TU LogoTechnische Universität Wien
K. Kirchner, W. Weissensteiner (Hrg.):
"Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis";
Springer-Verlag, Wien New York, 2000, ISBN: 3-211-83599-7; 158 S.
Publications in Scientific Journals
J. Pecak, S. Fleissner, L.F. Veiros, E. Pittenauer, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Catalytic Reactivity of Cobalt Pincer Nitrosyl Hydride Complexes";
angenommen für Organometallics 40 (2021).
S. Kostera, M. Peruzzini, K. Kirchner, L. Gonsalvi:
"Mild and Selective Carbon Dioxide Hydroboration to Methoxyboranes Catalyzed by Mn(I) PNP Pincer Complexes";
ChemCatChem, 12 (2020), S. 4625 - 4631.
J. Pecak, W. Eder, B. Stöger, S. Realista, P. Martinho, M.J. Calhorda, W. Linert, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Reactivity of {CoNO}8 PCP Pincer Complexes";
Organometallics, 39 (2020), S. 2594 - 2601.
M. Glatz, B. Stöger, B. Bichler, G. Bauer, L.F. Veiros, M. Pignitter, K. Kirchner:
"Base-Initiated Formation of Fe(I) PNP Pincer Complexes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2020 (2020), S. 1101 - 1105.
N. Gorgas, A. Ilic, K. Kirchner:
"Chemoselective Transfer Hydrogenation of Aldehydes in Aqueous Media Catalyzed by a Well-defined Iron(II) Hydride Complex";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 150 (2019), S. 121 - 126.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, C. Holzhacker, J. Pecak, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Taddol-Based Chiral Group Six PNP Pincer Tricarbonyl Complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 150 (2019), S. 103 - 109.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Access to Fe(II) Bis(σ-B-H) Aminoborane Complexes through Protonation of a Borohydride Complex and Dehydrogenation of Amine-Boranes";
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 58 (2019), S. 13874 - 13879.
Z. Csendes, J. Brünig, N. Yigit, G. Rupprechter, K. Schröder, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner:
"Influence of the Ionic Liquid on the Activity of a SILP Fe(II) Pincer Catalyst for the Hydrogenation of Aldehydes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2019 (2019), 30; S. 3503 - 3510.
D. Himmelbauer, B. Stöger, M. Pignitter, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Cr(II) and Cr(I) PCP Pincer Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Reactivity";
Organometallics, 38 (2019), S. 4669 - 4678.
M. Glatz, J. Pecak, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Bis- and Tris-Carbonyl Mn(I) and Re(I) PNP Pincer Complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 150 (2019), S. 111 - 119.
W. Eder, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of xylene-based group-six metal PCP pincer complexes";
Monatshefte Fur Chemie, 150 (2019), S. 1235 - 1240.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Access to Fe(II) Bis(σ-B-H) Aminoborane Complexes through Protonation of a Borohydride Complex and Dehydrogenation of Amine-Boranes";
Angewandte Chemie, 131 (2019), S. 14012 - 14017.
J. Pecak, B. Stöger, M. Mastalir, L.F. Veiros, L.P. Ferreira, M. Pignitter, W. Linert, K. Kirchner:
"Five-Coordinate Low-spin {FeNO}7 PNP Pincer Complexes";
Inorganic Chemistry, 58 (2019), S. 4641 - 4646.
S. Weber, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Old Concepts, New Application - Additive-free Hydrogenation of Nitriles Catalyzed by an Air Stable Alkyl Mn(I) Complex";
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 361 (2019), S. 5412 - 5420.
M. Mastalir, M. Glatz, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Coupling of Alcohols and Amines to Afford Nitrogen-Containing Aromatics and More";
Organic Letters, 21 (2019), S. 275 - 286.
N. Gorgas, J. Brünig, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Efficient Z-Selective Semi-Hydrogenations of Internal Alkynes Catalyzed by Cationic Iron(II) Hydride Complexes";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (2019), S. 17452 - 17458.
A. Henriksson, H. Hoffmann:
"Click Coupling Reactions on Flat and Nanostructured Hydrogen-Passivated Silicon Surfaces";
Physica Status Solidi A, 216 (2019), S. 1800683.
F. Bertini, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, M. Peruzzini, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, L. Gonsalvi:
"Selective Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Methanol Catalyzed by Mn(I) PNP Pincer Complexes under Mild Reaction Conditions";
ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019), S. 632 - 639.
S. Weber, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Rethinking Basic Concepts - Hydrogenation of Alkenes Catalyzed by Bench-Stable Alkyl Mn(I) Complexes";
ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019), S. 9715 - 9720.
S. Weber, J. Brünig, V. Zeindlhofer, C. Schröder, B. Stöger, A. Limbeck, K. Kirchner, K. Bica:
"Selective hydrogenation of aldehydes using a well-defined Fe(II) PNP pincer complex in biphasic medium";
ChemCatChem, 10 (2018), S. 4386 - 4394.
J. Brünig, Z. Csendes, S. Weber, N. Gorgas, R. Bittner, A. Limbeck, K. Schröder, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner:
"Chemoselective Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Aldehyde Hydrogenation Catalyzed by an Fe(II) PNP Pincer Complex";
ACS Catalysis, 8 (2018), S. 1048 - 1051.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, ö. Öztopcu, A. Troiani, G. de Petris, M. Weil, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Formation of Mono-Oxo Molybdenum(IV) PNP Pincer Complexes - Interplay between Water and Molecular Oxygen";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 7 (2018), S. 876 - 884.
M. Glatz, B. Stöger, D. Himmelbauer, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Aldehydes under Mild, Base-Free Conditions - Manganese Outperforms Rhenium";
ACS Catalysis, 8 (2018), S. 4009 - 4016.
D. Himmelbauer, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Group Six Metal PCP Pincer Complexes - Reversible CO Addition Across the Metal-Caryl Bond";
Organometallics, 37 (2018), S. 3631 - 3638.
S. Holler, M. Tüchler, B. Steller, F. Belaj, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti:
"Thiopyridazine-Based Palladium and Platinum Boratrane Complexes";
Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (2018), S. 6921 - 6931.
R. Castro-Amoedo, Z. Csendes, J. Brünig, M. Sauer, A. Foelske-Schmitz, N. Yigit, G. Rupprechter, T. Gupta, A. Martins, K. Bica, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner:
"Carbon-based SILP catalysis for the selective hydrogenation of aldehydes using a well-defined Fe(II) PNP complex";
Catalysis Science & Technology, 8 (2018), S. 4812 - 4820.
S. Weber, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Hydrogenation of Nitriles and Ketones Catalyzed by an Air-Stable Bisphosphine Mn(I) Complex";
Organic Letters, 20 (2018), S. 7212 - 7215.
D. Himmelbauer, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, M. Pignitter, V. Somoza, K. Kirchner:
"Iron PCP Pincer Complexes in Three Oxidation States: Reversible Ligand Protonation to Afford an Fe(0) Complex with an Agostic C-H Arene Bond";
Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (2018), S. 7925 - 7931.
N. Gorgas, K. Kirchner:
"Isoelectronic Manganese and Iron Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation Catalysts: Similarities and Divergences";
Accounts of Chemical Research, 51 (2018), S. 1558 - 1569.
A. Martinez, C. Hauzenberger, A Sahoo, Z. Csendes, H. Hoffmann, K. Bica:
"Continuous conversion of carbon dioxide to propylene carbonate with supported ionic liquids";
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2018), 10; S. 13131 - 13139.
G. Tomsu, M. Mastalir, E. Pittenauer, B. Stöger, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Ligand Enforced Switch of the Coordination Mode in Low Valent Group 6 Carbonyl Complexes containing Pyrimidine-based Bisphosphines";
Organometallics, 37 (2018), S. 1919 - 1926.
D. Himmelbauer, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Reversible Ligand Protonation of a Mn(I) PCP Pincer Complex to Afford a Complex with an η2-Caryl-H Agostic Bond";
Organometallics, 37 (2018), S. 3475 - 3479.
J. Pecak, M. Glatz, R. Bittner, H. Hoffmann, A. Atkins, L. González, K. Kirchner:
"Visible Light-Induced cis/trans Isomerization of Dicarbonyl Fe(II) PNP Pincer Complexes";
Polyhedron, 143 (2018), S. 94 - 98.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) (Bis)Acetylide Complexes as Key Intermediates in the Catalytic Hydrofunctionalization of Terminal Alkynes";
ACS Catalysis, 8 (2018), S. 2973 - 2983.
A. Zirakzadeh, S. de Aguiar, B. Stöger, M. Widhalm, K. Kirchner:
"Enantioselective Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones Catalyzed by a Manganese Complex Containing a Unsymmetrical Chiral PNP´ Tridentate Ligand";
ChemCatChem, 9 (2017), S. 1744 - 1748.
K. Matsubara, H. Yamamoto, S. Miyazaki, T. Inatomi, K. Nonaka, Y. Koga, Y. Yamada, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Dinuclear Systems in the Highly Efficient Nickel-Catalyzed Kumada-Tamao-Corriu Cross Coupling of Aryl Halides";
Organometallics, 36 (2017), S. 255 - 265.
F. Bertini, M. Glatz, N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, M. Peruzzini, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, L. Gonsalvi:
"Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation Catalyzed by a Well-defined and Robust Hydride Mn(I) PNP Pincer Complex";
Chemical Science, 8 (2017), S. 5024 - 5029.
M. Mastalir, E. Pittenauer, B. Stöger, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Three Different Reactions, One Catalyst - A Cu(I) PNP Pincer Complex as Catalyst for C-C and C-N Cross Couplings";
Organic Letters, 19 (2017), S. 2178 - 2181.
M. Mastalir, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of vanadium, chromium, and manganese PNP pincer complexes";
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 455 (2017), S. 707 - 714.
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time-NIR/MIR-Photorheology: A Versatile Tool for the in Situ Characterization of Photopolymerization Reactions";
Analytical Chemistry, 89 (2017), 9; S. 4958 - 4968.
N. Gorgas, L. Alves, B. Stöger, A. Martins, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Stable, Yet Highly Reactive Non-classical Polyhydride Iron Pincer Complexes - Z-Selective Dimerization and Hydroboration of Terminal Alkynes";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (2017), S. 8130 - 8133.
M. Mastalir, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Manganese-catalyzed Aminomethylation of Aromatic Compounds with Methanol as Sustainable C1 Building Block";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (2017), S. 8812 - 8815.
M. Glatz, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Non-OD allotwinning of the rhenium pincer complex cis-Re[(PNPCH2-iPr)(CO)2Cl]";
Acta Crystallographica Section B, B73 (2017), S. 941 - 949.
R. Ruivo, L. Alves, K. Kirchner, A. Martins:
"Supramolecular Structures of V(III) Complexes supported by PNP Pincer Ligands";
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1149 (2017), S. 229 - 234.
M. Mastalir, K. Kirchner:
"A triazine-based Ni(II) PNP pincer complex as catalyst for Kumada-Corriu and Negishi cross coupling reactions";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 148 (2017), S. 105 - 109.
M. Rotter, M. Mastalir, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of the tetrahydrofuran disolvate of a 96:4 solid solution of [N2,N6-bis(di-tert-butylphosphanyl)pyridine-2,6-diamine]dibromomanganese(II) and its monophosphine oxide analogue";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E73 (2017), S. 1308 - 1311.
N. Zwettler, N. Grover, F. Belaj, K. Kirchner, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti:
"Activation of Molecular Oxygen by a Molybdenum(IV) Imido Compound";
Inorganic Chemistry, 56 (2017), S. 10147 - 10150.
R. Bittner, K. Schröder, H. Hoffmann:
"Fluorine-free, liquid-repellent surfaces made from ionic liquid-infused nanostructured silicon";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 148 (2017), S. 167 - 177.
A. Zirakzadeh, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of bis{(S)-1-[2-(diphenylphosphan- yl)ferrocenyl]-(R )-ethyl}ammonium bromide dichloromethane monosolvate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 73 (2017), S. 152 - 154.
S. Holler, M. Roschger, M. Tüchler, F. Belaj, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti:
"Three-Fold Symmetric Selenium-Donor Metallaboratranes of Cobalt and Nickel";
Inorganic Chemistry, 56 (2017), S. 12670 - 12673.
M. Mastalir, M. Schroffenegger, B. Stöger, M. Weil, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of 2,6-diaminopyridinium chloride";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E72 (2016), S. 331 - 333.
C. Holzhacker, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"High-spin iron(II) complexes with mono-phosphorylated 2,6-diaminopyridine ligands";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 147 (2016), S. 1539 - 1545.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Structural Diversity of Halocarbonyl Tungsten and Molybdenum PNP Pincer Complexes through Ligand Modifications";
Dalton Transactions, 45 (2016), S. 13834 - 13845.
S. Holler, M. Tüchler, F. Belaj, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti:
"Thiopyridazine Based Copper Boratrane Complexes Demonstrating the Z-type Nature of the Ligand";
Inorganic Chemistry, 55 (2016), S. 4980 - 4991.
S. Murugesan, K. Kirchner:
"Non-precious Metal Complexes with an Anionic PCP Pincer Architecture";
Dalton Transactions, 45 (2016), S. 416 - 439.
M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, M. Puchberger, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Air Stable Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes as Efficient Catalysts for the Selective Alkylation of Amines with Alcohols";
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 358 (2016), S. 3824 - 3831.
M. Glatz, B. Stöger, M. Weil, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of bis [m-2-(diisopropylphosphoryl)propan-2-olato-k3O1,O2:O1]bis[chloridooxidovanadium(IV)]";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E72, (2016), S. 785 - 788.
M. Mastalir, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"2,6-Diamination of Substituted Pyridines via Heterogeneous Chichibabin Reaction";
Tetrahedron Letters, 57 (2016), S. 333 - 336.
I. Mellone, N. Gorgas, F. Bertini, M. Peruzzini, K. Kirchner, L. Gonsalvi:
"Selective Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Fe-PNP Pincer Complexes Based on the 2,6-Diaminopyridine Scaffold";
Organometallics, 35 (2016), S. 3344 - 3349.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Highly Efficient and Selective Hydrogenation of Aldehydes: A Well-Defined Fe(II) Catalyst Exhibits Noble Metal Activity";
ACS Catalysis, 6 (2016), S. 2664 - 2672.
B. Stöger, M. Weil, S. Murugesan, K. Kirchner:
"Pseudo-symmetry analysis to unravel the secret of twins - a case study of four diverse examples";
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 231 (2016), S. 601 - 622.
S. Murugesan, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"A Co(I) Pincer Complex with an h2-Caryl-H Agostic Bond: Facile C-H Bond Cleavage via Deprotonation, Radical Abstraction, and Oxidative Addition";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 55 (2016), S. 3045 - 3048.
