maleimides onto polyolefins: Studies on model compounds";
Vortrag: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006).
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, M. Josipovic, D. Farnik, L. Petraru, R. Sachsenhofer, R. Zirbs:
"Reversible Assembly and Encapsulation via Hydrogen Bonding";
Vortrag: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Österreich (eingeladen); 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. L10.
W.H. Binder, M. Josipovic, C. Kluger, R. Sachsenhofer, R. Zirbs:
"Synthesis and controlled deposition of nanosized objects on polymer surfaces";
Vortrag: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006).
J. Stampfl, R. Inführ, B. Seidl, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase:
"Two-Photon-3D-lithography of Functional Polymers";
Vortrag: Polymerwerkstoffe 2006, Halle/Saale, Deutschland; 27.09.2006 - 29.09.2006; in: "Polymerwerkstoffe 2006 -Abstracts", (2006), ISBN: 3-86010-856-5; S. 36.
B. Ganster, G. Ullrich, N. Moszner, U. Salz, R. Liska:
"Hydrophilic photoinitiators for acidic aqueous dental formulations";
Vortrag: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006).
Ch. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, R. Inführ, T. Koch, S. Seidler:
"3-Dimensional Mesoporous Silica Monoliths and their Structural and Mechanical Properties";
Vortrag: Polymerwerkstoffe 2006, Halle/Saale, Deutschland; 27.09.2006 - 29.09.2006; in: "Polymerwerkstoffe 2006 - Abstracts", (2006), ISBN: 3-86010-856-5; S. 34.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable photopolymers for bone tissue engeneering";
Vortrag: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006).
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, L. Petraru, R. Sachsenhofer, R. Zirbs:
"Supramolecular Polymers as Scaffolds for Nanoparticle Attachment";
Vortrag: 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary (eingeladen); 27.08.2006 - 31.08.2006; in: "1st European Chemistry Congress - Abstract Book", (2006), ISBN: 963-9319-61-9; S. 254.
W.H. Binder, R. Zirbs, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer:
"Selective Binding of Nanoparticles on Surface and into Polymeric Matrices via Directed Hydrogen Bonding Interactions";
Vortrag: 8th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Linz, Österreich; 13.09.2005 - 16.09.2005; in: "Abstracts 8th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies", (2005), S. 14.
W.H. Binder, D. Farnik, C. Kluger, L. Petraru:
"Assembly of Polymeric Building Blocks into Nanoscaled Structures";
Vortrag: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 48.
W.H. Binder:
"Selektive Bindung über H-Brücken: 2- und 3-dimensionale Nanostrukturen über supramolekulare Wechselwirkungen";
Vortrag: Chemiedozententagung 2005, München, Deutschland; 06.03.2005 - 09.03.2005; in: "Chemiedozententagung 2005", (2005), S. C20.
W.H. Binder, R. Zirbs, C. Kluger, R. Sachsenhofer, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer:
"New Nanostructured Supramolecular Polymeric Materials with Modulative Properties";
Vortrag: 11. Österreichische Chemietage, Leoben, Österreich; 19.09.2005 - 22.09.2005; in: "11. Österreichische Chemietage - Wissenschaftliche Beiträge", (2005), S. VO-47.
R. Inführ, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, C. Fritscher, N. Hüsing:
"3D Microstereolithography of soluble mold materials";
Vortrag: 31st International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2005, Vienna; 19.09.2005 - 22.09.2005; in: "31st International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering 2005 - Abstracts", (2005), S. 9D_04.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, A. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Metalization of Polypropylen Functionalized with Residues";
Vortrag: 8th International Symposium Polymer Advanced Technologies, Budapest, Hungary; 13.09.2005 - 16.09.2005; in: "Abstracts 8th International Symposium Polymers for Advanced Technologies", (2005), S. 73.
L. Petraru, T. Roth, P.W Groh, V. Palfi, B. Ivan, W.H. Binder:
"Gels from Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Polymers";
Vortrag: International Symposium on Polymer Conetworks, Gels and Membranes, Budapest, Hungary; 11.09.2005 - 13.09.2005; in: "Proceedings International Symposium on Polymer Conetworks, Gels and Membranes", (2005), S. 40 - 42.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, D. Machl, L. Petraru, R. Sachsenhofer, R. Zirbs:
"Combining 1,3-Cycloaddition "Click" Reactions with Living Polymerization Chemistry";
Vortrag: 11th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Brno, Czech Republic; 28.08.2005 - 01.09.2005; in: "11th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocycli Chemistry", (2005), ISBN: 80-210-3763-6; S. BL-10.
R. Zirbs, W.H. Binder, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer:
"Selective Binding of Au-Nanoparticles onto Surfaces Mediated by Direct Hydrogen Bonding Interactions";
Vortrag: Scanning Probe Microscopy Sensors and Nanostructures Cancun 2005, Cancun, Mexico; 05.06.2005 - 08.06.2005; in: "Scanning Probe Microscopy Sensors and Nanostructures Cancun 2005", (2005).
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Novel Hydrophilic Polymer Supports: Functionalized Microadsorbents for Extracorporal Blood Detoxification";
Vortrag: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 39.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, R. Inführ, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl:
"Photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of cellular Biomaterials";
Vortrag: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 40.
S. Jauk, G. Ullrich, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New Concepts for Type II Photoinitiators";
Vortrag: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 41.
R. Liska, B. Seidl:
"1,5-Diphenyl-1,4-diyn-3-one, a new and highly efficient Photoinitiator";
Vortrag: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA (eingeladen); 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-284.
W.H. Binder:
"Selbstanordnung von Polymeren in Nanostrukturen: Die Wasserstoffbrückenbindung als strukturdivergierendes Element";
Vortrag: Chemiedozententagung 2003, Dortmund, Deutschland; 07.03.2004 - 10.03.2004; in: "Chemiedozententagung 2004 - Wissenschaftliches Programm und Vortragsreferate", (2004), S. 48.
W.H. Binder:
"Poly(etherketone)-Poly(isobutylene) Pseudo Block Copolymers";
Vortrag: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting - Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. Poly 219.
W.H. Binder:
"Polymeric Nanostructures: Surface Engineering of Vesicles and Bulk-Polymers by Steric Forces and Hydrogen Bonding";
Vortrag: 3rd Micro- and Nanostructures of Biological Systems, Halle/Saale, Deutschland (eingeladen); 07.06.2004 - 08.06.2004; in: "3rd Symposium Micro- and Nanostructures of Biological Systems", (2004), ISBN: 3-8265-8873-8; S. 61 - 63.
H. Lichtenegger, C. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"3D-Templating of hierarchical ceramics";
Vortrag: MRS Spring Meeting 2004, San Francisco, USA; 12.04.2004 - 16.04.2004; in: "MRS Spring Meeting 2004, Abstracts", MRS, (2004), S. 368.
R. Liska, N. Fuß, D. Herzog, B. Seidl, G. Grabner:
"New chromophores for photoinitiators";
Vortrag: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 90.
J. Stampfl, A. Wöß, S. Seidler, F. Schwager, R. Liska, H. Gruber:
"Water soluble photocurable resins for rapid prototyping applications";
Vortrag: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 70.
D. Machl, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Novel Telechelic Polyisobutylenes";
Vortrag: PHOPOC Conference on Physical Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Vienna, Austria; 30.06.2003 - 02.07.2003; in: "PHOPOC Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-900-554--37-4; S. L07.
W. Kantner, J. Mijatovic, R. Mitter, U. Weber, P. Müller:
"Urea Formaldehyde Resins for Particle Boards: From Resin Syntesis to Curing";
Vortrag: PHOPOC Conference on Physical Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Vienna, Austria; 30.06.2003 - 02.07.2003; in: "PHOPOC Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-900-554-37-4; S. L10.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder, M. Dunky, W. Kantner:
"Reactions Pathways of Blocked Isocyanates in UF-resins";
Vortrag: PHOPOC Conference on Physical Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Vienna, Austria; 30.06.2003 - 02.07.2003; in: "PHOPOC Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-900-554-37-4; S. L14.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder, M. Dunky, W. Kantner:
"Blocked isocyanates in UF-resins: Reaction pathways and crosslinking";
Vortrag: Seventh European Panel Products Symposium, Llandudno, United Kingdom; 08.10.2003 - 10.10.2003; in: "Seventh European Panel Products Symposium", (2003), ISBN: 18-422-0057-7; S. 57 - 69.
S. Knaus, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, A. Liska:
"Melt-grafting of monomers containing chelating moieties - A new approach to metallizable PP";
Vortrag: NATO Macromolecules 2003, Tirrenia (Pisa), Italy; 06.10.2003 - 16.10.2003; in: "NATO Macromolecules 2003 - NATO Advanced Study Institute", (2003), S. OC3.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder, M. Dunky, W. Kantner:
"Formation of an interpenetrating network by crosslinking of UF-resins with blocked isocyanates";
Vortrag: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 80.
J. Stampfl, R. Cano Vives, S. Seidler, R. Liska, F. Schwager, H. Gruber, A. Wöß, P. Fratzl:
"Rapid Prototyping - A Route for the Fabrication of Biomimetic Cellular Materials";
Vortrag: 1st International Conference on Advanced Reserch in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leira (Portugal), Leira (Portugal); 01.10.2003 - 04.10.2003; in: "1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leira (Portugal)", Leira (Portugal) (2003), ISBN: 972-99023-0-5; S. 659 - 666.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, M. Schwanninger:
"Silylation of wood";
Vortrag: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 93.
W.H. Binder, M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, C. Kluger:
"Self assembly of hydrogen bonded supramolecular polymers";
Vortrag: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 43.
R. Liska, F. Schwager, H. Gruber, A. Wöß, A. Pisaipan, J. Stampfl, S. Seidler:
"A new Route for the Fabrication of Biomimetic Cellular Materials";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 195 - 201.
B. Hinterstoisser, M. Schwanninger, B. Stefke, K. Fackler, G. Weichslberger, D. Haltrich, K. Messner:
"Potential of Infra-Red Spectroscopy to Trace Wood Modification";
Vortrag: 6th Pacific Rim Biobased Composites Conference, Portland, USA; 2002; in: "Proceedings of 6th Pacific Rim Biobased Composites Conference", (2002).
K. Lisak, R. Liska, S. Knaus, J. Wendrinsky:
"Photochemical Surface Modification of Polypropylene";
Vortrag: 10th"Tihany" Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Sopron, Hungary; 31.08.2002 - 05.09.2002; in: "10th"Tihani" Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts", (2002).
M. Kacetl, R. Markl, A. Ecker:
"Diesel fuels - water - emulsions";
Vortrag: 40th International Petroleum Conference, Bratislava, Slovakei; 17.09.2001 - 19.09.2001; in: "40th International Petroleum Conference", (2001).
C. Ötsch, A. Ecker:
"New approaches in determination of fame as an additive in diesel fuels";
Vortrag: 40th International Petroleum Conference, Bratislava, Slovakei; 17.09.2001 - 19.09.2001; in: "40th International Petroleum Conference", (2001).
W. Tüchler, A. Ecker:
"A posible concept for the investigation of hydrocarbon contaminated sites";
Vortrag: 40th International Petroleum Conference, Bratislava, Slovakei; 17.09.2001 - 19.09.2001; in: "40th International Petroleum Conference", (2001).
J. Mijatovic, W.H. Binder, W. Kantner:
"A Study of the Molecular Motion in Melamine Resin Solution: Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance";
Vortrag: 6th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Eilat, Israel; 02.09.2001 - 06.09.2001; in: "6th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies", (2001).
C.P. Kubicek, D. Herzog, D. Kristufek, R. Hodits, E.M Kubicek-Pranz, R. Messner, A. Törrönen, A. Harkki:
"Interrelationships and differences in the regulation of xylanase and cellulase formation by Trichoderma reesei";
Vortrag: 5th International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry, Tokyo , Japan; 1992; in: "Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry", (1992), S. 383 - 388.
Poster Presentation (with Proceedings)
C. Haslinger, A. Zahoranova, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Photocrosslinking Of Coumarin-Modified Poly(2-Oxazoline)s";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 197.
M. Göschl, J. Steindl, K. Ehrmann, R. Liska:
"Blocked Isocyanate Containing Monomers For Tough Photopolymers";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 223.
L. Rebers, R. Reichsöllner, T. Gurmann, S. Regett, E.M. Tovar, K. Borchers, S. Baudis, A. Southan:
"The Role Of Physical Cross-Links In Chemical Cross-Linking Of Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 196.
J. Ecker, K. Ehrmann, R. Liska:
"Debonding On Demand For 3d Printing: A (retro) Diels Alder Reaction For Moderate Crosslinked Photopolymers";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 186.
D. Kojic, Y. Mete, P. Knaack, K. Ehrmann, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Expanding Spirocyclic Monomers For Hot Lithography Technology";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 189.
S. Schandl, K. Ehrmann, P. Knaack, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Polycarbonates 3D-printed via Hot Lithography";
Poster: The 6th (virtual) European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Wien; 15.06.2021 - 17.06.2021; in: "vESPS 2021", (2021), ISBN: 978-3-9504809-3-1; S. 168.
R. Reichsöllner, A. Puljic, K. Ehrmann, J. Hackethal, H. Redl, S. Baudis:
"Gelatin Photo-Hydrogels as Material Platform for Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: 11th World Biomaterials Congress, Hampshire, United Kingdom, online; 11.12.2020 - 15.12.2020; in: "11th World Biomaterials Congress", WBC2020LATE-4406 (2020), S. 1.
P. Steinbauer, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Patient-specific biocompatible polymer scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration";
Poster: 2020 TERMIS EU Abstracts, Manchester, online; 26.05.2020 - 29.05.2020; in: "2020 TERMIS EU Abstracts", e Cells und Materials, 2020, Collection 1 (2020), ISSN: 1473-2262; S. 308.
M. Kury, G. Peer, K. Seidler, C. Gorsche, P. Gauss, T. Koch, P. Dorfinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Toughening photoploymers by means of addition-fragmentation chain transfer reagents for 3D printing";
Poster: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 762.
S. Zigon-Branc, M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov:
"Impact of hydrogel stiffness on differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cell microspheroids";
Poster: TERMIS European Chapter Meeting 2019, Rhodes Greece; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "TERMIS EU 2019 Conference Book", (2019), S. 1414.
R. Taschner, P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"α-Ketoesters as non-aromatic photoinitiators for radical polymerization of (meth)acrylates";
Poster: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 468.
A. Hofecker, S. Orman, P. Knaack, S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Low toxic monomers for 3D printing photopolymer-based bone substitutes";
Poster: European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019), Crete, Greece; 09.06.2019 - 14.06.2019; in: "European Polymer Congress 2019 (EPF 2019)", (2019), S. 848.
R. Reichsöllner, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"3D-printed, tough and biocompatible photopolymers for in vivo bone tissue regeneration";
Poster: Termis Eu 2019, Rhodes, Greece; 27.05.2019 - 31.05.2019; in: "Termis EU 2019", (2019), S. 1625.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, A. Dobos, W. Steiger, M. Markovic, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Promoting Initiation-Efficiency and Biocompatibility of Two-Photon Initiators by the Introduction of Photolabile Moieties";
Poster: Symposium 'BSTE 2018: Next Generation Tissue Engineering', Ghent, Belgien; 21.11.2018 - 23.11.2018; in: "BSTE 2018: Next Generation Tissue Engineering", (2018), S. PO43.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, O.G. Andriotis, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, P.J. Thurner, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Two-Photon Micropatterning of a Photolabile Hydrogel Using a Two-Photon Sensitizer";
Poster: Symposium 'BSTE 2018: Next Generation Tissue Engineering', Ghent, Belgien; 21.11.2018 - 23.11.2018; in: "BSTE 2018: Next Generation Tissue Engineering", (2018), S. PO18.
J. Steindl, T. Koch, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Silanes as promising chain transfer agents for vinyl ester-based photopolymer networks";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P45.
C. Schnöll, C. Gorsche, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Introducing Debonding on Demand within highly Cross-Linked Photopolymers";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. PO42.
A. Tran, N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Radical induced cationic frontal polymerization for epoxy-composites";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. PO47.
A. Hofecker, P. Knaack, M. Markovic, T. Koch, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"New Approaches for the Synthesis of low toxic Monomers";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. PO12.
N. Klikovits, A. Tran, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Advances in cationic photopolymerization based on alkoxyaluminate photoacid generators";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. PO16.
S. Zigon-Branc, M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, O.G. Andriotis, E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, P.J. Thurner, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe, A. Ovsianikov:
"3D Differentiation of human Adipose-derived stem cells/hTERT in Methacrylate Gelatin Hydrogels with Different Stiffness";
Poster: TERMIS World Congress 2018, Kyoto; 04.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "Abstract Book", (2018), S. 603.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, A. Dobos, W. Steiger, M. Markovic, S. Baudis, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Molecular Design towards Two-Photon Initiators with Reduced Phototoxicity";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P50.
P. Knaack, A. Tran, N. Klikovits, R. Liska:
"Frontal polymerization";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P17.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Sensitized Two-Photon Micropatterning in Presence of Cells";
Poster: International Conference of Biofabricaton 2018, Würzburg; 28.10.2018 - 31.10.2018; in: "International Conference of Biofabricaton 2018 Würzburg", (2018), S. 42.
M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, S. Naumov, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"A novel highly reactive Sn-based Type I photoinitiator with excellent photobleaching behavior for long wavelength curing applications";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P28.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, D. Ossipov, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Promoted two-photon micropatterning of biocompatible material";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P23.
P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Replacing aromatic type II photoinitiators with aliphatic compounds";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P9.
M. Kury, T. Koch, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Investigation of diacrylate-based cyclopolymerizable monomers in photopolymerization";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th ESPS 2018", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P19.
Y. Mete, D. Grunenberg, B. Steyrer, J. Stampfl, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"A Heterotelechelic Oligomer for Tough Photopolymersvia Hot Lithography";
Poster: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. P26.
M. Lunzer, L. Shi, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, D. Ossipov, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"A Modular Approach to Sensitized Two-Photon Micropatterning of Photolabile Hydrogels";
Poster: 682. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef; 25.11.2018 - 28.11.2018; in: "Micro- and Nanostructured Biointerfaces", (2018), S. PO17.
S. Stanic, A. Altun, D. Reicharlzeder, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Highly Filled Hydrogels as Biocomposites and Ceramic Precursors for 3D Printing Aplications";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-24.
D. Ret, M. Missbach, S. Knaus:
"SEC with conventional calibration: Dos and Don´ts";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-49.
Y. Mete, P. Knaack, M. Schwentenwein, B. Strehmel, R. Liska:
"NIR-initiated photopolymerization for lithography-based ceramic manufacturing";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-75.
D. Mandt, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, M. Rothbauer, S. Kratz, J. Van Hoorick, P. Dubruel, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Ertl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"3D Printed Hydrogels for microfluidici Barrier Models";
Poster: Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstract, (2017), S. PO-20.
F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Long Chain Branching as an innovative tool for the up-cycling of Polypropylene post-consumer waste";
Poster: DVSPM 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017 DVSPM", Austria (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-2.
A. Dobos, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, J. Van Hoorick, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Comparason of the effect of photoinitiator P2CK and AS7 on the Viablitiy of Encapsulated Human Adipose-Derivet Stem Cells via Two-Photon Polymerization";
Poster: Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstract, (2017), S. PO-5.
M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, M. Haas, H. Stüger, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tetrakis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)silane as photoinitiator in visible light dental curing";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-76.
D. Grunenberg, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Tough Hyperbranched Polymers via Photopolymerization of Hybrid Oligomers";
Poster: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 86.
S. Orman, C. Gorsche, C. Hofstetter, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photorheometer with RT-FTIR Coupling as Innovativ Tool to Assess Photopolymers for 3D Printing";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO 44.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, L. Kain, O.G. Andriotis, M. Tromayer, P. Dubruel, S. van Vlierberghe, P.J. Thurner, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Stiffness Guided Cell Migration in 3D Hydrogels via Multiphoton Grafting";
Poster: Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstract, (2017), S. PO-8.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, M. Kury, J. Steindl, P. Dorfinger, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"The power of chain transfer in the field of photopolymer applications";
Poster: 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Ghent; 21.05.2017 - 25.05.2017; in: "Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering", Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Nr.12, Ghent, Belgium (2017), S. 143.
P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Silycyclohexadiens as Anti Oxygen Inhibition and Chain Transfer Reagents";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-79.
S. Baudis, H. Bergmeister, K. Ehrmann, C. Dworak, C. Grasl, R. Liska:
"Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Biogradable Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers for Their Application as Artificial Blood Vessel";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-7.
K. Hölzl, J. Van Hoorick, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, H. Redl, S. Nürnberger, A. Ovsianikov:
"Photosensitive Gelatin-Methacrylamide in 3D cell culture";
Poster: Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstract, (2017), S. PO-13.
S. Helfert, C. Dworak, E. Sevcsik, H. Peterlik, M. Sauer, D. Ret, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Linker systems for T-cell activation";
Poster: 12th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering, Ghent; 21.05.2017 - 25.05.2017; in: "Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering", (2017), S. 133.
R. Reichsöllner, X.H. Qin, K. Labuda, J. Chen, V. Hruschka, A. Khadem, S. Baudis, R. Liska, H. Redl, P. Slezak:
"Novel, Bio-Compatible Peptide-Conjugates for Hemostasis";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-89.
A. Hofecker, P. Slezak, H. Redl, S. Knaus:
"Modification of Starch for Hemostatic Applications";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-12.
D. Grunenberg, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Toughening Photopolymers: The Concept of Hybrid Oligomers";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-91.
M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Encapsulation oh Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Gelatin-Methacrylate Based Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering Applications";
Poster: Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Donau Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", M. Markovic, J. Van Hoorick, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov (Hrg.); Book of Abstract, (2017), S. PO-21.
C. Siedler, S. Friedler, D. Ret, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and immobilization of small molecule glycoconjugates on polymer surfaces for lectin isolation";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-93.
Y. Mete, P. Knaack, M. Schwentenwein, B. Strehmel, R. Liska:
"NIR-initiated photopolymerization for lithography-based ceramic manufacturing";
Poster: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 88.
O. Liske, P. Dorfinger, R. Gmeiner, S. Baudis, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"UV Curable Materials from Tailored Lignin (Meth)Acrylates";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-19.
P. Steinbauer, C. Dworak, P.J. Thurner, O.G. Andriotis, R. Liska:
"Phosporus-Based Raft Polymers for Bio Adhesion";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-25.
Y. Catel, P. Fässler, U. Fischer, C. Gorsche, S. Schörpf, S. Tauscher, R. Liska, N. Moszner:
"Evaluation of Difunctional Vinylcyclopropanes as Reactive Diluents for the Development of Low-Shrinkage Composites";
Poster: EPF 2017, European Polymer Congress, Lyon; 02.07.2017 - 07.07.2017; in: "16th EPF European Polymer Congress", (2017), S. 57.
S. Schörpf, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Urethane-based vinylcyclopropanes (VCPs) for low shrinkage dental composites";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017 DVSPM, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "DVSPM 2017", (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO66.
L. Vojtova, E. Habankova, L. Michlovska, R. Liska, J. Jancar, S. Baudis:
"Hybrid Hydrogel's Network Formed by Photogelation of Thermosensitive Macromonomer in Aquateous Environment";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-28.
P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Substituted Cyclohexadienes as Hydrogen Donor in Radical Photopolymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 87.
M. Heinze, D. Pospiech, B. Voit, S. Baudis, R. Liska, A. Naumova, K. Saalwächter:
"Influence of Preparation Conditions on the Structure of Photocrosslinked Solvogels";
Poster: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. PO-36.
N. Klikovits, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Novel Alkoxyaluminate-based Cationic Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 89.
S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, E. Zerobin, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Laser-microfabricated, biocompatible hydrogels based on hyaluronan";
Poster: TERMIS-EU 2016 conference, Uppsala, Sweden; 28.06.2016 - 01.07.2016; in: "European Cells&Materials Journal", European Cells&Materials Journal, Vol. 31. Suppl. 1, 2016, page P454 (2016), ISSN: 1473-2262; S. 454.
A. Hofecker, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"New Approaches for the Synthesis of low toxic Vinyl ester-based Monomers";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-51.
O. Liske, S. Baudis, S. Knaus:
"Post-modification of wheat straw soda lignin for light-induced radical polymerization process";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-67.
J. Steindl, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Using Silane-ene Chemistry for Chain Transfer in Radical Photopolymerization";
Poster: XXII. Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, Bratislava; 06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016; in: "Programme Book and Book of Abstracts", (2016), ISBN: 978-80-89841-01-1; S. 17.
M. Mitterbauer, M. Haas, H. Stüger, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Visible light photoinitiators based on silicon for the curing of dental formulations";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-14.
K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Van Hoorick, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Photosensitive gelatine-methacrylamide as engineered extracellular matrix for three-dimensional cell culture";
Poster: TERMIS-EU 2016 Conference, Uppsala; 28.06.2016 - 01.07.2016; in: "Towards Future Regenerative Therapies", European Cells and Materials Journal, 31 (2016), ISSN: 1473-2262; S. 215.
M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, P. Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel biocompatible two-photon initiator based on hyaluronan";
Poster: TERMIS-EU 2016 conference, Uppsala, Sweden; 28.06.2016 - 01.07.2016; in: "TERMIS-EU 2016 conference", European Cells&Materials Journal, Vol. 31. Suppl. 1, 2016 (2016), ISSN: 1473-2262; S. 481.
M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, W. Steiger, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Novel Two-Photon Initiators Based on Cleavable Diazosulfones";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-21.
M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, S. Vlierberghe, A. Ovsianikov, P. Dubruel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Hyaluronan-Based Two-Photon Initiator with Enhanced Biocompatibility";
Poster: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, Canada; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2016), S. 1807.
J. Steindl, T. Koch, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche:
"Silane-Ene-Chemistry: An approach towards regulated photopolymer networks";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-33.
S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, E. Zerobin, X.H. Qin, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Additive Manufactured, Biocompatible Hydrogels based on Hyaluronic Acid";
Poster: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, Canada; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2016), S. 2728.
J. Van Hoorick, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, J Van Erps, A. Ovsianikov, H Thienpont, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe:
"Two-photon polymerization of gelatin hydrogels: carboxylic acid modification as the key to success";
Poster: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2016), S. 2638.
E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"High Resolved Biocompatible Hydrogel Constructs based on Hyaluronic Acid";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-34.
