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Wolfgang Linert

Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

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1961-65 |primary school
1965-69 |secondary school
1969-74 |Technical High school for Chemistry.
1974-79 |Study of Technical Physics at the Technical University Vienna
1979 |Diploma-work: "Structure and Bonding in Iron(II)-complexes"* Supervisors: (i) Prof. Dr. H. Kirchmayr (Inst. Exp. Phys.) (ii) Prof. Dr. mult. V. Gutmann (Inst. Inorg. Chem.)
1979-81 |Thesis: " Models describing Molecular Systems and Molecular Interactions."* Supervisors: (i) Prof. Dr. mult. V. Gutmann (Inst.Inorg. Chem.), (ii) Prof. Dr. P.G. Perkins (Univ. Glasgow, U.K.)
1989 |Venia Docendi for "Inorganic Chemistry". Ass. Prof. and Univ. Doz. at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.
1990 |Corresponding member of the Accademia Perloritana dei Pericolanti (Messina). Visiting Professor in Egypt.
1993 - |Regulary visiting scientist and visiting professor in Japan

Previous Positions

1974-75 |Chemist with Neuber Ltd.
1975-89 |Research assistant at the Inst. of Inorg. Chem. at the TU-Vienna.
1989-96 |Ass. Professor at the Inst. of Inorg. Chem. at the TU-Vienna.

Present Position

1996- |a.o.Univ.Prof. at the Inst. of Inorg. Chem. at the TU-Vienna, head of the Division “General and Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry”; since 1999 Coordination Chemistry and Bio-Inorganic Chemistry at the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, presently vice head of the Institute

Scientific Prizes and Awards, etc.

1993 |“Rudolf Wegscheider-Prize” from the Austrian Academy of Science, for contributions to our knowledge about nonaqueous solutions and solvatochromic compounds.
1994 |“Sandoz-Prize” for chemistry (bioinorganic kinetic and molecular-biological work).
1996 |Title of “a.o.Univ. Prof.” based on scientific activities.
1999 |Call for a full Professorship ("Oridinariat") for "Inorganic Chemistry" at the "Karl Franzens-University" in Graz.
1993-98 |2 awards for members of the scientific group for the best master thesis and 1 award for the best PhD thesis given by the Austrian Chemical Society.


450 papers, reviews and invited contributions to books. Coauthor and Editor of 13 books “Physico-Chemical Applications of NMR” (World Scientific Publishers) and “The Law of Mass Action” (Springer), “Metal Mediated Template Synthesis of Ligands” (World Scientific Publishers, Editor of “Highlights in Solution Chemistry” (Springer), “Molecular Magnetism, recent Highlights” (Springer), “The nature of the Chemical Bond Revisited” (Springer), “Ionic Liquids – A Survey of Recent Developments and Applications” (Springer) and others. Some 400 presentations given at international conferences or based on invitations to scientific invitations.

Present Scientific Activities

The present activities concerns mainly three areas all involving strong international collaboration I) Preparation and Investigation on Cooridnation Compounds showing Temperature Induced Spincrossover ii) Solvato- and Chromotropism of Coordination Compounds and Lewis-acid and base indicators for non-aqueous solvents and solutions. iii) Investigations of the kinetics of redoxreactions concerning oxidative stress and related pathogenic and aging factors in close collaboration with biochemical and medical groups.