S. de Aguiar, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Arene C-H Bond Coordination versus C-H Bond Cleavage in Low Valent Group 6 Carbonyl Pincer Complexes";
Organometallics, 35 (2016), S. 3032 - 3039.
F. Bertini, N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, M. Peruzzini, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner, L. Gonsalvi:
"Efficient and Mild Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation to Formate Catalyzed by Fe(II)-Hydridocarbonyl Complexes bearing 2,6-(diaminopyridyl)diphosphine Pincer Ligands";
ACS Catalysis, 6 (2016), S. 2889 - 2893.
M. Glatz, M. Schroffenegger, M. Weil, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of hexakis(dimethyl sulfoxide-kO)manganese(II) diiodide";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E72 (2016), S. 904 - 906.
M. Mastalir, S. de Aguiar, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"A Convenient Solvothermal Synthesis of Group Six PNP Pincer Tricarbonyl Complexes";
Organometallics, 35 (2016), S. 229 - 232.
A. Zirakzadeh, K. Kirchner, A. Roller, B. Stöger, M. Widhalm, R. Morris:
"Iron(II) Complexes Containing Chiral Unsymmetrical PNP′ Pincer Ligands: Synthesis and Application in Asymmetric Hydrogenations";
Organometallics, 35 (2016), S. 3781 - 3787.
M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Air Stable Triazine-based Ni(II) PNP Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling";
Organic Letters, 18 (2016), S. 3186 - 3189.
A. Zirakzadeh, K. Kirchner, A. Roller, B. Stöger, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira:
"Synthesis, coordination behavior and structural features of chiral iron(II) PNP diferrocene complexes";
RSC Advances, 6 (2016), S. 11840 - 11847.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, B. Stöger, M. Weil, K. Kirchner:
IUCrData, 1 (2016), S. 160036.
M. Glatz, C. Holzhacker, B. Bichler, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of cationic dicarbonyl Fe(II) PNP pincer complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 147 (2016), S. 1713 - 1719.
M. Mastalir, M. Glatz, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Sustainable Synthesis of Quinolines and Pyrimidines Catalyzed by Manganese PNP Pincer Complexes";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2016), S. 15543 - 15546.
C. Holzhacker, N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and reactivity of BINEPINE-based chiral Fe(II) PNP pincer complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 147 (2016), 6; S. 1023 - 1030.
M. Mastalir, G. Tomsu, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Co(II) PCP Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for the Alkylation of Aromatic Amines with Primary Alcohols";
Organic Letters, 18 (2016), S. 3462 - 3465.
M. Mastalir, C. Schweinzer, M. Weil, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"A chromium tricarbonyl complex featuring the 4,6-bis(diphenyl-phosphinomethyl)dibenzothiophene (PSPPh) ligand";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 147 (2016), S. 1183 - 1187.
M. Mastalir, M. Glatz, N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Divergent Coupling of Alcohols and Amines Catalyzed by Isoelectronic Hydride Mn(I) and Fe(II) PNP Pincer Complexes";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 22 (2016), S. 12316 - 12320.
S. Murugesan, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"A Cobalt(I) Pincer Complex with an 2-Caryl-H Agostic Bond - Facile C-H Bond Cleavage through Deprotonation, Radical Abstraction, and Oxidative Addition";
Angewandte Chemie, 128 (2016), 9; S. 3097 - 3100.
A. Zirakzadeh, S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) complexes featuring chiral PNNP diferrocene ligands: Synthesis and characterization of potential hydrogenation catalysts";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 819 (2016), S. 260 - 265.
B. Stöger, C. Holzhacker, K. Kirchner:
"[Fe(PNN-iPr)Br2]·xDCM: a first example of merotype-epitaxy of a molecular structure and its solvatomorph";
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 230 (2015), S. 621 - 628.
B. Bichler, C. Holzhacker, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"The twinning of three Fe-PNP pincer complexes interpreted according to order-disorder (OD) theory";
Acta Crystallographica Section B, B71 (2015), S. 524 - 534.
M. Glatz, B. Bichler, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, M. Weil, K. Mereiter, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) complexes featuring k3 and k2-bound PNP pincer ligands - the significance of sterics";
Dalton Transactions, 44 (2015), S. 281 - 294.
S. Murugesan, B. Stöger, M. Weil, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Co(II) and Ni(II) PCP Pincer Borohydride Complexes";
Organometallics, 34 (2015), 34; S. 1364 - 1372.
K. Kirchner:
"Pincer and Pincer-Type Complexes Applications in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis. Edited by Kálmán J. Szabó and Ola F. Wendt";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 54 (2015), S. 4706 - 4707.
K. Kirchner:
"Pincer and Pincer-Type Complexes App lications in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis. Herausgegeben von Kálmán J. Szabó und Ola F. Wendt";
Angewandte Chemie, 127 (2015), S. 4788 - 4789.
C. Holzhacker, B. Stöger, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, S. Realista, A. Gil, M.J. Calhorda, D. Müller, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Taddol-Based Chiral Fe(II) PNP Pincer Complexes - Solution Equilibria between k2P,N- and k3P,N,P-Bound PNP Pincer Ligands";
Dalton Transactions, 44 (2015), S. 13071 - 13087.
M. Glatz, C. Holzhacker, B. Bichler, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, M. Weil, L.F. Veiros, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti, K. Kirchner:
"Fe(II) carbonyl complexes featuring small to bulky PNP pincer ligands - Facile substitution of k2P,N-bound PNP ligands by carbon monoxide";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 (2015), S. 5053 - 5065.
M. Mastalir, E. Rosenberg, K. Kirchner:
"A practical synthesis of substituted 2,6-diaminopyridines via microwave-assisted copper-catalyzed amination of halopyridines";
Tetrahedron, 71 (2015), S. 8104 - 8110.
B. Stöger, M. Weil, B. Bichler, W. Eder, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal structure of N,N-bis(diisopropylphosphanyl)-4-methylpyridine-2,6-diamine";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E70 (2014), S. 889 - 890.
S. Murugesan, B. Stöger, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Four and Five Coordinate Low-spin Co(II) PCP Pincer Complexes and some Ni(II) Analogs";
Organometallics, 33 (2014), S. 6132 - 6140.
B. Husar, S. Ligon, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"The formulator´s guide to anti-oxygen inhibition additives";
Progress in Organic Coatings, 77 (2014), S. 1789 - 1798.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, L.F. Veiros, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Efficient Hydrogenation of Ketones and Aldehydes Catalyzed by Hydride Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes - Evidence for an Insertion Mechanism";
Organometallics, 33 (2014), S. 6905 - 6919.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, M. Puchberger, G. Allmaier, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"A Complete Series of Halocarbonyl Molybdenum PNP Pincer Complexes - Unexpected Differences between NH and NMe Spacers";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 760 (2014), S. 74 - 83.
C. Holzhacker, M.J. Calhorda, A. Gil, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, M. Weil, D. Müller, P. Weinberger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Six-Coordinate High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes with Bidentate PN Ligands based on 2-Aminopyridine - New Fe(II) Spin Crossover Systems";
Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014), S. 11152 - 11164.
C. Holzhacker, M.J. Calhorda, A. Gil, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, K. Mereiter, B. Stöger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Four- and Five-Coordinate High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes bearing Bidentate Soft/Hard SN Ligands based on 2-Aminopyridine";
Polyhedron, 81 (2014), S. 45 - 55.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, ö. Öztopcu, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Coordinatively Unsaturated Halocarbonyl Molybdenum PNP Pincer Complexes";
Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014), S. 14669 - 14679.
B. Bichler, M. Glatz, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"An iron(II) complex featuring κ3 and labile κ2-bound PNP pincer ligands - striking differences between CH2 and NH spacers";
Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014), S. 14517 - 14519.
N. Dastbaravardeh, K. Kirchner, M. Schnürch, M.D. Mihovilovic:
"Investigations and Substrate Scope Evaluation of Ruthenium-Catalyzed Direct sp3 Arylation of Benzylic Positions Directed by 3-Substituted Pyridines; Journal of Organic Chemistry";
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 78 (2013), S. 658 - 672.
M. Schwarz, N. Dastbaravardeh, K. Kirchner, M. Schnürch, M.D. Mihovilovic:
"First selective direct mono-arylation of piperidines using ruthenium-catalyzed C-H activation";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 144 (2013), S. 539 - 552.
B. Bichler, C. Holzhacker, B. Stöger, M. Puchberger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Heterolytic Cleavage of Dihydrogen by an Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complex via Metal-Ligand Cooperation";
Organometallics, 32 (2013), 10; S. 4114 - 4121.
ö. Öztopcu, C. Holzhacker, M. Puchberger, M. Weil, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Hydridocarbonyl Molybdenum and Tungsten PNP Pincer Complexes";
Organometallics, 32 (2013), 15; S. 3042 - 3052.
ö. Öztopcu, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of Iron Complexes containing Monodentate Aminophosphine Ligands - Formation of Four-Membered Carboxamido-Phospha-Metallacycles";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 735 (2013), 735; S. 80 - 87.
A. Henriksson, H. Hoffmann:
"Structure of Alkyne Monolayers on Hydrogen-Terminated Si(100) Surfaces Investigated by External Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy";
Applied Spectroscopy, 66 (2012), 11; S. 1320 - 1325.
C. Holzhacker, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"2-[(Diisopropylthiophosphoryl)amino]-pyridinium tetrafluoroborate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 68 (2012), S. o1835 - o1836.
M. Muthu Tamizh, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner, R. Karvembu:
"Ruthenium(II) carbonyl complexes containing 'pincer like' ONS donor Schiff base and triphenylphosphine as catalyst for selective oxidation of alcohols at room temperature";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 700 (2012), S. 194 - 201.
M. Muthu Tamizh, D. Kesavan, P.M. Sivakumar, K. Mereiter, M. Deepa, K. Kirchner, M. Doble, R. Karvembu:
"Antibacterial Activities of 4-Substituted-2-[(E)-{(1S,2R)/(1R,2S)-1-Hydroxy-1-Phenylpropan-2-Ylimino}Methyl]Phenol";
Chem Biol Drug Des, 79 (2012), S. 177 - 185.
G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Acid Catalyzed Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes and Methyldiazoacetate - A Theoretical Mechanistic Study";
New Journal of Chemistry, 36 (2012), S. 781 - 788.
M. Abraham, W. Reischl, K. Kirchner, A. Roller, L.F. Veiros, M. Widhalm:
"Tandem RCM-Claisen Rearrangement-[2+2] Cycloaddition of O,O'-(But-2-en-1,4-diyl)-bridged Binaphthols";
Molecules, 17 (2012), S. 14531 - 14554.
ö. Öztopcu, K. Mereiter, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"Tri- and tetracoordinate copper(I) complexes bearing bidentate soft/hard SN and SeN ligands based on 2-aminopyridine";
Dalton Transactions, 40 (2011), S. 7008 - 7021.
D. Benito-Garagorri, I. Lagoja, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of coordinatively unsaturated iron complexes towards carbon monoxide: to bind or not to bind?";
Dalton Transactions (eingeladen), 40 (2011), S. 4778 - 4792.
M.J. Calhorda, P.J Costa, K. Kirchner:
"Benzene and heterocyclic rings formation in cycloaddition reactions catalyzed by RuCp derivatives: DFT studies";
Inorganica Chimica Acta (eingeladen), 374 (2011), S. 24 - 35.
C. Holzhacker, C.M. Standfest-Hauser, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, M.J. Calhorda, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, M. Godinho, F. Hartl, K. Kirchner:
"Reversible Addition of CO to Coordinatively Unsaturated High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes";
Organometallics, 30 (2011), S. 6587 - 6601.
G. Bauer, K. Kirchner:
"Well-Defined Bifunctional Iron Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Ketones: Iron, the New Ruthenium";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (eingeladen), 50 (2011), 5798; S. 5800.
G. Bauer, K. Kirchner:
"Definierte difunktionelle Eisenkatalysatoren zur Hydrierung von Ketonen - Eisen, das neue Ruthenium";
Angewandte Chemie (eingeladen), 123 (2011), S. 5918 - 5920.
A. Henriksson, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Surface Modification of Silicon Nanowires via Copper-Free Click";
Langmuir, 27 (2011), S. 7345 - 7348.
B. Bichler, L.F. Veiros, ö. Öztopcu, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Matsubara, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Structure, Ligand Dynamics, and Catalytic Activity of Cationic [Pd(η3-allyl)(κ2(E,N)-EN-chelate)]+ (E = P, O, S, Se) Complexes";
Organometallics, 30 (2011), S. 5928 - 5942.
M. Koley, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Tris(acetonitrile-κN){2,6-bis[(diphenylphosphanyl)amino]-4-ethoxy-1,3,5-triazine-κ3P,N1,P'}iron(II) bis(tetrafluoridoborate) acetonitrile disolvate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 67 (2011), S. m1842 - m1843.
D. Doberer, T. Loerting, K. Kirchner, G. Funk:
"The many faces of ``evidence´´ for dependent and independent variables in the `Stewart approach´: reply to Lang";
Intensive Care Medicine, 36 (2010), S. 1626 - 1627.
L. Alves, G. Dazinger, L.F. Veiros, K. Kirchner:
"Unusual Anion Effects in the Iron Catalyzed Formation of 3-Hydroxyacrylates from Aromatic Aldehydes and Ethyldiazoacetate";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 (2010), S. 3160 - 3166.
D. Benito-Garagorri, L. Alves, L.F. Veiros, C.M. Standfest-Hauser, S. Tanaka, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Kinetically Controlled Formation of Octahedral trans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: The Decisive Role of Spin-State Changes";
Organometallics, 29 (2010), S. 4932 - 4942.
W. Lackner, S. Tanaka, C.M. Standfest-Hauser, ö. Öztopcu, J. Hsieh, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium p-cymene complexes bearing bidentate P-N and E-N ligands (E = S, Se) based on 2-aminopyridine";
Polyhedron, 29 (2010), S. 3097 - 3102.
D. Benito-Garagorri, W. Lackner, C.M. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of iron and ruthenium complexes bearing P-N ligands based on 8-hydroxyquinoline";
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 363 (2010), S. 3674 - 3679.
ö. Öztopcu, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Bis{2-[(diisopropylphosphanyl)amino]-pyridine-κ2N1,P}copper(I) hexafluoridophosphate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, 66 (2010), S. 729 - 730.
M. E. Judmaier, A. Wallner, G. Stipicic, K. Kirchner, J. Baumgartner, F. Belaj, N. C. Mösch-Zanetti:
"Molybdenum (VI) Dioxo Complexes with Tridentate Phenolate Ligands";
Inorganic Chemistry, 48 (2009), S. 10211 - 10221.