S. Baudis, D. Bomze, M. Lunzer, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogels for 3D biomaterial constructs";
Poster: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, Canada; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2016), S. 2693.
G. Harakaly, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, H. Reghunathan, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Formation of tough photopolymer networks using addition fragmentation chain transfer: A viable concept for lithography based 3D printing";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-55.
C. Schnöll, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Debonding on Demand (DoD) via thermally induced gas formation using blocked isocyanates";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-43.
S. Orman, A. Mautner, S. Baudis, G. Russmüller, M. Schwentenwein, R. Liska:
"Additive Manufactured Vinyl Ester-based Photopolymers with Improved Impact Resistance";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-42.
M. Kury, K. Seidler, A. Svirkova, M. Marchetti-Deschmann, T. Koch, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Reagents in Photopolymerization of Acrylates";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-57.
M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, S. Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible Two-Photon Initiator with Hyaluronan Backbone";
Poster: 4th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Leipzig; 11.09.2016 - 14.09.2016; in: "ESPS 2016", (2016), S. P-37.
S. Orman, P. Potzmann, A. Samusjew, B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization Of Biocompatible Composites";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
D. Grunenberg, C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Dimethacrylate Networks with Tunable Properties: The High Effectiveness of β-Allyl Sulfone Chain Transfer Agents";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 83.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Novel Initiator For Photoinduced Cationic Polymerisation";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
G. Harakaly, K. Seidler, M. Griesser, C. Gorsche, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"α-Sulfonoxy acrylate chain transfer agents for 3D printing of tough photopolymers";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 85.
S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, P. Knaack, X.H. Qin, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"A Thiol-Ene based Modular Material System with Hyaluronic Acid Building Blocks";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
M. Lunzer, A. Rosspeintner, B. Holzer, D. Lumpi, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, E. Horkel, A. Ovsianikov, E. Vauthey, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Triarylamine based Materials as Two Photon Absorption Photoinitiators - Adjustment of Molecular Properties";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 84.
M. Schachner, C. Dworak:
"Combining RAFT Polymerization and ROP to generate novel amphiphilic block copolymers";
Poster: P2M Lacanau, Lacanau; 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015; in: "Abstracts", (2015).
D. Bomze, B. Husar, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Modified Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering via Thiol-Ene-Crosslinking";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
S. Orman:
"Biodegradable and Biocompatible Photopolymers for 3D printing";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2015 Conference, Prague; 13.10.2015 - 15.10.2015; in: "Abstract Book", (2015), S. 81.
A. Hofecker, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and characterization of modified starches for pharmaceutical applications";
Poster: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 121.
D. Bomze, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, M. Griesser, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Using Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer For Tough Methacrylate-Based Networks With Low Shrinkage Stress";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
P. Gauss, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"β-Allyl sulfones with different activating groups as chain transfer agents in methacrylate photopolymerization";
Poster: P2M Lacanau, Lacanau; 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2015).
D. Ret, S. Knaus, H. Peterlik:
"Hyaluronan in Acid Form: Conformation And Properties In Aqueous And Organic Solution";
Poster: International Society for Hyaluronan Sciences, Florence; 07.06.2015 - 11.06.2015; in: "Symposium Proceedings", (2015), S. 26.
C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss, M. Griesser, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer Reagents With Various Activating And Leaving Groups And Their Potential As Network Modifiers";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
D. Grunenberg, C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, T. Koch, P. Dorfinger, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tough Dimethacrylate Networks with Low Shrinkage Stress: Benefiting from β-Allyl Sulfones as Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Agents";
Poster: BPS 2015, Bayreuth; 20.09.2015 - 22.09.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2015).
P. Potzmann, F. Lopez Villanueva, R. Liska:
"Investigation Of Bubble Free, UV Initiated Frontal Polymerization In Aqueous Conditions";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2015, Boulder; 13.09.2015 - 16.09.2015; in: "Abstract USB", (2015).
S. Benedikt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Water soluble visible light photoinitiators: li-tpo as highly reactive and soluble compound with extraordinary stability";
Poster: DVSPM 2015, Gmunden; 11.05.2015 - 13.05.2015; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polymer Science", (2015), ISBN: 978-3-99033-491-1; S. 127.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser photofabrication of 3D cell-containing hydrogel constructs";
Poster: 2014 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society-Asia Pacific Meeting (TERMIS-AP 2014), Daegu, S. Korea; 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014; in: "2", (2014).
S. Orman, A. Samusjew, B. Husar, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Application Of Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry For Potential Bone Replacement Materials";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 196.
X.H. Qin, K. Labuda, D. Bomze, A. Khadem, P. Slezak, R. Liska, H. Redl:
"ENGINEERED PHOTOCURABLE BIOMATERIALS TO HALT BLEEDINGApplication Of Thiol-Ene Click Chemistry For Potential Bone Replacement Materials";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 188.
B. Holzer, M. Tromayer, D. Lumpi, A. Ajami, E. Horkel, W. Husinsky, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Cap-Linker-Cap Systems as Initiators for Two-Photon Induced-Polymerization";
Poster: LPM 2014, Vilnius; 17.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "LPM 2014 Program & Technical Digest", (2014), S. 260.
K. Seidler, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"The Effect Of Leaving Groups Of Chain Transfer Agents";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 211.
M. Tromayer, L. Zhiquan, E. Stankevicius, P. Gruber, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, G. Račiukaitis:
"High-resolution 3D patterning via multi-photon grafting with aromatic azides";
Poster: LPM 2014, Vilnius; 17.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "LPM 2014 Program & Technical Digest", (2014), S. 262.
Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, B. Husar, P. Gruber, B. Plochberger, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogels For Two-Photon Polymerisation Applications";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 219.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser Photofabrication of Cell-Containing Hydrogel Constructs";
Poster: LPM 2014, Vilnius; 17.06.2014 - 20.06.2014; in: "LPM 2014 Program & Technical Digest", (2014), S. 263.
M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Synthesis And Characterization Of Aminostyryl-1,3,5-Triazines As Initiators For Two-Photon Induced Polymerization";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 220.
P. Dorfinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Toughening Of Photopolymers For Stereolithography (sl)";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", ESPS 2014, 1 (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 25 - 26.
B. Husar, C. Gorsche, X.H. Qin, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time FTIR - Photorheology: A Powerful Tool for Monitoring Changes in Chemical and Viscoelastic Properties During UV-Curing";
Poster: IRDG Spring Meeting Vienna, Wien; 24.04.2014 - 25.04.2014; in: "Program & Poster Abstracts", (2014).
B. Holzer, D. Lumpi, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, E. Horkel, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Initiators For Two Photon Induced Polymerization Based On A Novel Cap-Linker-Cap System";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. PO-37.
E. Horkel, B. Holzer, M. Lunzer, D. Lumpi, M. Tromayer, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Cap-Linker-Cap Systems As Initiators For Two-Photon Induced Polymerization: A Theoretical Approach";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. PO-38.
D. Bomze, B. Husar, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Norbornen Modified Poly(vinyl Alcohol) Based Hydrogels For Tissue Engineering Via Thiol-Ene Crosslinking";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), S. 147.
M. Lunzer, B. Holzer, M. Tromayer, D. Lumpi, E. Horkel, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Synthesis And Characterization Of Novel Cap-Linker-Cap Type Structures As Two-Photon Absorption Photoinitiators";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. PO-55.
P. Gauss, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Beta-Allyl Sulfones As Transfer Agents In Methacrylic Photopolymers";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 164.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser Photofabrication of Cell-Containing Hydrogel Constructs";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), S. 167.
M. Griesser, B. Husar, P. Sehnal, K. Harper, A. Rose, D. Anderson, R. Liska:
"A New Variant Of Phosphine Oxide Photoinitiators";
Poster: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 166.
M. Griesser, A. Rosspeintner, C. Dworak, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Insights into the Reactivity of Benzaldoxime Esters as Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 119.
X.H. Qin, S. Mühleder, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, H. Redl, R. Liska:
"Design and Synthesis of a Novel Hydrogel Precursor: hyaluronate vinyl esters";
Poster: Advances in Tissue Regeneration 2013, Lattrop; 14.11.2013 - 15.11.2013; in: "Advances in Tissue Regeneration 2013", (2013).
M. Tromayer, A. Mautner, B. Husar, C. Heller, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl carbonates with improved mechanical properties";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 120.
M. Griesser, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Insights into the Reactivity of Photoinitiators by Magnetic Resonance";
Poster: 6th-Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry (6th-PSRC), Vancouver; 16.06.2013 - 20.06.2013; in: "6th Pacific Symposium on Radical Chemistry - Programme", (2013).
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, J. Torgersen, R. Liska:
"Developing anti-oxygen inhibition strategies for LED-based wood coatings";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 118.
X.H. Qin, B. Husar, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable 3D Hydrogels Scaffold by Two-Photon Polymerization";
Poster: 25th European Conference on Biomaterials, Madrid; 08.09.2013 - 12.09.2013; in: "Book of contributions", (2013), ISBN: 978-84-695-7831-5.
P. Potzmann, X.H. Qin, N.U Pucher, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"High-precision manufacturing of 3D hydrogel scaffolds via two-photon polymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 117.
M. Lunzer, B. Holzer, D. Lumpi, E. Horkel, R. Liska, J. Fröhlich:
"Synthesis of Novel Cap-Linker-Cap Structures as Potential Initiators For Two-Photon-Induced Polymerization";
Poster: 15th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Sept. 1-5, 2013, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Olomouc; 01.09.2013 - 05.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013), ISBN: 978-80-263-0502-6; S. P45.
M. Susec, S. Ligon, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Acrylate and thiol based highly porous polymers by emulsion templating : lecture at Third International Symposium Frontiers polymer science in association with the journal polymer";
Poster: Third International Symposium Frontiers polymer science in association with the journal polymer, Sitges; 21.05.2013 - 23.05.2013; in: "Programme Booklet", (2013).
X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, H. Redl, R. Liska:
"Development of a novel cytocompatible and photopolymerizable hydrogel precursor: hyaluronate vinyl ester";
Poster: 19th Swiss Conference on Biomaterials, Davos; 25.06.2013 - 26.06.2013; in: "Program & Abstract", D. Eglin, M. D´Este, D. Schraner (Hrg.); (2013), S. 19.
P. Potzmann, X.H. Qin, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Development of a novel photocurable hydrogel precursor";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2013, Basel; 15.10.2013 - 17.10.2013; in: "Abstract Book", (2013), S. 121.
B. Husar, A. Samusjew, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D fabrication of scaffolds from low cytotoxic vinylester and thiols";
Poster: TERMIS/EU 2014, Genova; 10.06.2014 - 13.06.2014; in: "Meeting Abstracts", J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 8 (Suppl. 1) (2013), ISSN: 1932-7005; S. 447.
R. Gmeiner, E. Fantino, B. Steyrer, A. Samusjew, B. Husar, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Additive Manufacturing of Filled and Unfilled Bio-Photopolymers";
Poster: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien 2013, Erlangen; 26.09.2013 - 28.09.2013; in: "Bionano-Materials", Bionanomaterials/de Gruyter, 2013/volume 14/number S1 (2013), ISSN: 2193-0651; S. 46.
C. Gorsche, M. Tromayer, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Efficent synthesis of two-photon initiators via one step aldol condensation";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2013, Jackson Hole; 22.09.2013 - 25.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable Bone Replacement Material From Low Cytotoxic Monomers";
Poster: TERMIS-EU 2013, Istanbul; 17.06.2013 - 20.06.2013; in: "Abstracts", (2013), S. 244.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Polyurethane Foams from Liquefied Lignin";
Poster: 21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society, Warwick; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013; in: "21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2013), S. 106 - 107.
C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, V. Gorelik, B. Ganster, R. Saf, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Investigating the mechanism and photoreactivity of germanium based long wavelength photoinitiators for dental materials";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2013, Jackson Hole; 22.09.2013 - 25.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).
P. Potzmann, X.H. Qin, N.U Pucher, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Micrometer-scale precise 3D hydrogel scaffolds prepared by two-photon polymerization";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2013, Jackson Hole; 22.09.2013 - 25.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).
F. Kamleitner, K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Rheological Study of Oxyalkylated Lignin";
Poster: 21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society, Warwick; 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013; in: "21st Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2013), S. 97 - 98.
R. Potzmann, X.H. Qin, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Hyaluron vinyl esters as novel precursors for photocurable hydrogels";
Poster: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2013, Jackson Hole; 22.09.2013 - 25.09.2013; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2013).
M. Susec, S. Ligon, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Stereolithography with hierarchical polymers based on high internal phase emulsions";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 20.
X.H. Qin, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Developing Biodegradable 3D Hydrogels Scaffolds: From Synthesis to Two-photon Polymerization";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012; in: "Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012", John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 6/Supplement s1/ (2012), ISSN: 1932-7005; S. 369.
P. Potzmann, K. Seidler, S. Ligon, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New building blocks for thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers for soft tissue engineering";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012; in: "Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012", John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 6/Supplement s1/ (2012), ISSN: 1932-7005; S. 215.
M. Susec, R. Liska, I. Pulko, P. Krajnc:
"Tiol-en klik polimerizacije v makro emulzijah";
Poster: Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2012, Portoroz; 12.09.2012 - 14.09.2012; in: "Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2012", Z. Kravanja, D. Brodnjak-Voncina, M. Bogataj (Hrg.); (2012), ISBN: 978-961-248-353-1.
F. Höller, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, T. Koch, D. Dekel, S. Levenberg, S. Nürnberger, H. Redl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Laser microfabrication of elastic 3D scaffolds";
Poster: 5. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts 5th Biomaterialsymposium Vienna", (2012), S. 107 - 108.
Z. Li, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D site-specific functionalization of matrices via multi-photon grafting and subsequent click reaction";
Poster: International Symposium on NanoPhotonics 2012, Beijing; 12.02.2012 - 14.02.2012; in: "International Symposium on NanoPhotonics 2012", (2012).
Z. Li, X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Water Soluble Initiators for Two-photon Polymerization";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012; in: "Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012", John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 6/Supplement s1 (2012), ISSN: 1932-7005; S. 369.
M. Susec, S. Ligon, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Photopolymerised microcellular polyesters from high internal phase emulsions";
Poster: Iupac Macro 2012, Blacksburg; 24.06.2012 - 29.06.2012; in: "Extended Abstracts", (2012).
Z. Li, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"A Straightforward Synthesis and Structure-Property Relationship of Highly Efficient Two-photon Photoinitiators for 3D microfabrication";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 24.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, S. Baudis, K. Seidler, G. Weigel, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska:
"Ester based thermoplastic polyurethanes for electrospun vascular prostheses";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012; in: "Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012", John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 6/Supplement s1/ (2012), ISSN: 1932-7005; S. 146.
Z. Li, X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D site-specific functionalization of matrices via multi-photon grafting and subsequent click reaction";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 25.
Z. Li, X.H. Qin, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Water Soluble Initiators for Two-photon Polymerization";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 26.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, A. Wilke, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible monomers for photo-based additive manufacturing technologies";
Poster: MSE 2012 Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "MSE 2012 Darmstadt", (2012), S. 380.
X.H. Qin, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Development of biocompatible 3D hydrogel scaffolds: From synthesis to two-photon-polymerization";
Poster: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 65.
X.H. Qin, Z. Li, A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Developing biodegradable 3D hydrogel scaffolds: from synthesis to two-photon polymerization";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 19.
X.H. Qin, Z. Li, S. Ligon, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, S. Mühleder, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable 3D Hydrogel Scaffolds: Synthesis and Two-photon Polymerization";
Poster: E-MRS 2012 FALL MEETING (European Materials research Society), Warschau; 17.09.2012 - 21.09.2012; in: "E-Mrs 2012 Fall Meeting", (2012).
M. Susec, R. Liska, S. Ligon, P. Krajnc:
"Hierarchically porous polymers from divinyladipate and thiols via emulsion templating";
Poster: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 83.
N. Seyidova, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, C. Schreiber, I. Walter, K. Seidler, S. Ligon, S. Baudis, R. Liska, D. Bernhard, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister:
"Biocompatibility evaluation of bioresorbable substitutes";
Poster: ISACB´S Biennal Meeting 2012, London, UK; 12.09.2012 - 15.09.2012; in: "ISACB´S Biennal Meeting 2012 - Programm", (2012), S. 49.
H. Wutzel, A. Mautner, X.H. Qin, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New monomers based on vinylcarbonates for biomedical applications";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 23.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D scaffolds from low toxic vinyl carbonates";
Poster: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 105.
N. Seyidova, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, C. Schreiber, I. Walter, K. Seidler, S. Ligon, S. Baudis, R. Liska, D. Bernhard, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister:
"Elastomeric, nanostructured, biodegradable vascular grafts for small-diamter vascular replacement";
Poster: BioNanoMed 2012, Krems; 01.03.2012 - 02.03.2012; in: "BioNanoMed 2012", (2012).
S. Ligon, S. Baudis, F. Nehl, A. Mautner, B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, A. Wilke, J. Stampfl, G. Russmüller, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible monomers for photo-based additive manufacturing technologies";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering 2012, Darmstadt; 25.09.2012 - 27.09.2012; in: "MSE Programme", (2012), S. 62.
H. Wutzel, C. Dworak, R. Tiefenthaler, J. Lagref, R. Frantz, Z. Cherkaoui, R. Liska:
"Ionic liquids for radical photopolymerization";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 22.
S. Benedikt, M. Schachner, C. Dworak:
"RAFT-generated amphiphilic block copolymers as multifunctional micelles";
Poster: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2012), S. 131.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Proton conducting fluorinated polymer nanomembrane for fuel cell applications";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012), S. 21.
H. Bergmeister, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, C. Schreiber, N. Seyidova, B. Kapeller, I. Walter, K. Seidler, S. Ligon, S. Baudis, R. Liska, H. Schima:
"Nanostructured, bioresorbable vascular substitutes";
Poster: 5th Biomaterialsymposium, Vienna; 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts", (2012).
Z. Li, M. Siklos, N.U Pucher, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, G. Gescheidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Several novel aromatic ketone-based initiators for two-photon polymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 126.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Proton conducting membranes based on photopolymerizable monomers";
Poster: ICOM 2011 - International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Amsterdam, Niederlande; 23.07.2011 - 29.07.2011; in: "ICOM 2011", (2011), S. 667.
B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, A. Mautner, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible and biodegradable photopolymers from low cytotoxic vinyl esters";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 118.
Ph Radovanovic, M. Kellner, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Asymmetric Sol-gel Proton-conducting Membrane";
Poster: 4M 2011 - 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, Stuttgart, D; 08.11.2011 - 10.11.2011; in: "4M 2011 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture", Research Publishing, (2011), ISBN: 978-981-07-0319-6; S. 230 - 233.
P. Radovanovic, M. Kellner, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Novel asymmetric interpenetrating proton-conducting membrane";
Poster: ICOM 2011 - International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, Amsterdam, Niederlande; 23.07.2011 - 29.07.2011; in: "ICOM 2011", (2011), S. 642.
M. Susec, R. Liska, P. Krajnc:
"Priprava biozdruzljivih poroznih polimerov iz multifunkcionalnih akrilatov = Preparation of biocompatible porous polymers from multifunctional acrylates";
Poster: Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2011, Portoroz; 14.09.2011 - 16.09.2011; in: "Abstracts", (2011).
K. Wallisch, D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Oxypropylated Lignins";
Poster: 19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS), Wien; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-3-6; S. 40.
M. Kellner, Ph Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerizable Monomer Formulations for Nanoporous Proton Conducting Membranes";
Poster: 4M 2011 - 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture, Stuttgart, D; 08.11.2011 - 10.11.2011; in: "4M 2011 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture", Research Publishing, (2011), ISBN: 978-981-07-0319-6; S. 242 - 244.
M. Riegler, E. Srebotnik, S. Knaus:
"Enzymatical and fungal modification of industrial lignosulfonates";
Poster: 19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS), Wien; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-3-6; S. 32.
K. Seidler, S. Ligon, S. Baudis, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable Thermoplastic Polyurethanes: Synthesis and Characterization of Improved TPUs";
Poster: 4th Joint ESAO IFAO Congress, Porto, P; 09.10.2011 - 12.10.2011; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Editore, Milano (2011), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 692.
S. Ligon, C. Dworak, T. Koch, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerizable biocompatible polymers based on phosphorous containing vinyl esters and vinyl carbamates";
Poster: Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers 2011, Funchal, P; 09.05.2011 - 12.05.2011; in: "Ninth International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers", (2011), S. 63.
C. Dworak, M. Schachner, H. Gruber:
"Amphiphilic Block Copolymers: Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Micelles for Targeted Drug Delivery by Raft Polymerization";
Poster: 4th Joint ESAO IFAO Congress, Porto, P; 09.10.2011 - 12.10.2011; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Editore, Milano (2011), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 646.
S. Ligon, C. Dworak, S. Baudis, F. Nehl, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Tailor-made Biomaterials for Vascular Tissue Regeneration printed by Additive Manufacturing Technologies";
Poster: Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers 2011, Funchal, P; 09.05.2011 - 12.05.2011; in: "Ninth International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers", (2011), S. 87 - 88.
P. Krajnc, M. Susec, I. Pulko, R. Liska:
"Towards biocompatible and biodegradable polyHIPEs";
Poster: EUPOC 2011, Gargnano; 29.05.2011 - 03.06.2011; in: "Biobased polymers and related biomaterials : abstract booklet", (2011).
S. Jäger, J. Kremmel, I. Eberhard, H. Wutzel, S. Knaus:
"Copolymerization And Characterization Of Different Sized Mucic Acid Based Nanoparticles";
Poster: 19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society (BEPS), Wien; 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011; in: "19th Annual Meeting of the BioEnvironmental Polymer Society", (2011), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-3-6; S. 15.
S. Ligon, C. Dworak, M. Schachner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers as Multifunctional Micelles for Targeted Drug Delivery";
Poster: Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers 2011, Funchal, P; 09.05.2011 - 12.05.2011; in: "Ninth International Symposium on Frontiers in Biomedical Polymers", (2011), S. 75 - 76.
M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, F. Nehl, S. Ligon, A. Nigisch, H. Bergmeister, A. Blümel, W. Grogger, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Elastomeric Photopolymers by Thiol-ene Polymerization for Vascular Tissue Engineering";
Poster: 4th Joint ESAO IFAO Congress, Porto, P; 09.10.2011 - 12.10.2011; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs", Wichtig Editore, Milano (2011), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 679.
H. Wutzel, S. Ligon, B. Husar, C. Dworak, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Comparison of different chemical strategies to overcome oxygen-inhibition in LED-curing of thin films assessed by IR-spectroscopy";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 257.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, R. Liska:
"New Types of Photopolymers for Regenerative Medicine";
Poster: ESAO - ASAIO Winter School 2011, Semmering, A; 26.01.2010 - 29.01.2010; in: "ESAO-ASAIO Winter School", (2011), S. 66.
A. Gugg, H. Wutzel, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Controlled photopolymerization by addition fragmentation chain transfer agents";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 134.
S. Baudis, F. Nehl, S. Ligon, H. Wutzel, A. Nigisch, H. Bergmeister, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Urethane-based photoelastomers with defined cellular struchture for scaffold-based vascular tissue engineering";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 148.
F. Nehl, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Mechanical Characteriszation of Photoelastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: ESAO - ASAIO Winter School 2011, Semmering; 26.01.2011 - 29.01.2011; in: "ESAO-ASAIO Winter School", (2011), S. 56 - 57.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of crosslinked proton conducting membranes";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 123.
H. Wutzel, M. Schachner, C. Dworak, H. Gruber:
"Amphiphilic block copolymers as multifunctional micelles for drug delivery";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 259.
S. Ligon, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, R. Liska:
"Rapid Prototyping of Bioabsorbalbe Polyvinylesters for Tissue Engineering";
Poster: ESAO - ASAIO Winter School 2011, Semmering; 26.01.2011 - 29.01.2011; in: "ESAO-ASAIO Winter School", (2011), S. 51.
P. Radovanovic, M. Kellner, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Asymmetric proton-conducting membrane made by photopolymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 129.
S. Baudis, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, M. Arras, B. Winter, H. Schima, R. Liska:
"Desing of(Bio)degradable Thermoplastic Urethane-Elastomers for Electrospun Vascular Grafts";
Poster: ESAO - ASAIO Winter School 2011, Semmering; 26.01.2011 - 29.01.2011; in: "ESAO-ASAIO Winter School", (2011), S. 33.
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"In Vivo Scaffold Fabrication";
Poster: ESAO-ASAIO Winter School 2011, Semmering; 26.01.2011 - 29.01.2011; in: "Advancing Roles: Biomaterials in Artificial Organs and Regenerative Medicine", D. Falkenhagen, E. F. Leonard, S. Mikhalovsky (Hrg.); (2011), S. 70.
H. Wutzel, A. Gugg, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Chain transfer reagents for molecular weight control in radical photo-polymerization";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 260.
J. Kumpfmüller, K. Stadlmann, V. Satzinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Fabrication of flexible optical waveguides via two-photon induced thiol-ene polymerization";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2011, Basel, CH; 18.10.2011 - 20.10.2011; in: "RadTech Europe 2011 - Abstract Book", (2011), S. 124.
H. Wutzel, M. Adelwöhrer, S. Knaus:
"Functional Mucic Acid Microspheres";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 261.
Z. Li, M. Siklos, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"C4-303 Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of Several Novel Two-Photon Initiators based on a D-pi-A-pi-D Chromophor";
Poster: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 40.
B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl carbonates as low cytotoxicity monomers for fabrication of biocompatible 3d scaffolds";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
M. Kellner, Ph Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerisation of proton conducting biomimetic membranes";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, F; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2010).
J. Kumpfmüller, R. Inführ, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt:
"C4-355 Flexible Optical WaveGuides via Two-Photon Polymerization";
Poster: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 40.
A. Mautner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Influence of various additives onto the rheological and mechanical behavior of photopolymers";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
L. Nguyen Pham Duy, S. Knaus:
"Modification of Polyolefins by Using a Mini Extruder as Chemical Reactor";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 175 - 176.
S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Two Approaches for the Development of Materials for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 271 - 272.
F. Nehl, S. Baudis, H. Wilhelm, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Mechanical Characterisation of Photoelastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Free radical grafting of novel expoxy-functional monomers onto polypropylene";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 173 - 174.
