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Thomas Linder was born in 1985 in Lienz, Austria. He commenced his studies in chemistry in 2004 at Vienna University of Technology and completed his Master Thesis in the research group of Marko Mihovilovic on the synthesis of new ligands of the retinoid nuclear receptors for the induction of cell differentiation in stem cells. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. Thesis in the field of Medicinal Chemistry.

Project Description

Excess cell growth at the inside of blood vessels, known as intimal hyperplasia, is a physiological over-response to vascular damage in the wake of coronary artery bypass grafting or percutaneous coronary intervention. This presents a major problem for the success of surgical techniques of this type in invasive medicine, and leads to considerable shortening of life expectancy in patients after surgery due to restenosis of the vessel. Leoligin, isolated from the roots of the Edelweiss plant (Leontopodium alpinum) was shown to potently inhibit intimal hyperplasia in human saphenous vein organ culture as well as in in vivo mouse models. Therefore, current work is focused on exploring Leoligin further in an effort to tackle intimal hyperplasia.