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating monomers based on di- and triacryloylated hydroxylamine derivatives";
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 47 (2009), 2; S. 392 - 403.
D. Doberer, G. Funk, K. Kirchner, B. Schneeweiss:
"A critique of Stewart´s approach - the chemical mechanism of dilutional acidosis";
Intensive Care Medicine, 35 (2009), S. 2173 - 2180.
E. Becker, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"5-Cyclopentadienyl)(η6-mesitylamine)-ruthenium(II) hexafluoridphosphate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E65 (2009), S. m361.
E. Becker, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Hexaaquairon(II) bis[fac-tribromide-tricarbonylferrate(II)]";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E65 (2009), S. i71.
D. Benito-Garagorri, L. Alves, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, L.F. Veiros, M.J. Calhorda, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, M. Godinho, K. Kirchner:
"Striking Differences between the Solution and Solid-State Reactivity of Iron PNP Pincer Complexes with Carbon Monoxide";
Organometallics, 28 (2009), S. 6902 - 6914.
F. Jantscher, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E65 (2009), S. m941.
K. Mauthner, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E65 (2009), S. m1267.
C.M. Standfest-Hauser, G. Dazinger, J. Wiedermann, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Molybdenum Carbonyl Complexes Bearing PN Ligands Based on 2-Aminopyridine";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009 (2009), S. 4085 - 4093.
M.M. Tamizh, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner, B.R. Bhat, R. Karvembu:
"Synthesis, crystal structures and spectral studies of square planar nickel(II) complexes containing an ONS donor Schiff base and triphenylphosphine";
Polyhedron, 28 (2009), S. 2157 - 2164.
H. Hoffmann:
"Raumtemperaturwachstum von Siliziumoxid-Monofilmen: Neue Chancen für die Plastikelektronik";
Angewandte Chemie, 121 (2009), S. 2493 - 2496.
H. Hoffmann:
"-Temperature Growth of Silicon Oxide Nanofilms: New Opportunities for Plastic Electronics";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 48 (2009), S. 2457 - 2459.
D. Benito-Garagorri, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Stereospecific and Reversible CO Binding at Iron Pincer Complexes";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 47 (2008), S. 9142 - 9145.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner:
"Modularly Designed Transition Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes based on Aminophosphines: Synthesis and Catalytic Applications";
Accounts of Chemical Research (eingeladen), 41 (2008), 2; S. 201 - 213.
E. Becker, S. Pavlik, K. Kirchner:
"The Organometallic Chemistry of Group 8 Tris(pyrazolyl)borate Complexes";
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry (eingeladen), 56 (2008), S. 155 - 197.
K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-mediated C-C-Coupling Reactions involving Alkynes - Mechanistic Investigations based on DFT Calculations";
Monatshefte für Chemie (eingeladen), 139 (2008), S. 337 - 348.
D. Benito-Garagorri, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Stereospezifische und reversible Bindung von CO an Eisen-Pinzettenkomplexen";
Angewandte Chemie, 120 (2008), 47; S. 9282 - 9285.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner, A.M. Trzeciak, E. Mieczynska, J.J. Ziolkowski:
"Palladium Complexes with Aminophosphine and Aminophosphite Based PNP and PCP Pincer-type Ligands as Catalysts of Heck Reaction";
Polish Journal of Chemistry, 82 (2008), S. 1687 - 1694.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of Ni(II) and Pd(II) complexes bearing achiral and chiral bidentate aminophosphine ligands";
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 72 (2007), S. 527 - 540.
D. Domin, D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, C. Hametner, J. Fröhlich, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of new chiral palladium β-diimine complexes";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 692 (2007), 5; S. 1048 - 1057.
E. Becker, V. Stingl, G. Dazinger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Migratory Insertion of Acetylene in N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Ruthenium: Formation of (Ruthenocenylmethyl)imidazolium Salts";
Organometallics, 26 (2007), S. 1531 - 1535.
K. Kirchner:
"Anorganische Chemie hat Zukunft";
ChemieReport.at (eingeladen), 6 (2007), S. 42 - 43.
M. Perruzzini, K. Kirchner:
"Editorial: The jubilee issue";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (eingeladen), 18 (2007), S. 2515.
T. Lummerstorfer, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"Monolayers at Solid-Solid Interfaces Probed with Infrared Spectroscopy";
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 388 (2007), S. 55 - 64.
D. Benito-Garagorri, J. Wiedermann, M. Pollak, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) Complexes Bearing Tridentate PNP Pincer-Type Ligands as Catalysts for the Selective Formation of 3-Hydroxyacrylates from Aromatic Aldehydes and Ethyldiazoacetate";
Organometallics, 26 (2007), S. 217 - 222.
T. Hayashida, H. Kondo, J. Teresawa, K. Kirchner, Y. Sunada, H. Nagashima:
"Trifluoromethanesulfonate (triflate) as a moderately coordinating anion: Studies from chemistry of the cationic coordinatively unsaturated mono- and diruthenium amidinates";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 692 (2007), S. 382 - 394.
M.D. Mihovilovic, B. Müller, M. Spina, A.I Durrani, P. Stanetty, G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Microbial Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Ketones by Cyclohexanone and Cyclopentanone Monooxygenase - A Computional Rational for Biocatalyst Performance";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 137 (2006), S. 785 - 794.
C. Slugovc, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E62 (2006), S. m1356 - m1358.
D. Benito-Garagorri, V. Bocokic, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"A Modular Approach to Achiral and Chiral Nickel(II), Palladium(II), and Platinum(II) PCP Pincer Complex Based on Diaminobenzenes";
Organometallics, 25 (2006), S. 3817 - 3823.
E. Becker, V. Stingl, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Formation of Half-Sandwich Triscarbene Ruthenium Complex: Oxidative Coupling of 2,7-Nonadyne Mediated by [RuCp(IPri)(CH3CN)2]+(IPri = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene)";
Organometallics, 25 (2006), S. 4166 - 4169.
G. Dazinger, M. Torres-Rodrigues, K. Kirchner, M.J. Calhorda, P.J Costa:
"Formation of pyridine from acetylenes and nitriles catalyzed by RuCpCl, CoCp, and RhCp derivatives - A computional mechanistic study";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 691 (2006), S. 4434 - 4445.
T. Lummerstorfer, Ch. Sohar, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"In Situ observation of interfacial bonding of an organic monolayer confined between two solid surfaces";
Langmuir, 22 (2006), S. 18 - 21.
J. Wiedermann, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Palladium imine and amine complexes derived from 2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde as catalysts for the Suzuki cross-coupling of aryl bromides";
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 257 (2006), S. 67 - 72.
S. Pavlik, F. Jantscher, G. Dazinger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Reactions of Ruthenium-Aminophosphane Complexes with Diynes: P-N Bond Activation and Formation of Novel Phosphaallyl, Azaallyl, and Aminocarbene Complexes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2006 (2006), S. 1006 - 1021.
S. Pavlik, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of the RuIII Complexes [RuTp(PR3)Cl2] - Precursors for the RuTp Dihydrogen Complexes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2006 (2006), S. 4137 - 4142.
D. Benito-Garagorri, E. Becker, J. Wiedermann, W. Lackner, M. Pollak, K. Mereiter, J. Kisala, K. Kirchner:
"Achiral and Chiral Transition Metal Complexes with Modularly Designed Tridentate PNP Pincer-Type Ligands Based on N-Heterocyclic Diamines";
Organometallics, 25 (2006), S. 1900 - 1913.
D. Benito-Garagorri, V. Bocokic, K. Kirchner:
"Copper(I)-catalyzed diastereoselective formation of oxazolines and N-sulfonyl-2-imidazolines";
Tetrahedron Letters, 47 (2006), S. 8641 - 8644.
J. Wiedermann, D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"[N,N'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)pyridine-2,6-diamine-κ3 P,N1,P']chloro-palladium(II) chloride monohydrate 1,2-dichlorethane solvate";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E62 (2006), S. m1106 - m1108.
S. Pavlik, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E62 (2006), S. m1051 - m1053.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Selective Phosphoramidite Cleavage as a Route to Novel Chiral and Achiral Pentacoordinated Nickel(II) PNP Pincer Complexes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2006 (2006), S. 4374 - 4379.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Tetraphenylphosphonium acetonitriletribromoferrate(II)";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E62 (2006), S. m1136 - m1138.
E. Becker, V. Stingl, G. Dazinger, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Facile Migratory Insertion of a N-Heterocyclic Carbene into a Ruthenium-Carbon Double Bond: A New Type of Reaction of a NHC Ligand";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (2006), S. 6572 - 6573.
S. Pavlik, K. Mereiter, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"Reaction of the RuTp(PR3)Cl fragment with alkynols:Formation of carbene, vinylidene, allenylidene, and carbyne complexes";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 690 (2005), S. 5497 - 5507.
S. Pavlik, F. Jantscher, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-Mediated Insertion of an Unsaturated C4 Unit into P-N Bond of an Aminophosphine Ligand";
Organometallics, 24 (2005), S. 4899 - 4901.
W. Brezna, S. Harasek, A. Lugstein, T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann, E. Bertagnolli, J. Smoliner:
"Mapping of local oxide properties by quantitative scanning capacitance spectroscopy";
Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005), S. 0937011 - 0937014.
C. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Temperature-Dependent Formation of Octadecylsiloxane Self-Assembled Monolayers on Mica as Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy";
Langmuir, 21 (2005), S. 6289 - 6295.
J. Le Paih, S. Derien, B. Demerseman, C. Bruneau, P.H Dixneuf, L. Toupet, G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium Catalyzed Synthesis of Alkylidenecyclobutenes via Head-to-Head Dimerization of Propargylic Alcohols and Cyclobutadiene-Ruthenium Intermadiates";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 11 (2005), S. 1312 - 1324.
J. Teresawa, H. Kondo, T. Matsumoto, K. Kirchner, Y. Motoyama, H. Nagashima:
""Unsymmetrical" Diruthenium Amidinates in Which the μ2-Amidinate Bridge Is Perpendicular to the Ru-Ru Axis: Synhesis and Reactions of Derivatives of [η5-C5Me5)Ru(μ-amidate)Ru(η5-C5H5]+";
Organometallics, 24 (2005), S. 2713 - 2721.
S. Pavlik, K. Mereiter, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"Reactions of Cationic Fragments [RuCp(PPh2NHR)2]+ and [RuTp(PPh2NHR)2]+ (R = Ph, n-Pr) with Alkynes: Formation of Four-Membered Azaphosphacarbenes";
Organometallics, 24 (2005), S. 3561 - 3575.
D. Domin, D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, J. Fröhlich, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Palladium and Nickel β-Diimine Complexes: Applications as Catalysts for Heck, Suzuki, and Hiyama Coupling Reactions";
Organometallics, 24 (2005), S. 3957 - 3965.
L.F. Veiros, G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner, M.J. Calhorda, R. Schmid:
"By What Mechanisms Are Metal Cyclobutadiene Complexes Formed from Alkynes";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 10 (2004), S. 5860 - 5870.
S. Pavlik, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Ruthenium Tris(pyrazolyl)borate Complexes. Part 20 [1]. Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Neutral Trispyrazolylborate Ruthenium Vinylidene Complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 135 (2004), S. 1349 - 1357.
G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Competitive Alkylidene Transfer to Olefines and Alkylidene-to-Olefin Interconversion of the Electrophilic Iron Carbene Complexes [FeCp(CO)(L)(=CHR)]+ (L=CO, PH3; R=Me, Et): A Theoretical Study";
Organometallics, 23 (2004), S. 6281 - 6287.
T. Lummerstorfer, H. Hoffmann:
"IR Reflection Spectra of Monolayer Films Sandwiched between Two High Refractive Index Materials";
Langmuir, 20 (2004), S. 6542 - 6545.
H. Böttcher, M. Graf, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Reductive Dimerization of Nitric Oxide to trans-Hyponitrite in the Coordination Sphere of a Dinuclear Ruthenium Complex";
Organometallics, 23 (2004), S. 1269 - 1273.
T. Lummerstorfer, H. Hoffmann:
"Click Chemistry on Surfaces: 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Azide-Terminated Monolayers on Silica";
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (2004), S. 3963 - 3966.
C.M. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Reaction of Diaryl Disulfides with RuTp(COD)Cl in N,N'-Dimethylformamide: Formation of 2-(Arylmercapto)aryl Mercaptan Complexes";
Organometallics, 23 (2004), S. 2194 - 2196.
A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Investigation of the Role of the Interplay between Water and Temperature on the Growth of Alkylsiloxane Submonolayers on Silicon";
Langmuir, 20 (2004), S. 5599 - 5604.
E. Becker, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Facile S-S Bond Activation of Alkyl and Aryl Disulfides by [RuCp(CH3CN)3]+: Formation of Dinuclear Ru(III)-Ru(III) Complexes with Bridging Thiolate Ligands";
Organometallics, 23 (2004), S. 2876 - 2883.
C.M. Standfest-Hauser, T. Lummerstorfer, R. Schmid, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner, M. Puchberger, A.M. Trzeciak, E. Mieczynska, W. Tylus, J.J. Ziolkowski:
"Rhodium phosphine complexes immobilized on silica as active catalysts for 1-hexene hydroformylation and arene hydrogenation";
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 210 (2004), S. 179 - 187.
A. Glaser, J. Foisner, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Low-temperature investigation of the growth mechanism of alkylsiloxane self-assembled monolayers";
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 379 (2004), S. 653 - 657.
R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-Mediated C-C Coupling Reactions of Alkynes - The Role of Ruthenacyclopentatriene Complexes";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2004 (2004), S. 2609 - 2626.
G. Dazinger, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Mechanism of the ruthenium-catalyzed formation of pyrane-2-one and their sulfur and selen analogs from acetylene and CX2 (X=O, S, Se): a theoretical study";
New Journal of Chemistry, 28 (2004), S. 153 - 155.
W. Lackner, C.M. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Photochemical displacement of the benzene ligand in [(η6-C6H6)Ru(CH3CN)2(L)]2+ and [(η6-C6H6)Ru(CH3CN)(L2)]2+ (L=CH3CN, PPh3, L2=dppe, bipy )";
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 357 (2004), S. 2721 - 2727.
C.M. Standfest-Hauser, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Formation of a Hydroxo-bridged Dinuclear Ru(III)/Ru(III) Complex from N-Methylimidazole and [RuCp(CH3CN)3]+";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 135 (2004), S. 911 - 917.
J. Foisner, A. Glaser, G. Leitner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Effects of Surface Hydrophobization on the Growth of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Silicon";
Langmuir, 20 (2004), S. 2701 - 2706.