K. Fizor, S. Knaus, M. Dukic, K. Schuler, V. Winmer:
"Surface Modification of Polypropylene: Glycoengineering and Maleimide Finishing";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 211 - 212.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Polymers from Renewable Resources: Chemical Modification of Lignin";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 227 - 228.
X.H. Qin, J. Torgersen, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon induced Polymerization for 3D Microfabrication of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Hydrogels";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
M. Kellner, S. Knaus, H. Kronberger:
"Investigation of the Degradation Behaviour of Polyethyleneglycol in Aqueous Electrolytes";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 193 - 194.
L. Zhiquan, M. Siklos, N.U Pucher, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and structure-activity relationship of serveral keton-based two-photon initiators";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
P. Tesavibul, J. Patzer, R. Felzmann, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Customized ceramic implants made by lithography based additive manufacturing";
Poster: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", J. Stampfl (Hrg.); (2010), S. 25.
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Poster F5-64 In-Vivo Writing using Two-Photon-Polymerization as Enabling Technology for Making Use of Bio-inspired Structures";
Poster: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 45.
C. Dworak, M. Griesser, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Oxime esters as potential Coinitiators for Radical Photopolymerization";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 196 - 197.
J. Kumpfmüller, R. Liska:
"Structuring of polysiloxane-based waveguides via two-photon induced polymerization";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 245 - 246.
S. Baudis, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"(Bio)abbaubare Urethan-Elastomere für Elektroversponnene Blutgefäßersatzmaterialien";
Poster: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium: Von der Werkstoffentwicklung bis zur klinischen Anwendung, TU Wien, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", (2010), S. 7.
L. Nguyen Pham Duy, S. Knaus:
"Modification of Polyolefins by Using an Extruder as Chemical Reactor";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 205 - 206.
C. Dworak, T. Koch, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible phosphorus-containing Polymers for Radical Photopolymerization";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
A. Gugg, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Chain Transfer Reagents in Radical Photopolymerization";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 194 - 195.
P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Applications of a Fluorescence Marker";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 255 - 266.
M. Siklos, Z. Li, N.U Pucher, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"New Initiators for Two-Photon Photopolymerisation";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 211 - 212.
X.H. Qin, J. Torgersen, L. Zhiquan, A. Ovsianikov, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-photon induced polymerization for 3D fabrication of Biocompatible and Biodegradable hydrogels";
Poster: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium: Von der Werkstoffentwicklung bis zur klinischen Anwendung, TU Wien, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", (2010), S. 56.
C. Dworak, M. Griessner, G. Gescheidt, G. Grabner, S. Jauk, M. Höfer, R. Liska:
"Covalently linked Benzophenone-Amine Photoinitiators with a beta-phenylogous cleavage";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
A. Mautner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Rheological and mechanical behavior of photopolymers with different additives";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 190.
B. Husar, M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biomaterials based on low cytotoxicity vinyl esters for bone replacement application";
Poster: 4. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium: Von der Werkstoffentwicklung bis zur klinischen Anwendung, TU Wien, Wien; 15.11.2010 - 17.11.2010; in: "Tagungsband", (2010), S. 57.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Epoxy-Functional Monomers with Tailored Molecular Structure: Synthesis and Free Radical Grafting to Polypropylene";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2010, Vienna; 07.04.2010 - 09.04.2010; in: "Proceedings", (2010), ISBN: 978-3-200-01797-9; S. 175 - 176.
S. Baudis, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, M. Arras, B. Winter, H. Schima, R. Liska:
"(bio)degradable Urethane-Elastomers For Electrospun Vascular Grafts";
Poster: XXXVII ESAO Congress, Skopje, R. Macedonia; 08.09.2010 - 11.09.2010; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs Vol. 33/No. 7 (2010 July), Abstracts from the XXXVII ESAO Congress", Wichtig Editore, Milano - Birmingham - Osaka (2010), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 467.
M. Kellner, P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska:
"Proton conducting biomimetic membranes based on sulfonic polymeres";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 120 - 121.
J. Torgersen, A. Baudrimont, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"In Vivo Nanostructuring of Biocompatible Materials";
Poster: BioNanoMed 2010, Krems a.d. Donau; 02.11.2010 - 03.11.2010; in: "BioNanoMed 2010", (2010), S. 12.
X.H. Qin, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga:
"F5-832 New Bio-photopolymers with good biocompatibility for Tissue Engineering";
Poster: Materials science and engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010; in: "Tagungsband Material science and engineering 2010", (2010), S. 45.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D fabrication of poly(vinyl alcohol)-based photopolymers for biomedical applications";
Poster: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 28.11.2010 - 01.12.2010; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Abstract Book", (2010).
M. Riegler, E. Srebotnik, S. Knaus:
"Biotechnological Modification of Industrial Lignosulfonates";
Poster: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben; 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 118 - 119.
R. Inführ, N.U Pucher, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, V. Satzinger, N. Galler, K. Stadlmann, J. Stampfl:
"Refractive Index Patterning of Flexible Waveguide Materials by Means of Two‑Photon 3D Lithography";
Poster: Viennano'09 - 3rd Vienna International Conference Nano-Technology, Vienna; 18.03.2009 - 20.03.2009; in: "Nano-Technology", W.J. Bartz (Hrg.); (2009), ISBN: 978-3-901657-32-0; S. 503 - 508.
S. Baudis, B. Steyrer, T. Pulka, H. Wilhelm, G. Weigel, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerizable Elastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 130.
S. Unger, K. Loidolt, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis Of Novel Glycomonomers";
Poster: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8; S. 53.
C. Dworak, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization of Biocompatible Phosphorus-based Monomers";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 130.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, T. Koch, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D fabrication of new poly(vinyl alcohol) based Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering";
Poster: Radtech Europe Conference 2009, Nizza; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "UV/EB- Sustainable Technology", D. Helsby (Hrg.); (2009).
L. Nguyen Pham Duy, A. Mautner, S. Knaus:
"Modification Of Hdpe By Using An Extruder As Chemical Reactor";
Poster: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8; S. 17.
C. Dworak, S. Jauk, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Radical Photoinitiators with β-phenylogous Cleavage";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 265.
A. Mautner, L. Nguyen Pham Duy, S. Knaus, T. Koch:
"Epoxy-Functionalization Of Hd-Pe By Peroxide-Initiated Radical Grafting In Solution And By Reactive Polymer Processing";
Poster: Advances in Polymer Science and Technology 1, Linz; 08.07.2009 - 10.07.2009; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polyolefins and Polymelamines", Trauner Verlag, Linz (2009), ISBN: 978-3-85499-632-3; S. 156.
K. Fizor, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus, T. Koch:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Graft Copolymers of Tapioca Starch";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 128.
P. Knaack, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, P. Esfandiari, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis Of Functional Maleimides And Methacrylates And Modification Of Pp By Liquid Phase Photograft Polymerization";
Poster: Advances in Polymer Science and Technology 1, Linz; 08.07.2009 - 10.07.2009; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polyolefins and Polymelamines", Trauner Verlag, Linz (2009), ISBN: 978-3-85499-632-3; S. 34.
P. Knaack, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, P. Esfandiari, S. Knaus:
"Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Photografting of Functional Maleimides and Methacrylates";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 161.
K. Wallisch, B. Mrozek, T. Koch, S. Knaus:
"Bulk Modification Of Pp By Peroxide-Initiated Radical Grafting Of Epoxy-Functional Maleimides And Methacrylates";
Poster: Advances in Polymer Science and Technology 1, Linz; 08.07.2009 - 10.07.2009; in: "Proceedings of a Conference on Polyolefins and Polymelamines", Trauner Verlag, Linz (2009), ISBN: 978-3-85499-632-3; S. 36.
A. Mautner, L. Nguyen Pham Duy, S. Knaus, T. Koch:
"Epoxy-Functionalization of HDPE by Peroxide-Initiated Radical Grafting in Solution and by Reactive Polymer Processing";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 102.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible and Biodegradable monomers with different polymerizable groups";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 208.
S. Unger, K. Loidolt, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Novel Carbohydrate Based Maleimides and Acrylamides";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 73.
A. Rosspeintner, N.U Pucher, M. Griesser, R. Liska, G. Gescheidt:
"Mechanistic Investigation on Novel Two-Photon Absorbing Photoinitiators";
Poster: XXIV International Conference on Photochemistry, Toledo; 19.07.2009 - 24.07.2009; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 483.
K. Wallisch, B. Mrozek, T. Koch, S. Knaus:
"Epoxy-Functionalization of PP by Peroxide-Initiated Radical Grafting";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 102.
J. Kumpfmüller, K. Stadlmann, R. Inführ, N.U Pucher, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Two-Photon-Induced Waveguide Formation In Polysiloxanes";
Poster: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8; S. 14.
M. Adelwöhrer, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Hydrophilic Microspheres Functionalized by Copolymerization";
Poster: EPF 2009, European Polymer Congress, Graz, A; 12.07.2009 - 17.07.2009; in: "EPF'09, Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 239.
P. Esfandiari, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis Of Functional Monomers And Surface Modification Of Pp By Liquid Phase Photograft Polymerization";
Poster: 13. Österreichische Chemietage, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13. Österreichische Chemietage", (2009), ISBN: 978-3-900554-66-8; S. 6.
S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Flexible, Biocompatible Photopolymers as Artificial Vascular Grafts";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 61.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus, T. Koch:
"Gelatinization Properties and Surface Morphology of Hydrophobically Modified Tapioca Starch";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 110.
S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photoelastomere als biokompatible Blutgefäßersatzmaterialien";
Poster: 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 19.11.2008 - 21.11.2008; in: "3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium - Tagungsband", (2008), S. 41.
M. Adelwöhrer, S. Knaus:
"Reactions of Photolytically Generated Arylnitrenes with Low-Molecular Model Compunds";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 58.
F. Karasu, C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer, N. Arsu, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating Monomers based on Diacrylamides";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 107.
M. Porodec, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, M. Hacker, M. Schulz-Siegmund:
"Surface Immobilization of model protein onto new photo cross-linkable materials";
Poster: 3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien; 19.11.2008 - 21.11.2008; in: "3. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium - Tagungsband", (2008), ISBN: 978-3-200-01613-2; S. 60.
V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, R. Inführ, R. Liska, J. Krenn:
"Rapid prototyping of micro-optics on organic light emitting diodes and organic photo cells by means of two-photon 3D lithography and nano-imprint lithography";
Poster: SPIE Photonics Europe 2008, Strasbourg, F; 07.04.2008 - 11.04.2008; in: "Proceedings of SPIE", (2008).
M. Sandholzer, M. Schuster, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga, C. Slugovc:
"ROMP Based Macroinitiator-Coinitiator Systems With Improved Migration Stability";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 106.
M. Adelwöhrer, J. Kollar, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, T. Verdianz:
"Sucrose and Glucose Based Polymer Supports for Biomedical Applications";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
F. Karasu, D. Balta, R. Liska, N. Arsu:
"Photoinitiated polymerization of β-Cyclodextrin/ Methyl Methacrylate Host / Guest complex in the Presence of Water Soluble Photoinitiator";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 103.
V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, C. Palfinger, R. Inführ, R. Liska, J. R. Krenn:
"Rapid prototyping of micro-optics on organic light emitting diodes and organic photo cells by means of two-photon 3D lithography and nano-imprint lithography";
Poster: Photonics Europe 2008 (SPIE), Strasbourg, Frankreich; 07.04.2008 - 10.04.2008; in: "Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6992", (2008), S. 699217-1 - 699217-10.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, U. Fischer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Acylgermanium Derivatives as New Visible Light Photoinitiators for Dental Materials";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 99.
N.U Pucher, S. Baudis, C. Heller, M. Schuster, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Fabrication of Biocompatible and Cellular Polymers with Sub-Micrometer Feature Resolution by means of Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
J. Kollar, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, T. Verdianz:
"Novel Galactaric Acid Based Polymer Supports for Affinity Chromatography Applications";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 94.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D Fabrication of new poly(vinyl alcohol) based scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Regeneration";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
S. Krivec, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger:
"Sol-Gel Materials as Carrier for Polymeric Waveguides";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 83.
M. Porodec, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, M. Hacker:
"Covalent modification of photo-cross-linkable polymers for bone tissue engineering using a model protein";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrophobically Modified Tapioca Starch";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 78.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Inführ, C. Heller, S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Fundamental investigations towards a new bone replacement material containing gelatin photopolymers";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating Monomers based on Di- and Trifunctional Acrylates";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 76.
S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Tailored Photoelastomers as Biocompatible Blood Vessel Substitutes";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
C. Slugovc, M. Sandholzer, M. Schuster, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"A Romp-based photoinitiator-coinitiator system with improved migration stability";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Stockholm, S; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008; in: "International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008, Book of Abstracts", (2008).
M. Höfer, R. Liska:
"Red-shifted Cationic Photoinitiators with selective Cleavage Mechanism";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 74.
C. Turecek, M. Schuster, S. Baudis, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga:
"Evaluation of biophotopolymers for bone replacement materials capabe for rapid prototyping";
Poster: XXXIV ESAO Congress, Krems, A; 05.09.2007 - 08.09.2007; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Abstracts of the XXXIV ESAO Congress", D. Falkenhagen (Hrg.); The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 30 (8) (2007), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 723.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymers for hard tissue replacement";
Poster: XXXIV ESAO Congress, Krems, A; 05.09.2007 - 08.09.2007; in: "The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Abstracts of the XXXIV ESAO Congress", D. Falkenhagen (Hrg.); The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 30 (8) (2007), ISSN: 0391-3988; S. 705.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, A. Mateos, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Evaluation of biocompatible Photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Bone Substitutes";
Poster: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Austria; 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. P17.
R. Sachsenhofer, W.H. Binder:
"Polymersomes with included nanoparticles";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 3.
Ch. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Nonostructured silica/polymer-monoliths";
Poster: ISOSXIV 3rd European Organosilicon Days, Würzburg, Deutschland; 31.07.2006 - 02.08.2006; in: "ISOSXIV 3rd European Organosilicon Days - Abstracts", (2006), S. P071.
R. Zirbs, W.H. Binder, M Gahleitner, D. Machl:
""Grafting from" living cationic polymerisation of (polyisobutylene) and (polystyrene) from nanoparticle-surfaces";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 4.
R. Inführ, C. Fritscher, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl:
"Structuring methods capable of building 3D parts with feature resolutions from 50 µm to 100 nm";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference 2006, Wien; 19.04.2006 - 21.04.2006; in: "Junior Scientist Conference 2006. Proceedings", (2006), ISBN: 3-902463-05-8; S. 131 - 132.
W.H. Binder, D. Gloger:
"Nitroxide mediated living polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide: Kinetic studies and influence of initiator structure";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 5.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, B. Kaiser, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement Materials";
Poster: Junior Scientist Conference, Wien; 19.04.2006 - 21.04.2006; in: "Junior Scientist Conference 2006 - Proceedings", (2006), ISBN: 3-902463-05-8; S. 173 - 174.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Preparation of micro- and mesoporous silica with poly-rotaxanes as template-molecules";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 6.
C. Heller, N.U Pucher, B. Seidl, R. Liska:
"New cross-conjugated photoinitiators";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 32.
H. Weinstabl, W.H. Binder:
"Surface-engeneering of magnetic nanoparticles with supramolecular recognitions sites";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 40.
P. Esfandiari, E. Schwaiger, L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, S. Knaus:
"Electroless metalization of polypropylene functionalized with chelating residues";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 42.
S. Petrak, W.H. Binder, W. Kantner, W. Heep, E. Rosenberg:
"Analysis of the chemical composition of acetone-formaldehyde resins via 1H-NMR and HPLC-MS";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 66.
M. Ettenauer, T. Posnicek, M. Brandl, S. Knaus, R. Grössinger, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Development and Application of Ferromagnetic Fluorescent Microparticels as Markers for Particle Release in Extracorporal Blood Purification";
Poster: 6th International Conference Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Krems, Österreich; 17.05.2006 - 20.05.2006; in: "Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers - Abstracts", (2006), S. 39.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Soft Mesoporous Silica Gels by Templating Processes with Flexible Rotaxanes";
Poster: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Österreich; 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. P5.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Magnetic supramolecular polymer gel";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 67.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Gels";
Poster: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Österreich; 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. P6.
H. Weinstabl, D. Gloger, W.H. Binder:
"Magnetic Nanoparticles with a Thermoresponsive Shell";
Poster: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Österreich; 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. P19.
N. Pucher, C. Heller, B. Seidl, L. Kuna, A. Haase, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New Initiators for Two-Photon Photopolymerization";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - The Chain of Knowledge - From Catalyst to Application", (2006).
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, T. Verdianz, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Development of Biodegradable Photopolymers";
Poster: 2nd Stipomat Workshop, Seggau, Austria; 23.10.2006 - 25.10.2006; in: "2nd Stipomat Workshop - Book of Abstracts", (2006), S. P16.
M. Josipovic, W.H. Binder:
"Combining ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) and sharpless-type "click" reactions with thin film nanoparticle binding processes";
Poster: 8th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Linz, Austria; 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006; in: "8th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Abstracts", (2006), S. 1.
R. Inführ, H. Lichtenegger, C. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D Lithography of organo-soluble mold materials";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Austria; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 67.
R. Zirbs, W.H. Binder, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer:
"Self-Assembly of Au-Nanoparticles onto Surfaces Mediated by Multiple Hydrogen Bonds";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 60.
Ch. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, R. Inführ, S. Seidler:
"Templating of organic/inorganic hybrid materials";
Poster: EMRS Spring Meeting 2005, Strasbourg, France; 31.05.2005 - 03.06.2005; in: "European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting E-MRS 2005 - Scienific Programme", (2005), S. I -28/54.
R. Sachsenhofer, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of functionalized phosphine oxide Cadium Selenide nanoparticles and assembly onto surfaces by multiple hydrogen bonds";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 61.
M. Ettenauer, T. Posnicek, M. Brandl, S. Knaus, D. Falkenhagen, V. Weber:
"Entwicklung magnetischer Fluoreszenzmikropartikel als Marker für die extrakorporale Blutreinigung";
Poster: 11. Österreichische Chemietage, Leoben; 19.09.2005 - 22.09.2005; in: "11. Österreichische Chemietage", (2005), S. PO-38.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Acrylamide-based Biophotopolymers for Bone Tissue Engineering";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 69.
R. Inführ, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, C. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing:
"3D Lithography of Organo-Soluble Mold Materials for Sol-Gel Nanocomposites";
Poster: Radtech Europe 2005: Exhibition and Conference, Barcelona; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005; in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", Radtech Europe Association, (2005), ISBN: 3-87870-330-9; S. 487 - 492.
S. Kopeinig, R. Liska:
"Benzophenone as covalently bound sensitizer for α-cleavable Photoinitiatiators";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 70.
R. Liska, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, B. Seidl:
"New insights into the photochemistry of cross-conjugates photoinitiators";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 71.
M. Schuster, S. Chen, R. Liska, M. Rumpler, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Development of Biodegradable Photopolymers for Bone Tissue Engineering";
Poster: Radtech Europe 2005: Exhibition and Conference, Barcelona; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005; in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", (2005), S. 365 - 372.
C. Kluger, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Side Chain Functionalized Block-co-Polymers by Combining Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) with 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 75.
S. Petrak, W.H. Binder, V. Shadurka, M. Dunky:
"Reaction Pathways of Blocked Isocyanates of UF-Resins: Influence of Metal-Catalysis on Reactivity";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 81.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
Poster: ISOS XIV, 14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry; 3rd European Organosilicon Days, Würzburg, Germany; 31.07.2005 - 05.08.2005; in: "ISOS XIV, 14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry", (2005), S. 158.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis and characterization of azide / alkyne - functionalized oligomeric silsesquioxanes";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 82.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska:
Poster: E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France; 31.05.2005 - 03.06.2005; in: "E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting", (2005), S. I - 28/54.
M. Schuster, S. Chen, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Photopolymerizable Biopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement Materials";
Poster: Radtech Europe 2005: Exhibition and Conference, Barcelona; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005; in: "RadTech Europe 2005 Conference Proceedings Volume II", (2005), S. 479 - 486.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Novel carbohydrate-based surfactants for the preparation of imprinted silica";
Poster: 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, Österreich; 04.07.2005 - 06.07.2005; in: "7th Austrian Polymer Meeting - Final Program", (2005), S. 83.
R. Zirbs, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer, W.H. Binder:
"Selective Binding of Nanoparticles onto Surfaces via Directed Hydrogen Bonding Interactions";
Poster: VIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop Single Molecule Techniques in Biophysics and Drug Discovery, Linz, Österreich; 05.02.2005 - 07.02.2005; in: "VIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop Single Molecule Techniques in Biophysics and Drug Discovery", (2005), S. 2-4.
Ch. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of Bio-inspired Silica Composites";
Poster: MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA; 29.11.2004 - 03.12.2004; in: "MRS Fall Meeting 2004 - Program & Exhibit Guide", (2004), S. 729.
W.H. Binder, D. Machl, C. Kluger:
"Connecting Polymeric Fragments by Sharpless-type "click"-reactions";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting - Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-095.
L. Petraru, D. Farnik, R. Saf, W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular, telechelic poly(etherketones) bearing babituric acid as hydrogen as hydrogen bonding unit";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting - Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-094.
C. Kluger, W.H. Binder:
"Sidechain-functionalized poly(norbornenes) bearing new hydrogen boning motives via ROMP";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting - Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-096.
B. Huemer, B. Seidl, B. Seiboth, C.P. Kubicek:
"Cloning and characterization of new chitinase genes from the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride";
Poster: Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, ANGT, Innsbruck,Austria; 2004; in: "Proc.of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, ANGT", (2004).
R. Liska, F. Schwager, R. Cano Vives, J. Stampfl:
"New photopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of cellular structures";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-327.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich, D. Herzog, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"Activated camphorquinones as photoinitiators";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-323.
R. Liska, B. Seidl, G. Grabner:
"Laser Flash Photolysis investigations of pyridine ketones";
Poster: 228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, USA; 22.08.2004 - 26.08.2004; in: "228th ACS Natinal Meeting Meeting Abstract", (2004), S. POLY-326.
G. Ullrich, D. Herzog, R. Liska, H. Gruber, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"Synthesis and photoactivity of new camphorquinone derivatives";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 131.
B. Seidl, R. Liska:
"New Coinitiator-free Benzophenone Derived Photoinitiator";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 1001 - 1007.
D. Machl, M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Novel synthetic routes to aminofunctionalized polyisobutylene";
Poster: 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, USA; 07.09.2003 - 11.09.2003; in: "Abstract of the 225th ACS National Meeting", (2003), S. POLY-121.
M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Studies on supramolecular functionalized polyetherketones and polyisobutylenes";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 144.
R. Liska:
"Dramatic Enhancement in Sensitizers Effects for Free Radical Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 947 - 952.
M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"NMR-studies on hydrogen-bonded supramolecular polyetherketones";
Poster: 5th International Conference in Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering APME-5' 2003, Montreal, Canada; 21.06.2003 - 26.06.2003; in: "Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering", (2003).
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, A. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and melt free-radical grafting of novel monomers containing chelating moieties";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 140.
A. Liska, H. Wölfle, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Photopolymerization of Maleimide-1,3-Diketones";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 939 - 944.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Chemical modification of wood. Effects on surface wettability and mechanical strenght";
Poster: 12th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Madison, USA; 09.06.2003 - 12.06.2003; in: "Proceedings 12th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry", (2003).
C. Kluger, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of chelator-endfunctionalized polyisobutylenes";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 127.
G. Ullrich, D. Herzog, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"Covalently bonded Camphorquinone - Amine Photoinitiating Systems";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Germany, Berlin; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 1027 - 1033.
B. Seidl, D. Herzog, G. Grabner, R. Liska:
"Photochemistry and photophysics of heterocyclic ketones";
Poster: 10th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vienna, Austria; 03.09.2003 - 06.09.2003; in: "10th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry", (2003), ISBN: 80-227-1938-2; S. PO-163.
B. Seidl, D. Herzog, G. Grabner, R. Liska:
"A Cleavable Photoinitiators with Reduced Oxygen Sensitivity";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 1011 - 1016.
B. Seidl, R. Liska, H. Gruber:
"Benzophenone based Ynones as photoinitiators";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 125.
M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Syntheses of nucleobase-telechelic polyisobutylenes";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 145.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, C. Hansmann:
"Properties of silylated wood - effects on surface wettability, mechanical strenght and dimensional stability";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 171.
L. Petraru, E. Taran, B. Donose, K. Higashitani, A.D. Asandei, G. Sauvet, N. Hurduc:
"Poly(siloxane-g-styrene) and poly(siloxane-g-methylmethacrylate) by CuCl or Cu(0) catalyzed ATRP from benzyl chloride derivatized polysiloxanes";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 152.
L. Petraru, M. Romanic, I. Carlescu, D. Scutaru, G. Sauvet, N. Hurduc:
"Azo-group containing polysiloxanes with conformational photo-control";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 151.
K. Lisak, S. Knaus, S. Jauk:
"Photochemical immobilization of functional azides onto polypropylene surface";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 139.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder, M. Dunky, W. Kantner:
"IR-Spectroscopic investigations of blocked isocyanates in UF-resins";
Poster: Seventh European Panel Products Symposium, Llandudno, United Kingdom; 08.10.2003 - 10.10.2003; in: "Seventh European Panel Products Symposium", (2003), ISBN: 18-422-0057-7; S. T-59 - T-64.
T. Verdianz, R. Liska, H. Gruber, H. Simburger:
"Surface modification of polyimides for electric motor manufacture";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 165.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, C. Hansmann, M. Schwanninger:
"Trimethylsilylated Wood - Investigation of Hydrolytic Resistance, Silicon Distribution and Mechanical Properties";
Poster: Thematic Network for Wood Modification, Ghent, Belgium; 03.04.2003 - 04.04.2003; in: "Proceedings of the First European Conference on Wood Modification", (2003), ISBN: 90-806-5652-6.
B. Seidl, R. Liska, H. Gruber, G. Grabner:
"Laser flash photolysis of pyridine ketones";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 126.
D. Machl, W.H. Binder:
"Amino functionalized polyisobutylenes";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 129.
