TU LogoTechnische Universität Wien

Bruker Avance 200

Bruker Avance 200 MHz NMR, autosampler

Location: BIU1 G08

Contact: Hametner Christian

Bruker Avance 250

Bruker Avance 250 MHz NMR

Location: BCU1

Contact: Puchberger Michael (E165)

Bruker Avance 400

Bruker Avance 400 MHz NMR

Location: BIU1 G08

Contact: Hametner Christian

HPLC(MS)/SPE/NMR coupling

The Avance 400 is coupled with a HPLC system (Agilent 1200 HPLC with 2 detectors for peak selection - DAD, Bruker HCT Esquire Ion Trap MS). Peaks of interest are trapped with a Bruker SPE (solid phase extraktion) unit and transfered to the NMR for further analysis.

Location: BIU1 G08

Contact: Hametner Christian