H. Böttcher, C. Wagner, K. Kirchner:
"Reaction Properties of the trans-Hyponitrite Complex [Ru2(CO)4(μ-H)(μ-PBut2)(μ-Ph2PCH2PPh2)(μ-η2-ONNO)]";
Inorganic Chemistry, 43 (2004), S. 6294 - 6299.
C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Formation of Ruthenium - Aminocarbene Complexes from Aldimines and Aminals";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2003 (2003), S. 1883 - 1892.
E. Becker, K. Mereiter, M. Puchberger, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, A. Doppiu, A. Salzer:
"Novel [2+2+1] Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes Mediated by Bidentate Cyclopentadienyl-Phosphine Ruthenium Complexes";
Organometallics, 22 (2003), S. 3164 - 3170.
S. Pavlik, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Coupling of Alkynes Mediated by [RuCp(PPh2NHPh)(CH3CN)2]+: Formation of η4-Butadiene Amido Complexes through Migration and N-H Activation of the PPh2NHPh Ligand";
Organometallics, 22 (2003), S. 1771 - 1774.
K. Kirchner, M.J. Calhorda, R. Schmid, L.F. Veiros:
"Mechanism for the Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes and Related Reactions Catalyzed by CpRuCl";
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125 (2003), S. 11721 - 11729.
M.V. Butovskii, U. Englert, G.E. Herberich, K. Kirchner, U. Koelle:
"Protonation of CpCo(C4Me4): Ring-Opening with Formation of New σ,η4-Butadienyl and η5-Pentadienyl Cobalt Complexes";
Organometallics, 22 (2003), S. 1989 - 1991.
C. Standfest-Hauser, T. Lummerstorfer, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, H. Hoffmann, M. Puchberger:
"Immobilization, Characterization, and Preliminary Reactivity Studies of Halfsandwich Ruthenium Complexes on Silica";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 134 (2003), S. 1167 - 1175.
E. Becker, K. Mereiter, M. Puchberger, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Metallacyclopentatriene-Butadienyl Carbene Rearrangement in the Oxidative Coupling of Alkynes Mediated by [RuCp(SbR3)(CH3CN)2]+ (R = Ph, n-Bu)";
Organometallics, 22 (2003), S. 2124 - 2133.
E. Rüba, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, M.J. Calhorda:
"Ruthenium-mediated cyclotrimerization of alkynes utilizing the cationic complex [RuCp(CH3CN)3]PF6";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 682 (2003), S. 204 - 211.
V.N. Sapunov, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, H. Nagashima:
"The importance of interligand interactions to structure and reactivity of coordinatively unsaturated ruthenium and iron half-sandwich complexes - application of the TSC concept II";
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 238-239 (2003), S. 363 - 382.
R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Theoretical Study of Ruthenium-Catalyzed Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes with Isocyanates and Isothiocyanates: Chemoselective Formation of Pyridine-2-one and Thiopyrane-2-imine";
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 68 (2003), S. 8339 - 8344.
C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Some binding modes of 2-aminopyridine to ruthenium(II) fragments";
Dalton Transactions, 2003 (2003), S. 2329 - 2334.
H. Nagashima, H. Kondo, T. Hayashida, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Gondo, S. Masuda, K. Miyazaki, K. Matsubara, K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated organoruthenium amidinates as entry to homogeneous catalysis";
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 245 (2003), S. 177 - 190.
T. Leitner, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy of Thin Films on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite";
Applied Spectroscopy, 57 (2003), S. 1502 - 1509.
C. Kleber, J. Kattner, J. Frank, H. Hoffmann, M. Kraft, M. Schreiner:
"Design and Application of a New Cell for in Situ Infrared Reflection - Absorption Spectroscopy Investigations of Metal-Atmosphere Interfaces";
Applied Spectroscopy, 57 (2003), S. 88 - 92.
J. Foisner, A. Glaser, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of the Growth of Different Alkylsiloxane Monolayers from Highly Concentrated Solutions";
Langmuir, 19 (2003), S. 3741 - 3746.
E. Becker, C. Slugovc, E. Rüba, C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Halfsandwich Ru(II) Complexes containing Phosphine, Arsine, Stibine, and Bismutine";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 649 (2002), S. 55 - 63.
E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, E. Bustello, M.C. Puerta, P. Valerga:
"Reactions of RuCp and RuCp* Allyl Carbene Complexes - Products Derived from Activation of Phenyl, Cyclohexyl, and Methyl C-H Bonds in PPh3, PCy3 and Cp* Ligands";
Organometallics, 21 (2002), S. 2912 - 2920.
E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, V.N. Sapunov, K. Kirchner, H. Schottenberger, M.J. Calhorda, L.F. Veiros:
"Selective C-C Bond Formation between Alkynes mediated by the [RuCp(PR3]+ Fragment leading to Allyl, Butadieneyl, and Allenyl Carbene Complexes - An Experimental and Theoretical Study";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 8 (2002), S. 3948 - 3961.
C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Novel Ruthenium-Mediated Conversion of Aldimines and Aminals to Aminocarbene Complexes";
Organometallics, 21 (2002), S. 4891 - 4893.
E. Rüba, A. Hummel, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium Trispyrazolylborate Complexes. 18. Aminocarbene Ruthenium Complexes derived from Terminal Alkynes and 2-Amino-pyridines";
Organometallics, 21 (2002), S. 4955 - 4959.
H. Aneetha, M. Jimenez-Tenorio, M.C. Puerta, P. Valerga, V.N. Sapunov, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Coordinatively Unsaturated Ruthenium Phosphine Half-Sandwich Complexes: Correlations to Structure and Reactivity";
Organometallics, 21 (2002), S. 5334 - 5346.
T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann:
"Comment on "Highly Doped Silicon Elektrodes for the Electrochemical Modification of Self-Assembled Siloxane-Anchored Monolayers: A Feasibility Study"";
Langmuir, 18 (2002), S. 958 - 959.
J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"Simultaneous Determination of Thicknesses and Refractive Indices of Ultrathin Films by Multiple Incidence Medium Ellipsometry";
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106 (2002), S. 9723 - 9729.
S. Kremel, K. Mereiter, C. Slugovc, J. Pfeiffer, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium Tris-pyrazolborate Complexes XVII. Structure and Bonding in a Series of Ruthenium Hydrio-Tris-(pyrazolyl)-borate Cyclooctadiene Complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 132 (2001), S. 551 - 563.
E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, H. Schottenberger:
"The Reaction of Ferrocenyl Acetylene with [RuCp(PR3)(CH3CN)2]PF6 (R=Me,Ph,Cy). Formation of the First Allenyl Carbene Complexes";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 637-639 (2001), S. 70 - 74.
E. Becker, E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Facile Rearrangements of Metallacyclopentatrienes to Butadienyl Carbenes by a 1,2-Hydrogen Shift";
Organometallics, 20 (2001), S. 3851 - 3853.
T. Hayashida, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Kirchner, H. Nagashima:
"Isolable Yet Highly Reactive Cationic Organoruthenium(II) Amidinates [Ru(η6-C6R6)(η-amidinate)]+X- Showing Signs of Coordinatively Unsaturation: Isoelectronic Complexes of Ru(η5-C5Me5)(η-amidinate)";
Chemistry Letters, 2001 (2001), S. 954 - 955.
E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of a Metallacyclopentatriene Intermediate: Metal-to-Ligand Re-Migration of a Ohosphine Ligand versus a 1,2 Hydrogen Shift";
Chemical Communications, 2001 (2001), S. 1996 - 1997.
C. Standfest-Hauser, C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, L. Xiao, W. Weissensteiner:
"Hydrogen-Transfer Catalysis with Halfsandwich Ru(II) Aminophosphine Complexes";
Dalton Transactions, 2001 (2001), S. 2989 - 2995.
H. Kondo, A. Kageyama, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Haga, K. Kirchner, H. Nagashima:
"Oxidative Addition of Allylic Substrates to Coordinatively Unsaturated Ruthenium Compounds, [Ru(η5-C5Me5)(η-amidinate)]: Preparation, Structure Elucidation, and Catalysis of Novel Ruthenium(IV)-η3-Allyl Complexes";
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 74 (2001), S. 1927 - 1937.
R. Resch, S. Meltzer, T. Vallant, H. Hoffmann, B.E. Koel, A. Madhukar, A.A.G. Requicha, P. Will:
"Immobilizing Au Nanopartikels on SiO2 Surfaces Using Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers";
Langmuir, 17 (2001), S. 5666 - 5670.
H. Schottenberger, J. Lukasser, E. Reichel, A.G Müller, G. Steiner, H. Kopacka, K. Wurst, K.H Ongania, K. Kirchner:
"Semimasked 1,1'-diethynylferrocenes: synthetic concepts, preparations, and reactions";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 637-639 (2001), S. 558 - 576.
B. Basnar, G. Friedbacher, H. Brunner, T. Vallant, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann:
"Analytical Evaluation of Trapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy for Chemical Imaging of Surfaces";
Applied Surface Science, 171 (2001), S. 213 - 225.
J. Gomez, C. Gemel, C. Slugovc, E. Wozniak, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of some Ru(tmeda) (tmeda = N,N,N',N'-teramethylethylenediamine) complexes containing chloride, hydride, and vinylidene ligands";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 132 (2001), S. 1137 - 1143.
S. Pavlik, C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Neutral Vinylidene and σ-Alkynyl Complexes containing the Hemilabile Ligand PH2PCH2CH2OMe";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 617-618 (2001), S. 617 - 618.
V.N. Sapunov, K. Kirchner, R. Schmid:
"Revisiting the Maingroup Cyclopentadienyl Metal Complexes in Terms of the Through-Space Coupling Concept";
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 214 (2001), S. 143 - 185.
J. Pfeiffer, K. Kirchner, S. Wherland:
"Inhibition by Ion Pairing in a Bimolecular, Outer-Spere Electron Transfer Reaction, Reduction of a Cobalt Clathrochelate by Ferrocene in Methylene Chloride";
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 313 (2001), S. 37 - 42.
C. Slugovc, E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Recent Chemistry based on the [RuCp(CH3CN)3]+ Cation. Reappraisal of an Old Precursor";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 131 (2000), S. 1241 - 1251.
T. Vallant, H. Brunner, J. Kattner, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann, T. Leitner, G. Friedbacher, G. Schuegerl, R. Svagera, M. Ebel:
"Monolayer-Controlled Deposition of Silicon Oxide Films on Gold, Silicon, and Mica Substrates by Room-Temperature Adsorption and Oxidation of Alkylsiloxane Monolayers";
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104 (2000), S. 5309 - 5317.
B. Basnar, M. Madera, G. Friedbacher, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann:
"Height Calibration in Tapping Mode AFM: Problems and Prospects";
PTB-Mitteilungen (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig), F 39 (2000), S. 52 - 57.
T. Leitner, G. Friedbacher, T. Vallant, H. Brunner, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann:
"Investigations of the Growth of Self-Assembled Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers with Atomic Force Microscopy";
Microchimica Acta, 133 (2000), S. 331 - 336.
B. Basnar, M. Madera, G. Friedbacher, T. Vallant, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann:
"Fabrication of Nanostructured Surfaces using Self-Assembled Monolayers";
Microchimica Acta, 133 (2000), S. 325 - 329.
C. Gemel, J.C. Huffmann, K.G. Caulton, K. Mauthner, K. Kirchner:
"Solution and solid-gas reactivity of unsaturated [RuCp(tmeda)]+ (tmeda = Me2NCH2CH2Me2)";
Organometallics, 593-594 (2000), S. 342 - 353.
E. Rüba, W. Simanko, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Comparing the Isoelectric Complexes [RuTp(CH3CN)3]PF6 and [RuCp(CH3CN)3]PF6. Structure and Acetonitrile Exchange Kinetics";
Inorganic Chemistry, 39 (2000), S. 382 - 384.
A.M. Trzeciak, J.J. Ziolkowski, W. Simanko, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Rh(acac)(CO)(PR3) and Rh(oxinate)(CO)(PR3) Complexes - Substitution Chemistry and Structural Aspects";
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 602 (2000), S. 59 - 64.
C. Gemel, R. John, C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium quinolin-8-olate complexes. Unexpected formation of a N1-hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate complex";
Dalton Transactions, 2000 (2000), S. 2607 - 2612.
E. Rüba, K. Mereiter, K.M. Soldouzi, C. Gemel, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, E. Bustello, M.C. Puerta, P. Valerga:
"Reaction of Alkynes with [RuCp(CO)(CH3CN)2]+ and [RuCp*(CO)(CH3CN)2]+. Convenient Synthesis of Ruthenium(II) Cyclopentadienone Complexes";
Organometallics, 19 (2000), S. 5384 - 5391.
B. Basnar, J. Schnöller, K. Föttinger, G. Friedbacher, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann, L. Fabry:
"Characterization of silicon wafers through deposition of self-assembled monolayers";
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 368 (2000), S. 434 - 438.
E. Rüba, W. Simanko, K. Mauthner, K.M. Soldouzi, C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"[RuCp(PR3)(CH3CN)2PF6 (R = Ph, Me, Cy). Convenient Precursors for Mixed Ruthenium(II) and Ruthenium(IV) Halfsandwich Complexes";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 3843 - 3850.
C. Slugovc, E. Rüba, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Improved Efficiency of Redox Isomerisation of Allyl Alcohols";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), 4230; S. 4233.
K. Mauthner, K.M. Soldouzi, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Ruthenium Allyl Carbene Complexes. Intramolecular C-H Activation/Dehydrogenation of a Cyclohexyl Substituent in PCy3";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 4681 - 4683.
C. Gemel, V.N. Sapunov, K. Mereiter, M. Ferencic, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Cationic 16-electron half-sandwich complexes containing asymmetric diamines: Understanding the stability and reactivity of coordinatively unsaturated two-legged piano stool complexes";
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 286 (1999), S. 114 - 120.
K. Mauthner, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Solid State Structure ofRu(K5-C5Me5)(K4-C5H4O)Br.2[Et3NH][Zn(Br,Cl)4] - An Unusual Adduct";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 130 (1999), S. 845 - 853.
C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Addition of Acetylenes to Olefins. Oxidative Coupling versus [2+2] Cycloaddition to Vinylidene Intermediate";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 1011 - 1017.
W. Simanko, R. Schmid, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis of Ruthenium Cyclopentadienone Complexes via the Oxidation of Hydroxyruthenocenes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 130 (1999), S. 1301 - 1310.
C. Slugovc, C. Gemel, J.Y. Shen, D. Doberer, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Ruthenium Tris(pyrazolyl)borate Complexes Containing NN-, NS-, NNN-, and OO-Donor Co-Ligands";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 130 (1999), S. 363 - 375.