K. Lisak, S. Knaus:
"Functionalization of PP: Influence of various parameters on photochemical surface modification with aryl azides";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2003, Berlin, Germany; 03.11.2003 - 05.11.2003; in: "RadTech Europe 2003 Conference Proceedings", (2003), ISBN: 3-87870-152-7; S. 931 - 936.
D. Machl, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of polyetherketone-polyisobutylene block copolymers";
Poster: 6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium, Vienna, Austria; 15.09.2003 - 17.09.2003; in: "6. Austrian Polymer Meeting 21. International H. F. Mark-Symposium ", (2003), S. 130.
K. Lisak, R. Liska, S. Knaus, J. Wendrinsky:
"Photochemical Surface Modification of Polyfines";
Poster: XIXth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Budapest, Hungary; 14.07.2002 - 19.07.2002; in: "XIXth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry Book of Abstracts", (2002), ISBN: 9639319228; S. 311.
R. Liska, D. Herzog, B. Seidl, N. Fuß:
"New Chromophors for alpha-Cleavage Photoinitiators in Free Radical Polymerization";
Poster: XIXth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, Budapest, Hungary; 14.07.2002 - 19.07.2002; in: "XIXth IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry Book of Abstracts", (2002), ISBN: 9639319228; S. 312 - 313.
R. Liska, K. Lisak, B. Seidl, N. Fuß:
"Hydroxyalkylphenone Based Ynones as New alpha-Cleavable Photoinitiators in Free Radical Polymerization";
Poster: 10th"Tihany" Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Sopron, Hungary; 31.08.2002 - 05.09.2002; in: "10th"Tihani" Symposium on Radiation Chemistry - Program and Abstracts", (2002).
A. Poschalko, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, A. Bianco, G. Guichard, J.P. Briand, D. Falkenhagen:
"Novel Sucrose-based Hydrophilic Polymer Supports for Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis";
Poster: Funktionspolymere für Systemlösungen, Darmstadt, Deutschland; 18.03.2002 - 19.03.2002; in: "Vortragstagung Funktionspolymere für Systemlösungen", (2002), S. 104.
A. Poschalko, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, A. Bianco, G. Guichard, J.P. Briand, D. Falkenhagen:
"Influence of the Polymer Support on Fibrinogen-Adsorption in Affinity Chromatography";
Poster: Funktionspolymere für Systemlösungen, Darmstadt, Deutschland; 18.03.2002 - 19.03.2002; in: "Vortragstagung Funktionspolymere für Systemlösungen", (2002), S. 114.
W.H. Binder, M. Einzmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Vesicular Polyoxazolines: Synthesis and Structural Investigations";
Poster: Rolduc Polymer Meeting, Kerkrade, Holland; 05.05.2002 - 08.05.2002; in: "Rolduc Polymer Meeting", (2002).
W.H. Binder, M. Einzmann, M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, H. Wutzel:
"Self Assembly of Tailored Block Copolymers into Functional Nanoparticels and Nanostructured Surfaces";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Nanochemistry, Wien; 26.09.2002 - 28.09.2002; in: "International Workshop on Nanochemistry", (2002).
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Synthesis and Characterization on Trimethylsilylated Wood";
Poster: The 6th Pacific Rim Bio-Based Composites Symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA; 09.11.2002 - 17.11.2002; in: "Proceedings The 6th Pacific Rim Bio.Based Composites Symposium", (2002), S. 643.
Keynote Lecture (with Proceedings)
I. Lamparth, U. Fischer, J. Radebner, M. Haas, M. Mitterbauer, R. Liska, H. Stüger, N. Moszner:
"Photoinitiating Efficiency of Visible Light Initiators Based on Tetraacyl Derivatives of Germanium and Tin";
Hauptvortrag: 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Mulhouse, France; 03.09.2018 - 06.09.2018; in: "5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", 5th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, (2018), S. PO21.
R. Liska:
"Thiol-ene polymerization of biocompatible monomers in additive manufactoring technology";
Hauptvortrag: Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013, Bled (eingeladen); 03.04.2013 - 05.04.2013; in: "The Proceedings of the Austrian - Slovenian Polymer Meeting - ASPM 2013", M. Zigon, T. Rajsp (Hrg.); (2013), ISBN: 978-961-269-992-5; S. 7 - 8.
M. Hatzenbichler, R. Felzmann, S. Gruber, G. Mitteramskogler, P. Tesavibul, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Additive Manufacturing of high performance ceramic structures";
Hauptvortrag: 4m 2012, Wien; 09.10.2012 - 11.10.2012; in: "Multi-material Micro Manufacture", H. Noll, N. Adamovic, S. Dimov (Hrg.); Research Publishing, (2012), ISBN: 978-98107-3353-7; S. 16 - 19.
A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, S Mühleder, W Holnthoner, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Engineering 3D cell-culture matrices with femtosecond laserinduced photochemistry";
Hauptvortrag: 5. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien (eingeladen); 19.11.2012 - 21.11.2012; in: "Abstracts 5th Biomaterialsymposium Vienna", (2012), S. 15 - 16.
R. Liska:
"Thiol-ene polymerization of biocompatible photopolymers";
Hauptvortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino (eingeladen); 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012).
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization and additive manufacturing technologies";
Hauptvortrag: 4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop, Bratislava (eingeladen); 01.10.2012 - 05.10.2012; in: "4th Bratislava Young Polymer Scientists workshop", (2012), ISBN: 978-80-970923-2-0; S. 25.
R. Liska:
"3D Photopolymerization";
Hauptvortrag: 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben (eingeladen); 08.09.2010 - 10.09.2010; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2010), S. 28.
J. Stampfl, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymers for stereolithography and two-photon lithography";
Hauptvortrag: World conference on regenerative medicine, Leipzig (eingeladen); 29.10.2009 - 31.10.2009; in: "Regenerative Medicine", F. Emmrich (Hrg.); Future Medicine, 4 (6) (2009), ISSN: 1746-0751; S. S58 - S59.
W.H. Binder, C. Kluger, M.J. Kunz, L. Petraru, R. Zirbs:
"Synthesis and Properties of Supramolecular Polymers";
Hauptvortrag: Polymerwerkstoffe 2006, Halle/Saale, Deutschland (eingeladen); 27.09.2006 - 29.09.2006; in: "Polymerwerkstoffe 2006 - Abstracts", (2006), ISBN: 3-86010-856-5; S. 107 - 108.
Keynote Lecture (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Hydroxylamine-based monomers";
Hauptvortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of Bio-inspired Silica Composites";
Hauptvortrag: MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Boston (USA); 29.11.2004 - 03.12.2004; in: "2004 MRS Fall Meeting", MRS, http://lucy.mrs.org/meetings/fall2004/abstracts/f04_abstract_ee.pdf (2004), Paper-Nr. EE 9.15, 1 S.
Talk (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
S. Baudis:
"3D-Printing - bone replacement implants";
Vortrag: European Society of Head and Neck Radiology - 33rd Meeting and Refresher Course, London/Vienna; 02.09.2021 - 04.09.2021; in: "European Society of Head and Neck Radiology - 33rd Meeting and Refresher Course", (2021), 100 S.
T Zandrini, K. Watanabe, M. Markovic, M. Lunzer, J. Van Hoorick, A. Dobos, S. van Vlierberghe, R. Sudo, A. Ovsianikov:
"Microstructured gel engineering of vascular network inside a microfluidic chip";
Vortrag: Online Conference 11th World Biomaterials Congress, UK; 11.12.2020 - 15.12.2020; in: "Programme", (2020).
A. Ovsianikov, M. Tromayer, A. Dobos, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, A. Rosspeintner, E. Vauthey, H. Redl, R. Liska:
"Micropattering of Hydrogels by Means of Multiphoton Lithography";
Vortrag: International Symposium on SSS Laser Processing (3S-LP), Keio University, Yokohama, Japan (eingeladen); 27.02.2019 - 01.03.2019; in: "International Symposium on SSS Laser Processing", Abstract book, (2019).
S. Brkic, E. Bovo, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, O. Doriana, T. Flora, M. Asthana, G. Roberto, P. Abhay, J. Rodriguez-Cabello, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov, A. Banfi:
"Photo-grafting of VEGF protein gradients into elastin-like polymer hydrogels for improved vascularization";
Vortrag: TERMIS-EU 2017: Personalised Therapies for Regenerative Medicine, Davos; 26.06.2017 - 30.06.2017; in: "eCM Meeting Abstracts 2017, Collection 2; TERMIS-EU 2017 Conference", eCM Conferences Open Access online periodical, (2017), ISSN: 2522-235x; Paper-Nr. 0141, 1 S.
S. Baudis, R. Gmeiner:
"3DFabBio - Maßgeschneiderte 3D gefertigte Produkte aus bio-basierten erneuerbaren Rohstoffen";
Vortrag: Stakeholderdialog: Biobased Industry, Wien (eingeladen); 04.12.2017; in: "Stakeholderdialog: Biobased Industry", (2017), 1 S.
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, J. Hilborn, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Two-photon degradation of a hyaluronic acid based hydrogel using a two-photon initiator as photosensitizer";
Vortrag: 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, Canada; 17.05.2016 - 22.05.2016; in: "Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress.", Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress/Frontiers, (2016).
J. Stampfl, S. Gruber, R. Felzmann, S. Springer, R. Liska:
"Lithographiebasierte Fertigung keramischer Bauteile";
Vortrag: RapidTech 2011, Erfurt; 24.05.2011 - 25.05.2011; in: "Fachmesse und Anwendertagung für Rapid-Technologie", A. Gebhardt (Hrg.); (2011), Paper-Nr. Anwendertagung 5/2, 4 S.
T. Koch, F. R. Kogler, R. Potzmann, U. Schubert, S. Krivec, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, S. Seidler:
"Charakterisierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von organisch-anorganischen Hybridwerkstoffen mittels Eindruckprüfungen";
Vortrag: 13. Problemseminar Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen, Halle-Merseburg; 29.06.2011 - 01.07.2011; in: "13. Problemseminar Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen", (2011), 5 S.
J. Stampfl, G. Mitteramskogler, S. Springer, S. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Lithography-based Additive Manufacturing of Cellular Ceramic and Composite Structures";
Vortrag: Euromat 2011, Montpellier; 12.09.2011 - 15.09.2011; in: "Euromat 2011", (2011), Paper-Nr. B33-O21H, 1 S.
N.U Pucher, S. Krivec, N. Matsko, N. Galler, T. Koch, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, W. Grogger, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska:
"Photopolymerizable Waveguides in Flexible Sol-Gel Cladding Materials";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 6 S.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Rapid Prototyping of Biocompatible and Biodegradable monomers";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, D. Neshchadin, M. Griesser, C. Hametner, R. Saf, N. Moszner, G. Gescheidt, R. Liska:
"Mechanistic Investigations on Germanium-based Photoinitiators";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 9 S.
N.U Pucher, A. Rosspeintner, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, G. Gescheidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Evaluation of Triple Bond Containing Photoinitiators for the Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization Process";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 6 S.
N.U Pucher, A. Rosspeintner, S. Kontur, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, G. Gescheidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photochemistry and Photophysics of Two-Photon Initiators";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 6 S.
J. Stampfl, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Entwicklung nicht-toxischer Biophotopolymere für die generative Fertigung";
Vortrag: 12. Problemseminar Deformation und Bruch, Merseburg; 24.06.2009 - 26.06.2009; in: "Tagungsband Deformation und Bruch", W. Grellmann (Hrg.); (2009), 4 S.
S. Baudis, M. Schwentenwein, T. Pulka, B. Steyrer, H. Wilhelm, G. Weigel, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Studies on the mechanical behaviour of Photoelastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration.";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 6 S.
R. Liska, H. Bergmeister, S. Baudis, C. Dworak, C. Heller, N. Moszner, M. Porodec, N.U Pucher, G. Russmüller, V. Schmidt, M. Schulz-Siegmund, M. Schwentenwein, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, G. Weigel:
"Monomers and Photoinitiators for Biomedical Applications";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
C. Dworak, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Phosphorus-based Monomers for radical polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, F. Karasu, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer, R. Liska:
"Self-Initiating Monomers based on Acrylamides";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 7 S.
R. Inführ, J. Stampfl, S. Krivec, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, V. Satzinger, V. Schmidt, N. Matsko, W. Grogger:
"3D-structuring of optical waveguides with two photon polymerization";
Vortrag: 2009 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 14.04.2009 - 17.04.2009; in: "Material Systems and Processes for Three-Dimensional Micro- and Nanoscale Fabrication and Lithography", S. Kuebler, V. Milam (Hrg.); 1179E (2009), Paper-Nr. 1179-BB01-07, 7 S.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible and Biodegradable monomers based on Oligoethylene glycols with different polymerizable groups";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 6 S.
M. Höfer, S. Landertshamer, R. Liska:
"Cationic Photoinitiators based on Phenylethynyl onium salts";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 9 S.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, M. Porodec, M. Schulz-Siegmund, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Poly(vinyl alcohol) based monomers for lithography-based 3D fabrication";
Vortrag: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, München (eingeladen); 07.09.2009 - 12.09.2009; in: "IFMBE Proceedings", O. Dössel, W. Schlegel (Hrg.); 25 (2009), ISBN: 978-3-642-03897-6; 4 S.
J. Kumpfmüller, N.U Pucher, K. Stadlmann, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Photo-induced Waveguide formation in Polysiloxanes";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 7 S.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, M. Porodec, M. Schulz-Siegmund, G. Russmüller:
"New 3D-Biophotopolymers with Selective Surface-cell Interactions for Regnerative Medicine";
Vortrag: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009; in: "E-MRS 2008 spring meeting", (2009).
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Biocompatible and biodegradable photopolymers for microstereolithography";
Vortrag: 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Kyoto (eingeladen); 29.06.2009 - 02.07.2009; in: "Proceedings of LAMP2009", I. Miyamoto (Hrg.); Japan Laser Processing Society, Osaka (2009), Paper-Nr. #09-092, 5 S.
C. Dworak, S. Jauk, R. Liska, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, G. Gescheidt:
"Photoinitiators with β-phenylogous cleavage";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 7 S.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, S. Baudis, R. Thaler, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D Fabrication of new poly(vinyl alcohol) based Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 7 S.
J. Stampfl, C. Heller, M. Schuster, S. Baudis, J. Homa, R. Liska:
"Biofunktionelle Photopolymere für die generative Fertigung";
Vortrag: Rapidtech, Erfurt/Deutschland; 27.05.2008 - 28.05.2008; in: "Tagungsband", (2008), Paper-Nr. AT-Session5-V2, 4 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Comparative Studies of Hydrophobically Modified Tapioca Starches";
Vortrag: XXII. National Chemistry Congress, Magusa, Northern Cyprus; 06.10.2008 - 10.10.2008; in: "XXII. National Chemistry Congress", (2008), 1 S.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska:
"Biofunctional Photopolymers for Micro-Stereolithography";
Vortrag: 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, LPM 2007, Vienna, A; 24.04.2007 - 28.04.2007; in: "Proceedings of LPM2007", (2007), Paper-Nr. 07-72, 5 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster, M. Höfer, C. Heller, S. Kopeinig, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer, N. Moszner:
"Photoinitiators with bathochromic shift";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A (eingeladen); 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
J. Stampfl, M. Schuster, C. Heller, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga:
"Entwicklung und mechanische Charakterisierung bioabbaubarer Photopolymere";
Vortrag: 11. Problemseminar Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen, Merseburg, Deutschland; 20.06.2007 - 22.06.2007; in: "Tagungsband", (2007), 6 S.
M. Höfer, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Singlet Oxygen Reactive Components for Radiation Curable Formulations";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A (eingeladen); 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
M. Schuster, M. Sandholzer, C. Turecek, F. Varga, C. Slugovc, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Evaluation of Eosin-based Photoinitiators with Improved Migration Stability";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A (eingeladen); 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 7 S.
B. Ganster, U. Fischer, V. Rheinberger, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"New visible light PIs for Dental Materials";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2007, Vienna, A (eingeladen); 13.11.2007 - 15.11.2007; in: "RadTech Europe 2007 Conference Proceedings", (2007), 8 S.
M. Sandholzer, M. Schuster, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga, F. Stelzer, C. Slugovc:
"Ring opening metathesis polymers as macroinitiator-coinitiator systems for the photopolymerization of acrylates";
Vortrag: 234th ACS National Meeting, Boston, USA; 19.08.2007 - 23.08.2007; in: "Abstracts of Papers", (2007), 2 S.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, R. Inführ, T. Koch, S. Seidler:
"Hierarchisch strukturiertes Siliziumdioxid und seine mechanischen Eigenschaften";
Vortrag: 2. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, TU Wien; 22.11.2006 - 24.11.2006; in: "2. Wiener Biomaterialsysmposium", (2006), 9 S.
M. Schuster, R. Liska, F. Varga, C. Turecek:
"Gelatin-based Biophotopolymers";
Vortrag: 2. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien, Österreich; 22.11.2006 - 24.11.2006; in: "2. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium - CD", (2006), 7 S.
B. Ganster:
"Photoinitiators for Dental Primer Formulations";
Vortrag: 2. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien, Österreich; 22.11.2006 - 24.11.2006; in: "2. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium - CD", (2006), 4 S.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, R. Saf, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Peroxide-initiated grafting of maleimides onto hydrocarbon substrates";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2005, Moskau, Russland; 27.06.2005 - 01.07.2005; in: "CD European Polymer Congress 2005", (2005), Paper-Nr. o.1.3.1 Ref.1946, 3 S.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Novel Carbohydrate based polymers as specific microadsorbents in extracorporeal blood purification";
Vortrag: European Polymer Congress 2005, Moskau, Russland; 27.06.2005 - 01.07.2005; in: "CD European Polymer Congress 2005", (2005), Paper-Nr. o.4.4.2 Ref. 2435, 2 S.
Poster Presentation
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Photo-grafting of VEGF protein gradients into elastin-like polymer hydrogels for improved vascularization";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine Inaugural Meeting 2017, Wien; 09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.
U. Mais, S. Knaus:
"A Simple Solution to the Synthesis of Amine-Substituted Cellulose Derivatives";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference, Massachusatts, USA; 22.07.2001 - 27.07.2001.
K. Fohringer, S. Knaus:
"Tailoring of Photochemically Engineered Polyolefin Surface";
Poster: Summer school P2M, Ghent; 25.08.2013 - 28.08.2013.
N. Fuß, R. Liska:
"New Enon- and Inon-besed Type I Photoinitiators";
Poster: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
A. Mautner, X.H. Qin, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl carbonates, a new generation of low toxic monomers";
Poster: 1st P2M Networking Conference, Obernai, F; 11.11.2011 - 14.11.2011.
S. Baudis, S. Orman, A. Mautner, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible, tough photopolymers as 3D printed constructs for bone regeneration";
Poster: 1st TERMIS-EU WORKSHOP in collaboration with ISBF "3D Printing in Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering", Poland, Warsaw; 22.03.2018 - 23.03.2018.
T. Verdianz, A. Poschalko, H. Gruber, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Novel Hydrophilic Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Supports for Affinity Chromatography Applications";
Poster: World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004, Paris, France; 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.
P. Knaack, S. Knaus:
"Smart polyolefins by immobilization of NIR Absorbers";
Poster: Summer school P2M, Ghent; 25.08.2013 - 28.08.2013.
K. Ehrmann, C. Dworak, K. Seidler, P. Potzmann, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, S. Baudis, K Podesser, R. Liska:
"Biodegradable Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers for their Application as Electrospun Artificial Blood Vessels";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
S. Schörpf, Y. Catel, N. Moszner, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Reduction of Polymerization-Induced Shrinkage Stress via Combination of Radical Ring Opening and Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer";
Poster: RadTech USA 2019, Monterey - CA, USA; 15.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
W.H. Binder, M. Einzmann:
"Aggregates on Basis of Polyoxazolines";
Poster: EUPOC 01, Gardinano, Italien; 27.05.2001 - 01.06.2001.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, W. Steiger, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Hyaluronic acid as a basis for the development of hydrogel networks and Two-Photon Initiators";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
A. Gugg, C. Gorsche, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Addition fragmentation chain transfer agents for controlled radical photopolymerization";
Poster: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), San Feliu de Guixols; 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.
W. Steiger, P. Gruber, A. Dobos, M. Tromayer, M. Lunzer, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fully Automated Z-scan Setup Based on a Tunable FS-Oscillator";
Poster: AMBA 2017, Ghent; 28.09.2017.
A. Gugg, B. Ganster, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Dental Composite Materials Based on Visible Light Photopolymerization.";
Poster: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.
Ch. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of bio-inspired ceramic composites";
Poster: Micro-Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials, Tomar, Portugal; 26.09.2004 - 30.09.2004.
P. Steinbauer, C. Dworak, S. Baudis, P.J. Thurner, O.G. Andriotis, R. Liska:
"Phosphorus-based RAFT Polymers for Bio-Adhesion";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
G. Peer, M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, S. Naumov, M. Markovic, A. Ovsianikov, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Tetraacylstannnane as Highly Reactive Type I Photoinitiators for Long Wavelength Curing Applications";
Poster: RadTech USA 2019, Monterey - CA, USA; 15.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
Z. Li, M. Siklos, N.U Pucher, K. Cicha, A. Ajami, W. Husinsky, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship of Several Novel Two-Photon Initiators based on a D-pi-A-pi-D Chromophore";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010.
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Biocompatible Micropatterning of o-Nitrobenzyl Crosslinked Hydrogels by Sensitized Two- Photon Cleavage";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, T. Koch, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"The potential of β-allyl sulfone-based dimethacrylate networks";
Poster: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), Lacanau, Lacanau; 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015.
S. Baudis, M. Schwarz, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, H. Schima:
"(Bio)degradable Urethane-Elastomers for Electrospun Vascular Grafts.";
Poster: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.
P. Müller, S. Pantschov, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and Grafting of Novel Hindered Amine Light Stabilizers onto Polypropylene";
Poster: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of bio-inspired ceramic composites";
Poster: EUROMAT 2004, Lausanne, Schweiz; 06.09.2004 - 09.09.2004.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Vinyl esters and vinyl carbonates: low cytotoxic alternatives to (meth)acrylates";
Poster: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), San Feliu de Guixols; 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.
G. Peer, A. Eibel, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Regulation of Methacrylate Networks via Ester-Activated Vinyl Ethers as ChainTransfer Agents";
Poster: RadTech USA 2019, Monterey - CA, USA; 15.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
X.H. Qin, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New Bio-photopolymers with good biocompatibility for Tissue Engineering";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010.
C. Turecek, M. Schuster, F. Varga, R. Liska, B. Kaiser, J. Stampfl, K. Klaushofer:
"Evaluation and influence of photopolymers, capable for rapid prototyping, on the adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts";
Poster: 33rd European Symposium on Calcified Tissues, Prag; 10.05.2006 - 14.05.2006.
D. Herzog, R. Liska:
"Electron poor heterocyclic type I photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2001, Basel, Schweiz; 08.10.2001 - 10.10.2001.
W. Steiger, P. Gruber, A. Dobos, M. Tromayer, M. Lunzer, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Fully Automated Z-Scan Setup based on an tunable FS-Oscillator";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
G. Ullrich, S. Jauk, R. Liska, P. Burtscher, N. Moszner:
"How to Avoid the Back Electron Transfer in Type II Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, M. Eilenberg, S. Rohringer, H. Bergmeister, K Podesser, H. Schima, R. Liska, S. Baudis, P. Schwarzl:
"Development of Thermoplastic Elastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
J. Stampfl, J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, X.H. Qin, L. Zhiquan, V. Mironov, R. Liska:
"Photo-sensitive Biocompatible Hydrogels Structuring Extracellular Environments by Two Photon Polymerisation";
Poster: 2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco; 09.04.2012 - 13.04.2012.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of bio-inspired ceramic composites";
Poster: Junior Euromat 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland; 06.09.2004 - 09.09.2004.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, S. Baudis, K. Seidler, G. Weigel, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, R. Liska:
"Electrospun thermoplastic polyurethane vascular grafts with controllable degradation";
Poster: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), San Feliu de Guixols; 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.
C. Heller, C. Dworak, R. Liska, F. Varga:
"Biocompatible Phorphorus-based Monomers for Radical Polymerization";
Poster: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.
J. Kollmer, D. Grunenberg, C. Gorsche, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Lithographiebasierte GF für die Prozessierung hochviskoser Photopolymere";
Poster: Internationale Messe & Konferenz für additive Technologien, Erfurt; 05.06.2017 - 07.06.2017.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, R. Saf, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Free Radical Grafting of Maleimides onto Polifines: Studie on Model Compounds";
Poster: World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004, Paris, France; 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.
B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, G. Ullrich, R. Liska:
"New Cross-Conjugated Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
P. Steinbauer, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Tough photopolymers for bone tissue regeneration";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
U. Mais, A.R. Esteghlalian, J.N. Saddler, S.D. Mansfield:
"Enhancing the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic materials using simultaneous ball milling";
Poster: 23rd Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Colorado, USA; 06.05.2001 - 09.05.2001.
C. Fritscher, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing, R. Liska, S. Seidler:
"Fabrication of bio-inspired ceramic composites";
Poster: Micro-mechanical properties of biomaterials, ECI-Conference, Tomar, Portugal; 26.09.2004 - 30.09.2004.
M. Schachner, S. Benedikt, C. Dworak, H. Gruber:
"Multifunctional micelles from RAFT-generated amphiphilic block copolymers";
Poster: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), San Feliu de Guixols; 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.
S. Helfert, C. Dworak, E. Sevcsik, H. Peterlik, M. Sauer, D. Ret, R. Liska:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Linker Systems for T-cell Investigations";
Poster: Workshop Additive manufacturing as a tool to create life in 3D, Brno; 26.07.2017 - 27.07.2017.
M. Porodec, C. Heller, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, M. Hacker, M. Schulz-Siegmund:
"Covalent Modification of Photo-cross-linkable Polymers for Bone Tissue Engineering Using a Model Protein";
Poster: International Workshop on Biomacromolecules 2008 - Renewable, Degradable and Biomedical Polymers, Stockholm/ Schweden; 01.06.2008 - 04.06.2008.
