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Student Grants

<img src="/fileadmin/IAS/FGKS/logos/oeaw_logo.jpg">|“Active Ingredient Isolation with Ionic Liquids"
3 year (2012- 2015) student grant for A. K. Ressmann funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOC-fFORTE 234567)
<img src="/fileadmin/IAS/FGKS/logos/tu_logo.jpg">|“Active Ingredient Isolation with Ionic Liquids"
11 month (June 2011- April 2012) student grant for K. Strassl funded by TU Wien
<img src="/fileadmin/IAS/FGKS/logos/tu_logo.jpg">|“Micellar Catalysis"
9 month (July 2011-March 2012) student grant for A. K. Ressmann funded by TU Wien