C. Gemel, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
Acta Crystallographica Section C, C55 (1999), S. 2053 - 2055.
C. Slugovc, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ruthenium complexes - properties and applications";
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 185-186 (1999), S. 109 - 126.
E. Rüba, C. Slugovc, C. Gemel, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium Tris(pyrazolyl)borate complexes. 14. Synthesis and Characterization of Allyloxycarbene Complexes";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 2275 - 2280.
C. Slugovc, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium tris(pyrazolyl)borate complexes. Part 12. Cross-coupling of acetylenes with olefins. Formation of K3-butadienyl and K2-butadiene complexes via a metallacyclobutane intermediate";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 1999 (1999), S. 1141 - 1149.
D. Doberer, C. Slugovc, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Coordination Chemistry of Ruthenium 2,6-Bis(oxazolinyl)pyridine Complexes";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 130 (1999), S. 717 - 723.
T. Vallant, W. Simanko, H. Brunner, U. Mayer, H. Hoffmann, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, R. Svagera, G. Schuegerl, M. Ebel:
"Comparing Reactivities of Metal Complexes in Solution and on Surfaces by IR Spectroscopy and Time-Resolved in Situ Ellipsometry";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 3744 - 3749.
C. Slugovc, W. Simanko, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner, L. Xiao, W. Weissensteiner:
"Thermodynamically Controlled Formation of Diastereopure Three-Legged Piano-Stool Complexes. The Substitution Chemistry of [RuCp(aminophosphinoferrocene)(CH3CN)]PF6";
Organometallics, 18 (1999), S. 3865 - 3872.
Contributions to Books
R. Bittner, H. Hoffmann:
"Surface Analysis | Infrared Spectroscopy";
in: "Encyclopedia of Analytical Science", herausgegeben von: Elsevier; Elsevier Science Ltd., 9, 2019, ISBN: 9780081019832, S. 330 - 344.
N. Gorgas, K. Kirchner:
"Well-defined Iron and Manganese Pincer Catalysts";
in: "Pincer Compounds - Chemistry and Applications", D. Morales-Morales (Hrg.); Elsevier Science Ltd., 2018, ISBN: 9780128129319, S. 19 - 43.
H. Hoffmann, J. Kattner:
"Ellipsometric Studies of Thin Films at Solid-Liquid Interfaces";
in: "Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science", herausgegeben von: P.Somasundaran; Taylor&Francis, New York, USA, 2006, ISBN: 9780849396151, S. 2411 - 2424.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner:
"A modular approach to achiral and chiral transition metal PNP and PCP pincer complexes based on aminophosphines";
in: "Education in Advanced Chemistry Vol.10 Organic and Polymer Synthesis and Catalysis", Wydawnictwo Poznanskie sp., Poznan-Wroclaw, Polen, 2006, (eingeladen), ISBN: 83-7177-442-7, S. 179 - 192.
R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of Unsaturated Organic Compounds at Ruthenium(II) Centers - The Relevance of Metallcyclopentatriene Intermediates";
in: "Inorganic Chemistry in Focus II", Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Deutschland, 2005, ISBN: 3-527-30811-3, S. 221 - 241.
H. Hoffmann, T. Leitner:
"Infrared Spectroscopy - Surface Analysis";
in: "Encyclopedia of Analytical Science", Elsevier Science Ltd., 2005, ISBN: 0-12-764100-9, S. 543 - 554.
M.J. Calhorda, K. Kirchner, L.F. Veiros:
"Cycloaddition of Alkynes Mediated by [RuCp(L)]* (L= CO, NCH, PH3 and RuCpCl Complexes - Metallacyclopentatrienes as Key Intermediates - A DFT Study";
in: "Perspectives in Organometallic Chemistry", herausgegeben von: The Royal Society of Chemistry; The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2003, ISBN: 0854048766, S. 111 - 119.
J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"Ellipsometric Studies of Thin Films at Solid-Liquid Interfaces";
in: "Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science", herausgegeben von: Hubbard A.; Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002, 0-8247-0663-1, S. 2108 - 2123.
J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"External Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy of Thin Films on Dielectric Substrates";
in: "Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy", herausgegeben von: Chalmers J.M., Griffiths Peter R.; Wiley, New York, 2002, S. 1 - 19.
K. Kirchner:
"Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Hetroatom Coupling Reactions Promoted by Vinilydene Complexes";
in: "Education in Advanced Chemistry Vol.7", University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 2000, ISBN: 83-7177-154-1, S. 203 - 216.
Poster Presentation (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
J. Bintinger, R. Bittner, S. Yang, O. Bethge, H. Hoffmann, T. Kröber, H. Mikula, A. Foelske-Schmitz, K. Hradil, W. Knoll, I. Kymissis, J. Fröhlich:
"Self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors (SAMFETs): A new synthetic approach for sensing applications";
Poster: 12th International Symposium on Functional π-Electron Systems, University of Washington, Seattle, USA; 19.07.2015 - 24.07.2015; in: "Fπ-12 Program with links to Abstracts (web page)", http://depts.washington.edu/uwconf/fpi12/fpi12_abstracts.html, (2015), Paper-Nr. http://depts.washington.edu/uwconf/fpi12/439.html.
C. Holzhacker, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Reversible Addition of CO to Unsaturated High Spin Iron(II) Complexes";
Poster: 14. Österreichische Chemietage 2011, Linz; 26.09.2011 - 29.09.2011; in: "14. Österreichische Chemietage", (2011), 1 S.
ö. Öztopcu, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Tri- and Tetracoordinate Copper(I) Complexes Bearing Bidentate Soft/Hard SN and SeN Ligands";
Poster: 14. Österreichische Chemietage 2011, Linz; 26.09.2011 - 29.09.2011; in: "14. Österreichsiche Chemietage", (2011), 1 S.
B. Bichler, M. Puchberger, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Ligand Dynamics of Allyl Palladium Complexes Containing Hemilabile Ligands";
Poster: 14. Österreichische Chemietage 2011, Linz; 26.09.2011 - 29.09.2011; in: "14. Österreichsiche Chemietage", (2011), 1 S.
G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"The Initial Steps in the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Utilizing New Pd(II) PNP Pincer Complexes: A Theoretical Mechanistic Investigation";
Poster: First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Wien; 01.04.2005 - 02.04.2005; in: "Electronical Conference Book of the First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry Vienna 2005", (2005).
M. Torres-Rodrigues, G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Late Transition Metal Catalyzed Formation of Pyridine - A Computational Mechanistic Study";
Poster: First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Wien; 01.04.2005 - 02.04.2005; in: "Electronical Conference Book of the First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry Vienna 2005", (2005).
S. Pavlik, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Formation of Four-membered Aza-Phospha-Carbenes";
Poster: First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Wien; 01.04.2005 - 02.04.2005; in: "Electronical Conference Book of the First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry Vienna 2005", (2005).
D. Domin, D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner, J. Fröhlich:
"Synthesis of New β-Diimine Ligands and Application in Various Palladium-Catalyzed Coupling-Reactions";
Poster: First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry, Wien; 01.04.2005 - 02.04.2005; in: "Electronical Conference Book of the First Austrian-German-Italian Meeting of Organic Chemistry Vienna 2005", (2005).
Talks (with Proceedings)
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time Monitoring of Photopolymerization Reactions via NIR/MIR-Photorheology";
Vortrag: Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017, Wien; 05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "Danube Vltava Sava Polymer Meeting 2017", Book of Abstracts.com, (2017), ISBN: 978-3-9504017-6-9; S. OP-72.
C. Gorsche, H. Reghunathan, S. Baudis, P. Knaack, B. Husar, J. Laeuger, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"In situ investigation of photopolymerization reactions via real time-NIR/MIR-photorheology";
Vortrag: RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017, Prag; 17.10.2017 - 19.10.2017; in: "RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2017", (2017), S. 11.
J. Bintinger, N. Cernetic, R. Bittner, M. Sauer, A. Foelske-Schmitz, M. Holzweber, T. Schiros, D. Nordlund, D. Svatunek, H. Ma, H. Hoffmann, J. Fröhlich, A. Jen, H. Mikula:
"Using click chemistry for a facile approach towards self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors (SAMFETs): A new versatile approach for sensing";
Vortrag: Bioelectrochemistry And More - 2016, Wiener Neustadt; 13.06.2016 - 14.06.2016; in: "Bioelectrochemistry And More - 2016, Abstract Book", (2016).
J. Bintinger, R. Bittner, S. Yang, H. Hoffmann, T. Kröber, H. Mikula, W. Knoll, I. Kymissis, J. Fröhlich:
"Self-Assembled Monolayer Field-Effect Transistors (samfets): A New Synthetic Approach For Sensing Applications";
Vortrag: Bioelectrochemistry And More, Wiener Neustadt; 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015; in: "Bioelectrochemistry And More", (2015).
K. Kirchner:
"Small Molecule Activation with Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: 26th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Sapporo, Japan (eingeladen); 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Program", (2014), S. 18.
B. Husar, C. Gorsche, X.H. Qin, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Monitoring Of Uv-Curing By Real Time Ftir - Photorheology";
Vortrag: ESPS 2014, Vienna; 09.09.2014 - 12.09.2014; in: "3rd European Symposium of Photopolymer Science", (2014), ISBN: 978-3-9502992-9-8; S. 108.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, J. Torgersen, R. Liska:
"An overview of anti-oxygen inhibition strategies for LED-based wood coatings";
Vortrag: RadTech Asia 2013, Shanghai; 20.05.2013 - 24.05.2013; in: "Guide Book", (2013).
K. Kirchner:
"Coordinatively unsaturated iron complexes and catalysis: The importance of ligand field strengths, spin state, and geometry";
Vortrag: 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, USA; 25.03.2012 - 29.03.2012; in: "243th ACS National Meeting", (2012), S. ##.
K. Kirchner:
"Coordinatively unsaturated iron complexes and catalysis: The importance of ligand field strengths, spin state, and geometry";
Vortrag: 25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry, Lissabon, Portugal (eingeladen); 02.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry", (2012), S. ##.
B. Husar, H. Hoffmann, S. Ligon, R. Liska, H. Wutzel:
"Assessment of effectiveness of various antioxygen inhibition strategies in LED curing";
Vortrag: PRA´s 8th International Woodcoatings Congress, Asterdam; 30.10.2012 - 31.10.2012; in: "Congress Papers", PRA Coatings Technology Centre, Hampton, Middlesex, UK (2012), ISBN: 978-0-9561357-3-5.
S. Ligon, B. Husar, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, J. Torgersen, R. Liska:
"Assessing anti-oxygen inhibition strategies for LED-based wood coatings by FTIR";
Vortrag: European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - ESPS 2012, Torino; 04.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "European Symposium of Photopolymer Science - Book of Abstracts", (2012).
K. Kirchner:
"Modularly Designed Transition Metal Pincer Complexes - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: 10th FIGIPAS, Palermo, Italy (eingeladen); 01.07.2009 - 04.07.2009; in: "Figipas 10th - The 10th International Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2009).
J. Wiedermann, E. Becker, K. Kirchner:
"Modular aufgebaute chirale und achirale Mo-Pincerkomplexe - Struktur und Reaktivität";
Vortrag: 4. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (4.WACÖ), Eisenstadt; 10.04.2006 - 11.04.2006; in: "Workshop Anorganische Chemie - Abstracts", (2006), S. 28.
V. Bocokic, D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner:
"Palladium PCP Pincer Complexes with Chiral and Achiral Phosphites:Synthesis and Catalytic Applications in C-C Bond Forming Reactions";
Vortrag: 4. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (4.WACÖ), Eisenstadt; 10.04.2006 - 11.04.2006; in: "Workshop Anorganische Chemie - Abstracts", (2006), S. 41.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner:
"A modular approach to achiral and chiral transition metal PNP and PCP pincer complexes based on aminophosphines";
Vortrag: XXII International Conference On Organometallic Chemistry - ICOMC 2006, Zaragoza, Spain; 23.07.2006 - 28.07.2006; in: "ICOMC 2006 Volume 1 - Oral Presentations", (2006), S. 90.
G. Friedbacher, C. Rill, Ch. Sohar, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann:
"Rastersondenmikroskopische Untersuchung des Wachstumsmechanismus von selbsorganisierten Alkylsiloxan-Monoschichten";
Vortrag: 1. Österreichisches Nanoanalytik Symposium, Grundlsee (eingeladen); 11.05.2006 - 12.05.2006; in: "1. Österreichisches Nanoanalytik Symposium", (2006), S. 4.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and catalytic applications of a new modulary designed pyridine based PNP pincer complexes";
Vortrag: 4. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (4.WACÖ), Eisenstadt; 10.04.2006 - 11.04.2006; in: "Workshop Anorganische Chemie - Abstracts", (2006), S. 1.
G. Friedbacher, C. Rill, Ch. Sohar, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann:
"Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of Self-Assembled Alkylsiloxane Monolayers on Silicon and Mica";
Vortrag: 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA05), Wien; 25.09.2005 - 30.09.2005; in: "European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA 05)", (2005), S. 244.
C. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"AFM Investigation of the Growth of Self-Assembled Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers on Mica";
Vortrag: Einsteins in the City, New York; 11.04.2005 - 12.04.2005; in: "Einsteins in the City", (2005).
G. Friedbacher, C. Rill, Ch. Sohar, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann:
"Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of Self-Assembled Alkylsiloxane Monolayers on Silicon and Mica";
Vortrag: 13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 26.06.2005 - 29.06.2005; in: "13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2005), S. 31.
H. Hoffmann:
"Probing Buried Solid-Solid Interfaces with Infrared Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: Symposium on Nanostructure Control at Solid Surfaces for the Construction of Nano-molecular/bio Devices, Hokkaido Japan (eingeladen); 09.03.2005 - 10.03.2005; in: "Symposium on Nanostructure Control at Solid Surfaces for the Construction of Nano-molecular/bio Devices", (2005), S. 43 - 44.
T. Lummerstorfer, T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann:
"Functional Surfaces and Interfaces based on Self-Assembled Monolayers";
Vortrag: 8th FIGIPAS, Athen, Griechenland (eingeladen); 06.07.2005 - 09.07.2005; in: "8th FIGIPAS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2005), S. PL06.
K. Kirchner, D. Benito-Garagorri:
"Late Transition Metal PNP and PCP-Pincer Complexes based on Aminophosphines";
Vortrag: 8th FIGIPAS, Athen, Griechenland; 06.07.2005 - 09.07.2005; in: "8th FIGIPAS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2005), S. OP07.
K. Kirchner, D. Benito-Garagorri:
"Late Transition Metal PNP and PCP-Pincer Complexes Based on Aminophosphines";
Vortrag: 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, Poznan Rosnowko, Poland (eingeladen); 12.08.2005 - 16.08.2005; in: "5th International School on Molecular Science - Abstracts", (2005), S. 28.