G. Ullrich, R. Liska, P. Burtscher, U. Salz, N. Moszner:
"Investigation of Phenylglycine Derivatives as Coinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
R. Reichsöllner, L. Rebers, A. Southan, S. Baudis:
"Real Time-NIR-Photorheology: In Situ Characterization of the Gelatin-Methacryloyl Hydrogel Photocuring Process";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
R. Inführ, Ch. Fritscher, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl:
"Structuring Methods Capable of Building 3D Parts with Feature Resolutions from 50 µm to 100 nm";
Poster: Junior Euromat, Lausanne, Switzerland; 04.09.2006 - 08.09.2006.
J. Mijatovic, W.H. Binder, F. Kubel, W. Kantner:
"Investigation of Melamine Resin Solutions: Synthesis, Structure and Stability";
Poster: 6th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Eilat, Israel; 02.09.2001 - 06.09.2001.
M. Sauer, A. Cognigni, L. Anteina, R. Zirbs, K. Schröder, A. Foelske-Schmitz:
"Characterization of Cu nanoparticles via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with SESSA calculations";
Poster: 15th European Vacuum Conference, Genf, Schweiz; 17.06.2018 - 22.06.2018.
M. Lunzer, D. Ossipov, P. Gruber, K. Hölzl, M. Markovic, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Biocompatible Micropatterning of o-Nitrobenzyl Crosslinked Hydrogels by Sensitised Two-Photon Cleavage";
Poster: Workshop Additive manufacturing as a tool to create life in 3D, Brno; 26.07.2017 - 27.07.2017.
S. Gäbler, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, S. Seidler, C. Heller, S. Baudis, R. Liska, R. Weidisch:
"Determination of the Viscoelastic Properties of Hydrogels based on Polyethylene Glycol Diacrylate (PEG-DA)";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering - MSE 2008, Nürnberg; 01.09.2008 - 04.09.2008.
S. Kopeinig, R. Liska:
"Further Covalently Bonded Photoinitiators";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
B. Dellago, T. Geyer, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Biodegradable photopolymers based on acetal building blocks as artificial bone grafts";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
R. Inführ, C. Fritscher, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl:
"Structuring Methods Capable of Building 3D Parts with Feature Resolutions from 50 µm to 100 nm";
Poster: Junior Euromat 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland; 04.09.2006 - 06.09.2006.
D. Mandt, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, M. Rothbauer, S. Kratz, J. Van Hoorick, P. Dubruel, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Ertl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser-Based 3d Printing Of Hydrogel Barrier Models For Microfluidic Applications";
Poster: Biofabrication for Hierarchical in vitro Tissue Models, Herstein; 05.06.2017 - 09.06.2017.
N. Fuß, R. Liska:
"New type I photoinitiators based on ynone derivatives";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2001, Basel, Schweiz; 08.10.2001 - 10.10.2001.
R. Gmeiner, B. Steyrer, A. Samusjew, A. Mautner, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Stereolithographic Manufacturing of Biodegradable Photopolymers";
Poster: Polymer Processing Society Conference 2015, Graz; 21.09.2015 - 25.09.2015.
P. Gruber, M. Markovic, K. Hölzl, M. Tromayer, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser Photofabrication of Cell-Containing Hydrogel Constructs";
Poster: 3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, M. Schwanninger:
"Silylated Wood: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties";
Poster: Wood Based Materials: Wood Composites and Chemistry - COST E13, Wien; 19.09.2002 - 20.09.2002.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, F. Varga, T. Koch, K. Macfelda, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Utilization of photopolymerization of new low toxic vinyl monomers in bone tissue engineering";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012.
E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"High Resolved Biocompatible Hydrogel Constructs Based on Hyaluronic Acid";
Poster: Workshop Additive manufacturing as a tool to create life in 3D, Brno; 26.07.2017 - 27.07.2017.
R. Inführ, N.U Pucher, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, V. Satzinger, J. Stampfl:
"Refractive Index Patterning of Flexible Waveguide Materials by Two-Photon Polymerization";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering - MSE 2008, Nürnberg; 01.09.2008 - 04.09.2008.
B. Seidl, R. Liska:
"2-tert-Butylacrylonitrile, a Non-Polymerizable Monomer for the Investigation of Initiation Mechanism";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
R. Zirbs, W.H. Binder, D. Machl:
""Grafting-from" Living Cationic Polymerization of Polyisobutylene and Polystyrene from Nanoparticle-Surfaces";
Poster: 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 10.09.2006 - 14.09.2006.
D. Mandt, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, M. Rothbauer, S. Kratz, J. Van Hoorick, P. Dubruel, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Ertl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser Based 3D Printing of Hydrogel Barrier Models for Microfluidic Applications";
Poster: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine Inaugural Meeting 2017, Wien; 09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.
S. Benedikt, K. Dietliker, H. Grützmacher, M. Markovic, N. Moszner, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Characterization and Comparison of Next Generation Water-Soluble Photoinitiators";
Poster: International Conference on Biofabrication 2015, Utrecht, Netherlands; 07.11.2015 - 09.11.2015.
N.U Pucher, C. Heller, B. Seidl, R. Inführ, L. Kuna, A. Haase, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New alkyne-based initiators for single- ad two-photon-induced photopolymerization";
Poster: 2007 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco; 09.04.2007 - 13.04.2007.
M.J. Kunz, D. Machl, W.H. Binder:
"Diaminotriazine Terminated Polyketones";
Poster: 224th ACS Meeting, Boston, MA, USA; 17.08.2002 - 22.08.2002.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, S. Baudis, F. Nehl, A. Nigisch, H. Bergmeister, D. Bernhard, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Improved elastomeric materials for CAD/CAM generation of vascular structures in soft tissue replacement therapies";
Poster: The 3rd TERMIS World Congress 2012, Vienna; 05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012.
G. Harakaly, M. Kury, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, H. Reghunathan, P. Dorfinger, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Addition fragmentation chain transfer agents for formation of tough photopolymer network in 3D printing applications";
Poster: Workshop Additive manufacturing as a tool to create life in 3D, Brno; 26.07.2017 - 27.07.2017.
X.H. Qin, B. Husar, J. Torgersen, S. Mühleder, H. Redl, W. Holnthoner, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Two-photon polymerization for biodegradable 3D hydrogels scaffolds";
Poster: RadTech Asia 2013, Shanghai; 20.05.2013 - 24.05.2013.
M. Schuster, S.X. Chen, R. Liska, M. Rumpler, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Development of Biodegradable Photopolymers for Bone Tissue Engineering";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
L. Petraru, W.H. Binder:
"Rheological Properties of Supramolecular Gels";
Poster: 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 10.09.2006 - 14.09.2006.
A. Rohatschek, P. Steinbauer, O.G. Andriotis, C. Dworak, S. Baudis, M. M. Unterlass, P.J. Thurner:
"Experimental Mechanics of Collagen Molecules";
Poster: AFM BioMed Conference Krakow 2017, Krakau; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017.
M. Kellner, S. Knaus, H. Kronberger, P. Rigler:
"Decomposition of polyethylene glycol used as additive in electroplating baths";
Poster: 13th Austrian Chemistry Days 2009, Joint Meeting of the Czech, Slovak & Austrian Chemical Societies, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Amphiphilic Lipopolyoxazolines I";
Poster: EPF 2001, Eindhofen, Niederlande; 15.07.2001 - 20.07.2001.
O. Liske, P. Dorfinger, B. Steyrer, C. Gorsche, R. Gmeiner, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis, S. Knaus:
"Tailor-made 3D Manufactured Products from Bio-based Renewable Raw Materials";
Poster: Blickpunkt Forschung: Materialinnovationen @ TU Wien, Wien; 19.09.2018.
S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Cell Encapsulation by Microfabrication with Hyaluronic Acid based Hydrogel Precursors";
Poster: International Conference on Biofabrication 2015, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht; 07.11.2015 - 09.11.2015.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, H. Lichtenegger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Development of bone replacement materials using stereolithography";
Poster: MRS Spring Meeting, an Francisco; 09.04.2007 - 13.04.2007.
D. Machl, M.J. Kunz, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Polyisobutylenes with Ionizable Endgroups";
Poster: 224th ACS Meeting, Boston, MA, USA; 17.08.2002 - 22.08.2002.
D. Bomze, V. Schwarz, B. Husar, X.H. Qin, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Novel low-toxic PVA based hydrogel precursors for tissue engineering based on thiol-ene crosslinking";
Poster: P2M Winter School, Zakopane; 13.01.2014 - 17.01.2014.
S. Ligon, M. Griesser, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, V. Gorelik, B. Ganster, R. Saf, G. Gescheidt, N. Moszner, R. Liska:
"Advances in long wavelength initiators for photocurable dental adhesives and restoratives";
Poster: RadTech Asia 2013, Shanghai; 20.05.2013 - 24.05.2013.
H. Weinstabl, W.H. Binder:
"Magnetic Nanoparticles with Supramolecular Recognition Sites";
Poster: 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 10.09.2006 - 14.09.2006.
S. Stanic, F. Kamleitner, B. Duscher, T. Koch, S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki:
"Innovative Upcycling of Polypropylene Post Consumer Waste";
Poster: International Symposium - Science to support circular economy, TU Wien / Kuppelsaal; 19.09.2018.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis of Amphiphilic Lipopolyoxazolines II";
Poster: EPF 2001, Eindhofen, Niederlande; 15.07.2001 - 20.07.2001.
R. Inführ, R. Liska, H. Lichtenegger, Ch. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, N. Hüsing:
"3D Lithography of Organo-Soluble Mold Materials for Sol-Gel Nanocomposites";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
T. Rohr, E.F. Hilder, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Design of Monolithic Stationary Phases for Chromatography on Microfluid Chips";
Poster: 223rd ACS Meeting, Orlando, USA; 07.04.2002 - 11.04.2002.
S. Benedikt, M. Schachner, C. Dworak:
"Synthesis and characterization of micellar systems based on amphiphilic RAFT-blockcopolymers";
Poster: P2M Winter School, Zakopane; 13.01.2014 - 17.01.2014.
P. Steinbauer, R. Reichsöllner, B. Dellago, K. Ehrmann, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Christian Doppler Laboratory for Advanced Polymers for Biomaterials and 3D Printing";
Poster: 2nd Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln; 12.06.2019.
D.S. Peterson, T. Rohr, C. Yu, F. Svec, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Bioreactor-on-a-chip as a Building Block for Micro Total Analytical Systems";
Poster: 223rd ACS Meeting, Orlando, USA; 07.04.2002 - 11.04.2002.
P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, P.J. Thurner, A. Orestis, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Adhesion measurement of binding motifs for bone glue applications";
Poster: 2nd INTERREG - 7th TERMIS Winterschool 2019 "Musculoskeletal Tissue Regeneration: From Mechanobiology to in Vitro/in Vivo Models and Advanced Imaging", Radstadt; 13.01.2019 - 16.01.2019.
D. Farnik, W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing:
"Preparation of Porous Silca Materials with Cyclodextrin-Derivatives as Templates";
Poster: 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA; 10.09.2006 - 14.09.2006.
D. Mandt, P. Gruber, M. Markovic, M. Tromayer, M. Rothbauer, S. Kratz, J. Van Hoorick, P. Dubruel, S. van Vlierberghe, P. Ertl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Laser-based 3D Printing of Hydrogel Barrier Models for Microfluidic Applications";
Poster: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien; 27.02.2018.
K. Seidler, S. Baudis, S. Ligon, C. Grasl, M. Arras, H. Schima, H. Bergmeister, B. Winter, T. Koch, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biocompatible and biodegradable thermoplastic urethane Elastomers for electrospinning of vascular grafts";
Poster: 1st P2M Networking Conference, Obernai, F; 11.11.2011 - 14.11.2011.
M. Schuster, S.X. Chen, R. Liska, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Photopolymerizable Biopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Repleacement Meterials";
Poster: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain; 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
S. Schörpf, R. Taschner, P. Gauss, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Replacing Aromatic Type II Photoinitiators with α-Ketoesters for Radical Polymerization";
Poster: RadTech USA 2019, Monterey - CA, USA; 15.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
J. Kumpfmüller, R. Inführ, K. Stadlmann, K. Cicha, V. Satzinger, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Flexible Optical WaveGuides via Two-Photon Polymerization";
Poster: Materials Science and Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010.
R. Reichsöllner, L. Rebers, A. Southan, S. Baudis:
"Physical and Chemical Characterization during the Photocuring Process of Gelatin Hydrogels";
Vortrag: New Frontiers in Biofabrication: From Biomolecules to Tissues and Organs, Leuven, Belgium; 17.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
R. Liska:
"Fundamentals of Frontal (Photo)polymerization";
Vortrag: PolyComp Annual Meeting 2014, Leoben (eingeladen); 19.11.2014.
C. Heller, M. Schwentenwein, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, R. Liska, M. Porodec, M. Schulz-Siegmund, G. Russmüller:
"Additive Manufacturing Technologies for the 3D Fabrication of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Photopolymers.";
Vortrag: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, H. Bergmeister, H. Schima, K Podesser, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"From Building Blocks to a Biodegradable & Stable Vascular Graft";
Vortrag: 43. Seminar der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgische Forschung, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 16.11.2019.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare Chemie mit Polymeren: Neue Zugänge zu funktionalen Oberflächen und Materialien";
Vortrag: Universität Leipzig - Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung (IOM), Leipzig, Deutschland (eingeladen); 27.10.2005.
W.H. Binder:
"Living Cationic Polymerization of 1,3-Oxazolines";
Vortrag: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, Frankreich (eingeladen); 16.02.2006.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D-shaping of biodegradable photopolymers for hard tissue replacement";
Vortrag: EMRS Spring Meeting 2007, Strasbourg, France; 28.05.2007 - 01.06.2007.
M. Schwentenwein, C. Heller, X.H. Qin, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Additive Manufacturing Technologies for 3D Fabrication of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Materials Science and Engineering, Darmstadt, Germany; 24.08.2010 - 26.08.2010.
W.H. Binder:
"Nanostrukturen aus supramolekularen Polymeren: Phasenseparationseffekte und Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen als strukturdirigierende Faktoren zum Aufbau supramolekularer Materialien";
Vortrag: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Deutschland (eingeladen); 15.11.2004.
R. Liska:
"Frontal Polymerization and other new concepts in Radical Polymerization";
Vortrag: Cytec, Brüssel (eingeladen); 12.02.2012.
A. Berg, B. Koch, A. Hochwallner, J. Stampfl, C. Grasl, F. Moscato:
"Magnetic resonance microscopy for the non-destructive analysis of polymer micro structures produced using additive manufacturing";
Vortrag: Microscopy Conference 2021, Wien; 22.08.2021 - 26.08.2021.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Additionsreaktionen an funktionellen Polysiloxanen";
Vortrag: Seminar Fa. NBG Coatings, Wien; 20.09.2005.
B. Husar, S. Ligon, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Experimental Comparison of Various Anti-Oxygen Inhibition Strategies in LED Curing";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
R. Liska:
"Konzepte und Modifikationen in Typ I und Typ II Photoinitiatoren";
Vortrag: CIBA, Basel (eingeladen); 21.03.2006.
B. Steyrer, C. Gorsche, P. Dorfinger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Toughening of Photopolymers for Lithography-based Additive Manufacturing";
Vortrag: MSE 2016, Darmstadt; 26.09.2016 - 29.09.2016.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular Chemistry with Polymers: New Approaches Towards Functional Materials and Surfaces";
Vortrag: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Ungarn (eingeladen); 08.10.2004.
P. Steinbauer, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Tough photopolymers as customized biocompatible scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration";
Vortrag: New Frontiers in Biofabrication: From Biomolecules to Tissues and Organs, Leuven, Belgium; 17.09.2019 - 18.09.2019.
K. Lisak, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Photochemical Immobilization of Aryl Azides onto Polypropylene Surfaces";
Vortrag: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
R. Liska:
"Advanced Biomaterials for 3D-Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 1st P2M Networking Conference, Obernai, F; 11.11.2011 - 14.11.2011.
R. Liska:
"Two Photon induced Polymerization: An excellent tool for precise sub- micrometer fabrication of biocompatible photopolymers";
Vortrag: Summer school P2M, Ghent (eingeladen); 25.08.2013 - 28.08.2013.
B. Dellago, T. Geyer, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Biodegradable photopolymers based on acetal building blocks as artificial bone grafts";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare (Material-)Chemie mit Polymeren";
Vortrag: Technische Universität München, München, Deutschland (eingeladen); 17.11.2005.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolecular Material Science with Polymers";
Vortrag: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, Frankreich (eingeladen); 10.02.2006.
D. Ret, E. Gasparotto, D. Scaramuzza, N. Samadi, E. Untersmayr, S. Knaus:
"Development of neuraminidase resistant glycolylneuraminic acid functionalized supports for immunological application";
Vortrag: 24th Austrian Carbohydrate Meeting, Wien; 13.02.2020 - 14.02.2020.
R. Liska:
"Advanced Monomers and Initiators for radical Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Institut für Oberflächenmodifizierung, Leipzig (eingeladen); 26.01.2012.
K. Ehrmann, C. Grasl, M. Eilenberg, S. Rohringer, H. Bergmeister, K Podesser, H. Schima, R. Liska, S. Baudis, P. Schwarzl:
"Development of Thermoplastic Elastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymere für Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. ISOTEC, Reinischkogel, Steiermark; 16.06.2005.
B. Husar, A. Mautner, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"An overview on low cytotoxic alternatives to (meth)acrylates: vinyl esters and vinyl carbonates";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
R. Liska:
"Recent developments in photoinitiators and photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Universität Mulhouse, F-68093 Mulhouse (eingeladen); 22.03.2006.
J. Kollmer, P. Dorfinger, C. Gorsche, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Toughening and coloring of photopolymers for lithography-based 3D-printing";
Vortrag: 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies iCAT 2016, Nürnberg; 29.11.2016 - 30.11.2016.
R. Inführ, N.U Pucher, C. Heller, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase, J. Stampfl:
"Functional Polymers Structured by Two Photon Lithography";
Vortrag: EMRS Spring Meeting 2007, Strasbourg, France; 28.05.2007 - 01.06.2007.
F. Svec, C. Yu, T. Rohr, J.M.J. Frechet:
"Design of a toolbox for fabrication of analytical microfluidic systems using porous polymer monoliths";
Vortrag: 5th Monterey Symposium, Monterey, USA; 21.10.2001 - 25.10.2001.
R. Liska:
"Neue Photopolymere für Rapid Prototyping von zellularen Materialien";
Vortrag: 1. Wiener Biomaterialsymposium, Wien (eingeladen); 04.11.2004 - 05.11.2004.
E. Zerobin, S. Baudis, Z. Tomasikova, X.H. Qin, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Two-Photon Structured Hydrogels based on Hyaluronic Acid for Applications in Tissue Engineering";
Vortrag: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik-Jahrestagung 2017, Wien (eingeladen); 09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.
W.H. Binder:
"Von nanostrukturierten Polymeren zu neuen Hybridmaterialien und Oberfächen";
Vortrag: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale, Deutschland (eingeladen); 10.10.2005.
W.H. Binder:
"Combining 1,3-Cycloaddition-"click" Reactions with Living Polymerization Chemistry";
Vortrag: Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, Frankreich (eingeladen); 04.02.2006.
R. Liska:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers: From Synthesis to in Vivo Studies";
Vortrag: University of Maribor, Maribor (eingeladen); 31.08.2012.
R. Reichsöllner, L. Rebers, A. Southan, S. Baudis:
"Real Time-NIR-Photorheology: In Situ Characterization of the Gelatin-Methacryloyl Hydrogel Photocuring Process";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
B. Seidl, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, R. Liska:
"New Insights into 1,5-Diphenyl 1,4-Diynone as Ohotoinitiator";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe 2005, Barcelona, Spain (eingeladen); 18.10.2005 - 20.10.2005.
S. Ligon, X.H. Qin, P. Esfandiari, Z. Tomasikova, P. Gruber, A. Ovsianikov, R. Liska:
"Advanced Applications of Thiol-Ene Formulations";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
S. Baudis:
"Advanced Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Sino-Austrian Advanced Materials Conference, Shanghai; 22.01.2016.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, R. Inführ, C. Turecek, N.U Pucher, C. Heller, B. Seidl, C. Fritscher, L. Kuna, A. Haase, V. Schmidt, H. Lichtenegger, F. Varga, J. Stampfl:
"Single- and Two-Photon Initiated Polymerization in Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: 2007 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA (eingeladen); 09.04.2007 - 13.04.2007.
T. Verdianz, R. Liska:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenmodifizierung von Polyimiden";
Vortrag: VA TECH, Weiz (eingeladen); 28.01.2003.
E. Zerobin, M. Tromayer, M. Markovic, P. Gruber, J. Stampfl, A. Ovsianikov, S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Hyaluronic acid as a basis for the development of hydrogel networks and Two-Photon Initiators";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine Inaugural Meeting 2017, Wien; 09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.
J. Mijatovic, W.H. Binder:
"Studies on Stability of Melamine Resins Solutions";
Vortrag: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
W.H. Binder:
"Nanostrukturierte Membranen, Oberflächen und Materialien aus massgeschneiderten Polymeren: im Grenzbereich zwischen organischer Chemie und Polymerchemie";
Vortrag: Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Deutschland (eingeladen); 14.04.2005.
R. Liska:
"3D Printing of a New Generation of Biocompatible and Biodegradable Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Makromolekulares Kolloquium, Freiburg (eingeladen); 25.02.2015 - 27.02.2015.
W.H. Binder:
"Click-Chemie an Polymeren und Oberflächen: Anwendung einer einfachen Funktionalisierungsstrategie in der supramolekularen Polymerchemie";
Vortrag: Universität Ulm, Ulm, Deutschland (eingeladen); 02.06.2006.
A. Poschalko, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, A. Bianco, G. Guichard, J.P. Briand, D. Falkenhagen:
"Synthesis of Peptide Ligands for Affinity Chromatography on Sucrose-Based Polymer Supports";
Vortrag: XXIX ESAO Congress, Wien; 28.08.2002 - 31.08.2002.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization goes 3D";
Vortrag: FoE Advanced Material Science, Graz; 27.10.2011.
C. Schreiber, S. Baudis, C. Grasl, M. Stoiber, I. Walter, R. Plasenzotti, D. Bernhard, R. Liska:
"In-vivo evaluation of new synthetic degradable and non-degradable small diameter vascular grafts";
Vortrag: Vfwf-Universitätsvorlesung, Vienna (eingeladen); 02.12.2011.
D. Grunenberg:
"Highly efficient on demand curing of epoxy resins";
Vortrag: Future of Building 2019 | Congress - Exhibition - B2B Meetings, WKO - Wien; 04.06.2019 - 05.06.2019.
S. Ligon, M. Tromayer, Z. Li, J. Torgersen, A. Ajami, A. Rosspeintner, S. Naumov, T. Scherzer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"New Developments in Initiators for Two-Photon Polymerization";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
M. Schuster, C. Turecek, B. Kaiser, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymers for Rapid Prototyping of Cellular Bone Replacement Materials";
Vortrag: Junior Scientist Conference, Wien; 19.04.2006 - 21.04.2006.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Staerkemodifizierung unter Erhalt der Kornstruktur";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. Cognis, Düsseldorf, D; 13.09.2007.
R. Liska:
"Neue Polymere für die licht-basierte Generative Fertigung";
Vortrag: Additive Fertigung an der TU Wien-Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0, Wien (eingeladen); 22.05.2018.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Novel Initiators for Oxaline Polymerization";
Vortrag: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
A. Ovsianikov, J. Torgersen, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, S Mühleder, W Holnthoner, H. Redl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Laser fabrication of cell-containing hydrogel constructs";
Vortrag: International Conference on Biofabrication, Manchester; 29.10.2012 - 31.10.2012.
W.H. Binder:
"Von nanostrukturierten Polymeren zu neuen Hybridmaterialien und Oberflächen";
Vortrag: Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Österreich (eingeladen); 21.02.2005.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare Chemie mit Polymeren: neue Materialien und Oberflächen";
Vortrag: University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland (eingeladen); 14.03.2006.
P. Knaack, D. Bomze, N. Klikovits, I. Krossing, R. Liska:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerization";
Vortrag: 3rd International PaCE Christmas Symposium, University of Vienna; 15.12.2017.
V. Shadurka, H. Gruber, M. Dunky, W. Kantner, W.H. Binder:
"Blocked Isocyanates in UF-Resin";
Vortrag: Wood Based Materials: Wood Composites and Chemistry, Wien; 19.09.2002 - 20.09.2002.
R. Liska:
"Robert Liska, Photoinitiators and Monomers for Medical Applications";
Vortrag: Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2009, Breckenridge, CO, USA (eingeladen); 21.06.2009 - 24.06.2009.
K. Wallisch:
"Alkoxylation of lignin";
Vortrag: FFG-Projekt "Lignin-based Polymer Materials", Graz (eingeladen); 11.04.2013.
C. Schnöll:
"CURRATEC: making plastics production more efficient";
Vortrag: FFG FORUM 2019 - Best of Future, Wien (eingeladen); 12.09.2019.
R. Liska:
"Biocompatible polymers in tissue engineering";
Vortrag: Seminar-SoftMatterScience, Freiburg (eingeladen); 13.05.2014.
R. Liska, N.U Pucher:
"Materials for Two Photon Absorption Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. ISOTEC, Reinischkogel; 06.07.2006 - 08.07.2006.
K. Cicha, Z. Li, K. Stadlmann, J. Torgersen, R. Markut-Kohl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Fabrication and evaluation of 3D-micro-structures produced using two-photon-induced photopolymerization (TPIP or 2PP) by means of optical assessment and FTIR-spectroscopy";
Vortrag: 16. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 04.07.2011 - 06.07.2011.
D. Ret, E. Gasparotto, A. Dadra, N. Samadi, E. Untersmayr, S. Knaus:
"Sialic Acid and Pathology";
Vortrag: 23rd Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop, Graz University of Technology; 14.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.
Y.E. Groiss, S. Knaus:
"Untersuchungen von Hemicellulose(lösungen)";
Vortrag: Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, Linz, Österreich (eingeladen); 07.07.2004.
R. Liska:
"Thiol-ene photopolymerization";
Vortrag: 1rst consortium meeting of our ITN project PHOTO-EMULSION, Mulhouse, France (eingeladen); 15.10.2018 - 19.10.2018.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymere und ihre Anwendungen";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 08.03.2005.
R. Liska:
"Rapid Prototyping von biokompatiblen und bioabbaubaren Kunststoffen für die Geweberegeneration";
Vortrag: VSVA-Symposium, Wien (eingeladen); 11.11.2013.
