TU LogoTechnische Universität Wien

Head of Research Unit:
Simone Knaus, Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Head of Research Group:
Robert Liska, Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Helena Grothe

Office hours: 9-12am

Getreidemarkt 9/163
A-1060 Wien, Österreich



Research Team

The main research topics of Division Macromolecular Chemistry match in large parts the topics of the former 'Institut für Chemische Technologie Organischer Stoffe'. It merged with other institutes in the course of the administrative reform of the chemical institutes of the University of Technology 2002, to form the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry (IAS).



Cooperations with external research facilities:

    Cooperations with industry:



        Consultations and Cooperations
        Within the scope of FWF, FFG and EU-projects as well as FOG individual contracts or similar contracts, cooperations with industry or research facilities are welcome.

        Contact persons: Dr. Simone Knaus and Dr. Robert Liska