K. Kirchner:
"Novel Ruthenium-mediated C-C coupling reactions of alkynes - The key role of ruthenacyclopentatriene complexes";
Vortrag: 3rd School on Catalysis EFCATS, Ustron, Poland (eingeladen); 21.09.2004 - 26.09.2004; in: "3rd School on Catalysis EFCATS Book of Abstracts", (2004), S. 15.
K. Kirchner:
"Novel Ruthenium-mediated C-C Coupling Reactions of Alkynes";
Vortrag: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal (eingeladen); 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 31.
K. Kirchner:
"Novel Ruthenium-mediated C-C Coupling Reactions of Alkynes";
Vortrag: COST Working Group D17/003, Almeria, Spain; 26.09.2003 - 27.09.2003; in: "3rd Meeting of the COST Working Group D17/003", (2003).
K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and reactivity of RuTp carbene and vinylidene complexes";
Vortrag: 225th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, USA; 23.03.2003 - 27.03.2003; in: "225th ACS National Meeting Abstracts", (2003), S. INOR-322.
B. Basnar, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Characterization of Semiconductor Properties through Self-Assembled Monolayers";
Vortrag: SEMICON Europa 2003, München (eingeladen); 2003; in: "SEMICON Europa 2003", (2003), S. 1 - 2.
J. Foisner, A. Glaser, T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Effects of Surface Modifications on the Growth of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Silicon";
Vortrag: 12.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, Austria; 22.09.2003 - 24.09.2003; in: "12. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2003).
A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"AFM Investigation of Temperature Effects on the Deposition of Alkylsiloxane Sub-Monolayers on Silicon";
Vortrag: 12.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, Austria; 22.09.2003 - 24.09.2003; in: "12. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2003).
K. Kirchner, C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid:
"New Methodologies to obtain Heteroatom-Stabilized Carbenes";
Vortrag: XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Corfu; 07.07.2002 - 12.07.2002; in: "XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Institut of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, (2002), S. 82.
M.J. Calhorda, K. Kirchner:
"Theoretical Studies of Organometallic Reactions: The Reactions of RuCpL (L= X or PR3) with Acetylenes";
Vortrag: XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Corfu (eingeladen); 07.07.2002 - 12.07.2002; in: "XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, (2002), S. 59.
Poster Presentation (with Proceedings)
R. Oliveira Conceição, H. Hoffmann, M.D. Mihovilovic:
"Azobenzene Cis Immobilization: A New Practical Approach To Obtain Azobenzene Light Responsive Surfaces";
Poster: 14th International conference on materials chemistry (MC14), UK; 08.07.2019 - 11.07.2019; in: "14th International conference on materials chemistry (MC14)", Royal Society of Chemistry, Birmingham, England, UK (2019), S. 240.
R Oliveira da Conceicao, H. Hoffmann, M.D. Mihovilovic:
"Silicon Nanowires As An Alternative For The Development Of Light Responsive Smart Surfaces";
Poster: 27th PhotoIUPAC, University College Dublin; 08.07.2018 - 13.07.2018; in: "PhotoIUPAC", (2018), S. #.
D. Müller, C. Holzhacker, C. Knoll, K. Kirchner, P. Weinberger:
"PN - Fe(II) Spin Crossover Complexes - Insights into Spin State and Coordination";
Poster: IRDG Spring Meeting Vienna, Wien; 24.04.2014 - 25.04.2014; in: "Program & Poster Abstracts", (2014), S. 15.
S. Murugesan, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Co and Ni PCP Pincer Complexes";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Sapporo, Japan; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Program", (2014), S. 52.
S. Mota Merelo de Aguiar, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Reactivity of Molybdenum PNP Pincer Complexes";
Poster: 26th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Sapporo, Japan; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Program", (2014), S. 40.
N. Gorgas, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Development of novel Iron-based Hydrogenation Catalysts";
als Poster angenommen für: 14th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2014).
M. Glatz, B. Bichler, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"2,6-Diaminopyridine based PNP Pincers - The Study of a Convenient Ligand System with Tremendous Steric and Electronic Versatility";
als Poster angenommen für: 14th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2014).
M. Mastalir, R. Bittner, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner:
"Solid Supported Pincer Metal Complexes as Functional Monolayers and Surface-Immobilized Catalysts";
als Poster angenommen für: 14th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2014).
C. Holzhacker, M.J. Calhorda, A. Gil, M.D. Carvalho, L.P. Ferreira, B. Stöger, K. Mereiter, M. Weil, D. Müller, P. Weinberger, E. Pittenauer, G. Allmaier, K. Kirchner:
"Six-Coordinate High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes with Bidentate PN Ligands Based on 2-Aminopyridine - New Fe(II) Spin Crossover Systems";
Poster: The XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry ICOMC 2014, Sapporo (Japan); 13.07.2014 - 18.07.2014; in: "Program", (2014), S. 29.
B. Husar, C. Gorsche, X.H. Qin, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Real Time FTIR - Photorheology: A Powerful Tool for Monitoring Changes in Chemical and Viscoelastic Properties During UV-Curing";
Poster: IRDG Spring Meeting Vienna, Wien; 24.04.2014 - 25.04.2014; in: "Program & Poster Abstracts", (2014).
B. Bichler, K. Kirchner:
"New Fe(II) Pincer Hydride Complexes and Their Application in Hydrogenation Reactions";
Poster: 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress 2012, Prag; 26.08.2012 - 30.08.2012; in: "4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress", (2012), S. ##.
B. Bichler, K. Kirchner:
"New Fe(II) Pincer Hydride Complexes and Their Application in Hydrogenation Reactions";
Poster: 25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry, Lissabon, Portugal; 02.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry", (2012), S. ##.
C. Holzhacker, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of New Iron(II) High-Spin Complexes and their Reversible Addition of Carbon Monoxide";
Poster: 25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry, Lissabon, Portugal; 02.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry", (2012), S. ##.
ö. Öztopcu, K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of Iron Complexes Containing Aminophosphine Ligands - Formation of Four-Membered Aza-Phospha-Metallacycles";
Poster: 25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry, Lissabon, Portugal; 02.09.2012 - 07.09.2012; in: "25th Int. Conf. on Organometallic Chemistry", (2012), S. ##.
M. Möller, K. Kirchner:
"Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer Eisen Carbonyl- und Hydridkomplexe";
Poster: 7. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich, Innsbruck; 02.04.2012 - 03.04.2012; in: "7. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich", (2012), S. ##.
B. Bichler, K. Kirchner:
"Reversible CO Koordination an ungesättigten Fe(II) Komplexen und deren";
Poster: 7. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (7. WACÖ), Universität Innsbruck; 02.04.2012 - 03.04.2012; in: "7. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich", (2012), S. ##.
H. Wutzel, S. Ligon, B. Husar, C. Dworak, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Comparison of different chemical strategies to overcome oxygen-inhibition in LED-curing of thin films assessed by IR-spectroscopy";
Poster: UPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011), Cappadocia, TR; 05.09.2011 - 08.09.2011; in: "IUPAC 9th International Conference on Advanced Polymers via Macromolecular Engineering (APME 2011) - Program and Abstract Book", (2011), S. 257.
G. Stipicic, K. Kirchner:
"Computational Prediction of 1H NMR Shifts for First Row Transition Metal Complexes";
Poster: 13th Austrian Chemistry Days 2009, Joint Meeting of the Czech, Slovak & Austrian Chemical Societies, Wien; 24.08.2009 - 27.08.2009; in: "13th Austrian Chemistry Days 2009, Joint Meeting of the Czech, Slovak & Austrian Chemical Societies", (2009).
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Photoinitiating Monomers based on Di- and Trifunctional Acrylates";
Poster: 9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Graz, A; 26.03.2008 - 28.03.2008; in: "9th Austrian Polymer Meeting, Book of Abstracts", (2008), S. 76.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Selective Phosphoramidite Cleavage as a Route to Pentacoordinated Nickel(II) PNP Pincer Complexes";
Poster: 9th FIGIPAS, Vienna, A; 04.07.2007 - 07.07.2007; in: "Figipas 2007, Book of Abstracts", (2007).
L. Alves, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"A new trans-Dicarbonyl Iron(II) Complex";
Poster: 9th FIGIPAS, Vienna, A; 04.07.2007 - 07.07.2007; in: "Figipas 2007, Book of Abstracts", (2007).
E. Becker, G. Dazinger, V. Stingl, K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium-mediated Reactions Involving Alkynes - The Non-innocent Behavior of NHC Ligands";
Poster: 9th FIGIPAS, Vienna, A; 04.07.2007 - 07.07.2007; in: "Figipas 2007, Book of Abstracts", (2007).
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) PNP pincer complexes as selective catalysts for the coupling of aromatic aldehydes with EDA";
Poster: COST Chemistry D24 Workshop 2006, Lisboa, Portugal; 21.09.2006 - 23.09.2006; in: "COST Chemistry D24 Sustainable Chemical Processes Stereoselective Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions", (2006), S. 44.
D. Domin, D. Benito-Garagorri, C. Hametner, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner, J. Fröhlich:
"Synthesis and Application of Novel Achiral and Chiral Palladium 1,3-Diimine Complexes";
Poster: 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, Poznan Rosnowko, Poland; 12.08.2005 - 16.08.2005; in: "5th International School on Molecular Catalysis - Abstracts", (2005), S. 62.
Ch. Sohar, T. Lummerstorfer, C. Rill, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Investigation of Self-Assembly Adsorption of Trichlorosilylheptadecanoicacidmethylester on Native Silicon";
Poster: 13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Chemnitz; 26.06.2005 - 29.06.2005; in: "13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2005), S. 51.
C. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"AFM Investigation of the Growth of Self-Assembled Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers on Silicon and Mica";
Poster: 13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Chemnitz; 26.06.2005 - 29.06.2005; in: "13. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2005), S. 50.
Ch. Sohar, T. Lummerstorfer, C. Rill, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Investigation of the Self-Assembly Adsorption of Trichlorosilylheptadecanoicacidmethylester on Native Silicon";
Poster: 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA05), Wien; 25.09.2005 - 30.09.2005; in: "European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA 05)", (2005), S. 114.
C. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"AFM Investigation of the Growth of Self-Assembled Octadecylsiloxane Monolayers on Mica";
Poster: 11th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA05), Wien; 25.09.2005 - 30.09.2005; in: "European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA 05)", (2005), S. 114.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Novel Pd(II) and Ni(II) PNP and PCP Aminophosphine Pincer Complexes as Catalysts in the Suzuki Reaction";
Poster: 5th International School on Molecular Catalysis, Poznan Rosnowko, Poland; 12.08.2005 - 16.08.2005; in: "5th International School on Molecular Science - Abstracts", (2005), S. 50.
G. Dazinger, K. Kirchner:
"Catalytic Formation of Pyridines via Cyclopentadienyl-Ruthenium-Complexes - A Theoretical Study";
Poster: COST Chemistry D24 Workshop STEREOCAT 2004, Venice, Italy; 16.09.2004 - 19.09.2004; in: "COST Chemistry D24 Book of Abstracts", (2004), S. 60.
Ch. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Comparison of growth kinetics of self-assembled monolayers on mica and silicon";
Poster: 12.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 22.09.2003 - 24.09.2003; in: "12. Tagung Festkörperanalytik", (2003).
E. Becker, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Novel [2+2+1] Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes Mediated by Bidentate Cyclopentadienyl-Phosphine Ruthenium Complexes";
Poster: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal; 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 164.
W. Lackner, C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Complexes via Photochemical Displacement of the Benzene Ligand in [η6-C6H6Ru(CH3CN)3]2+ and Related Complexes";
Poster: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal; 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 267.
C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Novel Formation of Carbenes from Imines and Aminals";
Poster: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal; 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 390.
G. Dazinger, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Mechanistic Insights into the Carbene to Olefin Conversion of Iron and Ruthenium Complexes - A Teoretical Study";
Poster: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal; 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 212.
G. Dazinger, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-catalyzed formation of pyrane-2-one and thiopyrane-2-thione - A theoretical study";
Poster: 10th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vienna, Austria; 03.09.2003 - 06.09.2003; in: "10th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry", (2003), ISBN: 80-227-1938-2; S. PO-41.
S. Pavlik, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Characterization of Neutral Ruthenium Trispyrazolylborate Vinylidene and Allenylidene Complexes";
Poster: 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa, Portugal; 11.06.2003 - 14.06.2003; in: "7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry", (2003), S. 328.
C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid:
"Novel Formation of Carbenes from Imines and Aminals";
Poster: XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Corfu; 07.07.2002 - 12.07.2002; in: "XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Institut of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, (2002), S. 205.
E. Becker, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Syntheses and Reactivity of New Dinuclear Thiolate-Bridged Ruthenium Complexes";
Poster: XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Corfu; 07.07.2002 - 12.07.2002; in: "XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, (2002), S. 324.
E. Becker, C. Standfest-Hauser, K. Mereiter, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Crystal Solvates - Delicate Interplay between Ruthenium Complexes ans Solvent Molecules in Crystalline State";
Poster: XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Corfu; 07.07.2002 - 12.07.2002; in: "XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, (2002), S. 284.
Keynote Lecture (with Proceedings)
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Well-Defined Manganese and Iron Complexes";
Hauptvortrag: EuCheMS, International Organometallic Conference XXII, Amsterdam (eingeladen); 09.07.2017 - 13.07.2017; in: "Oral Presentations, Abstracts", (2017), S. 18.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry Based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Hauptvortrag: EuCheMS 2015, Inorganic Chemistry Conference, Wroclaw, Polen (eingeladen); 28.06.2015 - 01.07.2015; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2015).
K. Kirchner:
"Transition Metal Pincer Complexes based on Aminophosphines - Synthesis and Applications";
Hauptvortrag: 7th Ferrocene Colloquium, Düsseldorf, Germany (eingeladen); 16.02.2009 - 18.02.2009; in: "7th Ferrocene Colloquium,", (2009).
K. Kirchner, E. Becker, G. Dazinger:
"New ruthenium mediated reactions involving alkynes - the non-innocent behavior of NHC ligands";
Hauptvortrag: E&T tmc Experiment &Theory in Transition Metal Chemistry, Barcelona, Spanien (eingeladen); 27.09.2006 - 29.09.2006; in: "ETTMC'06 Abstracts", (2006), S. 20.
Keynote Lecture (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
C. Dworak, S. Kopeinig, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Hydroxylamine-based monomers";
Hauptvortrag: RadTech Europe 2009, Nizza, FR; 14.10.2009 - 15.10.2009; in: "Radtech Europe 2009, Proceedings", (2009), 8 S.