W.H. Binder:
"Modulative Materials Based upon Hydrogen Bonding Systems via Self Assembly";
Vortrag: Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Materials (STIPOMAT) - 1st Workshop, Obernai, Frankreich (eingeladen); 29.10.2005.
P. Dorfinger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Toughening of Photopolymers for Stereolithography (SL)";
Vortrag: Polymer Processing Society Conference 2015, Graz; 21.09.2015 - 25.09.2015.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare Material-Chemie mit Polymeren";
Vortrag: Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Deutschland (eingeladen); 27.01.2006.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: From Biomaterials to 3D Printing";
Vortrag: GDCH Vortrag - Uni Stuttgart 2018, Stuttgart (eingeladen); 11.01.2018.
M. Einzmann, W.H. Binder:
"Phase Separation in Lipid-Polymer Conjugates: Synthesis and Domain Formation";
Vortrag: 224th ACS Meeting, Boston, MA, USA; 17.08.2002 - 22.08.2002.
R. Liska:
"Recent Advances in Photopolymerisation";
Vortrag: Firma Huntsman, Basel, CH (eingeladen); 26.11.2009.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare Polymere. Synthese und Analyse "weicher" Nanostrukturen";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Graz, Graz (eingeladen); 26.06.2003.
R. Liska:
"Frontal Polymerization and other new concepts in Radical Polymerization";
Vortrag: BASF, Ludwigshafen, D (eingeladen); 07.08.2012.
T. Konegger, R. Obmann, G. Mikl, S. Schörpf, R. Liska:
"Freeze casting of porous polysilazane-derived ceramics";
Vortrag: 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2020), Daytona Beach (eingeladen); 26.01.2020 - 31.01.2020.
K. Wallisch:
"Derivatization and characterization of lignin";
Vortrag: FFG-Projekt "Lignin-based Polymer Materials", Graz (eingeladen); 21.06.2013.
C. Schnöll:
"Frontal polymerization: Time and energy efficient curing of composite materials";
Vortrag: JEC World 2019 - The Leading International Composites Show, Paris; 12.03.2019 - 14.03.2019.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: A long known technique in a modern environment - 3D printing of biomaterials";
Vortrag: Steinhofer-Vorlesung, Freiburg (eingeladen); 12.05.2014.
R. Liska:
"New Concepts in Radical Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: BASF, Ludwigshafen, D (eingeladen); 15.12.2011.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: From Biomaterials to 3D Printing";
Vortrag: 7th Meeting on Chemistry and Life 2018, Brno University of Technology (eingeladen); 12.09.2018 - 14.09.2018.
E. Gasparotto, D. Ret, S. Knaus, E. Untersmayr, A. Dadra, N. Samadi:
"Sialic Acid of Caco2 Cells: analysis and modifications of glycan surface";
Vortrag: 23rd Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop, Graz University of Technology; 14.02.2019 - 15.02.2019.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Polymer derivatives and glycosidation of polymers";
Vortrag: Elementis, Wien (eingeladen); 20.01.2005.
T. Verdianz, T. Rohr, A. Poschalko, G. Kühnelt, H. Gruber, S. Knaus, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Neue hydrophile kohlenhydratbasierende Polymerträger in der Peptid-Festphasensynthese und als spezifische Adsorbenzien in der extrakorporalen Blutreinigung";
Vortrag: Donau Universität Krems, Krems (eingeladen); 01.03.2005.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization: A long known technique in a modern environment - 3D printing of biomaterials";
Vortrag: 27. Internationales H.F. Mark-Symposium 2013, Wien (eingeladen); 07.11.2013.
R. Zirbs, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer, W.H. Binder:
"Selective Binding of Nanoparticles via Directed Hydrogen Bonding Interactions";
Vortrag: EUROPOLYMER CONFERENCE 2005 (EUPOC 2005) Polymers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Gargnano, Italien; 29.05.2005 - 03.06.2005.
W.H. Binder:
"Supramolekulare Polymerchemie mit Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen";
Vortrag: Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland (eingeladen); 12.02.2006.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerisation of Biocompatible Materials";
Vortrag: Firma Beiersdorf, Hamburg, D (eingeladen); 15.04.2010.
R. Liska:
"Wasserlösliche Polymere für den Einsatz in Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Wien - Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Materialprüfung, Wien (eingeladen); 27.08.2003.
C. Schnöll:
"Frontal Polymerization: An Innovative Technology for Time and Energy Efficient Curing of Polymer Composites";
Vortrag: CompIC 2019, Amsterdam; 10.04.2019 - 11.04.2019.
R. Liska:
"Biofunctional Photopolymers";
Vortrag: 1. Meeting des erweiterten Clusters für Geweberegeneration 2014, Vienna; 13.03.2014.
R. Liska:
"Fundamentals in Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Firma Objet, Rehovot, IL (eingeladen); 07.04.2011 - 08.04.2011.
K. Wallisch:
"Synthesis and characterization of lignin-based polymer materials - an overview";
Vortrag: FFG-Projekt "Lignin-based Polymer Materials", Graz (eingeladen); 05.02.2013.
S. Baudis, C. Gorsche:
"Lignin als Baustein für 3D-gefertigte Produkte";
Vortrag: Blickpunkt Forschung: Materialinnovationen @ TU Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 19.09.2018.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymere - Neue Dentalmaterialien und bioresorbierbarer Knochenersatz";
Vortrag: Informationsveranstaltung: Innovationen für die Medizintechnik, Tu-Wien, A (eingeladen); 18.04.2007.
W.H. Binder, J. Mijatovic, F. Kubel, W. Kantner:
"Storage Stability of M(U)F Resin Materials";
Vortrag: COST D13, Edinburgh; 25.07.2001.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Model reactions with basic compounds and Preparation of amino sugars";
Vortrag: Elementis, Wien (eingeladen); 03.12.2003.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Lignin-based resin prepolymers";
Vortrag: FFG-Projekt, Graz (eingeladen); 11.10.2013.
W.H. Binder:
"Lipid Rafts and their Biological Significance: Engineering Lipid Order and Density";
Vortrag: Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Wien, Österreich (eingeladen); 20.06.2005 - 23.06.2005.
B. Steyrer, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Printing Photopolymers by Hot Lithography";
Vortrag: Materials Science and Engineering - MSE 2018, Darmstadt; 26.09.2018 - 28.09.2018.
R. Liska:
"New Monomers and Initiators for Photopolymerisation";
Vortrag: Firma Durst, Lienz in Osttirol, A (eingeladen); 05.02.2010.
R. Liska:
"Struktur und Reaktivität von Photoinitiatoren mit neuen Chromophoren";
Vortrag: Institut für Nanostrukturierte Materialien und Photonik, Joanneum Research, Weiz, Österreich (eingeladen); 29.10.2003.
R. Liska, M. Höfer:
"Reaktionen mit singulett Sauerstoff";
Vortrag: Seminar Fa. Ivoclar, Wien; 03.11.2005.
C. Schnöll:
"Windkraft, quo vadis";
Vortrag: IG Windkraft BUSINESS TREFF "Windkraft, quo vadis?", Wien (eingeladen); 26.11.2019.
P. Sehnal, K. Harper, A. Rose, D. Anderson, A. Green, B. Husar, M. Griesser, R. Liska:
"Novel Phosphine Oxide Photoinitiators";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
D. Ret, E. Gasparotto, E. Weidmann, N. Samadi, S. Geiselhart, E. Untersmayr:
"Concentrations of AGEs Precursors in Different Mouse Chow Preparations in Comprison with Human Food";
Vortrag: Cepii Meduniwien 10th Retreat, Wien; 24.09.2019.
G. Mikl, R. Obmann, S. Schörpf, R. Liska, T. Konegger:
"Pore Morphology Tailoring in Polymer-derived Ceramics generated through Photopolymerization-assisted Solidification Templating";
Vortrag: 7. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Keramischen Gesellschaft (AuCerS) mit Vortragswettbewerb, Leoben; 05.05.2019.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymers for biomedical applications";
Vortrag: Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, CN (eingeladen); 10.05.2011.
T. Verdianz, G. Kühnelt, T. Rohr, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Carbohydrate based Microspheres produced by Seeded Polymerisation";
Vortrag: Christian Doppler Labor Evaluierung, Krems, Österreich (eingeladen); 20.11.2003.
J. Stampfl, R. Liska, M. Spitzbart, S. Fischer, H. Noll:
"3D-Mikrostrukurerung funktionaler Materialien";
Vortrag: Mikrotechniktage Dornbirn 2005, Dornbirn; 22.03.2005 - 23.03.2005.
R. Liska:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers";
Vortrag: Firma Objet, Rehovot, IL; 07.04.2010.
H. Lichtenegger, Ch. Fritscher, J. Stampfl, S. Seidler, N. Hüsing, R. Liska:
"3-D templating of hierarchical materials";
Vortrag: MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco; 12.04.2004 - 16.04.2004.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Derivatization of lignin";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. Annikki, Graz (eingeladen); 31.07.2012.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Neue Konzepte für bathochrom verschobene Photoinitiatoren";
Vortrag: Seminar Fa. Ivoclar, Wien; 03.11.2005.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymers in digital and restorative dentistry";
Vortrag: Christian Doppler Forum, Bad Blumau (eingeladen); 17.09.2014 - 19.09.2014.
R. Liska:
"Smart Photopolymers: from 3D printing to biomaterials";
Vortrag: Seminar Series 2017, CEITEC Brünn (eingeladen); 21.06.2017.
R. Liska:
"Future Technologies of Polymer Processing: The Chemistry of 3D Printing and Frontal Polymerization";
Vortrag: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Polymer Institute SAS, Polymer Institute SAS, Bratislava (eingeladen); 03.05.2019.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymers and Rapid Prototyping";
Vortrag: Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, CN (eingeladen); 10.05.2011.
D. Grunenberg:
"Epoxy resin with self-curing technology - highly efficient manufacturing of plastics on demand";
Vortrag: Hannover Messe 2019, Hannover; 01.04.2019 - 05.04.2019.
S. Knaus:
"Neue industrielle Anwendungen fuer nachwachsende Rohstoffe";
Vortrag: Innovationen für die "Fabrik der Zukunft", Wien; 03.04.2008.
R. Liska:
"New Monomers and Photoinitiators";
Vortrag: Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, CN (eingeladen); 10.05.2011.
T. Verdianz, G. Kühnelt, T. Rohr, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis for specific Adsorption";
Vortrag: Christian Doppler Labor Evaluierung, Krems, Österreich (eingeladen); 20.11.2003.
S. Baudis:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers for Additive Manufacturing Applications";
Vortrag: Additive Manufacturing in Medicine - 1st Symposium, Wien (eingeladen); 28.11.2018.
H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"STRUCMAT- Materialien für die Strukturierung mit 2-Photonenlithographie (TPA)";
Vortrag: ISOTEC-Kickoff-Meeting, Reinischkogel, Österreich; 16.06.2005 - 18.06.2005.
S. Baudis, R. Liska:
"Advanced Photopolymers for High Resolution Addtive Manufacturing";
Vortrag: ADD+IT 2015, Linz (eingeladen); 10.09.2015 - 11.09.2015.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerisation mittels Ein- und Zwei Photonen";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. ISOTEC, Reinischkogel (eingeladen); 12.07.2007 - 13.07.2007.
R. Liska:
"Further Projects in the field of Photopolymerization";
Vortrag: Firma Objet, Rehovot, IL; 07.04.2010.
W.H. Binder, S. Bernstoff, D. Farnik, C. Kluger, M.J. Kunz, L. Petraru:
"Supramolecular Poly(ether ketone)-Polyisobutylene Pseudo Block Copolymers: Hydrogen Bonding versus Phase Separation";
Vortrag: World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004, Paris, France; 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Modification of lignin";
Vortrag: Projektmeeting Fa. Annikki, Wien (eingeladen); 02.05.2012.
R. Liska, C. Haderer:
"Immobilisierte Fluoreszenzsensoren für die extrakorporale Blutreinigung";
Vortrag: Seminar Fa. Ivoclar, Wien; 03.11.2005.
W. Steiger, P. Gruber, A. Dobos, M. Tromayer, M. Lunzer, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov:
"Spectral optimization of multiphoton polymerisation for tissue engineering";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine Inaugural Meeting 2017, Wien; 09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017.
P. Steinbauer, S. Orman, C. Hofstetter, M. Schwentenwein, G. Russmüller, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, S. Baudis:
"Tough photopolymers for bone tissue regeneration";
Vortrag: ViCEM - Vienna Center for Engineering in Medicine - Biennial Meeting 2019, Wien; 14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization and 3D printing";
Vortrag: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (eingeladen); 20.06.2013.
R. Liska:
"Biokompatible Polymere für den 3D‐Druck";
Vortrag: 8. Forschungs‐ & Technologieforum Mostviertel, Amstetten (eingeladen); 23.09.2014.
S. Baudis, T. Pulka, B. Steyrer, H. Wilhelm, G. Weigel, H. Bergmeister, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"3D-printing of Urethane-based Photoelastomers for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Vortrag: MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Boston, MA, USA; 30.11.2009 - 03.12.2009.
D. Herzog, R. Liska:
"New concepts for Type I Photoinitiators in Free Radical Polymerization";
Vortrag: 5. Österreichische Polymertage, Leoben; 12.09.2001 - 14.09.2001.
T. Verdianz, G. Kühnelt, T. Rohr, H. Gruber, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"New Hydrophilic Micron-Sized Polymer Supports produced by Seed Polymerization for Affinity Chromatography Applications";
Vortrag: World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004, Paris, France; 04.07.2004 - 09.07.2004.
S. Baudis:
"Polymers & 3D Printing; Biomaterials; Sustainability";
Vortrag: 1st Vienna Polymer-Group Symposium, Wien (eingeladen); 27.02.2018.
R. Inführ, J. Stampfl, N. Pucher, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, V. Schmidt, L. Kuna, A. Haase:
"Functional Polymers Structured by Two Photon Lithography";
Vortrag: E-MRS European Materials Research Society - Spring Meeting 2007, Strasbourg/ France; 28.05.2007 - 01.06.2007.
W.H. Binder:
"Nanostrukturierte Membranen, Oberflächen und Materialien aus massgeschneiderten Makromolekülen: Im Grenzbereich zwischen organischer Chemie und Polymerchemie";
Vortrag: Universität Regensburg, Regensburg Deutschland (eingeladen); 27.01.2005.
R. Liska:
"Photopolymerization and 3D lithography";
Vortrag: ESF Research Networking Programme on Precision Polymer Materials (P2M), San Feliu de Guixols (eingeladen); 24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Neue Photoreaktive Gruppen";
Vortrag: Seminar Fa. NBG Coatings, Wien; 20.09.2005.
C. Gorsche, M. Griesser, C. Hametner, B. Ganster, N. Moszner, D. Neshchadin, A. Rosspeintner, G. Gescheidt, R. Saf, R. Liska:
"New generation of highly efficient long-wavelength photoinitiators for dental restoratives: From research to application";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
R. Liska:
"Photoinitiatoren mit funktionellen Gruppen";
Vortrag: EMS Chemie, CH-7013 Domat/Ems (eingeladen); 20.03.2006.
R. Liska:
"Advanced Applications of Photopolymerization in the Field of Biomaterials and 3D Printing";
Vortrag: GÖCH Öberösterreich (eingeladen), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz; 10.05.2016.
Keynote Lecture
J. Torgersen, A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, N.U Pucher, X.H. Qin, Z. Li, K. Cicha, T. Machacek, V. Jantsch-Plunger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"High Speed 3D laser micro-fabrication of biocompatible hydrogel scaffolds";
Hauptvortrag: CAIM III Tercier Congreso Argentino die Engereía Mécanica, Buenos Aires (eingeladen); 02.10.2012 - 05.10.2012.
R. Liska:
"Advanced Photopolymers for Tissue Engineering";
Hauptvortrag: SummerSchool 2015, Bad Herrenalb (eingeladen); 22.06.2015 - 24.06.2015.
P. Gruber, A. Dobos, M. Tromayer, M. Lunzer, M. Markovic, D. Mandt, A. Ovsianikov:
"High-Resolution 3D Bioprinting by Means of Multiphoton Processing";
Hauptvortrag: II International Symposium Of Medicinal Chemistry And Regenerative Medicine, Araraquara, Brazil (eingeladen); 22.11.2017 - 24.11.2017.
R. Liska:
"Biocompatible Photopolymers for 3D printing";
Hauptvortrag: GDCh Vortrag Hochschule Niederrhein, Niederrhein; 23.04.2015.
C. Schnöll, D. Grunenberg, M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Verfahren zur Herstellung von Klebebändern";
Patent: Österrech, Nr. AT523057B1; eingereicht: 23.01.2020.
J. Stampfl, F. Schwager, R. Liska, S. Seidler, H. Gruber:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare wasserlösliche und/oder schmelzbare Zusammensetzung und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. 412.399; eingereicht: 18.06.2003, erteilt: 15.07.2004.
R. Liska, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing:
"Photoinitiator for cationic polymerization";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At517626 (b1); eingereicht: 02.09.2015, erteilt: 15.06.2017.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, F. Varga:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, biologisch abbaubare Zusammensetzung und deren Verwendung als polymere Stützmaterialien für den Knochenersatz";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 501700; eingereicht: 10.04.2005, erteilt: 15.03.2011.
R. Liska, P. Esfandiari:
"Stable Curable Thiol-Ene Formulation";
Patent: EU, Nr. Appl. No. 11159451.1; eingereicht: 23.03.2011.
N. Moszner, U. Fischer, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, P. Knaack, M. Mitterbauer:
"Polymerizable compositions having acyl tin photoinitiators";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep3293215 (a1); eingereicht: 07.09.2016.
H. Gruber, S. Knaus, A. Liska, R. Liska, P. Sulek, J. Wendrinsky, P. Sattler:
"Polymers for moldings with good surface metalizabilty";
Patent: Europa, Nr. EP 1443063 A1; eingereicht: 30.01.2004, erteilt: 04.08.2004.
N. Moszner, V. Rheinberger, U. Salz, H. Gruber, R. Liska, B. Ganster, G. Ullrich:
"Photopolymerizable dental materials with bisacylphosphine oxides as initiators";
Patent: Eu, Usa, Jp, Nr. Ep 1749513 B1; eingereicht: 06.01.2005, erteilt: 03.04.2009.
H. Gruber, S. Knaus, S. Jauk, A. Liska, R. Liska, J. Wendrinsky:
"Grafting of polymers for coating with metals";
Patent: Europa, Nr. EP 1471084 A2; eingereicht: 31.03.2004, erteilt: 27.10.2004.
R. Liska, S. Jauk, H. Gruber:
"Photopolymerisierbare Mischungen mit Photoinitiatorenauf Basis von Benzophenon und Phenylglycin";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 501750; eingereicht: 10.04.2005, erteilt: 19.10.2006.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo 2013052328 (A1); eingereicht: 03.09.2011.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer, W. Wachter, C. Appert:
"Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von lichtpolymerisierbarem Material zum schichtweisen Aufbau eines Körpers";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us 8741203 (b2); eingereicht: 20.10.2008, erteilt: 03.06.2014.
R. Liska, B. Seidl, H. Gruber:
"Photopolymerisierbare Mischungen mit Photoinitiatoren auf Basis von Di-inon-Derivaten";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 412 346 (2004); eingereicht: 09.12.2003, erteilt: 04.11.2004.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. A1106 / 05; eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 15.09.2008.
P. Radovanovic, J. Matovic, R. Liska, M. Kellner:
"Herstellung asymmetrischer Membranen";
Patent: A, Nr. At511431 (b1); eingereicht: 01.06.2011.
P. Steinbauer, S. Baudis, F. Reinauer, T. Wolfram:
"Polymerisierbare Zusammensetzung auf Thiol-EN-Basis";
Patent: EU, Nr. EP21174453; eingereicht: 18.05.2021.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Lichthärtende Schlicker für die stereolithographische Herstellung von Dentalkeramiken";
Patent: Europa, Nr. EP2151214; eingereicht: 30.07.2008, erteilt: 23.01.2013.
R. Liska, F. Schwager, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare wasserlösliche Zusammensetzung und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 412 399 (2004); eingereicht: 18.06.2003, erteilt: 15.07.2005.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, F. Varga:
"Photocurable polymer moldings for prostheses";
Patent: Internationales Patent, Nr. Wo 2006108202 A8, US erteilt (US 8,022,155 B2 20.8.2011); eingereicht: 10.04.2006, erteilt: 20.08.2011.
S. Knaus, K. Wallisch:
"Process for the production of polyols";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. EPO 12153691.6; eingereicht: 02.02.2012.
R. Liska, T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, H. Simbürger:
"Polymers containing imide groups and bearing immobilized catalysts";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At 500471 A1; eingereicht: 03.09.2003.
R. Liska, S. Jauk, H. Gruber:
"Photopolymerizable mixtures comprising photoinitiators based on benzophenone and phenylglycine";
Patent: Internationales Patent, Nr. WO 2006/108204 A1; eingereicht: 10.04.2006.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, M. Kury, Y. Chen, C. Li, S. Kaza:
"Novel polymerizable monomers and their use as reactive diluents in curable compositions";
Patent: EU, Nr. EP3564206A1; eingereicht: 03.05.2019.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, T. Bock, U. Fischer, U. Salz, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska:
"Dental materials based on monomers having debonding-on-demand properties";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo 2013034777 (a2); Wo 2013034777 (a3); eingereicht: 10.09.2012.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, H. Gruber, S. Baudis, C. Heller, M. Schuster, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, C. Dworak:
"Composition that can be cured by polymerization for the production of biodegradable, biocompatible, cross-linkable polymers on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol";
Patent: Eu, Usa, Jp, Ca, Nr. EP2219697; eingereicht: 21.11.2008, erteilt: 28.05.2009.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Method for the Preparation of a Lignin Prepolymer";
Patent: EP, Nr. Ep3409727 (a1); eingereicht: 29.05.2017.
R. Liska, T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, H. Simbürger:
"Bonding the surface of polyimides to other resins";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At 500472 A1; eingereicht: 03.09.2003.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, A. Gugg, C. Gorsche:
"Polymerizable compositions with improved through-curing depth";
Patent: Ep, Us, Jp, Nr. Ep2455059 (b1) Jp5661596 (b2); eingereicht: 19.11.2010, erteilt: 23.05.2012.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus, A. Poschalko:
"Methods for the production of polymer carrier materials based on carbohydrate-bis(meth)acrylamines";
Patent: Internationales Patent, Nr. WO 2006000008; eingereicht: 29.06.2004.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, Y. Catel, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, G. Peer:
"Polymerwerkstoffe mit ungesättigten Übertragungsreagenzien";
Patent: Europa, Nr. EP18194789; eingereicht: 17.09.2018.
R. Liska, P. Knaack, P. Gauss, R. Taschner:
"Photoinitiatoren für lichthärtende Zusammensetzungen";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At520240 (a1); eingereicht: 27.07.2017.
P. Sulek, S. Knaus, R. Liska, A. Liska, H. Gruber, J. Wendrinsky:
"Neue Polymere bzw. gefertigte Gegenstände, Formkörper od. dgl., Verfahren zu deren Herstellung von metallisierten Gegenständen od. dgl. daraus";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 20030124; eingereicht: 31.01.2003.
N. Moszner, F. Zeuner, V. Rheinberger, I. Lamparth, U. Fischer, R. Liska:
"Polymerisable compound with multiple germanium atoms containing initiators";
Patent: Eu, Usa, Jp, Nr. Ep2103297 (b1), Us8829067 (b2), Jp5366602 (b2); eingereicht: 20.03.2008, erteilt: 09.09.2014.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, G. Harakaly, M. Kury, J. Stampfl, P. Dorfinger, Y. Chen, C. Li, S. Kaza:
"Curable composition for use in a high temperature lithography-​based photopolymerization process and method of producing crosslinked polymers therefrom for use in orthodontic appliances";
Patent: EU, Nr. EP3564282A1; eingereicht: 06.05.2019.
N. Moszner, K. Rist, I. Lamparth, P. Burtscher, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Dentalmaterialien mit Debonding-on-Demand-Eigenschaften";
Patent: EP, Nr. EP3166568(B1); eingereicht: 11.07.2014, erteilt: 21.11.2018.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Rapid Prototyping Method and Radiation-Curable Composition for Use Therein";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep-1-907 192 B1; eingereicht: 29.06.2007, erteilt: 19.11.2008.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, U. Fischer, K. Rist, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler:
"Dental materials which can be hardened by chain transfer polymerization";
Patent: Europa, Nr. EP3090722B1; eingereicht: 07.05.2015, erteilt: 09.01.2019.
S. Jauk, A. Liska, S. Knaus, R. Liska, H. Gruber, J. Wendrinsky:
"Oberflächenmodifizierung von Polymeren mit funktionellen Aziden";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT 20030157; eingereicht: 01.04.2004, erteilt: 2005.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, U. Fischer, R. Liska, H. Gruber, B. Ganster:
"Photopolymerizable Polymerizable compositions of binder with acylgermane initiators, preparation of moldings and other uses";
Patent: Eu, Usa, Jp, Nr. Ep 1905415 B1; Us7605190 B2; Jp2008088432; eingereicht: 27.09.2006, erteilt: 01.07.2009.
N. Moszner, U. Fischer, I. Lamparth, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss:
"Komposite mit gesteuerter Netzwerkstruktur";
Patent: EP, Nr. EP3166569B1; eingereicht: 11.07.2014, erteilt: 28.11.2018.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer:
"Acrylamide mit Initiatoreigenschaften";
Patent: Österreich, EU, Nr. At 504811 B1, Ep1956033 (b1); eingereicht: 06.02.2007, erteilt: 15.06.2010.
R. Liska, B. Seidl, H. Gruber:
"Photopolymerisable mixtures with photoinitiators based on di-ynone derivates";
Patent: Internationales Patent, Nr. PCT/AT2005/026840; eingereicht: 01.09.2004, erteilt: 24.03.2005.
B. Steyrer, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Lichthärtbare Zusammensetzung";
Patent: Österreich, eingereicht: 28.04.2017.