Talk (Proceedings published as CD or Online)
E. Uzunova, K. Kirchner, H. Mikosch:
"Fe-S-Dimer, Fe-PNP CO Complexchemistry";
Vortrag: IX Seminarios de Estudios Avanzados en Diseño Molecular y Bioinformática, Universidad de La Habana und Varadero, Cuba (eingeladen); 07.07.2013 - 12.07.2013; in: "Programa", Luis Montero Cabrera, C. Morera Boado et al. (Hrg.); (2013).
A. Henriksson, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Si-C bonded Monolayers on flat and porous Silicon Substrates";
Vortrag: 14. Österreichische Chemietage 2011, Linz; 26.09.2011 - 29.09.2011; in: "14. Österreichische Chemietage", (2011), 1 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of Coordinatively Unsaturated High Spin Iron(II) Complexes - To Bind or not to Bind?";
Vortrag: 14. Österreichische Chemietage 2011, Linz (eingeladen); 26.09.2011 - 29.09.2011; in: "14. Österreichsiche Chemietage", (2011), 1 S.
K. Kirchner, D. Benito-Garagorri:
"Iron, palladium,and platinum PNP-pincer complexes based on aminophosphines";
Vortrag: 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA; 28.08.2005 - 01.09.2005; in: "230th ACS National Meeting & Exposition Program", (2005), Paper-Nr. INOR-294.
Poster Presentation
ö. Öztopcu, B. Stöger, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"Molybdenum and Tungsten PNP Pincer Complexes";
Poster: 15. Österreichische Chemietage 2013, Graz; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013.
A. Szczygiel, H. Hoffmann:
"Adsorption and Reactivity of Alkylsiloxane Monolayers on Germanium";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Nanochemistry, Wien; 26.09.2002 - 28.09.2002.
T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann:
"Ultrathin Organic Films on Graphite Surfaces";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference on Organic Thin Films, Il Ciocco, Italy; 18.05.2003 - 23.05.2003.
M. Glatz, B. Bichler, K. Kirchner:
"Lability of Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complexes - k3 versus k2 Bonding Modes of PNP Ligands";
Poster: 15. Österreichische Chemietage 2013, Graz; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013.
H. Hoffmann:
"Probing Buried Solid-Solid Interfaces with Infrared Spectroscopy";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference Chemistry at Interfaces, Biddeford, Maine, USA; 09.07.2006 - 14.07.2006.
J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann:
"Optical properties of ultrathin films determined by multiple incidence medium ellipsometrie";
Poster: Int. Workshop on Nanochemistry, Wien; 26.09.2002 - 28.09.2002.
G. Dazinger, S. Pavlik, K. Kirchner:
"Recent insights into ruthenium PN-chemistry - quantum mechanical calculations to support reaction pathways";
Poster: 23. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Planneralm; 23.02.2008 - 01.03.2008.
T. Lummerstorfer, Ch. Sohar, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Probing Buried Solid-Solid Interfaces with Infrared Spectroscopy";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference, Biddeford, USA; 09.07.2006 - 14.07.2006.
G. Stipicic, K. Kirchner:
"Computational screening of transition metal complexes for dinitrogen activation";
Poster: 23. Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductivity, Planneralm; 23.02.2008 - 01.03.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"Highly reactive non-classical iron(II) polyhydride pincer complexes as Catalysts Hydrogenations and Hydroborations";
Poster: COST Action CA15106: C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis (CHAOS), Tarragona, Spain (eingeladen); 19.09.2018 - 21.09.2018.
J.M Tenorio, M.C. Puerta, P. Valerga, S. Pavlik, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"Complejos [TpRuCl2(PR3)]: Precursores para la sintesis de derivados [TpRuH(H2)(PR3)]";
Poster: XXII Reunion del Grupo Especializado de Quimica Organometalica, Ciudad Real, Spain; 12.07.2004 - 14.07.2004.
K. Kirchner:
"Solid-State vs Solution Reactivity of Iron Complexes: Stereospecific and Reversible CO Binding";
Poster: XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Osaka, Japan (eingeladen); 23.08.2008 - 31.08.2008.
R. Bittner, H. Hoffmann:
"Chemically modified flat and rough silicon substrates as models for liquid-repellant surfaces";
Poster: ICAVS 8, Wien; 12.07.2015 - 17.07.2015.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Iron (II) Pincer Complexes as Selective Catalysts for the Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes with EDA";
Poster: Gordon Research Conference Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Ventura, California, USA; 18.02.2007 - 23.02.2007.
E. Bustello, K. Kirchner, M.C. Puerta, P. Valerga:
"Synthesis of the New Complexes [RuCp(L)(MeCN)2]PF6 (L = PPH3, PEt3, CO) and [RuCp(L')(CO)(MeCN)]PF6 (L' = PPH3). Alkyne Activation Reactions";
Poster: 4th International School on Molecular Catalysis "Organotransition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis", Poznan Dymaczwo, Polen; 28.08.2001 - 02.09.2001.
D. Benito-Garagorri, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) Pincer Complexes as Selective Catalysts for the Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes with EDA";
Poster: COST Action D40: Innovative Catalysis, Dublin, IRL; 20.05.2007 - 22.05.2007.
E. Becker, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Facile Rearrangement of Metallacyclopentatrienes to Butadienyl Carbenes by 1,2 Hydrogen Shift";
Poster: 14th FECHEM Conf. Organometallic Chemistry, Gdansk, Polen; 02.09.2001 - 07.09.2001.
A. Szczygiel, H. Hoffmann:
"Adsorption and Reaction of Monolayer Films on Germanium Surfaces";
Poster: 10th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry, Bordeaux, France; 08.07.2001 - 12.07.2001.
C. Standfest-Hauser, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Hydrogen-transfer Catalyzed by Halfsandwich Ru(II) Aminophosphine Complexes";
Poster: 14th FECHEM Conf. Organometallic Chemistry, Gdansk, Polen; 02.09.2001 - 07.09.2001.
N. Gorgas, K. Kirchner:
"Development Of Novel Iron-Based Hydrogenation Catalysts";
Poster: 15. Österreichische Chemietage 2013, TU-Graz, Graz, Österreich; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013.
R. Bittner, M. Mastalir, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Chemical Modification of Nanostructured Silicon Surfaces via Click Chemistry";
Poster: IRDG Spring Meeting Vienna, Wien; 24.04.2014 - 25.04.2014.
E. Rüba, R. Schmid, K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium Catalyzed Reactions Involving Alkynes - Cyclotrimerization";
Poster: Sigma-Aldrich Symposium für Synthetische Chemie, Burg Schlaining, Österreich; 01.03.2001 - 02.03.2001.
C. Holzhacker, B. Stöger, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes bearing Bidentate EN (E = P, O, S) Ligands - Unexpected Spin Crossover between Triplet and Quintet States";
Poster: 15. Österreichische Chemietage 2013, Graz; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University Jaume I, Castellon (eingeladen); 19.05.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Tsinghua University, Center of Basic Molecular Science, Beijing, China (eingeladen); 21.11.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenation of Alkenes, Alkynes and More";
Vortrag: Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China (eingeladen); 16.06.2019.
K. Kirchner:
"Reactivity of Coordinatively Unsaturated High Spin Iron(II) Complexes - To Bind or not to Bind?";
Vortrag: Universidade de Lisboa, Lissabon, P (eingeladen); 11.02.2011.
W. Eder, D. Himmelbauer, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis of group six PCP complexes via oxidative addition under solvothermal conditions";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Valladolid, Valladolid (eingeladen); 21.05.2015.
H. Hoffmann:
"Chemical Modification of Surface Through Monolayer Adsorption from Solution";
Vortrag: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA (eingeladen); 17.12.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Mediated Reactions Involving Alkynes";
Vortrag: Kyushu University, Kasuga, Japan; 18.10.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron Pincer Complexes - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli, India (eingeladen); 11.02.2008.
R. Bittner, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Flüssigkeitsabweisende Modifizierung von Siliziumoberflächen";
Vortrag: 9. Workshop für Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Wien; 21.03.2016 - 22.03.2016.
E. Rüba, K. Kirchner:
"Novel Reactivity of Mettalacyclopentatriene Intermediates: Facile Metal-to Ligand Migration of a Phosphine Ligand vs a 1,2 Hydrogen Shift";
Vortrag: 14th FECHEM Conf. Organometallic Chemistry, Gdansk, Polen; 02.09.2001 - 07.09.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium-mediated reactions involving alkynes - the non-innocent behavior of NHC ligands";
Vortrag: COST D24 WG Meeting Stereoselective Catalysis by Ruthenium Complexes, Lisboa. Portugal; 20.09.2006 - 21.09.2006.
H. Hoffmann:
"Functional Surfaces and Interfaces based on Self-Assembled Monolayers";
Vortrag: Austrian Cuban School on Materials Science, Havanna, Cuba (eingeladen); 18.11.2009 - 21.11.2009.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Beijing University, Department of Organic Chemistry, Beijing, China (eingeladen); 2017.
J. Pecak, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Fe(I) Nitrosyl Pincer Complexes - Reduction of Fe(II) with NO";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real (eingeladen); 25.05.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-mediated C-C bond formation reactions";
Vortrag: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli, India (eingeladen); 12.02.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"Catalysis with Well-defined Iron and Manganese Complexes";
Vortrag: Catalysis with Well-defined Iron and Manganese Complexes, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; 18.11.2019.
H. Hoffmann:
"Infrarotspektroskopie von Fest/Fest Grenzflächen";
Vortrag: Bruker Anwendertreffen 2012, Ettlingen, D (eingeladen); 12.11.2012 - 14.11.2012.
R. Bittner, G. Friedbacher, E. Eitenberger, H. Hoffmann:
"Benetzungseigenschaften modifizierter Siliziumoberflächen";
Vortrag: 19. Arbeitstagung für Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, Soest; 05.09.2016 - 07.09.2016.
H. Nagashima, H. Kondo, T. Hayashida, K. Kirchner, K. Matsubara:
"Mono- and Dinuclear Organoruthenium Aminates Showing Signs of Coordinative Unsaturation: Synthesis, Molecular Structure, and Reactions";
Vortrag: 48th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Yokohama, Japan; 18.09.2001 - 19.09.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry of Iron: New Developments";
Vortrag: Universität Wien, Wien (eingeladen); 12.11.2009.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Chemistry, Beijing, China (eingeladen); 23.11.2017.
N. Gorgas, K. Kirchner:
"Iron(II) Bis(acetylide) Complexes as Key Intermediates in the Hydrofunctionalization of Terminal Alkynes: Mechanistic Insight and Origin of Selectivity";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza (eingeladen); 28.05.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Wien (eingeladen); 15.12.2017.
T. Lummerstorfer, H. Hoffmann:
"Surface Reactions of Chemically Modified Silicon Wafers";
Vortrag: 12.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, Austria; 22.09.2003 - 24.09.2003.
K. Kirchner:
"New ruthenium complexes containing metal-carbon double bonds";
Vortrag: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli, India (eingeladen); 14.02.2008.
A. Henriksson, H. Hoffmann:
"Oxide-Free Nanostructured Silicon Substrates Functionalized by Metal-Free Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition Reactions";
Vortrag: 6th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-6), Tokyo, J; 11.12.2011 - 15.12.2011.
K. Kirchner:
"Design of Alkyne Cyclotrimerization Catalysts - Problems and Solutions";
Vortrag: Seminar on Metal Complex Catalysis, Wroclaw, Poland; 17.06.2001 - 20.06.2001.
C. Rill, A. Glaser, J. Foisner, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"AFM Untersuchung des Wachstums von selbstorganisierten Octadecylsiloxan Monoschichten auf Glimmer";
Vortrag: 1. ASAC Dissertantenforum, Tulln; 10.06.2005 - 11.06.2005.
K. Kirchner:
"New Functional Materials based on Iron Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: 24. Workshop "Novel Materials and superconductors, Planneralm (eingeladen); 21.02.2009 - 28.02.2009.
B. Bichler, B. Stöger, M. Puchberger, K. Kirchner:
"Heterolytic Cleavage of Dihydrogen by an Iron(II) PNP Pincer Complex via Metal-Ligand Cooperation";
Vortrag: 15. Österreichische Chemietage 2013, TU-Graz, Graz, Österreich; 23.09.2013 - 26.09.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Non-classical Iron(II) Polyhydride Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: 3rd Small Molecule Activation Conference, Nassau, Bahamas (eingeladen); 19.02.2019 - 22.02.2019.
J. Foisner, A. Glaser, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"AFM Investigation of the Growth of Different Alkylsiloxane Monolayers from Highly Concentrated Solutions";
Vortrag: 12. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, Kaiserslautern (Deutschland); 15.09.2002 - 19.09.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse (LIKAT), Rostock (eingeladen); 13.02.2018.
T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann:
"Chemisorbed Films on Graphite Surfaces";
Vortrag: 12.Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Vienna, Austria; 22.09.2003 - 24.09.2003.
K. Kirchner:
"Highly reactive non-classical iron(II) polyhydride pincer complexes";
Vortrag: 28th International Conferene on Organometallic Chemistry, Florence, Italy (eingeladen); 15.07.2018 - 20.07.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Institute for Chemical Research (IIQ), Sevilla (eingeladen); 26.05.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"New Chemistry with Base Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz (eingeladen); 17.01.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Mediated Reactions Involving Alkynes";
Vortrag: Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan (eingeladen); 17.10.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Transition Metal Pincer Complexes based on Aminophosphines - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: International Conference on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry, Coimbatore, Indien (eingeladen); 19.03.2009 - 20.03.2009.
B. Husar, S. Ligon, H. Wutzel, H. Hoffmann, R. Liska:
"Experimental Comparison of Various Anti-Oxygen Inhibition Strategies in LED Curing";
Vortrag: RadTech USA 2014, Chicago (Rosemont); 12.05.2014 - 14.05.2014.
A. Glaser, J. Foisner, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Investigation of the Role of Water in the Growth of Alkylsiloxane Monolayers";
Vortrag: 12. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik, Kaiserslautern (Deutschland); 15.09.2002 - 19.09.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"New Chemistry Based on Non-Precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: The 2nd Base Metal Catalysis Symposium, Fukuoka, Japan (eingeladen); 24.01.2018 - 26.01.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Neue ruthenium-vermittelte C-C Kupplungen von Alkinen";
Vortrag: Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum, Deutschland (eingeladen); 30.01.2004.