N. Moszner, J. Angermann, U. Fischer, I. Lamparth, Y. Catel, R. Liska:
"Polymeric materials with silane-based transmission reagents";
Patent: EU, Nr. Ep3424983 (b1); eingereicht: 09.01.2019, erteilt: 23.10.2019.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig, S. Knaus, H. Gruber, E. Hummer-Koppendorfer:
"Methacrylamid-Derivate von Polysiloxanen";
Patent: EU, Nr. Ep 1956038 B1; eingereicht: 06.02.2007, erteilt: 23.09.2009.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, U. Fischer, K. Rist, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler:
"Durch Kettenübertragungspolymerisation härtbare Dentalmaterialien";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep3090722 A1; eingereicht: 07.05.2015.
I. Lamparth, N. Moszner, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, G. Peer:
"Dentalmaterialien Auf Basis Von Cyclopolymerisierbaren Vernetzern";
Patent: Österrech, Nr. EP 3861976 A1; eingereicht: 05.02.2020.
T. Verdianz, A. Poschalko, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Verfahren zur Herstellung von polymeren Trägermaterialien auf Basis von Kohlenhydrat-bis-(meth)acrylamiden";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. 4 BA 1100/2004-1; eingereicht: 29.06.2004, erteilt: 15.04.2005.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Rapid-Prototyping-Verfahren und Verwendung in diesem Verfahren einer strahlungshärtbaren Zusammensetzung";
Patent: Europa, USA, Nr. Us 7,815,835 B2 Ep 1 907 192 B1; eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 19.10.2010.
R. Liska, D. Bomze, W. Kern:
"Method for frontal polymerization of cationically polymerizable monomers";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At 517640 (a2); eingereicht: 02.09.2015.
R. Liska, S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel:
"Zusammensetzungen zur Herstellung biologisch abbaubarer, bioverträglicher, vernetzter Polymere auf Basis von Polyvinylalkohol";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. AT19032007; eingereicht: 30.11.2007.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, N. Moszner:
"Sulfonsäureester als Regler in radikalischen Polymerisationsreaktionen";
Patent: EU, Nr. Ep3292157 (b1); eingereicht: 07.05.2015, erteilt: 24.04.2019.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, U. Fischer, R. Liska, H. Gruber, B. Ganster:
"Photopolymerizable Polymerizable compositions of binder with acylgermane initiators, preparation of moldings and other uses";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp5097494 (b2); eingereicht: 27.09.2006, erteilt: 12.12.2012.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: EP, Nr. EP3091050B1; eingereicht: 20.09.2012, erteilt: 18.07.2018.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Polymerisierte Formkörper";
Patent: Japan, Nr. 2008-518556; eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 11.11.2011.
R. Liska, S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel:
"Zusammensetzungen zur Herstellung biologisch abbaubarer, bioverträglicher, vernetzter Polymere auf Basis von Polyvinylalkohol";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us8999323 (b2); eingereicht: 30.11.2007, erteilt: 07.04.2015.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us 9814801 (b2); eingereicht: 03.09.2011, erteilt: 25.08.2016.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, H. Gruber, S. Baudis, C. Heller, M. Schuster, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, C. Dworak:
"Composition that can be cured by polymerization for the production of biodegradable, biocompatible, cross-linkable polymers on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo 2009065162 A2; eingereicht: 23.11.2007, erteilt: 28.05.2009.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer, W. Wachter, C. Appert:
"Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Verarbeitung von lichtpolymerisierbarem Material zum schichtweisen Aufbau eines Körpers";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep2337668 (b1); eingereicht: 20.10.2008, erteilt: 20.03.2013.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At502110 (b1); eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 15.09.2008.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, U. Fischer, R. Liska, H. Gruber, B. Ganster:
"Photopolymerizable Polymerizable compositions of binder with acylgermane initiators, preparation of moldings and other uses";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us7605190 (b2); eingereicht: 27.09.2006, erteilt: 20.10.2009.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, N. Moszner:
"Sulfonsäureester als Regler in radikalischen Polymerisationsreaktionen";
Patent: International, Nr. Wo2016177677 (a1); eingereicht: 02.05.2016.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, H. Gruber, S. Baudis, C. Heller, M. Schuster, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, C. Dworak:
"Composition that can be cured by polymerization for the production of biodegradable, biocompatible, cross-linkable polymers on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep2428235 (b1); eingereicht: 23.11.2007, erteilt: 04.06.2014.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep1907192 (b1); eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 19.11.2008.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Photo-curable slip for preparing dental ceramic by three dimensional lithography";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp5571917 (b2); eingereicht: 29.07.2009, erteilt: 13.08.2014.
N. Moszner, U. Fischer, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, P. Knaack, M. Mitterbauer:
"Polymerizable compositions comprising acyl tin photoinitiators";
Patent: WO, Nr. WO2018046438A1; eingereicht: 04.09.2017.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, U. Fischer, K. Rist, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler:
"Durch Kettenübertragungspolymerisation härtbare Dentalmaterialien";
Patent: International, Nr. Wo 2016177680 (a1); eingereicht: 02.05.2016.
R. Liska, J. Stampfl, F. Varga, H. Gruber, S. Baudis, C. Heller, M. Schuster, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel, C. Dworak:
"Composition that can be cured by polymerization for the production of biodegradable, biocompatible, cross-linkable polymers on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us8999323 (b2); eingereicht: 23.11.2007, erteilt: 07.04.2015.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp4861413 (b2); eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 25.01.2012.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Photo-curable slip for preparing dental ceramic by three dimensional lithography";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep2151214 (b1); eingereicht: 29.07.2009, erteilt: 23.01.2013.
R. Liska, P. Knaack, P. Gauss, R. Taschner:
"Photoinitiatoren für lichthärtende Zusammensetzungen";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo2019020805 (a1); eingereicht: 31.01.2019.
N. Moszner, U. Fischer, I. Lamparth, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler, P. Gauss:
"Komposite mit gesteuerter Netzwerkstruktur";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo2016005534 A1; eingereicht: 11.07.2014.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, T. Bock, U. Fischer, U. Salz, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska:
"Dental materials based on monomers having debonding-on-demand properties";
Patent: US, Nr. Us9320686 (b2); eingereicht: 08.09.2011, erteilt: 26.04.2016.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Photo-curable slip for preparing dental ceramic by three dimensional lithography";
Patent: Japan, Nr. JP2010031279 (a); eingereicht: 29.07.2009.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us7815835 (b2); eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 19.10.2010.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Photo-curable slip for preparing dental ceramic by three dimensional lithography";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us7927538 (b2); eingereicht: 29.07.2009, erteilt: 19.04.2011.
N. Moszner, K. Rist, I. Lamparth, P. Burtscher, C. Gorsche, R. Liska:
"Dentalmaterialien mit Debonding-on-Demand-Eigenschaften";
Patent: WO/USA, Nr. Wo2016005540 A1/US10213367 (B2); eingereicht: 11.07.2014, erteilt: 26.02.2019.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, T. Bock, U. Fischer, U. Salz, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska:
"Dental materials based on monomers having debonding-on-demand properties";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp6095665 (b2); eingereicht: 10.09.2012, erteilt: 15.03.2017.
N. Moszner, W. Wachter, C. Appert, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska, J. Stampfl, J. Patzer:
"Light-curing slips for the stereolithographic preparation of dental ceramics";
Patent: USA, Nr. US 2010-0029801; eingereicht: 27.02.2009.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: EP, Nr. Ep2764049 (b1); eingereicht: 03.09.2011, erteilt: 17.08.2016.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Polymerisierte Formkörper";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At501700 (b1); eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 15.10.2006.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Method for the Preparation of a Lignin Prepolymer";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo2018219954 (a1); eingereicht: 06.12.2018.
R. Liska, D. Bomze, W. Kern, P. Knaack:
"Method for frontal polymerization of cationically polymerizable monomers";
Patent: International, Nr. Ep3344679 (b1); eingereicht: 02.09.2015, erteilt: 09.10.2019.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, T. Bock, U. Fischer, U. Salz, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska:
"Dental materials based on monomers having debonding-on-demand properties";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us9668946 (b2); eingereicht: 09.08.2011, erteilt: 06.06.2017.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, M. Kury, Y. Chen, C. Li, S. Kaza:
"Novel polymerizable monomers and their use as reactive diluents in curable compositions";
Patent: USA, Nr. WO2019213588A1;US2019345276A1; eingereicht: 03.05.2019.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp6101271 (b2); eingereicht: 03.09.2011, erteilt: 22.03.2017.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Polymerisierte Formkörper";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us8022155 (b2); eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 20.09.2011.
N. Moszner, V. Rheinberger, U. Salz, H. Gruber, R. Liska, B. Ganster, G. Ullrich:
"Photopolymerizable dental materials with bisacylphosphine oxides as initiators";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us7714034 (b2); eingereicht: 06.01.2005, erteilt: 11.05.2010.
R. Liska, X.H. Qin, A. Mautner:
"Thiol-Ene Polymerization with Vinylesters and Vinylcarbonates";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us9623145 (b2); eingereicht: 03.09.2011, erteilt: 18.04.2017.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Rapid-Prototyping-Verfahren und Verwendung in diesem Verfahren einer strahlungshärtbaren Zusammensetzung";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp4861413 (b2); eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 25.01.2012.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, Y. Catel, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, G. Peer:
"Polymer Materials With Unsaturated Transfer Reagents";
Patent: USA, Nr. US201916545138A; eingereicht: 20.08.2019.
N. Moszner, V. Rheinberger, U. Salz, H. Gruber, R. Liska, B. Ganster, G. Ullrich:
"Photopolymerizable dental materials with bisacylphosphine oxides as initiators";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep1749513 (b1); eingereicht: 06.01.2005, erteilt: 04.03.2009.
R. Liska, S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel:
"Zusammensetzungen zur Herstellung biologisch abbaubarer, bioverträglicher, vernetzter Polymere auf Basis von Polyvinylalkohol";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At506168 (b1); eingereicht: 30.11.2007, erteilt: 15.02.2012.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, A. Gugg, C. Gorsche:
"Polymerizable compositions with improved through-curing depth";
Patent: Japan, Nr. Jp5661596 (b2); eingereicht: 19.11.2010, erteilt: 28.01.2015.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, F. Varga:
"Photocurable polymer moldings for prostheses";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At501700 (b1); eingereicht: 10.04.2006, erteilt: 15.03.2011.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Rapid-Prototyping-Verfahren und Verwendung in diesem Verfahren einer strahlungshärtbaren Zusammensetzung";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us7815835 (b2); eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 19.10.2010.
R. Liska, C. Gorsche, G. Harakaly, M. Kury, J. Stampfl, P. Dorfinger, Y. Chen, C. Li, S. Kaza:
"Curable composition for use in a high temperature lithography-​based photopolymerization process and method of producing crosslinked polymers therefrom for use in orthodontic appliances";
Patent: USA, Nr. WO2019213585A1;US2019338067A1; eingereicht: 03.05.2019.
C. Schnöll, D. Grunenberg, M. Mitterbauer, P. Knaack, R. Liska:
"Verfahren zur Herstellung von Klebebändern - Process for producing adhesive tapes or molding compounds";
Patent: WO, Nr. WO 2021148602; eingereicht: 22.01.2021.
R. Liska, R. Inführ, H. Gruber, J. Stampfl, H. Lichtenegger:
"Mit Strahlung härtbare, in organischen Lösungsmitteln lösliche Zusammensetzungen und deren Verwendung für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Patent: WO, Nr. Wo2007002965 (b1); eingereicht: 30.06.2005, erteilt: 19.04.2007.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, A. Gugg, C. Gorsche:
"Polymerizable compositions with improved through-curing depth";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us8557888 (b2); eingereicht: 19.11.2010, erteilt: 15.10.2013.
J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, H. Lichtenegger, R. Liska, R. Inführ:
"Rapid Prototyping method and radiation-curable composition for use therein";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us 7 815 835 B2; eingereicht: 29.06.2006, erteilt: 29.10.2010.
R. Liska, M. Schuster, J. Stampfl, H. Gruber, F. Varga:
"Photocurable polymer moldings for prostheses";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us8022155 (b2); eingereicht: 10.04.2006, erteilt: 20.09.2011.
R. Liska, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing:
"Photoinitiator for cationic polymerization";
Patent: EU, Nr. Ep3300504 (b1); eingereicht: 02.09.2015, erteilt: 19.06.2019.
N. Moszner, U. Salz, P. Burtscher, R. Liska, A. Gugg, C. Gorsche:
"Polymerizable compositions with improved through-curing depth";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep2455059 (b1); eingereicht: 19.11.2010, erteilt: 04.06.2014.
R. Liska, D. Bomze, W. Kern, P. Knaack:
"Method for frontal polymerization of cationically polymerizable monomers";
Patent: USA, Nr. US010738146 (b1); eingereicht: 10.10.2019, erteilt: 11.08.2020.
N. Moszner, I. Lamparth, T. Bock, U. Fischer, U. Salz, V. Rheinberger, R. Liska:
"Dental materials based on monomers having debonding-on-demand properties";
Patent: EP, Nr. EP3166568B1; eingereicht: 17.05.2017, erteilt: 21.11.2018.
R. Liska, S. Baudis, M. Schuster, C. Heller, F. Varga, J. Stampfl, H. Bergmeister, G. Weigel:
"Zusammensetzungen zur Herstellung biologisch abbaubarer, bioverträglicher, vernetzter Polymere auf Basis von Polyvinylalkohol";
Patent: Europa, Nr. Ep2428235 (b1); eingereicht: 30.11.2007, erteilt: 04.06.2014.
R. Liska, B. Seidl, H. Gruber:
"Photopolymerisable mixtures with photoinitiators based on di-ynone derivates";
Patent: Österreich, Nr. At412346 (b); eingereicht: 01.09.2004, erteilt: 25.01.2005.
R. Liska, P. Knaack, D. Bomze, I. Krossing:
"Photoinitiator for cationic polymerization";
Patent: USA, Nr. Us10266643 (b2); eingereicht: 02.09.2015, erteilt: 23.04.2019.
I. Lamparth, N. Moszner, R. Liska, C. Gorsche, Y. Catel, G. Peer:
"Dentalmaterialien Auf Basis Von Cyclopolymerisierbaren Vernetzern - Dental materials based on cyclopolymerizable crosslinkers";
Patent: USA, Nr. US 20210236388; eingereicht: 05.08.2021.
R. Liska:
"New concepts in photopolymerization";
Technische Universität Wien / Fakultät für Technische Chemie, 2006.
S. Knaus:
"Funktionalisierung von Cellulose und Polyolefinen durch chemische Modifizierung";
Technische Universität Wien / Fakultät für Technische Chemie, 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Synthesis ans Self Assembly of telechelic Macromolecules into Supramolecular Aggregates";
Technische Universität Wien / Fakultät für Technische Chemie, 2004.
Doctor's Theses
J. Steindl:
"New Monomers for Tough Photopolymers";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Rigorosum: 07.04.2021.
P. Steinbauer:
"Photopolymerizable Adhesives for Bone Healing";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Rigorosum: 17.03.2021.
Y. Mete:
"Novel initiators and green monomers for ionic photopolymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Rigorosum: 24.03.2021.
E. Zerobin:
"Two-Photon Initiators and Macromers for Biomedical Applications";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Rigorosum: 08.03.2021.
S. Schörpf:
"Novel Monomers with Stress Relaxing and Shrinkage Reducing Characteristics for Dental Restorations";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 17.08.2020.
K. Ehrmann:
"Development of Thermoplastic Elastomers for Cardiovascular Tissue Regeneration";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 24.07.2020.
N. Klikovits:
"Thermally promoted cationic photopolymerization of ring-opening monomers for Hot Lithography";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 16.07.2020.
A.D. Tran:
"Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymerisation for Preparation of Epoxy Composites";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 21.12.2020.
G. Peer:
"Strategies for shrinkage stress reduction in photopolymers for dental restoratives";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 05.03.2020.
C. Schnöll:
"New low shrinkage photopolymers and additives for dental restoratives";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 16.07.2020.
M. Kury:
"Tough photopolymers for 3D printing";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 29.06.2020.
A. Hofecker:
"Novel Synthesis of biocompatible Monomers";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): P. Knaack, R. Liska; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Rigorosum: 21.10.2020.
M. Mitterbauer:
"Tin-based long wavelength photoinitiators for dental composites";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Rigorosum: 21.11.2019.
G. Harakaly:
"Tough photopolymers for Hot Lithography application";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Rigorosum: 29.08.2019.
P. Gauss:
"Advanced additives for radical photopolymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Fleig, V. Archodoulaki; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Rigorosum: 26.03.2019.
S. Cirak:
"Wasserbasierende Isolierlacksysteme";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki, H. Hoffmann; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2018; Rigorosum: 19.12.2018.
S. Orman:
"Toughening of Photopolymers for Additive Manufacturing of Bone Replacements";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2018; Rigorosum: 20.09.2018.
M. Tromayer:
"Novel Biocompatible Initiators for Direct Cell Encapsulation via Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2018; Rigorosum: 29.08.2018.
P. Potzmann:
"Energy Efficient UV Polymerization in Aqueous Systems";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Rigorosum: 24.05.2016.
K. Seidler:
"Photopolymer Networks with Homogeneous Polymer Architectures";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Rigorosum: 20.10.2016.
C. Gorsche:
"Synthesis and characterization of monomers and additives for photopolymer-based dental restoratives";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2015; Rigorosum: 05.03.2015.
P. Knaack:
"Fudamental Studies on Tailoring Polyolefines for Modern Manufacturing Techniques";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki; IAS, 2015; Rigorosum: 26.11.2015.
S. Benedikt:
"Novel Long-Wavelength Photoinitiators for Dental Applications";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2015; Rigorosum: 01.11.2015.
X.H. Qin:
"3D Construction of Artificial ECM Hydrogels by Two-Photon-Induced Polymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, H. Redl, P. Gärtner; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2014; Rigorosum: 27.05.2014.
K. Fohringer:
"Immobilisierung von Epoxyfunktionalitäten - Ein Weg zu PP-Oberflächen nach Mass";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, G. Trimmel; IAS, 2014; Rigorosum: 11.08.2014.
X. Meng:
"Preparation of PP graft copolymers and compatibilized PP/EVOH-Blends by reactive extrusion";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2013; Rigorosum: 30.10.2013.
J. Kupfmüller:
"Strukturierung Polysiloxan-basierender Wellenleitermaterialien mittels 2-Photonen-induzierter Polymerisation";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2013; Rigorosum: 06.03.2013.
M. Kellner:
"Entwicklung neuer Materialien für protonenleitende Membranen in Brennstoffzellen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, V. Archodoulaki; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2013; Rigorosum: 30.10.2013.
A. Mautner:
"Development of low cytotoxic Photopolymers";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Rigorosum: 09.08.2012.
L. Nguyen Pham Duy:
"Properties and Applications of Epoxy-Functional Polyolefins Synthesized by Reactive Extrusion";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, V. Archodoulaki; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Rigorosum: 05.03.2012.
D. Dautefendic:
"Untersuchung der Eignung von chemisch modifizierten technischen Ligninen als Bitumenersatzprodukt";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, B. Hinterstoisser; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Rigorosum: 13.07.2012.
S. Baudis:
"Development and Processing of Materials for Vascular Tissue Regeneration";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institu für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Rigorosum: 11.01.2011.
A. Gugg:
"Development of Monomers and Additives for Advanced Dental Formulations";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Rigorosum: 10.11.2011.
P. Esfandiari:
"Development of 3-D printable materials";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Rigorosum: 17.01.2011.
S. Lippl:
"Optimierung der Eigenschaften von Polyurethan-Elastomeren für den Einsatz als Walzenbezugsmaterial in der Papiermaschine";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Rigorosum: 19.12.2011.
M. Adelwöhrer:
"Synthese und Modifikation polymerer Träger auf Basis von Galactarsäure";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, C. Slugovc; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Rigorosum: 27.06.2011.
N.U Pucher:
"Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Initiators for the Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization Process - A Precise Tool for Real 3D Sub-Micrometer Laser Structuring";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2010; Rigorosum: 14.06.2010.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten:
"Hydrophobierung von Stärke unter Erhalt der Kornstruktur";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, B. Hinterstoisser; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2009; Rigorosum: 02.03.2009.
B. Ganster:
"Bathochrom verschobene Photoinitiatoren für Dentalformulierungen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2008; Rigorosum: 14.01.2008.
S. Jauk:
"Kovalent verbundene Typ II Photoinitiatoren";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2008; Rigorosum: 03.04.2008.
C. Pich:
"Dauerhafte Beschichtungssysteme von Festholz";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, B. Hinterstoisser; Institut für angewandte Synthsesechemie, 2008; Rigorosum: 21.04.2008.
S. Kopeinig:
"Synthese und Untersuchung photopolymerisierbarer Gruppen für Silikonbeschichtungen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): R. Liska, H. Hutter; E163, 2007.
D. Farnik:
"Molecular templating with organic substrates during a sol gel process";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W.H. Binder, N. Hüsing; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2007; Rigorosum: 21.04.2007.
M. Ettenauer:
"Entwicklung und Anwendung magnetischer Fluoreszenzmikropartikel als Marker im Microspheres-Based Detoxification System";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, S. Fischer; 163Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2007; Rigorosum: 21.04.2007.
A. Liska:
"Synthesis and Properties of Novel Rheological Modifiers for High Solid Coatings";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006.
C. Kluger:
"Supramolecular Materials and Surfaces from Functionalized Poly(oxynorbornenes)";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W.H. Binder, G. Friedbacher; Institut für Angewandt Synthesechemie, 2006; Rigorosum: 03/2006.
L. Petraru:
"Supramolecular Gels with Magnetic Properties";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W.H. Binder, H. Hutter; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Rigorosum: 10/2006.
S. Petrak:
"Hybridnetzwerke auf Basis von Aceton/Formaldehyd-Phenol/Formaldehy Harzen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W.H. Binder, E. Rosenberg; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Rigorosum: 10/2006.
R. Schlifke:
"Kovalente Anbindung von UV-Stabilisatoren an Malaminharze";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W.H. Binder, M. Dunky; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2005.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic:
"Radikalisches Pfropfen aliphatischer Maleimide auf niedermolekulare Modellverbindungen für Polyolefine";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, R. Saf; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2005.
M.J. Kunz:
"Synthese und strukturelle Untersuchungen an supramolekularen Poly(ether-keton) - Poly(isobutylen) pseudo-block Copolymeren";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, H. Hutter; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
D. Machl:
"Synthese von Blockcopolymeren mit Polyisobutylen/Polyetherketon Segmenten";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, H. Hutter; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
G. Weichslberger:
"Chemische Modifizierung von Holz mit Organosiliciumverbindungen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): S. Knaus, B. Hinterstoisser; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
B. Froschauer:
"Modifizierung von Melamin und Schichtsilikaten zur Herstellung von Nanocomposites auf Basis von Melaminharzen";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, F. Kubel; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
A. Poschalko:
"Entwicklung neuer spezifischer Adsorbenzien auf Kohlenhydrat Methacrylat Basis zur extrakorporalen Blutreinigung ";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, J. Fröhlich; E 163 Institut für Angewandte Syntheschemie, 2003.
D. Herzog:
"Funktionelle Photoinitiatoren und neue initiierende Strukturen für die radikalische Polymerisation";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, H. Hutter; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
K. Lisak:
"Modifizierung von Polypropylen: Einfluß von Struktur- und Prozeßparametern auf die photochemische Immobilisierung von Arylaziden";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, O. Seycek; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
M. Einzmann:
"Synthese und Aggregationsverhalten amphiphiler Polyoxazolin-Konjugate";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
J. Mijatovic:
"Untersuchungen von Melaminhaltigen Harzpräkondensaten";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): H. Gruber, P. Gärtner; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
Diploma and Master theses
M. Fitzka:
"A systematic study on self-reinforcing thermoplastic urethane/urea elastomers";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis, K. Ehrmann; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Abschlussprüfung: 07.09.2021.
F. Pieringer:
"Group Transfer Polymerization for dental application";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Abschlussprüfung: 07.09.2021.
F. Mayer:
"Interpenetrating polymer networks for 3D printing";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, K. Ehrmann; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2021; Abschlussprüfung: 23.09.2021.
K. Hager:
"High-Temperature Materials for Hot Lithography";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche, K. Seidler; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 04.03.2020.
A. Schmidbauer:
"Development of a synthetic hemostatic patch based on crosslinked PVA-derived materials";
Betreuer/in(nen): H. Redl, S. Baudis, P. Slezak; Institut für Angewandte Sythesechemie, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 13.10.2020.
D. Wottawa:
"Thermal initiators and stabilizers for cationic frontal polymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack, M. Mitterbauer; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 18.06.2020.
L. Ruppitsch:
"Cyclopolymerizable Monomers for Radical Photopolymerization based on Difunctional (Meth)acrylamides";
Betreuer/in(nen): G. Peer, R. Liska; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 21.10.2020.
B. Koch:
"Tailored urethane methacrylates for tough, thermoplastic-like photopolymers via Hot Lithography";
Betreuer/in(nen): M. Kury, C. Gorsche, R. Liska; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 18.06.2019.
B. Dellago:
"New cleavable moieties for biodegradable photopolymers";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 09.09.2019.
R. Taschner:
"Biocompatible Photoinitiators based on Poly-α-ketoesters";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 26.02.2019.
S. Friedler:
"Elektrochemisches Ätzen von Silizium";
Betreuer/in(nen): G. Fafilek; Institut für chemische Technologien und Analytik, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 23.12.2019.
M. Redl:
"Lithographic 3D printing of SiC-based ceramics";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 09.09.2019.
L. Sinawehl:
"Cationic Photopolymerization in Hot Lithography";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2019; Abschlussprüfung: 16.12.2019.
S. Stanic:
"Hochgefüllte Hydrogele als Biokomposite und Keramikpräkursor für 3D Druck Anwendungsbereiche";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2018; Abschlussprüfung: 29.01.2018.
Y. Mete:
"Photopolymerization in filled systems";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2017; Abschlussprüfung: 27.02.2017.
E. Zerobin:
"Two-Photon Structured Hydrogels based on Hyaluronic Acid for Applications in Tissue Engineering";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, S. Baudis; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2017; Abschlussprüfung: 22.03.2017.
N. Klikovits:
"Cationic Photoinitiators based on Aluminium";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, P. Knaack; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie E-163, 2017; Abschlussprüfung: 27.03.2017.
S. Helfert:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer-Linker Systems for T-cell Activation";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Dworak, E. Sevcsik; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie E-163, 2017; Abschlussprüfung: 31.03.2017.