K. Kirchner:
"Non-precious Metal Pincer Chemistry";
Vortrag: University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (eingeladen); 12.06.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Highly reactive non-classical iron(II) polyhydride PNP pincer complexes";
Vortrag: 7th EuChemS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands, Lisbon, Portugal (eingeladen); 04.09.2018 - 07.09.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw (eingeladen); 11.06.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Mediated Reactions Involving Alkynes";
Vortrag: Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan (eingeladen); 19.10.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Late Transition Metal PNP and PCP Complexes based on Aminophosphines";
Vortrag: Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München, München, D (eingeladen); 10.05.2007.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron Pincer Complexes as Catalysts for C-C Bond Formation and Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones";
Vortrag: COST Working Group D40,Innovative Catalysis and New Processes and Selectivities, INNOVATION IV, Ankara, TR; 24.05.2010 - 27.05.2010.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (eingeladen); 07.07.2014.
K. Kirchner:
"Neue rutheniumvermittelte Kupplungsreaktionen von Acetylenen";
Vortrag: 1. Österreichweites Treffen Anorganisch-Chemischer Arbeitsgruppen, Graz-Stangassing; 09.04.2001 - 10.04.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Non-classical Iron(II) Polyhydride Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry (ICPAC), Yangon, Myanmar (eingeladen); 06.08.2019 - 09.08.2019.
J. Foisner, A. Glaser, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"AFM Investigation of the Growth of Different Alkylsiloxane Monolayers from Highly Concentrated Solutions";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Nanochemistry, Wien (Österreich); 26.09.2002 - 28.09.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"Novel Iron and Ruthenium-Mediated C-C Coupling Reactions of Alkynes";
Vortrag: COST Chemistry Action D24, München, Deutschland; 04.07.2004 - 05.07.2004.
Ch. Sohar, T. Lummerstorfer, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"AFM - Untersuchungen des Wachstums selbstorganisierter HMES-Monolagen auf Silizium";
Vortrag: 1. ASAC Dissertantenforum, Tulln; 10.06.2005 - 11.06.2005.
K. Kirchner:
"Non-precious Metal Pincer Chemistry";
Vortrag: Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (eingeladen); 24.06.2013.
R. Bittner, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Wetting properties of chemically modified silicon nanowire surfaces";
Vortrag: 18. Tagung Festkörperanalytik, Wien; 06.07.2015 - 08.07.2015.
K. Kirchner:
"Transition Metal PNP and PCP Complexes based on Aminophosphines";
Vortrag: Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, Graz, A (eingeladen); 15.06.2007.
B. Bichler, M. Puchberger, ö. Öztopcu, K. Mereiter, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis, Characterization, and Ligand Dynamics in a Series of Cationic [Pd(η³-allyl)(E-N-chelate]+ (E = P, O, S, Se) Complexes";
Vortrag: 6. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (6.WACÖ), Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz; 29.03.2010 - 30.03.2010.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: JST CREST Symposium "Element Strategy Initiative for Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis, Kyushu University, Kasuga City, Japan (eingeladen); 11.07.2014.
K. Kirchner:
"Rutheniumvermittelte C-C Verknüpfung von Alkinen - Entwicklung neuer Cyclotrimerisierungskatalysatoren";
Vortrag: Institut für Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck (eingeladen); 07.05.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Non-classical Iron(II) Polyhydride Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: 1st Conference on Noncovalent Interactions, Lissabon, Portugal (eingeladen); 02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019.
K. Kirchner:
"Non-precious Metal Pincer Chemistry";
Vortrag: Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City (eingeladen); 02.12.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Catalytic (De)Hydrogenation Reactions with Fe(II) and Mn(I) Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (eingeladen); 14.10.2018.
A. Glaser, J. Foisner, J. Kattner, H. Hoffmann, G. Friedbacher:
"Investigation of the Role of Water in the Growth of Alkylsiloxane Monolayers";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Nanochemistry, Wien (Österreich); 26.09.2002 - 28.09.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Mediated Reactions Involving Alkynes";
Vortrag: 6th International School of Organometallic Chemistry, Camerino, I (eingeladen); 08.09.2007 - 12.09.2007.
K. Kirchner:
"Unsaturated High Spin Iron(II) Complexes - Synthesis, Applications, and Peculiarities";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, D (eingeladen); 04.05.2010.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-Precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan (eingeladen); 24.07.2014.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Non-Precious Metal Complexes";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan (eingeladen); 04.09.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Well-defined Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenations, Dehydrogenations and More";
Vortrag: 7th Razuvaev Lectures, Organometallic Chemistry Around the World, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (eingeladen); 16.09.2019 - 21.09.2019.
J. Brünig, H. Hoffmann, K. Kirchner:
"Selective Hydrogenation of Aldehydes using Fe(II) Complex Based Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Catalysis";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 21.03.2016 - 22.03.2016.
K. Kirchner:
"Syntheses and Reactivity of New Ruthenium Carbene Complexes";
Vortrag: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halla a.d. Saale (eingeladen); 17.01.2002.
W. Brezna, S. Harasek, A. Lugstein, T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann, E. Bertagnolli, J. Smoliner:
"Quantitative Scanning Capacitanc Spectroscopy";
Vortrag: International Conference on Physics of Semiconductor (ICPS), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA (eingeladen); 26.07.2004 - 30.07.2004.
K. Kirchner:
"Modularly Designed Transition Metal Pincer Complexes - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (eingeladen); 22.08.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron PNP Pincer Complexes and Catalysis - The Importance of Ligand Field Strength, Spin State, and Geometry";
Vortrag: Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City (eingeladen); 06.12.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: Universität Göttingen, Göttingen (eingeladen); 12.01.2016.
H. Hoffmann:
"Chemische Modifizierung von Feststoffoberflächen mittels monomolekularer Adsorbatschichten";
Vortrag: 1. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich, Graz; 09.04.2001 - 11.04.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Unsaturated High Spin Iron(II) Complexes - Synthesis, Applications, and Peculiarities";
Vortrag: EPFL in Lausanne, Lausanne, FR (eingeladen); 16.08.2010.
R. Bittner, E. Eitenberger, G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann:
"Herstellung von superomniphoben Siliziumoberflächen";
Vortrag: 8. Workshop für Anorganische Chemie in Österreich, Salzburg; 14.04.2014 - 15.04.2014.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Non-Precious Metal Complexes";
Vortrag: Institutsseminar, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (eingeladen); 11.09.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Well-defined Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenations, Dehydrogenations and More";
Vortrag: 10th International Conference on Polymers and Advanced Materials POLYMAT-2019, Huatulco, Mexico (eingeladen); 20.10.2019 - 25.10.2019.
S. Weber, K. Schröder, K. Kirchner:
"Selective hydrogenation of aldehydes using a well-defined Fe(II) PNP pincer complex in biphasic medium";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Synthese und Reaktivität von neuen Ruthenium-Carben-Komplexen";
Vortrag: Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen (eingeladen); 17.05.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"Modularly Designed Transition Metal Pincer Complexes - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany (eingeladen); 21.11.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron PNP Pincer Complexes and Catalysis - The Importance of Ligand Field Strength, Spin State, and Geometry";
Vortrag: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico (eingeladen); 09.12.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany (eingeladen); 26.04.2016.
T. Lummerstorfer, H. Hoffmann:
"Monolayer Films on high refractive indes substrates probed with enhanced infrared reflection spectroscopy";
Vortrag: Gordon Research Conference, Newport RI, USA; 11.07.2004 - 15.07.2004.
G. Friedbacher, H. Hoffmann, Ch. Sohar, T. Lummerstorfer:
"Untersuchung des Wachstums von chemisch funktionalisierten Alkylsiloxanmonoschichten mittels AFM und IR-Spektroskopie";
Vortrag: 16. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik (AOFA 16), Kaiserslautern, Deutschland; 27.09.2010 - 29.09.2010.
H. Hoffmann:
"Infrared Spectroscopy of Solid/Solid Interfaces";
Vortrag: IRDG Spring Meeting, Wien (eingeladen); 24.04.2014 - 25.04.2014.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Non-Precious Metal Complexes";
Vortrag: Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (eingeladen); 12.09.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenation of Alkenes, Alkynes and More";
Vortrag: Technische Universität Graz, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Graz (eingeladen); 12.03.2019.
K. Kirchner:
"Coordinatively Unsaturated Iron Complexes and Catalysis - The Importance of Ligand Field Strength, Spin State, and Geometry";
Vortrag: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (eingeladen); 06.09.2011.
D. Himmelbauer, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"Synthesis of Fe and Mn PCP pincer complexes via oxidative addition under solvothermal conditions";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-mediated C-C Coupling of Alkynes";
Vortrag: Universität Zürich, Zürich (eingeladen); 25.10.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"Transition Metal Complexes with P-N Bond containing Ligands";
Vortrag: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli, India (eingeladen); 07.02.2008.
G. Stipicic, K. Kirchner:
"Computational Screening of Organometallic Complexes for Dinitrogen Activation";
Vortrag: 5. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (5.WACÖ), Graz / St. Martin; 17.03.2008 - 18.03.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"Chemistry based on Non-precious Metal PNP and PCP Pincer Complexes";
Vortrag: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands (eingeladen); 28.06.2016.
T. Leitner, H. Hoffmann:
"Infrarot Reflektionsspektroskopie von beschichteten Graphitsubstraten";
Vortrag: Minisymposium Angewandte Schwingungsspektroskopie, TU Wien; 26.06.2003.
K. Kirchner:
"Späte Übergangsmetall PNP und PCP Pincer Komplexe basierend auf Aminophosphinen - Synthese, Struktur und Reaktivität";
Vortrag: Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Chemie, Dortmund (eingeladen); 24.01.2006.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Non-Precious Metal Complexes";
Vortrag: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (eingeladen); 21.09.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenation of Alkenes, Alkynes and More";
Vortrag: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China (eingeladen); 14.06.2019.
K. Kirchner:
"Coordinatively Unsaturated Iron(II) Complexes and Catalysis - The Importance of Ligand Field Strength, Spin State, and Geometry";
Vortrag: COST Chemistry D40 Innovative Catalysis: New Process and Selectivities, Valletta, Malta; 14.05.2011 - 17.05.2011.
G. Tomsu, M. Mastalir, B. Stöger, K. Kirchner:
"New Pyrimidne-based PCP Pincer Complexes of Non-Precious Metals";
Vortrag: 10. Workshop Anorganische Chemie in Österreich (WACÖ), Graz; 26.03.2018 - 27.03.2018.
K. Kirchner:
"Ruthenium-mediated C-C Coupling of Alkynes";
Vortrag: Technische Universität München, München (eingeladen); 11.11.2002.
K. Kirchner:
"Iron Pincer Complexes - Synthesis and Applications";
Vortrag: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India (eingeladen); 08.02.2008.
K. Kirchner:
"New chemistry with base metal pincer complexes";
Vortrag: Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (eingeladen); 15.09.2016.
K. Kirchner:
"New Ruthenium Mediated Reactions Involving Acetylenes - Formation of New Types Carbenes";
Vortrag: COST Working Group D17/003, Pisa, Italien; 24.02.2001.
K. Kirchner:
"Selective C-C bond formation with new iron, nickel, and palladium pincer complexes";
Vortrag: COST Working Group D17/003, Wien; 28.04.2006 - 29.04.2006.
H. Hoffmann:
"Ambient Phase Effects on Infrared Spectra of Thin Layers";
Vortrag: IRUG - 8 INfrared and Raman Users Group, Wien (eingeladen); 26.03.2008 - 29.03.2008.
Keynote Lecture
K. Kirchner:
"Sustainability through Base-Metal Catalysis";
Hauptvortrag: 1st CHAOS Meeting, Wien (eingeladen); 26.09.2016 - 28.09.2016.
K. Kirchner:
"New Chemistry of Non-precious Metal Pincer Complexes";
Hauptvortrag: 15th Ferrocene Colloquium, Hannover (eingeladen); 06.02.2013 - 08.02.2013.
K. Kirchner:
"Well-defined Iron and Manganese Complexes in Catalysis - Hydrogenations, Dehydrogenations and More";
Hauptvortrag: 4th Meeting of the College of Chemistry, Chemistry Shaping the Future, Lissabon, Portugal (eingeladen); 16.07.2019 - 19.07.2019.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Well-Defined Manganese and Iron Complexes";
Hauptvortrag: COST Action CM1205, Catalytic Routines for Small Molecule Activation (CARISMA), Lisbon, Portugal (eingeladen); 06.03.2017 - 08.03.2017.
K. Kirchner:
"Environmentally Benign Reactions Catalyzed by Well-Defined Manganese and Iron Complexes";
Hauptvortrag: COST Action CA15106: C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis (CHAOS), Sofia, Bulgaria (eingeladen); 13.03.2017 - 14.03.2017.
D. Mueller, C. Knoll, P. Weinberger, J. Ofner, R. Bittner, B. Lendl, H. Hoffmann:
"Methods for producing noble metal-modified silicon nanowires, gold-modified nanowires, and their use as SERS substrates";
Patent: PCT, Nr. Wo 2018/204963 A1; eingereicht: 15.11.2018, erteilt: 15.01.2020.
Scientific Reports
K. Kirchner:
"A New Generation of Iron-based Hydrogenation Catalysts";
Bericht für FWF (Endbericht); Berichts-Nr. P24583-N28, 2016; 16 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Carbonylation of Coordinatively Unsaturated Iron Complexes";
Bericht für FWF (Endbericht); Berichts-Nr. P24202-N17, 2016; 19 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Mechanistic Investigations of Fundamental Organometallic Reactions";
Bericht für Zentraler Informatikdienst der TU Wien; 2005; 14 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Mechanistic Investigations of Fundamental Organometallic Reactions";
Bericht für Zentraler Informatikdienst der TU Wien; 2004; 20 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Development of Ruthenium-based Catalysts";
Bericht für FWF P14681-NO3; 2004; 20 S.
K. Kirchner, G. Dazinger:
"Mechanistic Investigations of Organometallic Reactions Involving Alkynes and other Unsaturated Organic Molecules";
Bericht für Zentraler Informatikdienst der TU Wien; 2003; 7 S.
K. Kirchner, G. Dazinger:
"Mechanistic Investigations of Organometallic Reactions Involving Carbenes";
Bericht für Zentraler Informatikdienst der TU Wien; 2002; 7 S.
K. Kirchner:
"Haptotropic Rearrangements of Polyenyl Ligands and their Role in the Activation of Transition Metal Complexes";
Bericht für FWF Projekt 13571-CHE; 2001.
Beitrag in elektron. Zeitschrift
C. Slugovc, K. Kirchner, K. Mereiter:
"(Hydridotripyrazolylborato)iodo{1,2,5,6,-η)-1-[(Z)-1-iodo-2-phenyl-ethenyl]cycloocta-1,5-diene}ruthenium(II)-diiodine (2/1)";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports, E61 (2005).