M. Mitterbauer:
"Synthesis of novel Si-based long wavelength photoinitiators for dental applications";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Abschlussprüfung: 25.01.2016.
C. Schnöll:
"Investigation of various blocked isocyanates for Debonding on Demand";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Abschlussprüfung: 17.03.2016.
M. Kury:
"Mechanistic investigations of chain transfer reagents";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, C. Gorsche; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2016; Abschlussprüfung: 18.11.2016.
S. Orman:
"Biocompatible Composite Photopolymers for 3D Printing";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2015; Abschlussprüfung: 22.04.2015.
A. Hofecker:
"Synthese und Charakterisierung von Stärkederivaten für pharmazeutische Anwendungen";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, H. Redl, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2015; Abschlussprüfung: 25.11.2015.
M. Tromayer:
"Novel Multipolar Initiators for Two-Photon Induced Photopolymerization";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, P. Gärtner; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2014; Abschlussprüfung: 06.03.2014.
P. Gauss:
"RAFT and AFCT in Debonding on Demand of Dental Materials";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2014; Abschlussprüfung: 25.11.2014.
P. Potzmann:
"New building blocks for thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers for vascular tissue engineering";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2013; Abschlussprüfung: 06.03.2013.
S. Benedikt:
"Synthese und Charakterisierung von mizellaren Systemen basierend auf amphiphilen RAFT-Blockcopolymeren";
Betreuer/in(nen): H. Gruber, S. Knaus, L. Puchinger; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Abschlussprüfung: 30.10.2012.
M. Schachner:
"Synthese polymerer Wirkstoffträgersysteme mittels RAFT Polymerisation";
Betreuer/in(nen): H. Gruber, S. Knaus, H. Hutter; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Abschlussprüfung: 27.02.2012.
K. Seidler:
"Development of biodegradable thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers for electrospinning of vascular grafts";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Hutter; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2012; Abschlussprüfung: 21.12.2012.
C. Gorsche:
"UV-initiated Frontal Polymerization in Dental Materials";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Abschlussprüfung: 27.04.2011.
K. Wallisch:
"Radikalisches Propfen von neuen Epoxy-funktionellen Monomeren auf Polypropylen";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, H. Hutter, F. Winter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2011; Abschlussprüfung: 30.11.2011.
J. Kumpfmüller:
"Strukturierung Polysiloxan-basierender Wellenleitermaterialien mittels 2-Photonen-induzierter Polymerisation";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2010; Abschlussprüfung: 11.01.2010.
P. Knaack:
"Synthese und Anwendung funktioneller Farbstoffe";
Betreuer/in(nen): L. Puchinger, H. Hoffmann; Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2010; Abschlussprüfung: 24.06.2010.
K. Fizor:
"Modifizierung von Stärke unter Erhalt der Kornstruktur";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, W. Linert, H. Hutter; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechmie, 2009; Abschlussprüfung: 09.03.2009.
A. Mautner:
"Pfropfen von Glycidylmethacrylat auf HD-PE durch Reaktiv-Spritzguss";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, J. Fleig, W.D. Schubert; E163, Institut für angewandtes Synthesechemie, 2009; Abschlussprüfung: 20.04.2009.
M. Kellner:
"Untersuchungen zum Abbauverhalten von Polyethylenglykol in galvanischen Elektrolyten";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, H. Kronberger, H. Hutter; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2009; Abschlussprüfung: 30.11.2009.
S. Landertshamer:
"Photoinitiatoren für die kationische Polymerisation von Siliconen";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2008; Abschlussprüfung: 09.06.2008.
A. Gugg:
"Photoinitiatoren auf Basis von Halbmetallen";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163, Institut für angewandte Synthesechemie, 2008; Abschlussprüfung: 09.06.2008.
M. Adelwöhrer:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zu Reaktionen photolytisch generierter Arylnitrene mit funktionellen Modellsubstraten";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus, W. Linert, H. Hutter; Institut für angewandte Synthsesechemie, 2008; Abschlussprüfung: 21.01.2008.
S. Baudis:
"Development of biophotopolymers as biocompatible cardiovascular replacement materials";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska, J. Stampfl; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2007; Abschlussprüfung: 12.11.2007.
P. Esfandiari:
"Oberflächenmodifizierung und stromlose Metallisierung von Polypropylen";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus; E163, Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2007; Abschlussprüfung: 15.03.2007.
M. Josipovic:
"Anbindung von Nanoobjekten an dünne Polymerfilme und morphologische Untersuchungen im Bulk-Material";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163, Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2007; Abschlussprüfung: 15.03.2007.
N.U Pucher:
"Synthese neuer Photoinitiatoren für die Zwei-Photonen-induzierte Stereolithographie";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Abschlussprüfung: 13.11.2006.
C. Pich:
"Sauerstoffinhibierung in Silicone Release Coatings";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Abschlussprüfung: 24.04.2006.
C. Haderer:
"Immobilisierte Fluoreszenzsensoren für die extrakorporale Blutreinigung";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Abschlussprüfung: 07.06.2006.
R. Sachsenhofer:
"Sharpless-"click" Reactions on the Surface of Cadmium Selenide Nanoparticles";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006; Abschlussprüfung: 03/2006.
E. Schwaiger:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur stromlosen Matallisierung von Polypropylen";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2006.
B. Ganster:
"Hydrophile Photoinitiatoren für Dentalformulierungen";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2005.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten:
"Kreuzkonjugierte Photoinitiatoren";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2005.
H. Wiesbauer:
"Photochemische Modifizierung von Polymeren mittels funktioneller Maleinimide";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2005.
D. Farnik:
"Synthese telecheler Polyetherketone mit multiplen Wasserstoffbrückenverbindungen";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
S. Jauk:
"Modifizierung von Polypropylen mittels funktioneller Arylazide";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
N. Fuß:
"Synthese und photochemische Eigenschaften neuer Enon- und Inon-artiger Typ I- Photoinitiatoren";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
S. Kopeinig:
"Photoinitiatoren mit kovalent verknüpften Sensibilisatoren";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2004.
G. Kühnelt:
"Synthese von permanent porösen Mikropartikel auf Basis von Kohlenhydrat Methacrylaten";
Betreuer/in(nen): T. Rohr; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
F. Schwager:
"Wasserlösliche Polymere für Rapid Prototyping Verfahren";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
C. Kluger:
"Synthese telecheler Polyisobutylene mit multiplen Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
S. Petrak:
"Katalysatoren für blockierte Isocyanate in UF-Harzen";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2003.
G. Ullrich:
"Funktionelle Photoinitiatoren für den Einsatz in der Dentaltechnik";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
T. Verdianz:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenmodifizierung von Polyimiden";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
A. Liska:
"Modifizierung von Polypropylen zur Verbesserung der Haftung von Metallschichten";
Betreuer/in(nen): S. Knaus; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
B. Seidl:
"Synthese und Prüfung neuer Inon-artiger Photoinitiatoren";
Betreuer/in(nen): R. Liska; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
H. Wutzel:
"Synthese funktioneller Polyoxazoline über Quenchreaktionen an N-Alkyl/Aryl-Oxazoliniumtriflaten";
Betreuer/in(nen): W.H. Binder; E163 Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2002.
Scientific Reports
D. Ret, S. Knaus:
"Characterization of Hyaluronic Acid and derivatives Part 1";
Bericht für Croma Pharma GmbH Austria; Berichts-Nr. 1, 2014; 95 S.
K. Wallisch, F. Kamleitner, S. Knaus:
"Synthesis and characterization of lignin-based coatings";
Bericht für Annikki; 2014; 22 S.
K. Wallisch, F. Kamleitner, S. Knaus:
"Oxyethylation of lignin";
Bericht für Annikki; 2013; 15 S.
K. Wallisch, F. Kamleitner, S. Knaus:
"Alkoxylation of soda lignin";
Bericht für Annikki; 2013; 17 S.
K. Wallisch, F. Kamleitner, S. Knaus:
"Lignin-based coatings";
Bericht für Annikki; 2013; 15 S.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Lignin derivatives";
Bericht für Annikki; 2013; 14 S.
M. Schachner:
"Drug/gene-Carrier via RAFT-Polymerization";
Bericht für European Science Foundation; 2013; 8 S.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Characterization of wheat-straw lignin";
Bericht für Annikki; 2013; 15 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Derivatisierung von PB2400";
Bericht für Vialit; 2012; 14 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Derivatisierung alkoxylierter Lignine";
Bericht für Vialit; 2012; 20 S.
S. Knaus, W. Dazinger:
"Tg Determination of Lignins";
Bericht für Bericht für Ringversuch (COST Action 0901); 2012; 50 S.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Characterization of lignin polyols";
Bericht für Annikki; 2012; 19 S.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Derivatization of oxypropylated lignin";
Bericht für Annikki; 2012; 15 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"31P-NMR-Analyse von Lignin-Derivaten";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 15 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"31P-NMR-Analyse und Epoxidierung";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 18 S.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
"Characterization and modification of Anniki lignin";
Bericht für Anniki; 2011; 30 S.
S. Gruber, J. Stampfl, R. Felzmann, S. Springer, R. Liska:
"Lithographiebasierte Fertigung keramischer Bauteile";
Berichts-Nr. ISSN: 1614-0923, 2011.
K. Wallisch, S. Knaus:
Bericht für Anniki; 2011; 10 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Charakterisierung und chemische Modifizierung technischer Lignine";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 69 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Derivatisierung von Alkali-Ligninen I";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 12 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Derivatisierung von Alkali-Ligninen II";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 9 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 26 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Derivatisierung von Alkali-Ligninen III";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 15 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Charakterisierung und Modifizierung von nativem Lignin";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 13 S.
D. Dautefendic, S. Knaus:
"Hydrophobierung von Ligninen";
Bericht für Vialit; 2011; 9 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Reaktivitäten spezieller Formulierungen";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2010; 35 S.
A. Mautner, R. Liska:
"Herstellung von Probekörpern";
Bericht für Synthes; 2010; 30 S.
A. Mautner, R. Liska:
"Mechanische Eigenschaften";
Bericht für Synthes; 2010; 64 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Synthesis of new components I";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2010; 9 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Synthesis of new components II";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2010; 12 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2009; 17 S.
A. Mautner, R. Liska:
"Evaluierung unterschiedlicher Polymere";
Bericht für Synthes; 2009; 21 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Lagerstabilitätsuntersuchungen für Dentale Füllmaterialien";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2009; 24 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Photo-DSC of new Formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2009; 9 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Rheological Investigations of new Formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2009; 13 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Interaction of Additives in Photopolymerizable Formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2009; 13 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Molecular Weight distribution in Photopolymerizable Formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2009; 11 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Reaktivitätsmessungen spezieller Formulierungen";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2009; 19 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Synthese neuer Monomere für Dentale Füllmaterialien";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2009; 20 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Acylgermaniumverbindungen II";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent AG; 2008; 16 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"State of the art in Rapid prototyping formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2008; 11 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Screening of additives for RP";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2008; 7 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Development of monomer formulation for RP";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2008; 14 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Evaluation of new Formulations";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2008; 20 S.
P. Esfandiari, R. Liska:
"Synthesis of new monomers";
Bericht für Huntsman; 2008; 16 S.
R. Liska:
"Photoinitiatoren mit ß-phenyloger Spaltung - P19769-N14";
Bericht für FWF; 2008; 8 S.
R. Liska:
"Bericht für FWF: Photoinitiatoren mit kreuz-konjugiertem System - P18623-N17";
Bericht für FWF; 2008; 8 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Thermische Eigenschaften und Morphologie I";
Bericht für Cognis; 2008; 34 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Thermische Eigenschaften und Morphologie II";
Bericht für Cognis; 2008; 11 S.
S. Landertshamer, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiatoren für die Kationische Photopolymerisation von Siliconen";
Bericht für Goldschmidt Evonik; 2008; 14 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Rheologische Untersuchungen";
Bericht für Cognis; 2008; 61 S.
S. Landertshamer, R. Liska:
"Hydrophobe Komponenten für die Kationische Photopolymerisation von Siliconen";
Bericht für Goldschmidt Evonik; 2008; 17 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
"Neue Konzepte für Dentale Füllmaterialien";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2008; 14 S.
A. Gugg, R. Liska:
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent AG; 2008; 15 S.
R. Liska, S. Landertshamer:
"Synthese neuer Sensitizer für die kationische Polymerisation";
Bericht für Evonik Goldschmidt; 2007; 19 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Photolysestudien an bathochrom verschobenen Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2007; 15 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Photoprodukte aus bathochrom verschobenen Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2007; 27 S.
R. Liska:
"Cross-conjugated Photoinitiators";
Bericht für FWF; Berichts-Nr. FWF (P18623-N17), 2007; 5 S.
R. Liska:
"Photochemie von Diynonen - Zwischenbericht";
Bericht für FWF; Berichts-Nr. FWF (Projekt P18623-N17), 2007; 13 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Vernetzung und Veresterung von Staerke";
Bericht für Cognis (Duesseldorf); 2007; 7 S.
K. Kalinyaprak-Icten, S. Knaus:
"Heterogene Pfropfcopolymerisation von Staerke";
Bericht für Cognis (Duesseldorf); 2007; 23 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Photochemie bathochrom verschobener Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2007; 49 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster, A. Gugg:
"Photoinitiatoren auf Basis von Acylgermaniumverbindungen";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2007; 17 S.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Modellverbindungen für Polysiloxane";
Bericht für NBG Special Coatings; 2006; 18 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Synthese bathochrom verschobener Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2006; 24 S.
R. Liska, C. Haderer:
"Synthese von Fluoreszenzsensoren";
Bericht für Donauuniversität Krems, Center for Biomedical Technology; 2006; 13 S.
R. Liska, M. Höfer:
"Endoperoxide mit singulett Sauerstoff";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2006; 26 S.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Evaluierung neuer photoreaktiver Gruppen für Siliconharze";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2006; 28 S.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Equilibrierungsreaktionen in Siliconharzen";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2006; 29 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Photoinitiatoren mit Absorption im Vis-Bereich";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2006; 25 S.
C. Haderer, R. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Immobilisierte Fluoreszenssensoren für die extrakorporale Blutreinigung";
Bericht für Donau Universität, Krems; 2006; 75 S.
S. Knaus, K. Kalinyaprak-Icten:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Modifizierung von Reisstärke";
Bericht für Cognis Deutschland; 2006; 20 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Photoinitiatoren mit hydrophilen Gruppen";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 15 S.
R. Liska:
"Biophotopolymere für Rapid Prototyping";
Bericht für ISOTEC Projekt Meeting; 2005; 10 S.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Evaluierung von Photoinitiatoren in wässrigen Primerformulierungen";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 11 S.
W.H. Binder:
"AF/UF Kokondensationsharze I";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2005; 11 S.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Prüfung der Lagerstabilität neuer Typ I Initiatoren für die Photopolymerisation";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 12 S.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Äqulibrierung von Polysiloxanen";
Bericht für NBG; 2005; 13 S.
W.H. Binder:
"AF/UF Kokondensationsharze II";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2005; 3 S.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Neue Photoinitiatoren für Silkonacrylate";
Bericht für NBG; 2005; 26 S.
W.H. Binder:
"AF/UF Kokondensationsharze III";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2005; 46 S.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Lagerstabilitäts- und Reaktivitätsuntersuchungen neuer Typ I Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 12 S.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Synthese modifizierter Polysiloxane";
Bericht für NBG; 2005; 17 S.
W.H. Binder:
"AF/UF Kokondensationsharze IV";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2005; 13 S.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Photoreaktivität von Silkonacrylaten";
Bericht für NBG; 2005; 39 S.
W.H. Binder:
"Analysis of Silcones / Kinetik of Crosslinking Reactions between RTV S 695 A and RTV S695 B";
Bericht für European Space Agency, ESA; 2005; 9 S.
R. Liska, M. Höfer:
"Reaktionen mit singulett Sauerstoff";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 19 S.
W.H. Binder:
"Neuartige Phasenseparierte Block Copolymere Endbericht";
Bericht für FWF P14844; 2005; 21 S.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Glycosidation of polymers";
Bericht für Elementis, USA; 2005.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Neue Konzepte für bathochrom verschobene Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2005; 29 S.
R. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Functionalization of PTHF";
Bericht für Elemntis; 2005.
R. Liska, C. Haderer:
"Immobilisierte Fluoreszenzsensoren für die extrakorporale Blutreinigung";
Bericht für Donauuniversität Krems, Center for Biomedical Technology; 2005; 22 S.
R. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Viscosity Measurements";
Bericht für Elementis; 2005.
T. Verdianz, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Mikropartikel - Halbjahresbericht";
Bericht für Donau Universität CD-Labor; 2005.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Neue Photoreaktive Gruppen";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2005; 8 S.
T. Verdianz, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Mikropartikel - Abschlussbericht";
Bericht für Donau Universität CD-Labor; 2005.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Additionsreaktionen an funktionellen Polysiloxanen";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2005; 6 S.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Thiouroniumverbindungen für die Photopolymerisation";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Katalysatoren zur Spaltung latenter Isocyanate in UF-Harzen";
Bericht für K-plus Wood; 2004.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Synthese alpha-spaltender Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Neuartige thermoplastische Elastomere - Zwischenbericht";
Bericht für FWF 14844 CHE; 2004.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus:
"Chemische Modifizierung von Holz: Oberflächenmodifizierung";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH Area 4; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Aceton-Formaldehyd Cocondensationsharze I";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
R. Liska, B. Ganster:
"Synthese neuer Typ I Initiatoren für die Photopolymerisation im sichtbaren Lichtbereich";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2004.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Model reactions with basic compounds";
Bericht für Elementis, USA; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Aceton-Formaldehyd Cocondensationsharze II";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Preparation of amino sugars";
Bericht für Elementis, USA; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Aceton-Formaldehyd Cocondensationsharze III";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Aceton-Formaldehyd Cocondensationsharze IV";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Analyse von Siliconacrylaten";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2004.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Preparation of polymer derivatives";
Bericht für Elementis, USA; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Analysis of Silicones / Analysis of Crosslinking Reactions";
Bericht für ESA Europaen Space Agency; 2004.
R. Liska, C. Pich:
"Reduktion der Sauerstoffinhibierung in Siliconacrylaten";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"New Functional Polyisobutylenes and Nanostructured Materials derived therefrom";
Bericht für ÖAD - Bilaterales Forschungsprogramm (Ungarn) ÖAD Nr.A-16/03; 2004.
R. Liska, S. Kopeinig:
"Evaluierung neuer photoreaktiver Gruppen für Siliconharze";
Bericht für NBG Coatings; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Neue polymere Linker zur Immobilisierung von Proteinen";
Bericht für Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wien Projekt H-1058/2002; 2004.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Neu universelle hydrophile kohlenhydrat-basierende Polymerträger für den Einsatz in der extrakorporalen Blutreinigung I";
Bericht für Christian Doppler Labor, Donau Universität Krems; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Kovalente Anbindung von UV-Stabilisatoren an die Melaminharzmatrix I";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
Y.E. Groiss, S. Knaus:
"Untersuchungen von Hemicellulose(lösungen)";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz Gmbh Area 6; 2004.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Synthese und Prüfung neuer Diinone als Photoinitiatoren";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2004.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Neue universelle hydrophile kohlenhydrat-basierende Polymerträger für den Einsatz in der extrakorporalen Blutreinigung II";
Bericht für Christian Doppler Labor, Donau Universität Krems; 2004.
W.H. Binder:
"Kovalente Anbindung von UV-Stabilisatoren an die Melaminharzmatrix II";
Bericht für Dynea Austria; 2004.
Y.E. Groiss, S. Knaus:
"Aggregation und Gelierungseigenschaften von Hemicellulose";
Bericht für Komptenzzentrum Holz GmbH Area 6; 2004.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus:
"Chemische Modifizierung von Holz: Silylierung von Festholz";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH Area 4; 2003.
A. Liska, S. Knaus, H. Gruber:
"Study of the Preparation method used bei Elementis";
Bericht für Elementis, USA; 2003.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Evaluierung verschiedener Coinitiatoren für Campherchinon in der Photopolymerisation";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2003.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Aromatische Amine und Phenylglycinderivate als Coinitiatoren für Campherchinon";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2003.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Seed-Polymerisation hydrophiler monodisperser Mikropartikel";
Bericht für Christian Doppler Labor, Donau Universität Krems; 2003.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Synthese und Prüfung modifizierter N-Phenylglycinderivate für die Photopolymerisation";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2003.
T. Verdianz, H. Gruber, S. Knaus:
"Spezifische Adsorbenzien für IgG und TNF-alpha";
Bericht für Christian Doppler Labor, Donau Universität Krems; 2003.
T. Verdianz, R. Liska:
"Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenmodifizierung von Polyimiden";
Bericht für VA TECH; 2003.
R. Liska, G. Ullrich:
"Photochemisch spaltbare Schutzgruppen für N-Phenylglycine";
Bericht für Ivoclar Vivadent; 2003.
A. Poschalko:
"Immobilisierung von Peptidliganden zur spezifischen Fibrinogenadsorption";
Bericht für CD-Labor für spezifische Adsorptionstechnologie in der Medizin, Zentrum für biomedizinische Technologie, Donau Universität; 2002.
K. Lisak, S. Knaus:
"Development of adhesion promoting systems for polymer/polymer and polymer/metal combinations";
Bericht für Austrian Research Centers - Seibersdorf; 2002.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder:
"Dynamische ATR IR Spektroskopie";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH; 2002.
F. Schwager, R. Liska:
"Wasserlösliche Polymere für Rapid Prototyping biometrischer Werkstoffe";
Bericht für Institut für Werkstoffkunde und Materialprüfung - TU Wien; 2002.
W.H. Binder:
"Untersuchungen über Thixotropieverhalten, Alterungs- und Härtungsreaktionen von melaminverstärkten Kunstharzen";
Bericht für FWF (Projekt 803592); 2002.
T. Verdianz, R. Liska:
"Oberflächenmodifizierung von lackierten Kupferdrähten für verbesserte Härtungs- und Haftungseigenschaften mit der umgebenden Harzmatrix";
Bericht für VA TECH ELIN EBG Motoren; 2002.
D. Herzog, R. Liska:
"Synthese und Prüfung funktioneller Campherchinone";
Bericht für IVOCLAR AG; 2002.
W.H. Binder:
"Nanoparticels with Surfaces Consisting of Polyoxazolines";
Bericht für FWF (Projekt 13294 CHE); 2002.
G. Ullrich, R. Liska:
"Struktur/Reaktivitätsuntersuchungen an Photoinitiatoren in der Dentaltechnik";
Bericht für IVOCLAR AG; 2002.
W.H. Binder:
"Neuartige Phasenseparierte Block Copolymere";
Bericht für FWF (Projekt 14844 CHE); 2002.
B. Froschauer, H. Gruber:
"Synthese und Charakterisierung von Melaminharzen";
Bericht für Agrolinz Malamin; 2002.
W.H. Binder:
"Stealth Micelles for Drug Delivery";
Bericht für Österreichische Nationalbank Jubiläumsfonds (Projekt Nr. 7702); 2002.
G. Weichslberger, S. Knaus:
"Chemische Modifizierung von Holz: Silylierung von Holzmehl";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH; 2002.
P. Perchtold, S. Knaus:
"Aminfunktionalisierung von Stärke";
Bericht für Zuckerforschung Tulln GmbH; 2002.
V. Shadurka, W.H. Binder:
"Untersuchungen der Vernetzung eines UF-Harzes mit TDI/Acetoxim mittels Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie";
Bericht für Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH; 2002.
J. Mijatovic, W.H. Binder:
"Untersuchungen der Lagerstabilität von MF-Harzen als Modell für MUF-Harze";
Bericht für Dynea Austria GmbH; 2002.
B. Froschauer, H. Gruber:
"Oberflächenmodifizierung von Schichtsilikaten";
Bericht für Agrolinz Melamin; 2002.
Beitrag in CD- oder Web-Tagungsband
N.U Pucher, V. Satzinger, A. Rosspeintner, C. Heller, G. Gescheidt, V. Schmidt, J. Stampfl, R. Liska:
"Novel Highly Potential Initiators for the Two-Photon-Induced Photopolymerization Process";
in: "Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.", herausgegeben von: Materials Research Society; Material Research Society, Warrendale, PA, USA, 2009, (eingeladen), 6 S.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, A. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Metalization of Polypropylen Functionalizes with Chelating Residues";
in: "Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies", Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Budapest, Hungary, 2005, ISBN: 9632190998, 3 S.
W.H. Binder, S. Bernstoff, D. Farnik, C. Kluger, M.J. Kunz, L. Petraru:
"Supramolecular Poly(ether ketone)-Polyisobutylene Pseudo Block Copolymers: Hydrogen Bonding versus Phase Separation";
in: "World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004 - Congress Proceedings", Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Paris, France, 2004, 2 S.
L. Spoljaric-Lukacic, R. Saf, R. Liska, S. Knaus:
"Free Radical Grafting of Maleimides onto Polyolefins: Studies on Model Compounds";
in: "World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004 - Congress Proceedings", Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Paris, France, 2004, 2 S.
T. Verdianz, A. Poschalko, H. Gruber, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"Novel Hydrophilic Carbohydrate-Based Polymer Supports for Solid-Phase Synthesis and Affinity Chromatography Applications";
in: "World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004 - Conference Proceedings", Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Paris, France, 2004, 2 S.
T. Verdianz, G. Kühnelt, T. Rohr, H. Gruber, V. Weber, D. Falkenhagen:
"New Hydrophilic Mono-disperse Micron-Sized Polymer Supports produced by Seed Polymerization for Affinity Chromatography Applications";
in: "World Polymer Congress MACRO 2004", Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, Paris, France, 2004, 2 S.
Beitrag in elektron. Zeitschrift
B. Steyrer, P. Neubauer, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Visible Light Photoinitiator for 3D-Printing of Tough Methacrylate Resins";
Materials, 10 (2017), 12; 11 S.
A. Ovsianikov, S Mühleder, J. Torgersen, X.H. Qin, L. Zhiquan, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, W Holnthoner, H. Redl, R. Liska, J. Stampfl:
"Laser Photofabrication of Cell-Containing Hydrogel Constructs";
Langmuir, 30 (2014), 13; 7 S.
W.H. Binder, M. Dunky:
"Melamine-Formaldehyde Resins";
Encyclopedia Of Polymer Science and Technology, http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ (2004).